Roslin and Bilston Community Council
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Minutes of the Community Council meeting held on 5 July 2012 at 7.30pm in Bilston Pavilion
PRESENT Donna Hogg - Chairperson Margaret Littlewood – Secretary
Linda Stuart – Minute secretary Katherine Lang Elizabeth Elliot
Laura Mason PUBLIC
Derek Welsh, Midlothian Council, Rosie Cowie, CLD, Kirsty Lamb, CLD Apologies – Sam Hamilton, Shelley Kay, Dawn Robertson
1 PREVIOUS MINUTES June’s minutes were proposed by Donna Hogg and seconded by Katherine Lang
2 Roslin/Bilston June 2012
During the month of June there were 8 reported crimes in Beat area MW04 (including Roslin and Bilston). They are broken down as follows:
Crime Type
Received Solved Unsolved
Violent Crime 0 0 0
Sexual Crime 0 0 0
Crime of Dishonesty (Thefts) 3 1 2
Vandalism 5 1 4
Other Crime 0 0 0 Crimes of Dishonesty included:
Between 2000 hours on 28/05/12 and 1200 hours on 09/06/12 at Moorfoot View, Bilston a garden shed was broken into and a strimmer stolen from within.
On 14/06/12 two known males were charged with S57 Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 following been found by officers within the curtillage of a farm in the Roslin area. Between 1800 hours on 20/06/12 and 0830 hours on 21/06/12 two drain covers were stolen from Myrtle Crescent, Bilston. Crimes of Vandalism included:
Between 0010 and 0130 hours on 09/06/12 at Penicuik Road and Main Street, Roslin three motor vehicles were damaged with the wing mirrors kicked off. A male was detained and interviewed regarding the offences but was released without charge due to insufficient evidence.
A 24-year-old male has been charged with vandalism and two assaults, which occurred at Wallace Crescent, Roslin between 07/06/12 and 10/06/12.
Between 2200 hours on 17/06/12 and 1100 hours on 18/06/12 a blue Rover 45 motor vehicle parked secure and unattended on Allermuir Avenue, Bilston was struck with an unknown instrument causing damage to the rear lights, bumper and panelling.
Other information: On 04/06/12 as part of the Summer Drink Drive Campaign roads policing officers conducted a road check at the Gowkley Moss Roundabout. One driver was issued with a fixed penalty ticket for speeding. Operation Erase an anti violence campaign started on Friday 1st June and runs until the end of July. It is aimed at tackling public disorder, specifically weapon and alcohol fuelled violence. If any person has any information about the incident(s) listed above or indeed any other issue please contact your Community Officer or Loanhead Police Station. PC 5792E Lucy Kennedy Community Officer Roslin/Bilston
E-mail [email protected] Telephone: Loanhead Police Station 0131 440 0506 or Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111
As at 23/06/12 £3916.91 4 ENVIRONMENT REPORT 1. Derek Welsh from Midlothian Regeneration Team returned this month with colleagues Rosie Cowie and Kirsty Lamb as part of the Neighbourhood Local Plan.
Those attending were split into 2 groups (one headed by Rosie, the other by Kirsty) to discuss what facilities, shopping etc Roslin and Bilston already has, what was good and bad about the villages and what was felt to be lacking within the community.
As stated in last month’s minutes, Derek and his colleagues will be arranging meetings and workshops for local people, groups etc to give their thoughts and ideas. Loanhead 2020 Neighbourhood Plan was completed in April 2012. It is expected that the Roslin and Bilston plan will take approximately 18 months to complete.
2. CC to write to Midlothian Council re the following:
a. Blocked drains at 22 Castlelaw Crescent and 49 Myrtle Crescent, Bilston b. Overgrown trees and bushes outside 22 Castlelaw Crescent, Bilston causing severe problems to householder.
3. CC member Dawn Robertson attended a meeting neighbour Pete Blackhall arranged with the Community Police regarding the noise made by an illegal rave held by a group locally known as ‘The Tree Huggers’. The police confirmed they had not put a stop to this regardless of all the complaints they’ve received as they were ‘acting on orders from above’ Dawn has contacted Edinburgh University Land Department who own the land these people are squatting on to enquire they are doing about this nuisance.
Notice was received of the Scottish Voluntary Resilience Seminar on 24 Sept. CC secretary requested we are put on their mailing list to receive information. 7 PLANNING
1. Mrs Bahadur, 3 Woodfield Park, Bilston – sub-division of dwelling house to form 2 dwelling houses.
2. University of Edinburgh, Allocated site H13 Land south west of Bilston, Seafield Moor Road - proposal of application notice for residential development and care home. 3. University of Edinburgh, Allocated site H15 land west of Roslin, Penicuik Road – proposal of application notice for residential development. 4. Mr Kenny Allen, 27a Manse Road, Roslin – extension to dwelling house.
Treasure Trail Roslin Glen Monday 16th July £1 per person Country Park 6.30pm Teams of at least one adult and one child
Prize for winning team
Football Bilston Park Wednesday 18th Contact July Committee for Challenge more details
Fancy Dress Bilston Miners Friday 20th July Contact Parade & Disco Club 6.30pm Committee for more details
Fun Day Bilston Park Saturday 21st Contact July 1pm to 5pm Committee for more details
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 2 August 2012 in Roslin Pavilion at 7.30pm