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CITY OF AMARILLO Parks and Recreation Department “2009-10” MEN’S & WOMEN’S BASKETBALL BYLAWS
Any organized team in Amarillo or the surrounding area is eligible to enter as a team at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD), providing it subscribes to these rules and regulations.
The PARD entry deadline will be October 16, 2009, by 5:00 p.m. Total entry fee and players fee is $395.00. Number one (1) men’s league will pay $485.00 using three officials per game. Total fees must be paid in full at time of registration. If late registration is accepted, any team registering after the entry deadline will be required to pay a $25.00 late fee. These fees do NOT cover insurance. Players play at their own risk. No changes will be made to the schedules.
Managers and players are responsible for eligibility and all games in which an ineligible player is used shall be forfeited. If a player is discovered to have played in a game without having paid his players fee, that game will be forfeited even if the game has not been protested. Each team member should have a driver’s license or ID with them at the games. The scorekeeper could check ID’s at the game. MUST supply an e:mail address to the P.A.R.D. office.
A player may play with only one (1) team in the league. Exception (see Special Leagues) No player may transfer to another team after he/she has played any league game unless approved by the Athletic Supervisor, and then a new player’s fee of $15.00 must be paid. After a player plays in five (5) games, he/she cannot transfer under any condition.
Rosters must be turned in with fees. Can add to roster over the phone (with a credit card). Schedules will not be mailed unless each team has a completed roster on file with the PARD. NO GUARANTEES OF GETTING INTO A LEAGUE AFTER DEADLINE DATE!!!!! Teams may carry as many players on their rosters as desired, but after six (6) an additional $15.00 per player will be charged. City will be checking rosters during the season.
All players must be signed up and have paid their players fees 24 hours in advance of their first league game.
Minimum age limit for the men’s and women’s league will be 16 years of age. Waiver sign by parent to play under minimum age. Rules
All protests concerning player eligibility will be acted upon by P.A.R.D. and must be made in writing within 24 hours of the protested game. Protest must be accompanied by a $25.00 fee, which will be returned if the protest is overturned but will be kept if upheld. Protest must be registered with the scorekeeper before the end of the game. There will be no protest allowed for rule interpretations.
2009-2010 USSSA will be governing rules of the league along with the rules of the PARD.
1. An official game shall consist of two (2) twenty (20) minute halves with a running clock for the first eighteen (18) minutes of each half. Running clock stops only for free throws and time outs.
2. During last two (2) minutes of each half, the clock will stop for all whistles, exception see 11.
3. A five (5) minute half time will be observed. (if needed)
4. Each team will be allowed two (2) one (1) minute time-out and two (2) twenty second timeout per game.
5. Overtime will consist of a two (2) minute period with no running clock during the entire period and one (1) extra time-out per team.
6. Dunking will not be permitted at any time (during game or during warm-up. Any dunking will be classified as an abusive technical. Any team who dunks the ball will be responsible for any damage to the rim or backboard. Also, it will be an abusive technical if a player hangs onto the rim for any reason.
7. One (1) and one (1) free shots will begin on the seventh foul.
8. There will be jump ball at the start of the game and each team will alternate taking the ball out of bounds after that.
9. Three- (3) point field goal will be used.
10. Players on each team must wear jerseys that are similar in color and that have at least a readable six (6) inch number on the back and a number on the front, no digit larger than five (5). Jerseys with numbers must be worn by November 9, 2009 if not it will be a two shot non-abusive technical each half.
11. A point a head rule of fifteen (15) points will be used in all games. If a team is up by fifteen (15) points in the last two (2) minutes of the game, the clock will continue to run until the team gets back inside the fifteen (15) point mark. Like the rest of the game, the clock can be stopped by a time out. Each player and coach will be responsible for their team and fans conduct and actions while playing in the PARD Basketball League. Any player, if his behavior or actions are detrimental to the league, may be suspended from the league at the discretion of the PARD. Any damage done to the facilities will be grounds for suspension and persons causing the damage will be billed for the damage. If an official believes a player has been under the influence of alcohol or drugs, he may be removed from the game and the gym. Children must be seated with a parent at all times.
It is the coach’s responsibility to see that any player that has been kicked out of a game does not play until his suspension is completed, even if the coach hasn’t been notified of a suspension. Any player kicked out of a game must leave the gymnasium or the official may forfeit that ball game. The suspension will be carried over to the next season if necessary.
Any player or coach receiving two (2), abusive technical fouls in any game will be ejected from the game at that point and suspended from league play for the next four (4) games. This suspension can be carried over to the next season.
Any player who accumulates four (4) abusive technical fouls during the season will be suspended for the remainder of the 2009-2010 basketball season.
Any player or coach guilty of striking an official will be subject to a life suspension from any USSSA activity.
Any player or coach involved in a fight will be subject to suspension from the league for one (1) year or longer.
Players are not allowed to discuss calls with the officials. Any discussion with the official can be done only with the official’s permission, by the coach, and only when time is out. This discussion should only be done for clarification of a rule and must be done in a reasonable, levelheaded manner. The officials may kick anyone abusing that rule out of the game. Any abusive conduct by players towards the official following a game, inside the facility or in the parking lot, will subject the player to suspension.
If a team receives three (3) abusive technical fouls in one game, the game will be terminated and forfeited at that point.
If a team does not floor a team of four (4) players at the time the game is to start, it will be forfeited. In other words, GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME!!! If neither team floors a team, it will be a double forfeit. No team will be asked to wait on another team. Official scorekeeper will be responsible for the correct time. Game times: 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m., with five (5) minutes warm up period. All players and fans are requested to leave the gyms after the last game as soon as possible but no later that 10:30 p.m. Game times may be subject to change. Gyms are rented from 6:50 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. please DO NOT bang on the doors if they are not open before 7:00P.M.
Special Leagues
There will be a six (6) ft. and under men’s league if enough teams are available. A six (6) ft. and under team must consist of players who do not exceed six (6) feet or seventy-two (72) inches in height.
There will also be a thirty-five and older men’s league if enough teams are available. Eligible players must be thirty-five years of age or older within the 2009 calendar year. Thirty five (35) and older player may also play in a regular league, no special scheduling for players playing in more than one league.
If there are not enough teams in these two leagues, teams that have entered will be put in appropriate leagues.
Cancellation of Games
The rule of thumb on cancellation of games due to bad weather is that if school was cancelled for the day of the scheduled games, the basketball games will also be canceled. If the weather front comes in during or after school, those games will be played. If there is any doubt, please call 378-4289.
Smoking and Alcoholic Rule
SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Teams, family members or spectators are not allowed to bring food or drink into the gyms. Absolutely NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED. Violations of this nature can jeopardize our future use of the gyms. There can be no consumption of alcoholic beverages in the school parking lots including sitting in your own car.
LEAGUE SCHEDULES WILL NOT BE MAILED OUT. GO TO: TO FIND YOUR SCHEDULE. All make ups and changes will be on line.
Standings can be found on:
Office Number: 806-378-9301 TDD Numbers 806-378-4229
October 28, 2009 APPROVED ______