1. the Main Purpose of the Bank Holiday Was To

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1. the Main Purpose of the Bank Holiday Was To

United States History World War 1 – World War II Unit Test

1. The main purpose of the bank holiday was to… a. Restore confidence in the banking system b. Nationalize the banking system c. Prevent sound banks from providing loans to industry d. Make the withdrawal of savings from unsound banks illegal

2. Why was Herbert Hoover elected president? a. To continue prosperity under Republican leadership b. To provide old-age pensions, disability and unemployment benefits c. To create jobs in public works d. To insure bank deposits

3. Which of the following actions did Herbert Hoover take to fight the depression? a. Created jobs through work programs b. Closed banks c. Gave food and money directly to the people d. Provided relief to businesses

4. Which is a factor generally accepted as contributing to the Great Depression? a. There was a high demand for manufactured goods b. Liquor was prohibited c. Vast expansion of industry (overproduction) d. Overspending on social welfare programs

5. How did most investors react to a sudden fall in stock prices in late October, 1929? a. They called in their loans b. They raced to sell their stocks c. They pooled money to purchase stocks d. They pledged their stocks as collateral

6. Which Veterans composed the Bonus Army? a. Civil War b. World War I c. Russo-Japanese d. Spanish-American

7. How did Eleanor Roosevelt change the traditional role of the First Lady? a. Openly advising the president b. Drawing a salary as First Lady c. Serving as an official cabinet appointee d. Refusing to serve as the official White House hostess 8. On what did the First New Deal concentrate? a. Relief and reform b. Relief and recovery c. Reform and recovery d. Reform and restoration

9. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff was an effort to… a. Raise wages of coal miners b. Raise tariffs to an all time high c. Increase the number of public hospitals d. Increase grain production

10. Which of the following pieces of legislation was responsible for putting people to work? a. Securities and Exchange Commission b. Fair Labor Standards Act c. Indian Reorganization Act d. Public Works Administration

11. What was the federal government’s responsibility when establishing the Social Security Act? a. Welfare of the elderly, poor and handicapped b. Establishment and enforcement of fair labor practices c. Funding of cultural and artistic activities d. Funding of public works projects

12. Which of the following is true about the Second New Deal? a. It began in 1938 b. It overturned the policies of Hoover c. It’s supporters included Upton Sinclair and Francis Townsend d. Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the First New Deal

13. Why did Franklin Roosevelt attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court? a. To get the court to support the federal government’s regulation of the economy b. To build the court’s strength c. To preserve the heritage of the court d. To provide more jobs to out-of-work judges

14. What group was affected by the lack of education and malnutrition during the Great Depression? a. Women b. The elderly c. Men d. Children

15. What statement best describes the overall effect of the Great Depression? a. Farmers fared better than most Americans b. Big business leader were hurt the most c. Most rural banks withstood the depression d. The hardest hit were those at the bottom of the economic ladder 16. Whom did the Tennessee Valley Authority help directly? a. Farmers and the unemployed b. Politicians and government c. Educators and schools d. Environmentalists and the environment

17. In World War I, what were the countries that fought against Germany and Austria-Hungary called? a. Allies b. Central Powers c. Triple Alliance d. Triple Powers

18. What event sparked World War I? a. The sinking of the Lusitania b. The German and French dispute over Alsace-Lorraine c. Russia’s quest for a warm- water port d. The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

19. Which of the following was a major factor in the United States decision to enter World War I? a. Britain’s naval blockade of Germany b. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare c. Vladimir Lenin’s rise to power d. France’s fall to the Central Powers

20. Why did Congress oppose the Versailles treaty? a. They did not want the U.S. to join the League of Nations b. They wanted harsher terms for Germany c. They believed the treaty violated the Fourteen Points d. They opposed reparations for the Allies

21. An underlying cause of World War I was… a. The ongoing dispute over the convoy b. The web of alliances European nations had created for their defense c. An alliance between the rulers of Germany and Russia d. American insistence on neutrality

22. The Selective Service was a means of… a. Financing the war effort b. Getting women to take over jobs formerly done by men c. Drafting young men for military service d. Finding jobs for men after they left the military

23. Fears of spies and sabotage in the United States during World War I led to… a. Restrictions on immigration b. Discrimination and violence toward Germans c. Repression on free speech d. All of the above 24. In the ______, Germany proposed an alliance with Mexico. a. Versailles Treaty b. Sussex Pledge c. Zimmerman Note d. Sedition Act

25. Which of the following best describes the first few years of World War I? a. Both sides were locked in a stalemate b. The Central Powers had conquered most of Europe c. Victory for the Allies seemed to be coming soon d. There was little actual fighting

26. What was the purpose of the convoy system? a. To hire workers for war factories b. To place women in the work force c. To get troops safely across the Atlantic d. To drop bombs on the enemy

27. The Red Scare was a response to… a. Prohibition b. The Teapot Dome scandal c. The Russian Revolution d. The Kellogg-Briand Pact

28. The economy of the 1920s grew as consumers… a. Carefully conserved electricity b. Invested most of their money in government bonds c. Learned to ignore advertisements d. Began to buy goods on credit

29. Though relatively few in number, the Flappers represented a. A sign of social stability b. Women’s desire to break with the past c. Women’s desire to return to conventional roles d. The significant impact of women on national elections

30. One result of prohibition in the 1920s was… a. An increase in alcoholism b. A decline in dancing and socializing c. The rise of organized crime d. The creation of urban artistic colonies

31. Why did some states ban the teaching of evolution in public school? a. The theory challenged scientific beliefs b. The theory appeared to violate the Constitution c. The theory contradicted the Bible’s account of Creationism d. The theory was unknown to most teachers 32. What made it possible for Henry Ford to produce cars quickly and cheaply? a. The installment plan b. Easy credit c. The assembly line d. The Bessemer process

33. Literary life flourished among African Americans as part of a movement known as… a. The Red Scare b. The Jazz Age c. The Harlem Renaissance d. The “back to Africa” movement

True/False, A=true B=false

34. The Bonus Army refers to extra troops used to take over an enemies trench. 35. Eleanor Roosevelt is given credit for being the 1st “modern” 1st lady. 36. Franz Ferdinand was a German heir to the thrown that was assassinated. 37. The back to Africa movement was led by Steve Garvey. 38. The 3 R’s of the New Deal are: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 39. The Wagner Act made striking illegal. 40. The Hawley-Smoot tariff raised taxes on American goods.

41. D-Day was the code name for… a. The bombing of Pearl Harbor b. The Allied invasion of Normandy c. The Russian invasion of Stalingrad d. The Allied invasion of Italy

42. When did the United States enter World War II? a. When Germany invaded Poland b. When Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor c. When the Allies invaded Normandy d. When Roosevelt initiated the Lend-Lease Act

43. What secret agreement, signed between the United States and Britain, was the basis for the United Nations? a. The Yalta Conference b. The Atlantic Charter c. The Tehran Conference d. The Allied Charter

44. What Native American tribal recruits were used by the United States Marines as radio operators? a. The Cherokee b. The Sioux c. The Navajo d. The Iroquois

45. What fictional woman was described in a 1942 song describing her patriotic work? a. Stella the Steel Worker b. Rosie the Riveter c. Wanda the War Worker d. Sally the Service Worker

46. What was the code name for the program that produced the explosive device for the atomic bomb? a. Chicago Project b. Denver Project c. Manhattan Project d. Big Bang Theory

47. Where was the first atomic bomb dropped? a. Iwo Jima b. Nagasaki c. Tokyo d. Hiroshima

48. The most serious issue discussed in the Yalta Conference that is credited as being the beginning of the Cold War was… a. Who would accept Germany’s surrender b. Who had atomic energy c. Whether Germany would pay reparations to the USSR d. Elections in Poland

49. Who were the “Big Three” at the Yalta Conference? a. Chamberlin, Hitler, Mussolini b. Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito c. Churchill, FDR, Stalin d. Churchill, Truman, Stalin

50. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor in 1941? a. To conquer the United States b. To overcome their shortages of workers c. To weaken the United States’ ability to stop Japan’s territorial moves in the Pacific d. To regain U.S. holdings in Asia that had been lost during American Imperialism

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