Meeting at the Southbridge Business Center, Mechanic Street, Southbridge

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Meeting at the Southbridge Business Center, Mechanic Street, Southbridge

SOUTHBRIDGE ROTARY CLUB Bulletin for November 26, 2014 Meeting at the Southbridge Business Center, Mechanic Street, Southbridge

Wednesday’s at noon SERVICE ABOVE SELF

11/26 Phil Pettinelli – SHS Football Team, Thanksgiving Luncheon Cohasse Country Club 12/03 Director Meeting @ 11:00am followed by Club Meeting @ noon 12/10 Glen Juchno – John Slattery, Big Brother & Big Sister 12/17 Dino Tata – Presentation of telescope to the Southbridge Library 12/24 Christmas Eve, NO MEETING 12/31 New Year’s Eve, NO MEETING

Today’s Program: Southbridge Pioneer Football Luncheon

Welcome to the Southbridge Football seniors! In addition to the seniors on the Southbridge High School football team, our guests included members of the Southbridge coaching staff and school administration. Phil Pettinelli served as MC for today’s activities and reminded us this would be the 95th annual Thanksgiving Day game between rival Southbridge and Webster squads. Coach Frank Koumanelis

He invited SHMS principal Melissa Earls, assistant principal Anthony Cacace and Athletic Directory Ashley Caprera to stand and noted how they had regularly attended the football games and supported the Southbridge football program.

With a 5-5 record to date, Coach Koumanelis was proud of what the team had accomplished so far. After a tough start early in the year the players have focused on improvement and are ready for Bartlett. On paper, Bartlett appears to have the edge. Their players are bigger and are more experienced.

But the game is not played on paper and Southbridge has enthusiasm and tenacity to win this Thanksgiving. Weather conditions will be a factor with the forecasted snowfall. They have won the last six games in this rivalry and want to make it seven.

Go Southbridge!

Correction: We previously reported the wrong anniversary for Don & Marge Rockwood. They recently celebrated 45 years of marriage!


Club Roster 2014-2015 P= Past President Athanas, Joseph P. (P) Brenner, Jay Blanchard, Bryan (P) 2x Bousquet, Glenn L. (P) 2x Carlson, Ronald P. Chernisky, Ronald (P) Clemence, Richard

Coderre, Joseph A. (P) Colognesi, Theresa G. (P) Desautels, Clement T. (P) Desrosier, Bruce J. (P) Davenport, Jeffrey Detarando, Jay DiGregorio, Paul J. Gunnel, Susan Harwich-Vaughan, Jennifer (P) Jalbert, Paul R. (P) Jawor, John (P) Juchno, Glen Keefe, Edward G. Knight, Robert H. (P) Lafleche, John Lanni, Arnold (P) Lannon, William (P) Leboeuf, Eric Lisle, Terry Mangion, Richard M. Merceri, Lynne Mills, Paul A. (P) Morrill, Patrick S. Nikolla, Peter Pettinelli, Philip (P) Prokos, Alexander Rizner, Kenneth E. (P) Rockwood, Marjorie (P) Sanchez, Dawn Smalarz, Thomas J. Spiewak, Karen Spinelli, Patrick Tata, Constantino H. (Dino) Taylor, John E. Tallman, Todd Tremblay, Ronald J. Waddick, James H. (P) P = Past President

Officers and Directors Theresa Colognesi President Lynne Merceri RYLA Youth Chair Jim Waddick President Elect John Jawor Membership Jay Brenner Vice president Jim Waddick Service Projects Terry Lisle Treasurer Dino Tata Club Administrations Eric LeBoeuf Secretary Ron Tremblay Public Relations Glenn Bousquet Fellowship Jay Brenner Attendance Ronald Tremblay Bulletin Editor Terry Lisle Golf Committee Ronald Chernisky Fireworks Committee Ronald Carlson Scholarship Committee Glen Juchno Sargent at Arms/Attendance Joe Coderre Foundation Chair

Paul Harris Fellows Joseph P. Athanas 11-1995 Paul A. Mills 02-1987 Richard Ayers Terri Colognesi 05-26-10 John E. Taylor 02-1988 Zygmund J. Damian Joan Menard 04-24-13 Kenneth E. Rizner 10-30-1997 Paul R. Jalbert 01-2001 Marjorie Rockwood 5-11-2002 Glenn Bousquet.10-08-2008 James Waddick 04-2006 Bryan Blanchard 04-2006 Ronald Chernisky 9-03-2008 Jeffrey Davenport 1995 Constantino H. Tata (Dino) 2-26-04 Ronald Carlson 07-20-11 Phillip Pettinelli 05-16-14

Deceased and Non-member Paul Harris Fellows, Burns, Charles E. Laliberte, Oswald J. Leclaire, Romeo H. Moreno, Laurence Mozley, George Ricci, Raymond A. Wilson, Calvin Witter, Simon E. C. Stanley Knight C. Stanley Knight Charles T. Parham Judith Flannery (Non-member) John CS. Crosbie Philip S. Morrill Albert J. DiGregorio 1960 Normand E. Plouffe 1995 Robert Coderre

Neighboring Clubs Sturbridge Monday 6:00 Publick House, 277 Main Street Sturbridge, MA Putnam Tuesday 12:15 J. D. Coopers 146 Park Road, Putnam, CT Brookfields Thursday 6:00 Wok Inn Corner Rte. 67 & Rte 9, W. Brookfield, MA Worcester Thursday 12:15 Coral Seafood, 225 Worcester Street, Worcester, MA

The Four-Way Test ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTHBRIDGE Is it the truth? P. O. Box 51 Is it fair to all concerned? Southbridge, Mass. 01550 Will it build goodwill and better friendship? Chartered May 13, 1927 Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Club No. 2588 District No. 7910

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