Trump in the Press Box

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Trump in the Press Box

Sunday Liberty Pole Vol.3. No. 7; Feb. 19, 2017 (5 pages) Trump in the Press Box: Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW), Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), Celeste Grieg (CG), J. David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight (SS), Myrna Davis (MD), Janet Levy (JL), Lisa K (LK), Tom Zimmerman (TZ)

Trump Press Conference (VIDEO) 2/16/2016: v=W5FRUM-AK9k

Trump and Netanyahu (VIDEO) 2/15/2016: v=_atG2fTYNvI


Obama unleashed Intelligence Community on Trump Administration 2/15/2017 by Ryan Saavedra at the Gateway This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. Pundit: Obama's new job title: SPOTUS The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post (Sabotage President of the United States) political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed nsa-unprecedented-new-powers-final-days-president/ across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.

1 Sunday Liberty Pole National (continued): Inauguration Diary: Obama Loyalists waged Campaign to Oust Flynn, Handcuff Trump: 2/14/2017 by Adam Kredo at the Washington Free Beacon: Do the "moles" have it? officials-loyalists-waged-campaign-oust-flynn/

College Democrats make "Privilege" a Puzzle in Whiteness: 2/14/2017 by Sam Dorman at the Washington Free Beacon: The puzzle of White Privilege" lives on the quad of this college. Editor’s Note: Ms. Greig is former chair of the democrats-wear-puzzle-pin-remind-white-students-of- California Republican Assembly. This spitfire privilege/ conservative met Weather Underground anarchists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn between inaugural events in Washington, D.C. Eagle Action: SB 54 Weather Underground at Trump Inauguration (News/Commentary) 1/23/2017 by Celeste Greig in the Flash Report:

Petition to Stop CA from becoming a Sanctuary State for Felon illegals: CA Sen. Joel Anderson (SD-38) sponsoring drive against SB 54. (DW) nvites/SD38/157_Sanctuary_State_Poll.html

2/8/2017 (VIDEO) Joel Anderson on Fox and Friends against SB 54: Clip starts with citing illegal routes of identity theft & fraud--an estimated 2 million illegal aliens are in CA alone. v=CZc9Fr_N9-M

2 Sunday Liberty Pole Climate Change and Carbon Dioxide: Time to Take a Breath. (VIDEO): 2/13/2017 Presentation of Willie Soon, PhD at American Freedom Alliance 420,000 Years of Data: Global Warming--check the Man-made Portion 2/8/2013 by Joe Martino at Collective Evolution (DW) http://www.collective- global-warming-is-not-man-made/ The Highlight Reels: 59th Grammy Awards: Joy Villa's Trump Dress (VIDEO)

A Day without Immigrants (VIDEO/Commentary) 2/16/2017 by Tomi Lahren at the Blaze v=-421_U4B-Cw

History of US Immigration Bans long Editor’s Note: Activist Milo Yiannopoulos is “out” and against Islamism, Jihad and Refugee before Trump (VIDEO): 2/1/2017 posted Terrorists. Here are four items drawn from by Jules Suzdaltsen at Seeker Daily on You protests against his views. Tube--interesting. v=pc8p4T10P3I Milo: Trump's attack on Sanctuary Cities Explained (VIDEO) 12/28/2017 posted by Tucker Carlson vs. Far Left Liberal Jules Suzdaltsen at Seeker Dailey. Teacher on Milo Yiannopoulos

3 Sunday Liberty Pole

(VIDEO): 2/13/2017 on You Tube: Tucker Carlson vs. Yvette Felarca on after 2/1/2017 event "Facism." Fasten your seatbelts. (DB)

More on Milo: Gay Journalist who Supported Trump Punished by Liberals: 2/13/2017 on You Tube: Tucker Carlson interviews Chadwick Moore Bills for CA Employers to Track in Milo continued on Page 4: 2017: 2/3/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Dear Boss, hang onto your wallet, again. Milo continued: dviews/5-bills-for-california-employers-to-track-in- 2017/ Gay Writer: Backlash on Yiannopoulos Article turned him Conservative: On Boycotting Radical Islamic Nations 2/13/2017 Dawn Ennis in LGBTQ Nation: 1/31/2017 by Nonie Darwish at the Gatestone Check out the language describing Moore. Institute: Truth has consequences. profiled-milo-says-backlash-turned-conservative/ radical-islam Send in the Clown: "Supervillain" Milo California/Los Angeles: Doesn't care that you Hate Him: 9/21/2016 by Chadwick Moore in Out Magazine: Original article on "Alt-Right" crusader, Milo Yiannopoulous, published last Fall. Why the fallout now? clown-internet-supervillain-milo-doesnt-care-you- hate-him

In Case You Missed It:

Chiang defends CA-operated Private Pension System: 2/10/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review dviews/chiang-claims-to-be-conservative-defends- state-ownedrun-private-pension-system/

4 Sunday Liberty Pole Warnings about Oroville Dam ignored scouts-whats-next/ 12 Years Ago: 2/15/2017 by Steven Greenhut at California Political Review Political Correctness: One Sip of Poison at a Time (Commentary): stories/warnings-about-oroville-dam-ignored-12- 2/16/2017 by Alex Nitzbert at Accuracy in years-ago/ Media correctness-propagates-radical-liberalism-and-undermines- Immigration Sweeps in So Cal: the-truth/ 2/13/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review The Catholic Conspiracy /immigration-sweeps-around-southern-california-round-up- (Commentary) 2/15/2017 by Cliff Kincaid in residents-at-their-homes/ The Soros Files Sacramento Democrats: Make it Easier conspiracy.html to Scam the Public on School Bonds: How Obama is scheming to sabotage 2/13/2017 by Stephen Frank at California Trump's Presidency (Commentary): Political Review 2/11/2017 by Paul Sperry at New York Post: dviews/sacramento-democrats-make-it-is-easier-to- The termites are Obama's. (TZ) scam-public-with-transportation-bonds/ sabotage-trumps-presidency/ More "Sanctuary Cities" likely to cave to Trump's Funding Threats: 2/10/2017 by Elizabeth Liorente at Fox News Politics (MN) Our Editorial At the Hearth: more-sanctuary-cities-cave-in-face-trumps-funding-threats.html Page. Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to [email protected] for a future edition.

New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at International: After Neutering the Boy Scouts, What's Next? (Commentary) 2/8/2017 by Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy in Media (KK)

5 Sunday Liberty Pole

Netanyahu: USA and Israel share "Grand Mission" to Combat Iran's Nuke Threat: 2/17/2017 by Staff Writer 9 at American Military News have-a-grand-mission-to-combat-iran-nuclear-threats/? utm_campaign=DailyEmails&utm_source=PM_Email&utm_medi um=email The (New) Inquisition--anti-Semitism Cultured in France: 2/4/2017 by Yves Mamou at Gatestone Institute: France's new Dreyfus Trial assaults the Truth


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