Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers Board of Directors Meeting Anheuser-Busch Learning Center, St. Louis, MO April 20, 2012

Meeting commenced at 1:11 PM.

Attendees: Randall Wood, Chris Thomason, Lisa Sombart, Steve Bugg, Bob Mueller, Roger Dorf, Steve Thies, John Mills, Pat Davidson, Paul Niewald, Steve Moss, Lila Kolker, Cathy Williams, Greg Harris , Dr. Jim Drallmeier

The draft Agenda was reviewed and approved. Motion to approve the agenda was made by Bob Mueller and 2nd by Paul Niewald.

The draft Minutes from the March 20, 2012 teleconference were reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Lisa Sombart and 2nd by Steve Bugg. All were in favor. The motion carried.

President’s Update: Randall reported on the Chancellor’s Breakfast meeting held that morning. Lisa Sombart also attended. The new chancellor is excited about being at Missouri S&T and will be getting familiar with the campus and the academies. Some items discussed were; enrollment has grown 60%, 4 times more students in distance education; grants/contracts have doubled; and grad rates are increasing. Randall shared at this meeting that the AMAE committees are active and talked on the importance of continuity.

Randall then reported that only 29% of the membership has been actively giving. If the other 71% would give at least $500, this would be enough to support a lab. There is value to having a new target and there is still much to do. The academy should not be afraid to ask the membership for help. Proof of this is the great support received for the Duct Tape and Bailing Wire list. The academy must also keep the focus to engage new members early and get them involved. The phone

1 solicitation information will be going out to the past presidents and committee chairs/vice chairs very soon.

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer’s report was then reviewed by Steve Bugg.

Treasurer’s Summary:

Beginning Balance 07/01/2011 $ 3,215.28 Spendable Account: Income* $88,400.38 Expenditures $71,735.37 Balance in Spendable 3/31/2012 $19,880.29

Quasi-Endowed Account: Beginning Balance 07/01/2011 $54,409.97 Income $ 897.77 Expenses $ 3,463.47 Balance in Quasi-Endowed 3/31/2012 $51,844.27

Grand Total in Spendable and Quasi-Endowed $71,724.56

Gifts through April 18, 2012 is $0. Third quarter donations were $29,231 which is part of the $82,909 total donations. All known expenses have been paid at this time. * Includes donations directed for instructional labs $3,925

Steve Bugg thanked Lila for standing in for him at the March meeting.

Randall reported that Rob Williams and Jon Jansky each committed $50,000 to completely fund the first instructional lab project. Both are Academy members. He congratulated Greg Harris for his efforts. Greg mentioned that having a well- documented strategic plan helps members know how the funds are being used.

2 MAE Department Update: Dr. Drallmeier went through his power point presentation regarding department benchmarking.

MAE Department “By the Numbers” is a selection of metrics to be updated each year to track department progress.

He also noted his six priority goals of the MAE Strategic Plan; 1) Increase number, prominence and diversity of the faculty, 2) Enhance graduate education and research, 3) Improve quality of the undergraduate program, 4) Improve instructional laboratories, 5) Improve ties with alumni and 6) Develop an environment supportive of staff contributions and performance. Emphasis in his talk was made on the first three goals.

Vision 2020 Update: Roger Dorf reported via telephone. He commended Dr. Drallmeier and the Academy on already implementing the department strategic plan. We are in a leadership position. Most of the other engineering departments on campus are either redoing their plans or are currently working on them. The next steps require ownership from the either Chancellor Schrader or Provost Wray to accept the plans and set some deadlines. Department sharing is critical and it is important to include input regarding the changing financial landscape (dealing with the slide in state funding) and how we will look 5 years from now. Also tied to this is to set up priorities for fundraising. Roger encouraged our Academy to help other Academies with this effort. Randall Wood was concerned about the timeline of the university strategic plan, this should be considered a “living” document that can be adapted as developments are made; the plan should be unbounded. Dr. Drallmeier stated that department funding is not tied significantly to undergraduate enrollment and he does not foresee a change coming from the top. Roger agreed that this should be a working document. Dr. Drallmeier said that the only faculty request was for more faculty positions. However, he is worried he might lose the faculty slots that were previously promised to the department. Roger feels that the best defense is a good offense in dealing with these issues.

Committee Reports:

3 SDELC Liaison Update: Bob Mueller reported that the SDELC board meets regularly and Bob is a non-voting member on this board. The board had recently elected Dr. Wu as chairman and Dr. Wunsch as vice chair.

The committee is currently implementing an assessment survey. They are also developing a patron’s society called “Miners by Design”. They have recently purchased a small machine shop for $75,000. Safety programs are now in place. New student teams include the I-GEM (Internationally - Genetically Engineered Machines) and LARS Robot (a robotics team). The LARS Robot team is not yet approved by the university. Donations have been down for all teams across the board. FSAE is going to Europe to compete this year. Status will be put on the SCELC website.

Membership Committee: John Mills reported that he had received 5 nominations and a late nomination from Greg Kellerman, there are 6 to consider. He hopes to secure 2 nominees by the end of May. Discussion then followed regarding the number of nominees to be inducted and members’ active participation. It was mentioned that, in the past, the membership meetings were well attended and break-out sessions for committees were part of the agenda.

Steve Bugg suggested publishing the “Attendance Over the Years” file to the membership as a tool to strengthen participation. Randall mentioned that members are busy but can now participate in committees via teleconference. He advised to look at the quality of the candidates and if they look good, go ahead and select more than 2, possibly up to 4 inductees.

Sr Design/Tech Resource Committee: Chris Thomason thanked the 6 Academy members who attended the Mid Semester Design Reviews. Roger Dorf and Keith Bailey each gave presentations in April which were well received by the students. The tri-fold flyer work with Dr. Midha will be a summer project. He encouraged members to attend the May 4th Senior Design Showcase and stated that he will be there. Greg Harris and Bob Mueller reported that there will be a new team, a Formula SAE electric vehicle. Dr. Drallmeier mentioned he wanted to start the

4 general framework for funding new design projects. He will get with Chris Thomason regarding this.

Scholarship Awards Committee: Pat Davidson stated he was very pleased with the number of students who had applied for scholarships. Final selections were made at their committee meeting on April 17th. Andrew Sharp was awarded the Past President’s scholarship but will be on co-op for the Fall 2012 semester. Therefore he will only receive half of the award of $1,000 in the Spring semester when he returns. Mike Bytnar has sent an e-mail to allPast Presidents for there approval. He must have 100% endorsement from them. Dr. Drallmeier will provide the nominees for the Graduate Teaching awards after the semester evaluations are received.

Steve Moss noted that Mike may have forwarded the wrong application to the Past Presidents. Mike will send out a correction to his e-mail and Pat will check back with Mike on the endorsements.

Special Events Committee Paul Niewald reviewed his report. The Induction events will be held on October 11th & 12th. Save the date postcards have been mailed. The homecoming theme of “A Miner Roadtrip” will be used at the Induction. Cathy will check to see of Dr. Schrader will be available to speak at the Dinner.

Incentives to boost attendance at the membership meeting were discussed. One idea was to recognize the 5/10/15 year members at this meeting. Another was to eliminate the committee reports review and/or be more selective in the items to be discussed and return to the on-site committee break-out sessions. Mentors should be more proactive and should attend the business meeting along with their inductee. All nominators should be mentors if possible, unless the nominator is a faculty/emeritus, then an academy member should be assigned as a mentor.

Socialization was also discussed. Greg Harris suggested having the after meeting social at the Powells’ residence that is close to campus. Dr. Drallmeier would like

5 to keep the social at the department building but instead, hold it in the Atrium which will be more visable. Student groups should be visable at that time as well.

Strategic Planning Committee: Lisa Sombart reviewed her report. She will re- contact her committee members regarding their membership. She will distribute the AMAE strategic plan to the committees for their updates, which will be due by July 31st. At the Chancellor’s meeting that morning she stated that different Academies were working up their strategic plans and she will try to contact them and share some information. Randall was concerned with the timeline. They will discuss this after the MAE faculty retreat. Steve Bugg asked if there is any money that this committee needs to budget for the next year and Lisa said there was no need for any funding.

Communications Committee: Steve Thies reported that this committee was always looking for new ideas and have received many from the faculty advisors and its members. There remains a cry for better communications for the 71% who are not participating. Some challenges this committee faces are; how do we communication the Board information to the members to keep them engaged, how can they help the Special Events with a communications campaign to draw more attention to the Induction weekend, and keep looking for way to increase virtual interaction. They are always looking for ways to increase web presence. Randall mentioned the need for the Academy members and other committees to feed content to this committee. Possibly put out an e-messaging newsletter or update every 3 weeks or so with smaller doses of information. Putting an Academy site on Facebook was also discussed and recommended.

Facilities Committee: Randall Wood reported for Russell Flye. This committee is working on developing updates for the strategic plan. Dr. Drallmeier mentioned that they are developing another Duct Tape and Bailing Wire list to be out this summer. Steve Bugg mentioned to use up the last $3,925 for these items. Dr. Drallmeier noted that that would not be a problem.

6 Past Presidents Committee: Steve Moss did not have a report this month but will be in contact with all of the Past Presidents regarding greater participation on the call list.

Missouri S&T Development Report: Greg Harris discussed the handouts given to the board members in their materials and reviewed his report. The Academy will be at the $25,000 St. Patrick’s Team Level of the Miners by Design annual giving club. The AMAE OGS participation rate will need to be reviewed. Planned to be completed in 2014 are the Geothermal project, the Chemical-Biological building and the Hasselman Alumni House.

Other new business: Randall, Chris and Steve will start forming the budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Steve added that a temporary budget needs to be formed and approved in July in order to proceed into October. The 2012-2013 budget will then be approved in October.

Dr. Drallmeier introduced the formation of the Annual Scholarly Activities Report which will be due out soon. This will be distributed to the faculty, staff, and campus first and then the Academy. This information will be on the MAE website. This report highlights the workings of the faculty throughout the year.

Other Business: The next monthly meeting will be held on, May 15, 2012 from noon to 1PM.

Motion to adjourn was made by John Mills, 2nd by Bob Mueller. All approved.

Meeting adjourned at 4:31 pm.