Approved 5/19/2015 New Harford Public Schools Board of Education Meeting Regular Meeting Minutes Ann Antolini School Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:00PM

Present: Josh Adams, Mike Linnetz, Pat Spaziani, Sue Lundin, Penny Miller, and Jennifer Benaitis

Absent: Melissa Giaconia and Jen Zenuh

Administrators: Brian P. Murphy, Paula Gladu-Morabito, Erika Sacharko, Roxanne Pangallo, and Amanda Shaw

Guests: Debbie Kelly, Ann Marie Spielman, Adrienne Topa, Chaitali Patel

A. Chair to Open Meeting

Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

B. Chair to Select Order of Business

No changes to the Order of Business.

C. Superintendent’s Report

1. Invention Convention – Amanda Shaw announced Samir Patel and Meagan Spielman as the two winners of the Invention Convention Contest. Samir invented a Sno-Shield – an inflatable air bladder designed to fill the space between your foot and your boot to prevent snow from coming into your boots while playing outside in the winter. Megan invented the Zip-ZZZ blanket with a zipper in the middle so than one person can zip down their side of the blanket if they get hot without disturbing the other person. Both these students will represent New Hartford at the state level. 2. School Climate Survey Schedule – Mr. Murphy announced that parents, students, and staff will be completing the School Climate Survey. A copy of the results will be shared with the Board of Education at a future meeting. 3. Teacher/Administrator Evaluation Schedule – Mr. Murphy reported that Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Plans will be reviewed by the district’s PDEC Committee next week and then will be sent to the State Department of Education for approval. The Board of Education will then need to approve these plans. 4. Technology Grant Update – Mr. Murphy stated that the State Department of Education did not award any money for the Technology Upgrades Transition Grants due to an error in their application process. We will be resubmitting our grant application with additional information. 5. Wellness Guidelines Update – Paula Morabito and Roxanne Pangallo presented the updated Wellness Guidelines for the district. 6. Interviews for the Media Specialist Position – Interviews for the vacant Library Media Specialist position will be taking place within the next two weeks.

Mr. Murphy announced the Sheila Cummings has announced her intent to retire at the end of the school year. Mr. Murphy thanked Mrs. Cummings for her 23 years of service to the students of New Hartford. He will be starting the process of hiring a new Art Teacher.

He also announced the resignation of Shannon Carrigan. Shannon has been with New Hartford for two years and is moving on to another district. He thanked Shannon for her service to New Hartford. He will post this position this week as well.

D. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes –March 31, 2015 Sue Lundin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Pat Spaziani seconded the motion. All in favor except Mike Linnetz abstained.

E. Opportunity for Public Comment

Mrs. Patel wanted to know why cupcakes and cookies were back on the list of snacks for classroom parties.

Mrs. Spielman stated that the Wellness Brochure was wonderful and should be sent home in the Friday Folder.

F. Communication to the Board of Education


G. New Business

1. Board of Education Self Evaluation - Penny Miller made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the Board of Education Self Evaluation. Sue Lundin seconded the motion. Unanimous. Penny Miller then amended the motion to include Superintendent Brian Murphy and Recording Secretary, Janet Terenzi to stay. Mike Linnetz seconded the motion. Unanimous (Jen Benaitis stepped out of the room and did not vote.)

Sue Lundin made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:43 p.m. Penny Miller seconded the motion. Unanimous.

H. Reports

1. Negotiations and Personnel Subcommittee Update – Sue Lundin reported that the Subcommittee held its first meeting with the three remaining unions on April 27, 2015 to establish ground rules and initial proposals. They are meeting again on May 27, 2015. The committee plans to do all three negotiations concurrently and hopes to be done by the middle of June. 2. Policy Subcommittee Update – Sue Lundin stated that there will be a Policy Subcommittee Meeting on May 22, 2015 from 9:00-10:30. She is meeting with Superintendent Murphy to solidify the agenda for policies up for review. 3. New Hartford Safe School Plan Committee Update – Mr. Murphy announced that there will be a District-wide Safety Team Meeting on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 to review the Safe School Plan and look for any improvements to our practice.

I. Any Other Business

Pat Spaziani made a motion to add Any Other Business items to the May 5, 2015 meeting agenda. Penny Miller seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Pat Spaziani asked if the Board had appointed anyone to the Building Committee to replace Kate Rieger. Josh Adams stated that no one had been selected and that he would talk to Dan Jerram. Penny Miller volunteered to be on this committee.

Pat Spaziani inquired about the Recording Secretary position. Mr. Murphy stated that this position was a non-union position and that it was posted internally.

Pat Spaziani asked if another candidate had been found for the vacant Board of Education position. Josh Adams stated that no democratic candidate came forward and that he would reach out to the Republican Town Committee for a possible candidate.

J. Adjournment

Sue Lundin made a motion to adjourn at 8:54 p.m. with a second by Penny Miller. Unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by Janet Terenzi, Recording Secretary