University of Durham Durham Palestine Educational Trust
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Application for 2017 Master’s Degree Scholarship
Before you answer the questions on this form, read our website pages ‘Can you Apply’ and ‘Advice to Applicants’ at Please also see the notes on Page 7 of this form Send completed form as an e-mail attachment to [email protected] between 01 January and 24 February 2017. Do not send any other documents at this stage; we will ask for them if we select you for our shortlist.
Application checklist
Before you submit this application form, please read the following 10 statements. For each statement, please put an ‘X’ in the ‘Yes’ column if the statement is correct. Statement Yes 1. My secondary school education from 14 -18 years old was in Gaza or the West Bank X (including East Jerusalem) and I am a permanent resident in one of these areas.
2. I completed a Bachelor degree at a university in the West Bank or Gaza before July 2016. X 3. My Grade Point Average (GPA) in my Bachelor degree was 80% or more (or at least 3.0 X on American marking system)
4. I possess a certificate of English Language proficiency (e.g. IELTS) at the standard X required by the course I wish to study at Durham University.
5. I have accessed the Durham University website and I have read there about the content and X structure of the course for which I am applying
6. I have answered all the questions on this application form X 7. I have supplied the contact details (email address and phone number) of both of my X referees.
8. If I am awarded a scholarship, I am able to live in the UK for 12 months as a single X person.
9. I have not previously studied for a Master’s Degree X 10. I have not studied outside of the West Bank or Gaza, except on short courses, X
If you have not answered ‘YES’ to each of the statements, your application will not be considered.
If you have any questions relating to these statements, Please email [email protected] (not Palestine.Education for DPET use M17-10
Application for 2017 Master’s Degree Scholarship
Section 1 Application Summary 1a. Your personal details Family Name (exactly as on your passport) First names (exactly as on your passport) ATEEQ NAWRAS Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss) Previous Surname, if changed Gender (male, female) Miss Female Date of birth Nationality Country of birth Country of normal Day Month Year residence Palestinian Palestine 17/1/1994 Palestine Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed) Number of dependant children (if applicable) Single None
1b. Your contact details Home address Address for receipt of mail (This can be your home address, or a work address if this is more secure or Ramallah 90627 more convenient) Al Ersal – Al Masayef Ramallah 90627 Saad Bin Abi Waqas St. Al Ersal – Al Masayef Balqees building, 2 floor Saad Bin Abi Waqas St. Balqees building, 2 floor
Landline telephone number Mobile telephone number 00970 2 2959219 00972 569 193 452 Primary e-mail address Alternative e-mail address [email protected] [email protected]
1c. Your university degree Name of university Dates attended Major Subject Qualif- Date GPA (e.g. 83% From To ication of award or 3.2) Birzeit University 15/8/ 16/6/ Business Administration Bachelor 16/6/2016 86.5% 2012 2016 Degree
1d. Which degree course do you wish to study at Durham University? (please see Note 4)
Management (International Business) MSc (N2P609)
1e. Medical Do you have any medical conditions or disabilities that require special arrangements? (Yes or No) If you answer ‘Yes’, please give details on a separate sheet No. Section 2 Further details 2a. Proficiency in English Language Please read Note 2.
Was English the language of instruction in your degree course?
Which English Language test have you taken? (e.g. IELTS)
Date of your test 24 September 2016 What were your test scores? 7 Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total
7 7.5 6 7 7
Other evidence of English language proficiency
2b. Secondary School Name of your secondary or high school Latin patriarchate School- Al Ahliyah College School
Name and town or village Dates attended Leaving Qualification Grade Point Average Ramallah From: August 2001 High School Certificate 91.8% To: June 2012 (Tawjihi)
2c. Qualifications
Your Bachelor degree details are entered in Section 1c. Please list here any other university or professional qualifications you have obtained (do not list qualifications obtained by less than 9 months of study) None.
2d. Referees Please give details of two referees who are able and willing to comment on you suitability for this programme Please read Note 3. 1st Referee’s name 2nd Referee’s name Professor Omar Omran Mr. Shadi Mamoud Job title Job title Assistant to the Dean (External Relations Department Manager) at Al Reef For Investment and Agricultural Marketing company Professional relationship to you (e.g. teacher, manager etc) Professional relationship to you (e.g. teacher, manager etc) My Teacher at Birzeit University My supervisor How long have you known this referee? How long have you known this referee? 4 years 2 years Address Address PO Box 14, Birzeit West Bank, Palestine Palestine, Ramallah 90627 Landline telephone: 00970 2 2982194 Al Ma’hed St. Mobile telephone: 00972 597 487 232 PARC building, 2 floor Fax: 00970 2 2982963 Landline telephone: 00970 2 2963840 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile telephone: 00970 598 904 499 Fax: 00970 2 2963850 E-mail: [email protected]
2e. Work Experience (the space for your answers will expand as necessary) Current post Please give details of your current job, including name of employer, how long you have worked there and your main responsibilities I am currently a full time Public Relations and Marketing Officer at Al Reef for Investment and Agricultural Marketing company. It is a fair trade company and owned by the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) and was established in 1993 in an attempt to provide promotional, marketing, and manufacturing services for Palestinian agricultural products. The company exports its products to numerous organizations in Europe, USA, Canada and Japan, New Zealand and U.A.E in addition to the local market.
Al Reef company adopted the principle of fair trade in collaboration with PARC. Accordingly, it aims at organizing the efforts of agricultural cooperatives for farmers and women to improve their social and economic situation through developing their production capacity and improving the quality of their products. The overall objective is that farmers and women will obtain fair prices for their products; the prices which ensure a decent life for them. I started working at Al Reef Company in 11/7/2016 and my main responsibilities are: Follow up and develop the web page and various social media and communication tools.
Develop promotional campaigns and plan for both the local and international market.
Drafting and writing promotional and technical reports on the work of the company in both Arabic and English languages.
Develop marketing content, success stories, press release and design newsletters, catalogues and facebook posts.
Preparation of materials for promotional campaigns and implementing promotional plans.
Follow up on projects activities.
Follow up on cooperatives activities and conduct field visits.
Reception and accompany of foreign delegations. Translation work in both Arabic and English and follow up on work correspondences.
Assist in any work tasks as instructed by the general manager or the direct manager.
Develop positive impressions of the company’s activities and image.
Carry out work assignments outside the country to serve the goals of the company.
Assist in proposal writing for funding projects to achieve the company promotional goals and activities.
- Freelancer- Social media content Planner since June 2016: I am currently also a free lancer where I develop social media plans for small businesses in Palestine, I develop the content for them and sometimes I do the design part for their social media posts. Previous paid work Please list any other paid work you have done before, during or after university. Include full-time and part- time jobs. Give names of employers, dates and main responsibilities. 1- Part time coordinator at Al Reef for Investment and Agricultural Marketing company from 1/5/2016 to 31/5/2016 In this one month part time job I had the responsibility to develop a marketing plan for the local market. 2- Part time – Project coordinator at Al Reef for Investment and Agricultural Marketing company from 1/6/2015 to 30/9/2015 Main responsibilities: Managing Al reef website and update it with the right type of content.
Develop and manage the website of the Union of Palestinian Companies (UPOC).
Follow up on the new branding of Al Reef products with designers and production entities.
Follow up on business communications and correspondence.
Welcoming external delegations and networking with them.
Attending work related workshops and meetings.
3- Part time - Customer Care Supervisor at FedEx (Rasil express) June 2012 to September 2012
Main responsibilities:
Answering customer’s questions and solving their problems.
Follow up on logistics problems at international airports.
Follow up on emails with international airports and customs.
Issuing airway bills for customers.
Data entry and organization into FedEx system. Voluntary and community work Please give details of unpaid work and community projects in which you have been involved, including contributions you made to student life at your university. Tell us also about your leisure activities and hobbies. 1- Internship as a Digital Marketing Assistant from 8/5/2015 to 26/11/2015 at SWIPT; a Palestinian start up. It is a gamified reward application for the Mena region that is now based in Jordan and I am so proud to have worked in this innovative start up. Main responsibilities: Develop, implement and manage marketing plan for the local market (both offline and online marketing).
Developing and implementing Ramadan social media campaign.
Conducting market research for the Jordanian market.
Market research and analysis for GCC countries.
Developing content marketing plan for social media marketing plans.
Writing blogs about SWIPT and customers rewards in the MENA region.
SWOT analysis for SWIPT and its competitors.
Organize offline marketing activities at BirzeitUniversity and for the Indian market week.
Developing a calendar for SWIPT social media activities.
Developing both Arabic and English content and assist in the design of SWIPT brochures.
Develop both Arabic and English content for SWIPT website.
2- Volunteer in the Projects and Funding Department at Agricultural Development Association (PARC) from June 2014 to 31/10/2014. (PARC) is a pioneer national developmental organization with a regional trend committed to rural and agricultural development, social justice and national liberation. Volunteering at PARC was a turning point in my life. My volunteer work coincided with the latest war on Gaza strip, where I helped in the packaging and preparation of the donations for the people of Gaza, and got to know many people from different backgrounds and parts of Palestine (including Palestinians living in Israel) in addition to international organizations all around the world, which were united in a mission to provide aid for Gaza. I also met and corresponded with various funding institutions and helped translate reports on the destructions that occurred in Gaza, including two main reports for Christian Aid. After my summer voluntary work ended, I stayed connected with the staff in PARC and I was invited to many important workshops and meetings regarding Gaza post war recovery. Main responsibilities: Translate reports and materials from Arabic to English and vice versa.
Assisting in the preparation of technical reports for certain projects.
Assisting in proposal writing for 3 projects.
Assisting in the preparation of materials that are required for proposal writing.
Engaging in Gaza Relief campaign, preparation and packaging of donations.
Welcoming local and international solidarity groups during Gaza relief campaign.
Attending workshops and meeting in the development and marketing opportunities for the agricultural sector.
Office work and documentation
Translation of 2 main reports for Christian Aid.
3- Volunteer in the Marketing Department at Trust International Insurance Company from June to October 2013. Filing, documentation and preparation of all kinds of insurance policies.
Attend business meetings and negotiations with potential customers.
Follow up on tenders.
Customer care for current customers.
Salesperson tasks by acquiring new customers.
4- Internship as a Receptionist at FedEx (Rasil Express) from June 2011 to 30/9/2011: Main responsibilities: Reception work, answering and transferring phone calls to other departments.
Issuing airway bills for customers.
Data entry and organization into FedEx system.
Packaging and filing work.
Customer care services by answering customer’s questions and solving their problems.
Cross training and working in all departments.
Customer clearance work responsibilities when the Clearance officer is not at work.
Hobbies and leisure time activities:
1- I have been doing Crossfit sport for over a year now at ElBarrio gym in Ramallah. Crossfit is a global certified sport that focus on functional movement and weights. This sport is new to Palestinians, and just recently a law was issued to regulate it; only certified gyms will be able to offer this sport.
2- I am an active member in the “hike and explore your homeland” team, where every Friday we go hiking in a Palestinian village or a natural preserve area, to get to know Palestinian villages and geographic areas in terms of culture, nature and environment. In addition, we plant seeds along the way.
3- In my leisure time, I watch YouTube tutorials to improve myself in Photoshop and Indesign cc programs. I use these two programs to design newsletters, fact sheets and facebook posts for my current job and my freelance work.
4- I love teaching and helping others to perform academically better. During my 4 years at Birzeit university until now, I have always helped my fellow colleagues in studying for exams, assignments and university projects. I also volunteered in a small project that aimed to provide academic help for other students in Birzeit within my specialization. So, whenever I have time I make sure that I help current students with courses advice, preparing for exams, assignments and projects.
5- In my leisure time, I always read and watch videos about the latest environmentally friendly and green methods to protect the environment. I am very passionate about protecting the environment and all my readings come from facebook pages that I follow regarding this matter. 2f. Finance How did you finance your first-degree course? (e.g. scholarships, employment, family) My family paid for my first and second semester at Birzeit University. Since my second semester at Birzeit university until I graduated, I have always been on the honour list and this means that in the given semester I was able to obtain an average above 85% with no individual course average below 80%. This, in Birzeit university gave me an automatic tuition fee exemption for the following semester.
Is your family able to finance you to study for a Master’s degree abroad? If not, why not? No, the universities in UK are very expensive. In addition, the living expenses are also high and my family cannot afford to finance my master’s degree in the UK or in any other country abroad.
Please give the names of other scholarships for which you are applying this year. None at the moment.
Section 3 Personal Statements
3a. Why do you wish to study this course? (maximum 400 words) Please read Note 4. Why do you wish to study the course for which you are applying? What features of the course are particularly attractive to you? How will it contribute to your future plans and ambitions?
This course relates to me, where in my 2015 part time summer job at Al Reef I got to discover Palestinian international trade relationships and opportunities, attend excellent professional workshops with the biggest export Palestinian businesses; discussing future opportunities for Palestinian agricultural products and sharing both success and failure stories from their experiences . In addition, I attended many concentrated workshops on tariffs insights, import and export guides and trade agreements at the Palestinian Trade Center (Paltrade). So, once the semester began, I took an international marketing course at Birzeit University to develop my knowledge in this matter, and after I graduated I was offered a full time job at Al Reef company. Now, more than ever, I know this is the course that I need to achieve my future plans and contribute to the development of my country.
The course content and structure have really caught my attention. From receiving lectures from international academic and practitioners guest speakers on occasions, the opportunity to attend the Durham Speaker Series and network with businesses and alumni, group seminars, having the option to do a business project on a real life issue, the international study weak overseas, the Dragons’ Den and Blueprint competitions and practicals, I can see that it’s not only about taking courses and passing them. It provides an “international experience” through the various experiences it offers; equipping me with professional skills, networks and knowledge about international business. In addition, working and discussing global issues with potential leaders from different cultures will enrich my cultural knowledge; a key success in international business management.
This will contribute strongly to my future plans, where I want to get involved in research work and help in developing and enhancing the competitiveness of Palestinian businesses in the international market, share my knowledge and experience with related entities, adding value to my community. Education is one of the strongest impact on change, and I plan to have a part time job as a university lecturer in this specialization to challenge the educational system here which depends mainly on memorizing, lacks research and real life cases; inspiring my students to perceive future study plans in international business and communicate the concept and principles of Fair Trade and its important role in international trade and fighting poverty. This course will also help me in pursuing a PHD degree to become an expert in International Business Management.
3b. How will you contribute? (maximum 200 words) The main aim of this scholarship (and of its donors) is to help to strengthen the social, economic and professional skill base of Palestine. How would your course at Durham help you to contribute to the future development of Palestinian society? International business management is a knowledge that must be learned to achieve success in the global role, and if done right it can move our country forward culturally, economically, socially, environmentally and politically. We are lagging behind in international business and being a country under occupation, we face many obstacles in the face of sustainable development and excellent international business management skills is a must to achieve sustainable development, especially under current circumstances (occupation).
I want to take everything I learned, links and networks through this course and focus on improving the competitiveness of small businesses, women - owned businesses and Palestinian farmers exports in the international market to improve the lives of thousands of Palestinian farmers, women and entrepreneurs by increasing their sales and entering new markets.
Understanding global business strategies to face challenges will increase the competitiveness of Palestinian international businesses, especially in rural areas where Poor people and unemployment are the highest; a great opportunity for economic growth, job creation, efficient use of resources, poverty reduction which in return will achieve social inclusion among the Palestinian society. It’s a complete circle that starts by having the know- how, doing it right and achieving sustainable development. 3c. Ambassador for Palestine (maximum 200 words) One of the aims of the Trust is to educate the students and staff of Durham University, and the general public, about life in Palestine. How could you help the Trust to fulfil this aim during your year in Durham? (Be specific and realistic and do not make money-raising proposals). Educating others about our country and life is something I have done professionally in the past 2 years, since I volunteered at PARC and through my current job at Al Reef as a Public Relations and Marketing Officer; meeting delegations from different nationalities and communicating our story behind Palestinian fair traded products.
Being an ambassador for my country entails having the knowledge and skills to transfer a real image about life in Palestine. I was introduced to the professional world since I was in the eleventh grade. Throughout these years of working I have accumulated knowledge and insights in different sectors and different enterprises (private companies, small businesses, entrepreneurships and NGO’s); facilitating my network opportunities. Since then, and throughout my 4 years at university, I have interacted with people from all ages, social backgrounds and nationalities.
This has equipped me with communication and interpersonal skills that will allow me to represent my country well and objectively transfer a real life image about life in Palestine, in terms of society components, economy, culture, politics, education, environment, history and everyday activities. I am willing to hold discussions, events and activities to educate the community of Durham University about Palestine.
3d. Achievement (maximum 200 words) Describe the non-academic achievement of which you are most proud. Ideally, it should involve working with other people and demonstrate your leadership potential. What do you think you learned from this personal achievement? (maximum 200 words) I came to a job where no one believed in the importance of social media marketing. Launching my first newsletter, I took the initiative and bought a copy of Photoshop program and Indesign program and I started watching YouTube tutorials to learn to work on it. I went on field visits, took pictures, collected stories, used my connections and communication skills to obtain insights and information from my colleagues.
When I launched our first newsletter on almond season, three of our current partners who don’t buy almonds asked for a trial shipment. Then, I wrote a thank you letter to all my colleagues; making sure they know they are valued, involved and see the results of our work. This switch led by me has turned around the entire marketing strategy and ideology. Now, I am known as the social media expert and Last month I developed PARC’s first ever fact sheet. Successful leadership is achieved through taking the initiative, respecting, value and believing in others.
I am very proud to break through the traditional norms here that women aren’t sufficient in communications and meetings with cooperatives. Now, I have strong relationships with cooperatives and they know me and respect me. Declaration I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is correct and complete. I give my consent for my personal data to be processed within the terms of the UK's Data Protection Act.
Full name: ...... Nawras Abd Al- Karim Mizel Ateeq ...... Date:..... 23/2/2017...... By submitting this form electronically, you will be deemed to have made the above declaration. Notes to help you to fill in this application form
Note 1. Selection criteria
The Trust’s selection of students for its scholarships is based on the following marking system:
Academic record 5% Your answer to Question 3c This is the most important criterion. But, Your answer to Question 3d, the 10% because we ask for a minimum degree reports of your referees and our overall grade of 80% (or 3.0 American system), impression of your application. How it attracts fewer marks at this stage. 25% well have you addressed the questions? English language proficiency (over and How thoughtful are your answers? 10% above university’s minimum How much care have you taken with requirement) your application? 25% Your answers to Questions 2e 100% Total 25% Your answers to Questions 3a & 3b
Note 2. English Language proficiency The University’s preferred measure of English Language proficiency is the IELTS and its normal minimum requirement is a score of 6.5 including at least 6.0 on every element. Some courses require 7.0 IELTS with no element below 6.5. Some other qualifications (e.g. Cambridge Proficiency) may be accepted. The test must have been taken within the 2 years prior to entry to the UK course. Please email us if you have any questions about this. The English Language requirement for each Master’s Degree course can be found on our website at
Note 3. Referees Please give details of two referees who are able and willing to comment on you suitability for the programme for which you have applied. Please obtain their consent to act as your referees before you use their names. At least one referee should have taught you in your major subject at university. If you have worked after graduation, the second referee should be a manager who can comment on your professional work. Please do not choose referees who are related to you by family or marriage. Please choose referees who can be contacted easily by phone or e-mail. We will contact your referees only if you are short-listed for the scholarship
Note 4. Choice of course Check that Durham University offers the course for which you are applying. A list of available courses can be found at You may apply for any 1-year full-time taught Master’s course, except MBA. If you wish to apply for MSc Public Policy and Health, please contact us first. See for a more convenient course list. Use the full and correct name of the course in your answer to Question 1d. Also go to the webpage that describes the course to check that it really is the kind of course you wish to study and that you are eligible to apply to study it (some courses require an appropriate Bachelor degree).
Note 5. Timing of application There is no advantage to be gained by applying early (i.e. soon after the opening date on 1st January). It is important to answer the questions carefully and thoughtfully and this can take some time. However, applying by mid-February provides time for resolving any problems with your application.
Note 6. Queries If you have questions you need to ask before completing or sending this form, please e-mail [email protected] (not the [email protected] address which is only for the submission of application forms.) And, please DO NOT send the same message to both of these addresses.