Administrative Division Chairs Reporting Form

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Administrative Division Chairs Reporting Form

NACADA Commission & Interest Group Division -- Chair Leadership Report Form 2010 Post-Conference Report

Name of Chair: Art Esposito Name of Commission / Interest Group: Commission on Undeclared and Exploratory Students

Section 1: Identify the volunteers serving within your unit (on steering committees, other committees, as webmaster, proposal readers, etc.).

Name of Committee/Activity Name of Committee Member Institution of Committee Member E-mail of Committee Member (if available) (steering, award, proposals, etc.) Steering Committee Ralph Anttonen Millersville University [email protected] Steering Committee Scott Amundsen University of North Carolina [email protected] Steering Committee Kristin Hall Kansas State University [email protected] Steering Committee Laurie Simpson Westfield State College [email protected] Steering Committee Kathleen Smith Florida State university [email protected] Steering Committee Alex Yanovski Parsons the New School of Design [email protected] Additional steering committee members are being sought to represent participation from all regions as well as volunteers comprising a Proposal Subcommittee, a CUES Collaborations Subcommittee, and an Exploration Workbook Subcommittee

Section 2: Outline your annual activities as they relate to the NACADA missions and strategies. Post-Conference Report (due in November): Indicate the primary activities and/or goals on which your commission will focus for the next year as they relate to the NACADA Strategic Plan. Remember — you do not need to list an activity for every mission statement listed below. Be sure to describe the assessment criteria that will be used to determine if these goals are met.  If you plan to offer the Service to Commission Award next year, be sure to list this in the “Activity” column as an additional goal where applicable and include the $50 budget request with that activity statement.  If you are an Interest Group planning to seek Commission status next year, be sure to list that goal in the “Activity” column.  The “Date Completed” and “Progress Made and Assessment” columns should be left blank in the post-conference report — these columns will be completed when your annual report is submitted in the summer. Annual Report (due in August): Update the “Date Completed” and “Progress Made and Assessment” columns to report on the progress made towards the goals outlined in the post-conference report. If additional activities were completed that were not in the post-conference report, add these at this time. Strategic Goal 1: Address the academic advising needs of higher education globally. 1-A — Identify, prioritize, and address critical issues facing academic advising. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken Steering Committee Meetings Art Esposito, 1/11, Demonstration that CUES Chair 8/11 Meetings Occurred Project Subcommittee Meetings Subcommittee Demonstration that (These three subcommittees include Members Meetings Occurred CUES Proposals, CUES Collaborations, and CUES Exploration Workbook)

1-B — Collect, analyze, and act upon information about the environments in which academic advising operates. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken Collect tangible resources (ideas and CUES 6/11 Updates to the website or materials) to be used free of charge Collaborations creation of wiki space by CUES members (via the CUES Subcommittee website/wiki space). These include research articles, manuals/guides, workshops, special events, websites, activities, etc.

Assess efficacy of creating wiki CUES 6/11 Organization of CUES space as a more collaboration- Collaborations website or creation of wiki appropriate vehicle for “discussion Subcommittee space board” conversations and the sharing of resources

1-C — Provide comprehensive professional development opportunities. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken Develop a free workbook reflective CUES Workbook 6/11 Delivery of workbook on of Virginia Gordon’s Exploration Subcommittee website/wiki space Process Model which can be downloaded from the CUES Website Strategic Goal 2: Advance the body of knowledge of academic advising. 2-A — Promote and support research related to the enhancement of academic advising through further understanding of the student, the campus environment, advising processes, or other related areas. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken Increase the number of CUES Proposals 4/11, Increased CUES presentations at national and regional Subcommittee 8/11 presentations at Regional conferences and National conferences

2-B — Disseminate the knowledge acquired from the research. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken

Strategic Goal 3: Champion the educational role of academic advising to enhance student learning and development in a diverse world. 3-A — Identify and develop strategies for fostering collaboration and education among various advising external constituencies both nationally and internationally. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken

Strategic Goal 4: Educate university and college decision makers about the role of quality academic advising in higher education. 4-A — Identify and develop practical strategies and materials for use by college and university leadership. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken

Strategic Goal 5: Ensure the effectiveness of the NACADA organization 5-A — Promote diversity within the association.  5A(i) — Create environments and processes that promote and sustain inclusion and involvement in the association. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken  5A(ii) — Increase diversity within NACADA leadership at all levels. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken

5-B — Enhance NACADA's global visibility and credibility as the resource for concerns and needs involving academic advising. Date Person/committee Target Assessment Criteria to be used Date Progress Made and Assessment of Submitted Activity or Goal Planned responsible for activity Date Completed Strategies/Actions Taken

Section 3: Issues/Items for consideration by the Division.

Section 4: Describe how you have incorporated diversity and inclusiveness of membership into the planning of your unit’s goals and activities. What criteria were used to accomplish this (such as institutional type, ethnicity, new professionals, experienced professionals, role—faculty, administrator, advisor; region, etc.)?

In this first year, my focus will be on understanding the diversity already represented in the Commission’s make-up and will devise a strategy for enhancing or sustaining said levels with the steering committee in our first meeting (projected for January 2011)

Section 5: Summary of Unit Communications and Meetings

Report any meetings or teleconferences held among unit members, or other communications with unit members. After the annual conference in the fall, you should include a summary of your annual meeting held during the conference (including specific group meeting, date, location, number of members attending, and brief summary of the meeting. When updating the annual report in the summer, you might add a summary of discussions that you initiated on your unit’s list serve or e-mail communications sent to all members of your unit since the annual conference.

 Name/type of Group Meeting: Commission Meeting, Annual Conference  Date and Location: October 4, Orlando  Number of Members Attending/participating: 35  Summary of Meeting: Attendees engaged in general discussion of goals for the upcoming year, received an invitation to get involved on the steering committee or as future presenters, and closed with a general discussion of concerns or areas of challenge on individual campuses.

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