Class III Session 2017-18

The much awaited summer vacations have arrived! Spend time on things you love to do like playing games, drawing, swimming, watching your favourite TV show and many more. Read books to discover lot of new things!

World environment Day occurs on 5 June. Let’s join hands to encourage awareness and action to save environment. Heading forward in this direction let us plant more trees for a ‘Green India’.

Theme for our holiday homework is ‘Green India’


 Read newspaper daily.

 Listen to the news headlines.

 Visit a nearby park and observe different types of plants and trees.

Roll no (1 – 20)

1. a. Draw a vocabulary tree and write at least 10 new words and their meanings in the tree.

b. Draw and color your favourite plant and a tree. Label all their parts [each on a separate page].

Roll no (21-41)

2. a. Draw a garden scene (full of greenery).

Write describing words in the drawing itself to describe trees, plants, etc and other things there

in the park [at least 10 things].

b. Draw trees of different shapes [cone, fan, dome shape].

Write one example of each shape. Also mention where they are found.


 Learn Tables thoroughly from 2 to 12.

 Quiz on “Dodge tables” will be held after the school reopens.

1. Make a Birthday Chart

Note down birth dates of any five members of your family in Hindu – Arabic Numbers. Also write them in Roman Numbers using your creativity ( you can use toothpick,

matchsticks, beads etc.)

2. Number tree

Draw a number tree with numbers of your choice to show addition.

Write the sum and its number name below it.

Look at the example shown on the next page.

3 1 4 2

1 8 0 2 1 3 4 0

1 0 0 3 7 9 9 5 4 1

3 2 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 4 2 0

Sum ------Number name ------

 Holiday assignments are to be done in the respective Project files.

 Use innovative ideas and try to make the homework creative and presentable.

 Write headings on each homework.