Bartram Trail High School

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Bartram Trail High School

Bartram Trail High School Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year We are here for you!

Syllabus for Credit Recovery Mrs. DeLaughter

Room: N135 Office Hrs.: 8:30 – 9:10 a.m. except on Wednesdays; after school by appointment. Phone: 547-8340 Voicemail extension: 22509 Email: [email protected] This is the best and most reliable way to reach me. Planning Period: 1st period 9:15 - 10:00

PLATO Learning Environment, under the parent company, Edmentum, is St. Johns County’s online credit recovery program. It is a server-based program. The website is:

Students are in a computer lab, but they may also work at home if they have high-speed Internet access. However, some students experience difficulty with the computer program from home. For students who don’t have access to a computer at home, some of the courses offer a limited amount of printable work which can be worked on at home. Any of the public libraries are also a great place to use a computer!

Required Materials

A completed Acceptable Use Procedures (AUP) form, signed and turned in. Do you understand what you signed?

A set of headphones or ear buds for using the audio portions of some of the courses.

The type of notebook that you like the most for taking notes while reading from a computer screen (History courses) doing math problems, or writing (English courses) is what you should get. From a student three years ago:

“I suggest taking notes throughout your course. It could help you remember the material because it’s running through your head multiple times. And it could also keep you from falling asleep.”

Another reason to take notes is that you can use them (they must be your own notes) on Mastery, Post, and Semester Exams.

Pens are fine, but if you’re taking a math course, pencils and erasers work best for doing problems.

Pg. 2 You’ll need a basic calculator if you’re taking a math course, or you can use the one on the computer. There are several back-up calculators for student use in the classroom.

If you are the type of person who gets cold easily, I recommend that you bring an extra shirt or sweater. The lab temperature is preset in the low 70s, and I cannot alter it.

Not required, but if you are able: I would appreciate one box of tissues, or a bottle of hand sanitizer.


“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” 2016 Senior

Below is the District Grading Scale:

A 90 – 100 B 80 - 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 - 69 F 0 – 59

You may not be aware of how credit recovery (initial grade was an F) or grade forgiveness (initial grade was a D) grades affect your overall gpa. The new grade will actually count as two grades because PLATO counts as an elective credit in addition to the credit for the course you failed or made a D in. The higher the grade you earn, the more impact it will have on your gpa. If a student fails a PLATO course, he or she will not earn credit.

Most of the grade in a PLATO course comes from quizzes and tests. A sample breakdown is shown below. Pretest scores do NOT count toward your final grade. But it is important that you do your best on these because they may exempt you from some of the content. (You will still be tested on that content; however, and it is recommended that you go through the Tutorial portion of exempted modules in order to be well prepared for tests.) Lesson or Unit activities may also be required, or optional if a student wants to try and raise a low test score.

Sample of a course’s categories and weights:

Written discussions: 5% Mastery Tests: 40% Pg. 3 Post Tests: 35% Semester Exam: 20%

PLATO grades are not reported in Home Access Center (HAC) or on Report Cards like other classes. Teacher-generated Interim and 9 weeks’ grade reports will give parents (and students) information on students’ progress. Both students and parents may request a grade estimate from me at any time. After a course has been completed, a Final Grade Report will be run and then one of our computer operators will enter the new grade on the student’s transcript.

Each PLATO course is a semester course so you are expected to complete it by the end of the semester. However, depending on your individual requirements, you may need to work faster than that.

From two 2015 Seniors:

“If you move too slowly or don’t work on it consistently, you’ll forget stuff you need to know for the Semester Exam!”

“When you’re caught up, get ahead.”

Classroom Expectations:

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” - 2016 Senior

Do you know the BEAR Standards? They sound simple, but they work!

o Be on time. o Be prepared. o Be respectful. o Be willing to give your best effort.

I’ve added the following one because I want everyone to be successful:

o Ask for help because that’s why I’m here.

“You have not because you ask not.” - 2016 Senior Pg. 4

ALL school and county rules, including those pertaining to dress code and cell phones, will be followed and enforced in the computer lab. Please review your Student Code of Conduct.

Computer Lab Policies

We have not yet celebrated the first anniversary of these computers! Please treat all parts of the machines and classroom with the utmost care so that future Bears have the same opportunity that you have. If at any time you notice any damage to or tampering with your monitor, the Desktop, or keyboard, please tell me immediately.

There is not a working printer in this lab. I can print PLATO tests and activities in the 9th Grade Copy Room if you give me a day’s notice. But you will need to make other arrangements (Media Center is usually available) for assignments from other classes.

The biggest differences between this classroom and your others is that in here, you and your classmates are probably not taking the same course nor are you working at the same pace. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you work quietly and independently, like you would in a Study Hall. Raise your hand if you need help or have a question. If I don’t see you, call out my name in order to get my attention. This behavior enables everyone to concentrate on what they’re doing.

You should only be working on your course unless you receive permission to do something else. Teachers have the ability to check what site you are on or have been on from their computer. Deletion of your browser history is a violation of the Acceptable Use Procedures form, which you are required to sign every year.

Water in a container with a top is allowed. Any other beverage must be stored in your backpack. Snacking is not permitted, with the exception of 4th period because it has 3rd lunch. Fourth period students: please eat your snack at the beginning of class.

General Class Rules and Procedures

I have a limited supply of new and used notebooks, binders, and folders which you may have for your online course – along with paper (lined, graph, and scrap). Pencils, when available, are provided for your use IN THE LAB ONLY. You may leave your notebook or folder in the classroom on my bookshelf, at your own risk.

You are not allowed to use your phone or charge it in class. If you think you have a legitimate reason to use it, you must ask my permission first. I may not grant it. I may inquire a little more. You have a job to do in here that is crucial for your graduation. Pg. 5

Cell phones are a distraction from that goal. Consequences: If you are using your phone and haven’t asked for permission, I will take it and request that an intern pick it up and take it to the Dean’s office where you may pick it up at the end of the day. If you refuse to give it to me, I will let the Deans know. If I see your phone out but you’re not using it, I will tell you to turn it off and put it away.

You may not listen to music while you’re working. On Tuesdays, which I refer to as “Tunes Day,” I will play music.

“Your last day will be awesome.” - 2016 Senior

Attendance: Excessive absences will seriously interfere with your success. Please make daily attendance to school a top priority. This is a school-to-work skill.

Tardies: If you are tardy for the third time in one semester, you will be referred to the Dean’s Office. For the fourth and any subsequent tardies during the semester, the deans will be notified and consequences will gradually become more severe.

Passes: Only one student at a time will be given the restroom pass. Restrooms are in this hallway so your visit shouldn’t last more than five minutes. If you wish to go to the water fountain at the other end of the hallway, you are still expected to return in 5 minutes. If you are permitted to go somewhere else, you will complete one of the school hallway passes with destination and time, and I will sign it. Please get a signature from the teacher or staff member you saw and the time you left also.

Misconduct: Defiance, disruption, and disrespect, including profanity, are not tolerated and will result in parent contacts and dean referrals. Misconduct could also result in the loss of computer privileges.

Trustworthiness: Some people are under the impression that because a class is online, or is being taken for Credit Recovery, the standard of being honest and doing one’s own work doesn’t apply or at least it doesn’t matter as much as in a regular class. This is not the case!

Students may take Mastery Tests (lesson quizzes) at home as well as in class. (You are granted four tries on Mastery Tests.) However, you may not receive help from anyone or any source unless, in rare cases, the directions say it is allowed (for example, it may say you can use a dictionary). Post Tests (unit tests) and Semester Exams must be unlocked by the teacher and taken in class, but students are permitted to use their own notes or returned offline assignments while taking them. Semester Exams may only be taken in Pg. 6 the teacher’s view. In all of the tests and quizzes above, students may not go to any other website or back into the lessons for help.

Prior to your taking a post test or exam, I will ask for your cell phone, label it, and place it in my filing cabinet. I will return it promptly when you have finished.

Work from Bell to Bell: This is a schoolwide expectation. You may use the last two minutes to logout and pack up.

“Sometimes you have to fight through the hardest times in your life to build yourself up to the best times in your life . . . keep fighting.” - 2016 Senior Students and parents: Please read this syllabus carefully. Then read and complete this page with the appropriate signatures, and return it as soon as possible.

I have read the syllabus and understand the expectations of Mrs. DeLaughter’s Credit Recovery class. I understand that each student is responsible to be on time and prepared, stay on task, ask for help when needed, and abide by classroom and school rules. If I do not follow the rules and procedures set forth for the class, I understand that action will be taken.

Student Name (Print): ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Name (Print): ______

Best parent contact phone number:


If you (parent) would prefer to be contacted by email, please write the address below:


Parent Signature: ______Date:______

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