February 13, 2006

From: Subcommittee on Work Ethics and Work Readiness

Subject: Report on Activities and Recommendations

To: Business Services Team

The work ethics and work readiness subcommittee of the Business Services Team was comprised of Mr. Bill Nielsen, Co-chair, Mr. John Henderson, Co-Chair, Mr. Mike Heath, Member, Ms. Tracey Glenn, Member, and Ms. Kelli Ballard, Member

The group’s charter was to determine how best to assist businesses in the serviced population to hire to their respective cultures future employees who are prepared to learn in the workplace and demonstrate good work ethics and work habits.

We met in August, October, November, December and January to discuss the issues and develop recommendations. Among these were: a standard employment contract for employees to assume responsibility for their work ethics and understand their importance in contributing to their organization, a marketing plan to local business in the community for the work certified program and a plan to contact and target local high schools in perpetuating solid work ethics with our future employees.

Our work products are attached to this correspondence.

Attachment 1 Suggested Employment Contract Attachment 2 Marketing Plan Attachment 3 Memo Regarding Local High School Contact

Attachment 1: Employment Contract


The following are the policies and procedures that you must follow as an employee of ______. Please read each item carefully, checking the box to confirm that you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you as our employee.

I will contact my supervisor if:

() I cannot make it to work or if I am running late. Failure to do so will indicate I voluntarily quit.

() my name address or phone number changes

() I have any questions or concerns

() I understand that attendance and punctuality are important to my success as an employee. I will be at my work assignment ready to work no later than the start of my shift. I will schedule any personal appointments for evening or weekends so not to interfere with my day-to-day work assignments. If a problem arises with habitual absenteeism or lateness, I understand that my employment will be terminated.

() I understand that any inappropriate behavior such as insubordination to my supervisors, uses of vulgar language or any other behavior not deemed acceptable in a business environment will lead to my termination.

() If I sustain an injury on the job, I will inform my supervisor immediately. My supervisor will coordinate the proper procedure for treatment and reporting of the accident.

() I understand that this company has a very strict “NO DRUG POLICY” and I have signed a consent form to submit to drug testing. Failure to comply with this agreement is ground for immediate termination.

() I will FULLY apply myself to all my job tasks and training. I am COMMITTED to help this company succeed and understand that the bottom line for my position with this company is to help it make a profit.

I have read and understood the above:

______Signature of Employee Date


Situation: The Work Certified Program is employer driven. The program must be marketed to the business community in order to obtain their support of the program.

Objective: Gain support from area Chambers of Commerce.

Action: Test market the program by making a presentation to the Marion Chamber of Commerce for feedback from the membership. Follow-up with presentations to other regional chambers.

Objective: Promote to members of fraternal organizations who tend to be community business leaders.

Action: Research which organizations are in each community (i.e. Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.) Contact their President for presentation to membership.

Objective: Gain support of program from SI Human Resource Association.

Action: Schedule presentation during the SIHR Annual Conference at JALC.

Objective: Promote program to SI Networking Associations.

Action: Contact the 5 area SINA groups for presentations: Carterville, Carbondale, Harrisburg, Franklin County, and Mt. Vernon.

Objective: Promote program to major employers.

Action: Identify top 4-5 major employers in region for one-on-one presentations. Objective: Research other categories of potential employers.

Action: Contact Carla Haas, Conference Coordinator at JALC to research other scheduled business conferences where presentations could be made.

Objective: Promote program to regional area business leaders.

Action: Contact Dennis DeRossett at the Southern Illinoisan for internal presentation followed by presentation at quarterly Southern Business Journal Community Leaders breakfast.

Objective: Promote program through various media.

Action: Prepare press release for distribution to area print and electronic media. Personally contact editor of Southern Business Journal for article.

Objective: Network with other key agencies.

Action: Contact Ray Lenzi and Larry Woolard for link of program on regional economic development website. Attachment 3: Community Audit Business Services Taskforce

Recommendation: Initiate a Work Certified pilot program with Marion High School. If this pilot is successful offer the Work Certified program to other school districts in the targeted area.

Background: A representative from the Work Ethics committee meet on January 19th with Chris Grant, Deana Hudgens, and Tina Barger who work in the CVE program at Marion high school. They were introduced to the Work Certified Program and expressed interest in learning more about the program and how it could be applied in their curriculum.

Lucinda Pearce with Man-Tra-Con has been made aware of the schools interest and will contact them to further explore this opportunity.