Kensworth Parish Council s1
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Present: Councillor Mrs. Pat Mitchell (Chairman) Councillors: - Mr. Gerry Blackburn, Mr. James Bradley, Mrs. Cheryl Browne, Mr. Chris Menear, Mr. John Murray, Mr. John Worboys and Mr. Philip Woods.
Ward Cllr. Mr. Kevin Collins Mrs. Anna Kentish
Six members of the public were present
1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Anthony Sinfield- Green together with Ward Cllr. Richard Stay, PCSO’s Brian Hutton and Raja Saleem. These apologies were accepted by the Parish Council.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (Personal and/or Prejudicial) (Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001).
2.1 No Members had any declaration of interests, either personal and/or prejudicial, in any of the items under consideration at this meeting of the Parish Council.
3.1 Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell welcomed Mrs. Anna Kentish, Head of Kensworth Lower School to this meeting of Kensworth Parish Council. Mrs. Kentish was in attendance following the request by the Parish Council, to share with Members the proposals during this transitional period before becoming a Primary School in September 2014.
3.2 Mrs. Kentish explained that alterations would be needed at the school and not a rebuild. There was currently considerable interest from new families which had moved into the village.
Cllr. Chris Menear and Ward Cllr. Kevin Collins arrived at the meeting
3.3 It was explained that the school were having to find all the money themselves for this transition as the local authority were not providing any additional funding and whilst the school had made savings over the last two years the requirements exceeded these savings. Details were given of immediate costs and the school were looking at various organisations for financial support. Following a request from Cllr. Mrs. Browne Ward Cllr. Collins agreed to approach CBC for funding.
Cllr. John Murray arrived at the meeting
3.4 Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell thanked Mrs. Kentish for her presentation and explained that all requests for funding from Kensworth organisations would be considered at the March meeting of the Parish Council and that an application form would be sent to the school for completion and consideration by Members at that meeting.
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4.1 A resident raised the issue of the potential dangers in the use of Smart Meters in homes now that the telephone mast had been removed from the centre of the village. Papers were produced in support of these claims and a request made that they be passed to any councillor who had not received copies sent previously by e-mail.
4.2 An enquiry was made if it were possible for temporary suspension of the ‘ no right turn’ on the A5 by the Packhorse PH in the event of future flooding as experienced recently which resulted in temporary road closure. It was explained that the recent events had been most unusual.
4.3 It was reported that flooding had occurred on the B4541 (Honey Furlong) due to the amount of debris which had accumulated in the ditches at the side of the road. It was confirmed that a request to clear these had already been made by Whipsnade Parish Council.
4.4 A discussion took place over the number of vehicle accidents which had taken place in Common Road over recent weeks and possible solutions. Ward Cllr. Kevin Collins undertook to take this matter further with a view to investigating a speed camera kit to be administered locally. A letter on the ‘Speed Aware’ scheme would also be sent to the school inviting their participation.
A resident left the meeting
It was also agreed that a letter be sent to Bedfordshire highways authority providing them with the details of the three recent accidents in Common Road.
5.1 Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell reported that a letter had been sent to all volunteers inviting them to attend the first meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group which would be taking place in the village hall on Tuesday 28th January 2014 at 7.30pm.
6.1 It was reported that Members had concerns over dog fouling particularly in The Chilterns as a result of which a request had been made for a visit by The Dog Warden. It was also noted that no dog waste bins existed in The Chilterns and this should be ‘followed up’.
6.2 Ward Cllr. Kevin Collins thanked Members for their Christmas card which was very much appreciated.
6.3 It was reported that the adopted Traveller Local Plan meant no change for Kensworth and the additional nine plots for Caddington already existed.
6.4 Ward Cllr. Kevin Collins reported that he was uncertain if the Broadband rollout scheduled for completion by 2016 would make any changes in reception in Kensworth. The aim for CBC was 90% of 20megabytes in twelve years’ time.
6.5 It was reported that the next meeting of The Town & Parish Council Conference was to take place on Tuesday 29 April 2014, 6.00pm - 9.00pm at Priory House, Chicksands and the main topic would be ‘sharing good practice’. .
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A resident left the meeting
6.6 A discussion took place concerning the Christmas household waste collections when a number of people failed to receive details. Ward Cllr. Mr. Kevin Collins explained that the card giving the schedule of collections was sent out before Christmas.
6.7 It was reported that fly tipping had taken place again down The Lynch which had been reported to CBC for attention.
6.8 Ward Cllr. Mr. Kevin Collins was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made
7.1 A copy of the crime statistics for Kensworth for the last 28 days showing four ASB’s and three other offences which had been circulated previously were received.
7.2 It was reported that a number of residents had been visited from people seeking to purchase their caravans.
Ward Cllr. Mr. Kevin Collins and a resident left the meeting
8.1 Cllr. Murray reported that a committee had been formed of interested parties to look into bringing the Children’s Play Area back into use. The next meeting of this committee was to take place next Saturday. A number of quotations for this work had already been received however it may be necessary to remove the slide initially for safety reasons.
9.1 It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the open meeting held on 12th December 2013 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
10.1 Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell presented her report which included an update on work on footpath FP3, the anti-social behaviour situation, the storm damage in the village, a complaint from Volley Ball Club, ideas to commemorate the outbreak of WW1 and the number of vehicle accidents in the village. It was agreed that a letter of apology be sent to the Volley Ball Club and one to CBC seeking their views on the WW1 proposals.
Airport 11.1 Cllr. Blackburn had nothing to report.
Allotments 11.2 Cllr. Bradley had nothing to report.
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Highways 11.3 Cllr. Mrs. Mitchell had already covered any highway issues in her chairs report.
School Governing Body 11.4 Cllr. Woods had nothing to report.
Village Hall 11.5 Cllr. Mrs. Browne had nothing to report.
12.1 List of correspondence received between 11th December 2013 and 14th January 2014.
Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Planning Application Copies of plans submitted in connection with planning application CB/13/04291/FULL for a garage extension at 247 Common Road, Kensworth. The Chiltern Society – Membership 2014 Letter advising of membership fee due for 2014. Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils – Details of Affiliation Fees Details of the affiliation fees for 2014/2015 (retained by BEF) together with a form for a draw to attend a Buckingham Palace garden party in July 2014. Cawleys. – Duty of care: Controlled Waste Audit/Transfer Note Duty of Care: Controlled Waste Audit/Transfer Note for the annual waste transfer. Poppy Appeal - Receipt Receipt for the donation towards the Poppy Appeal 2013. Central Bedfordshire Council – Ward Councillors Notices for Ward Councillors for the Caddington Ward following the recent election to fill the vacancy following the resignation of Cllr. Mrs. Ruth Gammons. BT - Invoice Invoice for the supply of the telephone line to Kensworth village Hall. Paid in full by BEF in accordance with PC agreement. Central Bedfordshire Council – Delegation Agreement Gritting Copy of the signed Delegation Agreement for gritting in Kensworth. The Planning Inspectorate – Outcome of Planning Appeal Letter advising that, the planning appeal made against the decision to decline planning application for site at Barn 1, St. Marys Court, Church End, Kensworth has been dismissed. J R Keel & Son – Quotation for Provision of Grass cutting Services 2014/2015 Quotation for grass cutting services on the recreation ground and grounds maintenance during 2014/2015. Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Planning Application Copies of plans submitted in connection with planning application CB/13/04370/FULL for replacement porch, conversions and extensions of existing double garage to form games room & shower at Bury Farm Cottage, Church End, Kensworth. Digital City - Invoice Invoice for the installation of 4 x CCTV cameras. Local Council Review Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (Winter 2013) issued by the NALC. Barclays Bank - Statements Statements for Tracker & Community Accounts dated 3rd January 2014. D. J Granger Grounds Maintenance Ltd.– Quotation for Provision of Grass cutting Services 2014/2015 Quotation for grass cutting services on the recreation ground and grounds maintenance during 2014/2015. Aaron Gentle - Invoice Invoice for the work on the CCTV system. Village Garden Services– Quotation for Provision of Grass cutting Services 2014/2015 Quotation for grass cutting services on the recreation ground and grounds maintenance during 2014/2015.
Clerks & Councils Direct
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Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (January 2014) and other literature issued by the independent body. Cawleys - Invoice Invoice for the collection of dry waste. Denno Designs - Invoice Invoice for the autumn newsletter. H M Revenue & Customs – Notification of refund of VAT Notification of refund of VAT credited to bank account. Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils – Bedfordshire Bugle Copies of September 2013 edition of the publication issued by BATPC and other literature. J. M. Godfrey Landscapes Ltd.– Quotation for Provision of Grass cutting Services 2014/2015 Letter advising that due to present workload no quotation for grass cutting services on the recreation ground and grounds maintenance during 2014/2015 will be made this year. Anthony Bishun - Invoice Invoice for the collection of litter during December 2013. Michael J. Sawyer – Request for Donation Letter seeking a donations towards improving and keeping the village hall in good repair. Hertfordshire Supplies - Invoice Invoice for the supply of stationery. The Clerk Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (January 2014 2013) issued by the SLCC Central Bedfordshire Council – Licence to Plant Trees, Shrubs, etc., In A Highway Copy of licence for the planting of the two Memorial Planters in Kensworth.
13. PLANNING Notice of Planning Applications (Town and Country Planning Act 1990)
13.1 CB/13/04291/FULL Garage extension 247, Common Road, Kensworth.
CB/13/04370/FULL Replacement porch, conversions and extensions of existing double garage to form games room & shower Bury Farm Cottage, Church End, Kensworth
Plans for the above were made available. The Parish Council have no objection to these applications although it was noted that some of the trees on the plans were on church owned land.
13.2 The following planning decisions had been downloaded from the Central Bedfordshire Council (the planning authority) web-site: -
CB/13/04125 The demolition of workshop outbuilding and the erection of replacement building. Grasmere, Hollicks Lane, Kensworth
Appeal Dismissed
CB/12/02784/LDCP Formation of boot room by infilling part of former cart bay and insertion of roof light. Barn 1, St Marys Court, Church End, Kensworth
14. MATTERS OUTSTANDING FOR INFORMATION ONLY (Within the remit of the Parish Council)
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14.1 The matter of the repair of the allotment fence and request for a visit by the Dog Warden were still being pursued with Central Bedfordshire Council.
A resident arrived at the meeting 15. ACCOUNTS
15.1 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment: -
January £ The Chiltern Society (Annual Subscription) 25.00 B. E. Farrelly (Re-imbursement of BT Internet Bill) 81.48* Digital City (CCTV Work at Village Hall) 230.00 Digital City (Balance for CCTV Work at Village Hall) 50.00 Aaron Gentle (CCTV Work) 60.00 B. E. Farrelly (Printer) 50.00 C. Dennis (Winter Newsletter) 50.00 A. Bishun (Litter Collection November) 88.94 Hertfordshire Supplies (Stationery) 18.71* F & R Cawley (Collection of dry waste) 91.71* Riverside Printers (Winter Newsletter) 120.00 Hatters Solutions Ltd. (DVR System) 1,068.00* Mr. B. E. Farrelly (Clerk’s net salary and expenses November) 612.17* 2,546.01* *includes recoverable VAT
15.2 The income and expenditure statement for the Parish Council for the period ending December 2013 (period 9) was presented.
Cllr. Mrs. Browne and a resident left the meeting
16.1 It was agreed that the clerk would put together those items discussed tonight which Members wished to be included in the February edition of the Parish Link.
17.1 The clerk reported that the licence to plant trees, shrubs, etc., in a highway covering the two areas designated for placing the two Queen’s Diamond Jubilee planters had been signed.
17.2 It was reported that the Agreement for the provision of an additional gritting service in Kensworth had now been agreed and signed and returned by Central Bedfordshire Council allowing for implementation.
17.3 It was reported that a copy of the volume 7 issue 4 of the Quarterly Newsletter of the Parish Council would be circulated in the next two weeks for the information of Members. Following a discussion it was: Resolved that, in accordance with the requirements under the Quality Parish Scheme copies would be printed and distributed to each household in Kensworth.
17.4 The clerk reported that the Duty of Care Certificate issued for the collection of dry waste from the village hall had now been signed for return to Cawleys.
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17.5 A discussion took place concerning invitation for the chairman to enter the ‘Buckingham Palace Garden Party’ draw organised by BATPC. Members agreed that on this occasion the Chairman’s name not be submitted this year.
17.6 The Clerk reported that the next meeting of chairs and vice chairs of the parishes of Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade would now take place at Whipsnade Village Hall on Tuesday 4th February at 7.30pm.
18.1 The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday, 13th February 2014 at 7.30pm in Kensworth Village Hall. .
18.2 The following Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday, 13th March 2014 at 7.30pm in Kensworth Village Hall.
This concluded the normal business of the evening
It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that due to the confidential nature of the following item, the press and public be excluded. The Parish Council went into a closed session.
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