Now To The King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, The Only God Be Honor And Glory Forever And Ever

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Now To The King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, The Only God Be Honor And Glory Forever And Ever

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

In late summer of 480 B.C., the Battle of Thermopylae took place between Greek city states, led by Sparta, against the Persian empire of Xerxes.

For three days the battle raged on. Three hundred Spartans and a few hundred allies, led by King Leonidas, held off the mighty Persian army said to number in the millions. King Leonidas and his Spartans blocked the only mountain road by which the massive Persian army could pass. “No retreat. No surrender,” was the Spartan motto.

Story has it that after two full days of battle, which saw massive Persian casualties, a local resident betrayed the Greeks by revealing to the Persians a goat trail which led around the pass. Eventually the Spartans were surrounded.

Watch and listen as Leonidas prepares his men for what they all know will be their final battle (movie clip).

The morning would bring the final assault. Although all three hundred Spartans were killed, their act of bravery lives on. The Battle of Thermopylae gave the rest of the Greeks time to organize and respond to the Persian invasion. Eventually the Persians were defeated and forced to leave Greece. The Battle of Thermopylae has become a symbol of courage against overwhelming odds.

Whether you realize it or not, you too are engaged in battle against a force of overwhelming size. Anyone who proudly carries the name Christian – anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ – will forever have enemy forces seeking to destroy what you hold to true. The question before us is this: will you stand firm and hold to your beliefs or will you succumb to temptation and fall from faith?

Today fifteen young people will stand before this congregation, as well as before their family and friends and publicly confess their faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. They have been instructed. They have been trained, but they are inexperienced in battle.

Today this House of Worship is filled with those who made a similar confession in the past. You too were once instructed. You too were once trained. However, you are not inexperienced. You’ve been in battle. You’ve seen the enemy. You know just how powerful he is.

Today the Apostle Paul’s inspired words are meant for the inexperienced and the veterans, for you and me. Right outside the doors of this sanctuary lies the battlefield. The enemy is numerous and they have us surrounded. But notice, there isn’t even a hint of fear in Paul’s words – only confidence. And he wants you to have that confidence too. You see, Paul knows the war has already been fought and won. The enemy, although numerous, has been defeated. He said, “Thanks be to God he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

All true. Satan has been defeated – yet he’s still a threat. He has made it his goal to lead us away from Christ. And he will stop at nothing to do it. And that is why before we leave this Holy Place and re-enter the world, Paul offers us a few: Words to Live By 1. Stand firm in your faith 2. Be about the Lord’s work

Paul begins by reminding us of why we can be so confident. At the beginning of this chapter he wrote, “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved” (1 Corinthians 15:1,2).

The gospel, of course, is the good news of Jesus. We know him to be the Son of God and the Savior of the world. We know that he came to earth, became human, and then freely and willingly gave up his life in payment for our sins. And then, as we know, Jesus didn’t stay dead. He rose from the grave Easter morning proving that he really was who he claimed to be: the Son of God and the Savior of the world. His resurrection also proves that there is life after death.

We know and believe that Jesus’ resurrection is the difference between truth and error, faith and unbelief, the church and the world; between heaven and hell, hope and despair. Everything we believe in – everything we hope for – absolutely everything depends upon Jesus rising from the dead. And he did! And because he did, we know that one day we will too.

And now here we are, sinful human beings who have been made perfect in Christ. This is what you know. This is what Scripture teaches. This is what you believe. You know that heaven will one day be your home, not because of who you are, and not because of what you’ve done. You know that heaven will be your home because of what Jesus has already done for you.

Ah, but you’re not there yet are you? You’re stilling living here on a sinful earth. We all are. So until the Lord comes again or calls you home, mindful of the hope a resurrected Christ brings, Paul encourages, “Stand firm. Let nothing move you” (I Corinthians 15:58a).

Just as Leonidas encouraged his men to fight on against overwhelming forces, Paul is encouraging the same. Stand firm. Don’t give in to the devil’s temptations. No retreat. No surrender.

The devil doesn't want you to make or to renew your commitment today. He doesn't want you to think or know what your confirmation vow means. He doesn't want you near the word of God. He doesn't want you in church. He doesn't want you to be involved in Bible study, or faithfully attending the Lord's Supper. He doesn't want you to do that because he knows that's where you find your strength. He knows that when you're in the word, he can't touch you. He’d rather have you questioning your faith.

Let’s be honest. Trinity Lutheran church has not been an impenetrable fortress against Satan’s attacks. He has found success here. Young people who once made the commitment to remain faithful to God’s word have fallen away. And it’s not just young people. The same can be said of people of all ages. For some reason, instead of relying on God’s strength, they try to rely on their own. Sad to say, the results can be catastrophic.

So today is a good day. Today is a day for those of you who made your commitment years ago – and those who are making it here today – to recommit yourselves to stand firm. Remember what you have learned and become convinced of. Stand firm. No retreat. No surrender.

 For when you are in regular contact with the means of grace, the Holy Spirit strengthens you to carry on in a sinful world.  When you’re in the word, you’re reminded that you are not alone – the Lord is by your side.  When you are in the word – the Lord fits you with everything you need to not only face the evil forces, but to win.

How so? Because the war has already been fought and won. Proof is found in the fact that Easter morning the tomb was found empty. The Lord has risen! He has defeated sin, death, and Satan. The Lord has risen indeed!

Jesus’ victory over sin, death, and Satan means that we too have the hope of the resurrection. We know that when Jesus comes again, the dead will rise from their graves, souls and bodies will be reunited and we will live forever with our Lord in heaven. We know it. We believe it. So Paul reminds us that as long as the Lord gives us breath, or until he comes again, we are to be about his work.

We are incredibly blessed! Most of us here are life-long Christians. We were baptized as infants, went to Sunday School or a Christian elementary school. We’ve known Jesus all our lives, or at least for many years. But as Paul points out, it’s not enough to know the gospel. It’s not enough to defend it either. You’ve got to live it. Paul said, “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58b).

Ok, so how do we do that? How do we go about the Lord’s work? Believe me, it’s not that difficult. If you claim to be a Christian, then act like one. Practice what you preach. Keep your faith visible for all to see: at work, school and at play. Be faithful in worship and at the Lord’s Table. Don’t shy away from telling someone what you know to be true. For when you do, others will be drawn to the power of the gospel. Our reward is that others will share in the glory that awaits us.

You know, these fifteen young people about to be confirmed are very bright. They’ve studied the chief parts of Scripture. They can recite proof passages and sections of Luther’s Small Catechism. They have learned a lot. But they are still inexperienced for battle. That’s where you come in.

You’ve faced Satan’s temptations. You’ve experienced what its like to have your faith challenged. You’ve been humbled. You also know that when the trials of life got really bad – that’s when the Lord carried you. As a result, you’ve been led to see that there is nothing you and he together cannot handle. You’ve seen the Lord working in you – and that has inspired you to now live for him.

I’m now asking that you remember these young people in you’re prayers. Pray that they might remain faithful to their vows. Pray that as they experience the many obstacles, challenges and blessings in life which are sure to come, the Lord gives them the strength to carry on; that they remain inspired to live for him.

But then, don’t just pray; put your words into action. Continue to provide opportunities for these young people, and those who will come after them, to be instructed in God’s word. The tools are here. We have an elementary school, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth Group, Bible classes, and two area Lutheran High Schools, just to name a few. Continue to take the steps necessary to make sure that these tools are here for future generations.

Our congregation exists to make disciples for Christ, both inside and beyond these walls. It is our goal to prepare, equip and encourage those we serve to stand firm in their faith and then to put it into action. And lest there be any doubt, this is what we teach: if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, one day heaven will be your home – guaranteed – not because of who you are or what you do, but because of what Jesus Christ has already done. It is that simple. Today marks the beginning of the rest of your life. Each new day will bring blessings, opportunities, and challenges. As you face each one, remember the words of Paul. Remember the words to live by:

 Stand firm in your faith  Be about the Lord’s work

Carry those words with you always, as you leave this place and enter the field of battle.


And now may the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding, keep our hearts and minds through faith in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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