Read like a Rock Star: The Encore Performance April 12th-May 12th “Fun” Assignments

Yes, we are going to be doing Read like a Rock Star again for the last nine weeks. There will be some significant changes for you, though. First, you can choose a book that you would like to read. My rules are it must be at your reading level, it must be at least 150 pages long, and you must show me the book by Friday. Other than that, have fun choosing a book that you would enjoy reading. Your assignments for this book are also going to be considerably less stressful. They are as followed:

1. Read for at least fifteen minutes per day. Some of this time will be included in class, and some will be on your own. You will then keep a weekly reading journal for Monday-Friday, answering one question each of these days with an at least three sentence response. Your weekly reading journal will be due each Monday (April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10, and May 17) and be worth 10 points per week. You should list your book title at the top of the page, then the date, the pages you read, and then your answer (of at least three sentences) to one of the following questions: A. Describe the main character in your book. B. Describe the book’s setting and place. C. Describe the theme of your book. D. Does the title of your book fit the book? Why or why not? E. Explain how you have been surprised by what you are reading. F. If you were a character in this book, who would you be? Why? G. Describe a problem a character in your book has faced. H. Predict what will happen next in your book. I. Select a quote you like from the passage you read and explain why you like it. J. List three questions you have about what you read. K. This book does or does not relate to my life because… L. What are the two most important ideas from what you’ve been reading? M. What is the mood of what you have been reading? Defend your explanation. N. Would you recommend your book to friends? Why or why not? O. If this book was going to be made into a movie, what famous actors would play the main characters? P. What similar experience have you had to one of the characters? Explain. If none, explain. Q. Write a brief summary of what happened in the section you read. R. Describe how a minor character has affected the book. S. Describe a conflict that has occurred in the book. T. Describe something interesting that has happened in your book. If nothing has been interesting, describe something boring from your book. U. Name three things you have learned from reading this book. V. Use of element of DIDST W. Use of pathos, ethos, or logos X. Significance of element of SOAPS (Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject) Y. Use of Literary Element ______Z. Other ______

It is not necessary to answer each of these questions, but it would be nice if you did not answer the same one more than once. Here is an example of what I would like to see:

April 12, p. 1-21, S. A conflict has occurred in the book between the character of Elizabeth and Darcy. Elizabeth overheard Darcy say there were no pretty girls to tempt him at the dance to his friend Bingley. Elizabeth is horrified by Darcy’s pride and vows to stay away from him. 2. Have a Book Talk-This is what we did on the last day of the previous Read like a Rock Star. It will be on May 13th (the day after the AP English Language exam) and you will be responsible for: A. Bringing in a food to serve 8-10 people related to your book (worth 20 points) B. Sitting in a group and discussing questions related to your book (worth 20 points)

As you know, this is really just an excuse to relax, eat, and discuss books. Again, feel free to read something you will ACTUALLY ENJOY!