Citizens Transportation Advisory Board (Ctab) s2
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S P E C I A L M E E T I N G M I N U T E S CITIZENS’ TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD (CTAB) July 10, 2008 City Administration Building, 30 S. Nevada Avenue 4th Floor Conference Room, Suite 401 Large
1. CALL TO ORDER/ESTABLISH QUORUM: Chairperson Dan Cleveland called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.
Members present: Alicia Archibald (non-voting alternate), Amber Bowden, Gene Bray, Dan Cleveland, Jane Dillon, David Munger, Joe Vaccaro and David Whitehead.
Members absent: Jim Ramsey, Brian Risley, Don Schley and Randy Welsch.
Staff present: Kristin Bennett, Senior Transportation Planner and Gaye Smith, Transportation Planning Analyst.
Others present: Geoff Ames, Pikes Peak Mobility Coalition; Al Brody, Pikes Peak Area Bike Coalition; Sandra Krueger and John Nuwer, Austin Heights Homeowners Association.
2. CITIZEN COMMENT: Al Brody said that since CTAB has a Trucking Issues Subcommittee, he proposes that there also be a Bicycling Issues Subcommittee. He asked that this be placed on the Board’s August agenda.
3. TRUCKING ISSUES SUBCOMMITTEE VACANCIES: The Subcommittee has three vacancies to fill: two trucking industry representative positions and one at-large position. Dan Cleveland said that he and David Munger conducted five interviews on July 9, and he was impressed with the enthusiasm of the applicants. He encouraged those not selected to TISC to consider serving on other City boards.
Appointment of Trucking Industry Representatives For the two vacant trucking industry representative positions, only two candidates applied: Kris Kaltenbacher and Don Schley. Don Schley is presently on the Subcommittee as a CTAB member representative, but his term on the Board expires in August and he is not eligible for reappointment. This makes him eligible to become either an at-large or trucking industry representative TISC member.
Jane Dillon moved to appoint Kris Kaltenbacher and Don Schley to the Trucking Issues Subcommittee as trucking industry representative members. Gene Bray seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. Absent: Ramsey, Risley, Schley and Welsch
Appointment of an At-Large Member There were three candidates for the one at-large member vacancy: Vickie Boals, Greencrest Homeowners Association; Rick Hoover, Rustic Hills Neighborhood Association; and John Nuwer,
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Austin Heights Homeowners Association. Dan Cleveland and David Munger recommended the appointment of Rick Hoover because he has been attending the Subcommittee meetings regularly for some time and could provide continuity on the TISC.
Gene Bray moved to appoint Rick Hoover to the Trucking Issues Subcommittee as an at-large member. Jane Dillon seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. Absent: Ramsey, Risley, Schley and Welsch
4. CTAB REPRESENTATIVE VACANCY ON TISC: Currently, Board members Gene Bray, David Munger and Don Schley fill the CTAB representative positions on the Subcommittee, and Jim Ramsey serves as the alternate. Don Schley’s term on CTAB expires August 27, 2008, and he is not eligible to be reappointed. Once Don leaves CTAB, a Board representative position on the Subcommittee will be open. Dan Cleveland said that Jane Dillon is interested in serving on the Subcommittee as the CTAB representative. Jane said that if Jim Ramsey wanted to move from being the CTAB alternate to a regular voting member of TISC, she would be interested in serving as the CTAB alternate.
David Whitehead moved to appoint Jim Ramsey as a CTAB representative on the Trucking Issues Subcommittee, and nominated Jane Dillon to take Jim’s place as the alternate CTAB representative. Gene Bray seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
5. STAFF AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Gaye Smith said that the vacant Senior Transportation Planner position in the Comprehensive Planning Division has been filled. Tim Roberts has been hired and will start on July 14. He will take over many of the projects that Craig Blewitt was involved in before Craig became the new Comprehensive Planning Division Manager on January 1. The Transportation Planning team has been given three adjacent offices on the 4th floor of the City Admin Building in Suite 405 and have moved into those offices.
6. NEXT MEETING SCHEDULE AND TOPICS: The next CTAB meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. at the City Administration Building, 30 S. Nevada Avenue, in Suite 102 (Old Council Chambers).
7. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Cleveland adjourned the meeting at 4:46 p.m.
Submitted by Gaye Smith Transportation Planning Analyst City of Colorado Springs
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