Ohio Junior Classical League: Latin Convention Each year, OJCL holds its annual State Convention for the Member Clubs and Students to come together to socialize, and compete in graphic, performance arts and academic contests related to the Classics and the Convention Theme. Awards and recognition are given for Club and Student achievement in various activities.

The attendance at the Convention typical ranges between 925 to 1000+ Students, Sponsors, SCLers and Guests. Typically 38-45 Clubs are represented. All Clubs in good standing are encouraged to attend, participate and enjoy the weekend! Where & When: The Convention is held at a hotel in the Columbus area. It is generally held the weekend at the end of February or beginning of March and officially begins on Friday evening approximately at 5:00 PM and ends in the early afternoon on Sunday approximately at 2:30 PM. The Convention schedule is quite full and efforts have been made to provide activities for all grade levels between 6th and 12th grades and all levels of Latin, as well as for Sponsors and Chaperones.

Seminars & Workshops: At Convention there are generally three to five Seminars & Workshops, which are generally held on Friday evening and Saturday. The topics are presented by guest lecturers, Sponsors, and Executive Board Officers. Some of the more recent topics included: Classical Art & Mythology, Leadership & Service, Aspiring Latin Teachers & Classics Scholarships, Spirit and Latin Promotion, Planning a Trip Abroad, and many more.

General Assemblies: There are three General Assemblies which all Convention Attendees are required to attend. The Assemblies are where Clubs and the Executive Board are introduced, contests winners are recognized, Convention and contest orientation is given, announcements are made, and where OJCL conducts the election of new State Officers and voting on revisions to the Organization's Constitution and By-Laws. The General Assemblies are led by the State Officers and the State Chairs.

Supervision: We rely upon each Club to bring an appropriate level of adult Delegates including the Sponsors and Chaperones to supervise their students. In addition members of SCL (college students belonging to Senior Classical League - and some beyond) attend Convention to assist in various contests and judging. All adult Convention attendees serve to chaperone the student Delegates at Convention. A ratio of 1 adult to 10 or 12 students is typical. Cost and Meals: The cost of Convention per person (based on four people staying in one room) is approximately $160. (Students are encouraged to bring sleeping bags if they feel uncomfortable sharing beds with a fellow student). This includes two nights in the hotel, two box lunches and the Roman Banquet and the costs associated with printing of tests; awards and trophies; social activities; etc. The Delegates are responsible for their breakfast. The hotel does provide a "student appropriate" breakfast buffet in addition to their standard menu.

Academic Contests: Academic Contests in which students are strongly encouraged to participate include Certamen for Latin I, Latin II, and Upper Level Latin. (Be warned!!! Certamen competition can be quite intense!) Additionally there are nine test categories which are scored by Latin level.

Creative Contests: There are seven Creative Contests, which are part of the competition. Poetry and Modern Myth are creative writing contests with a Classical theme. (These are actually submitted approximately a month prior to Convention to allow for judging.) The remaining five contests are held on Saturday morning and include oral and costume presentations.

Graphic Contests: There are 29 graphic and constructed contests in this category ranging from oil painting, photography, sculpture, to needle crafts. Like many of the contests at Convention the projects are intended to be related to a Classical theme. The contest categories are subdivided based upon grade level as categories exceed 30 entries.

Club Contests: There are five Club contests. These projects are intended to be prepared by multiple Club members and include such contests as Club Project (recognizing service and Club activities for the promotion of Classics or contribution to their community), Skit competition, Club Scrapbook, and others. Several of these categories are divided based upon Club size.

Awards: Individual and Club awards are presented in General Assembly for each of the Contests and their subdivisions. The awards include ribbons, medals and trophies depending on the specific contest. In addition, awards are given to Clubs for overall Academic per Capita,