2015 is the “Year of Outreach” for WRMC. You are challenged to bring one new person with you to church this year! Church Calendar Wood River Mennonite Church  October 18, Special Offering for the Meat Canner 14988 West Husker Hwy  October 18, Pastor Appreciation Potluck Wood River, NE 68883  4:00-6:00, November 7, Special Speaker, James Kraybill of Mennonite http://www.woodrivermennonite.org/ Mission Network. Matt Troyer-Miller, Pastor  5:30-7:30, November 13, Greek Night Cell Phone: 308-380-3852 Church Office Phone: 308-583-2087  November 12-13, Meat Canning in Milford Elders: Rod Jantzi, Judy Hostetler, Tom Roth  November 15, Membership Sunday and Communion  November 21-23, Meat Canning in Henderson October 18, 2015  Wednesday, 10:00 am, Women’s Sewing Group. Sunday School ……..………..……..Adult & Youth Classes, 9:30 a.m. Praise & Prayer Requests Worship Service……………………..………………………10:25 a.m.  Martin & Elsy in Columbia Worship Leader…..…………….….…………………...Arch Hostetler  Valerie Roth in Indonesia Chorister…………………………………...... Brad Stutzman  Max, Gloria, Anthony, Edna, Angela, and Aileen Villatoro. Greeter……….……………………...... Willis and Darlene Roth Announcements  Opening Hymns  There are Greek Night posters available to distribute. Please take a  Welcome handful to give to your co-workers, friends, and family, or to hang up in  Call to Worship your town. There is also a list of groceries that Sophie will need for Greek Night sitting on the counter in the kitchen. If you would like to  Announcements donate something, please write your name next to it. We are also looking  Tithes & Offering for someone who will call the area grocery stores to see if they would be  Special Offering for the MCC Meat Canner willing to donate anything.  Praise and Prayer Concerns  Please stick around for the potluck after church. We’d love to see you there!  Praise and Worship  MCC Golf Update: The final numbers are in! The net income was  Children’s Time – Cloy and Ora Roth $5,306.34 which totals $45,047.47 over the last 9 years of tracking. Hoo  Scripture – John 4.7-15 Hoo! Thanks to all that participated.  Sermon – “Is It Better to Give or Receive?”  On November 15, we will have a Communion and Footwashing Service.  Hymn This will be part of our Membership Sunday, when we will welcome  Benediction and Doxology Madison Farris, Crystal Stutzman, Lexi Stutzman, and Matt Krieg into ______membership.  On Saturday, November 7 we will welcome James Kraybill of Mennon- ite Missions network. He will give an update on the work of Mennonite Missions Network, as well as some of the challenges faced in “A Samaritan woman came to draw water, internation/domestic missions. He also will share personal stories from and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” his time in the mission field. After his presentation and Q and A time, we John 4.7 will have supper and a time of fellowship.  Over the weekend of November 21-22, we will welcome Conference Minister Dave Boshart as guest speaker. More details will be forthcom- ing.