Copyright © 2010 by the author(s). Published here under license by the Resilience Alliance. Newig, J., D. Günther, and C. Pahl-Wostl. 2010. Synapses in the network: learning in networks in the context of environmental management. Ecology and Society 15(4): 24. [online] URL: http://www.

Research, part of a Special Feature on Social Network Analysis in Natural Resource Governance Synapses in the Network: Learning in Governance Networks in the Context of Environmental Management

Jens Newig 1, Dirk Günther 2, and Claudia Pahl-Wostl 3

ABSTRACT. In the face of apparent failures to govern complex environmental problems by the central state, new modes of governance have been proposed in recent years. Network governance is an emerging concept that has not yet been consolidated. In network governance, processes of (collective) learning become an essential feature. The key issue approached here is the mutual relations between network structure and learning, with the aim of improving environmental management. Up to now, there have been few attempts to apply social network analysis (SNA) to learning and governance issues. Moreover, little research exists that draws on structural characteristics of networks as a whole, as opposed to actor-related network measures. Given the ambiguities of the concepts at stake, we begin by explicating our understanding of both networks and learning. In doing so, we identify the pertinent challenge of individual as opposed to collective actors that make up a governance network. We introduce three learning-related functions that networks can perform to different degrees: information transmission, deliberation, and resilience. We address two main research questions: (1) What are the characteristics of networks that foster collective learning in each of the three dimensions? To this end, we consider SNA-based network measures such as network size, density, cohesion, centralization, or the occurrence of weak as opposed to strong ties. (2) How does collective learning alter network structures? We conclude by outlining a number of open issues for further research.

Key Words: ; collective learning; deliberation; effectiveness; information diffusion; network governance; network resilience; social network analysis

INTRODUCTION sources of knowledge and competences and to foster individual and collective learning (Liebeskind et al. In the face of apparent failures to govern complex 1996, Wenger 2000, Haas 2004, Dedeurwaerdere environmental problems by the central state, “new” 2007). Current environmental management modes of governance have been proposed in recent typically faces complex problem settings years. Network governance as an attempt to characterized by uncertain and unpredictable integrate different state and nonstate actors and their systems dynamics, a lack of knowledge on the respective expertise is increasingly being proposed effects of interventions, and societal conflicts about to cope with sustainability problems (Dedeurwaerdere the appropriateness of interventions (Newig et al. 2007, Voß et al. 2007). With its roots in the 2008). Notably, the literature on complex social– economic (Jones et al. 1997) and policy networks ecological systems (Gunderson and Holling 2002, literature (Kenis and Schneider 1991, Scharpf 1997, Berkes et al. 2003) has pointed out that closely O’Toole Jr. et al. 1999, Haas 2004, Torfing 2005), coupled systems components, feedback, nonlinearity, network governance is an emerging concept that has and self-organization typically lead to emergent not yet been consolidated. dynamics and unpredictable systems behavior. One main reason for the proliferation of network Against this background, learning becomes a central approaches in environmental management is their category in governance approaches (Knoepfel and potential to integrate and make available different Kissling-Näf 1998, Siebenhüner and Suplie 2005).

1Institute of Environmental Communication, Leuphana University Lüneburg, 2Umweltbundesamt, 3Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück University Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

First of all, learning is required to understand and Moreover, the effects of network (structure) on cope with the dynamics of social–ecological governance-related variables such as learning have systems and the possibilities and limitations of their been under-researched, leaving the question of “do management; different sources of knowledge can networks matter?” still open (Raab and Kenis 2007). aid in this. In certain settings, lay (local) knowledge Only very recently is a perspective emerging in can also play an important role. Moreover, and which network structure is considered as an presumably even more important for governance, independent variable (Christopoulos 2008, Prell et learning can generate “knowledge about facts, al. 2009). values, problems and opportunities, areas of agreement and disagreement, alternative actions, A rich and most useful toolbox for analyzing possibilities for working together” (Schusler et al. network structure has been developed in the field of 2003:317). Involving different sources of social network analysis (SNA). Among others, SNA knowledge and expertise in environmental provides mathematical measures of whole governance can be done in different forms of networks. For instance, the density of a network, participatory governance and collaborative management. that is, the number of actual ties in a network divided We speak of governance networks only when these by the number of possible ties, could play a crucial forms of involvement go beyond an ad hoc basis role for different aspects of learning. A quickly and become formally or informally institutionalized. growing body of literature deals with the role of collective learning for environmental management. Network-governance approaches assume that However, SNA has hardly ever been related to the “whether or not governance is conducted in issue of collective learning and governance issues networks makes a crucial difference” for individual (Kenis and Raab 2003), whereas the collective (or and collective learning and, indirectly, for the social) learning literature, although it does “quality” of governance outcomes (Head 2008). Of acknowledge the role of networks, has hardly made course, networks differ in size, composition, use of SNA (Prell et al. 2008). intensity of communication, density, and other structural properties. Therefore, we can generalize We aim to bridge this gap and make a first attempt the above hypothesis as follows: toward integrating the collective learning and network governance literature with SNA The structural properties of a governance approaches. This allows a sharpening of the concept network (such as size, composition, of learning in networks by way of employing formal density, and so forth) have an impact on SNA measures, and formulation of hypotheses on individual and collective learning in the the relation of network properties with learning. We context of environmental management. begin by explicating our understanding of governance networks in environmental management. Stunningly, the impact of networks “as a whole” has We then define different forms of learning in until now received very little attention in the networks. Subsequently, we address these two main scholarly literature (see Granovetter 1982, Burt research questions: What are the characteristics of 2000, or Carlsson 2000 as notable exceptions. a network that foster collective learning in the However, these approaches rely more on heuristic context of environmental management? How does notions of networks rather than precise network collective learning, in turn, alter network structures? properties as developed in the social network To this end, we integrate theoretical assumptions analysis literature). This stands in stark contrast to from network theory, social learning, and complex the wealth of publications on the impact of single systems. We conclude by outlining pathways for actors or actor groups “within” networks on certain further research. outcomes such as resource management decisions (see, for example, Bulkeley 2005, Compston 2009). Regarding the reasons for the widespread focus on GOVERNANCE NETWORKS within-network structures as opposed to a whole- network perspective, Provan and Kenis (2007) Here, we define our notion of governance networks speculate that “developing a deep understanding of and review potential benefits for environmental network governance requires collection of data on management, and discuss two challenging issues in multiple networks, which can be time consuming the definition of a governance network: its and costly” (Provan and Kenis 2007:230). boundaries and the notion of network “actor.” Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

Governance networks have been defined by Torfing adaptive and effective governance (Dedeurwaerdere as: 2007). One particular form of networks important to governance problems is “epistemic communities,” (1) relatively stable horizontal articulations in which actors share the same basic causal beliefs of interdependent, but operationally and normative values (Haas 1992:3). Although autonomous actors who (2) interact with participation in these epistemic communities one another ... (3) within a regulative, requires an interest in the problem at stake, the actors normative, [and cognitive] ... framework involved do not necessarily share the same interest. that is (4) self-regulating within limits set In general, their interests are interdependent but can by external forces and which (5) contributes also be different or sometimes contesting, stressing to the production of public purpose. (2005:307) the need for consensus building and the development of cognitive commodities. From this definition, three aspects are particularly worthwhile noting in the present context. First, the Environmental management currently faces “relative stability” of governance networks enormous challenges, many of which relate to the distinguishes them from more spontaneous, fluid, complexities and uncertainties inherent to and ephemeral forms of coordination. For instance, environmental and sustainability problems. In temporary forms of participatory governance such particular, uncertainties regarding the functioning as planning cells or round tables, exhibit similar of complex social–environmental systems, as well characteristics as governance networks, but lack as implementation problems because of highly their relative stability. Therefore, the development distributed power structures (Newig et al. 2008). of mutual trust, reciprocal relationships, and a well- Network governance can provide a means to address attuned cooperation is more likely to be found in both of these governance problems by institutionalizing governance networks (Koppenjan 2008). Although learning on facts and deliberation on value networks may and do change over time (see, for judgments (Head 2008). This can be demonstrated example, Wellman and Berkowitz 1988, Snijders et by the example of transnational al. 2010), they can be described as institutionalized networks in the realm of global chemicals safety, relations. Second, networks have a cognitive which have been analyzed by Warning (2006). dimension that involves information transmission Chemicals, such as persistent organic pollutants, and learning processes. Third, governance networks constitute a truly global environmental problem, are related to public purposes such as the collective for: management of natural resources, distinguishing them from other kinds of networks. Depending on [They] travel through the atmosphere and the specific type, governance networks can be accumulate far away from the countries created, encouraged, or maintained by a central where they are deliberately released as steering actor (such as the state), which either pesticides...The problems caused by the directly takes part in a network or supervises it from transboundary effects of chemicals are outside (Kickert et al. 1999, Dedeurwaerdere 2007), increased by the knowledge gap aptly but this need not be the case. Having thus defined dubbed “Toxic Ignorance”: the intrinsic governance networks, we speak of network properties of more than 100,000 substances governance as those governance processes that draw are unknown—and the knowledge cannot on networks as a relatively stable form of be generated by one state alone. (Warning coordination. 2006:323) The advantages of networks as structures at the so- Not unlike an epistemic community, transnational called “mesolevel” between market and hierarchy networks have formed around initiatives by (see Scharpf 1997), which incorporates different international organizations and successfully knowledge sources and competencies, led to an developed rules for addressing global chemicals uptake of networks as a governance approach in the issues, many of which have been implemented by mid 1990s (for an overview, see, for example, national legislations. Shared professional norms, Ostrom 2001, Diani and McAdam 2003, and Haas and a joint interest in problem solving, rather than 2004). By incorporating actors from different identical interests, have fostered the formation of sectors, the approach aims to provide an innovative these networks. Within these structures, a wealth of environment of learning, paving the way for knowledge on environmental cause-and-effect Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

relations as well as on the societal acceptability of requisite diversity or flexibility; inhibit certain norms was brought together, enabling a random mutation, or policy innovation; and thorough deliberative process involving societal are easily captured by single powerful learning, arguing, and bargaining. “Networks cross- parties. (2004:7, emphasis added). cut the public and the private sphere, allowing industry and non-economic NGOs to participate in Governance networks, as defined above, are a the deliberations” (Warning 2006:323). Most theoretical construct that relates to an empirical importantly, these transnational networks made it phenomenon. Two key challenges arise when trying possible to circumvent the institutional inertia that to match both. is typically found in political settings with many actors of divergent interests, most notably on a First, the delimitation of the “network boundary,” global level. i.e., the set of actors that define the network, is not without difficulty. Social networks in general, and Other examples include very local issues with site- governance networks in particular, may—but need specific knowledge such as the compliance problem not—have a well-defined boundary. If, for of reducing agricultural nitrates in groundwater in analytical purposes, networks are defined according northwest Germany (Kastens and Newig 2008). to a limited set of actors, the network boundary is Here, governance networks among water indeed given by definition. This can be the case if companies, agriculture, administration, and later organizational membership or geographical environmental NGOs have been successful in location determine who belongs and who does not reducing agricultural nitrate loads. As an ongoing belong to a network. Alternatively, the network process, these state-initiated governance networks boundary may be defined by a certain threshold have been operating since 1982. In a region of frequency of interaction, or intensity of ties, among intensive livestock farming, nitrate loads attributed network members as opposed to nonmembers to the spread of liquid manure could be reduced by (Wasserman and Faust 1999:31). For our purposes, the joint elaboration of site-specific measures of we define governance networks by those members land management involving the development of who commit themselves to the governance task at new solutions, but also bargaining and financial hand (Knoepfel and Kissling-Näf 1998). This compensation measures. Thus, sectoral integration allows us to determine a fixed set of actors. proved to be a central element of successful network Empirically, actors in a given governance network governance. will either be defined by as those meeting regularly as a group, or by those who are regarded by the Whereas governance networks have been majority as members of the network, that is, a successful in environmental management both on a “realist” approach (Wasserman and Faust 1999). global and local level, they are also recommended for improving interplay between different levels of Second, and more critically, “who” the actors are in governance (Warning 2006, Newig and Fritsch a network is by no means trivial. Although parts of 2009a). In the words of Peter Haas: social network theory (e.g., research on weak and strong ties) assume individual persons as network The best institutional structure for dealing members, governance networks are typically with complex and uncertain policy perceived to be made up of corporate or collective environments is loose, decentralized, dense actors such as administrative or business networks of institutions and actors that are organizations, or citizens' initiatives (Kenis and able to quickly relay information, and Schneider 1991, Torfing 2005). In existing research, provide sufficient redundancies in the this problem is often circumvented by simply performance of functions so that the equating one with another: it is assumed that elimination or inactivity by one institution individual persons, who actually communicate, does not jeopardize the entire network. build trust, learn, etc., represent the interests and Decentralized “information-rich” systems perceptions of their respective organization. are the best design for addressing highly However, this assumption is not unproblematic: complex and tightly-coupled problems. In First of all, individual people need not necessarily short, strong centralized institutions are identify completely with the interests of their fundamentally unecological. They run respective organization and act accordingly. In the counter to the ecological principle of realm of environmental management in particular, Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

public officials tend to have “greener” values than Learning in Governance Networks for those officially proclaimed by their administrative Environmental Management body. Second, the person(s) representing an organization in a governance network may change. One of the main reasons why governance networks It is not uncommon that people who participate in are regarded as a more effective means of network meetings are frequently replaced by others, governance, as opposed to purely hierarchical or making it much more difficult to build trust and market-based governance, is its potential to foster enable collective learning. For the sake of analytical learning both on an individual and on a collective clarity, we assume here that network actors are level (Schusler et al. 2003). As discussed, two individual persons, albeit typically members of an aspects are crucial for environmental management. organization or other collective entity, who mainly First, the frequent knowledge gaps regarding act in the role of representing their constituency. complex social–ecological issues call for an integration of different kinds of expertise as Given the wealth of “network” concepts in the social provided by a larger number of actors, often state science literature, it is important to note what we do and private. The above examples of global chemical not mean when speaking of networks. Two safety and local agricultural nitrate reduction examples of popular network approaches shall illustrate this. This may involve joint learning about demonstrate this. First, we do not consider the the dynamics of complex systems (Pahl-Wostl and approach of a “” (Castells 1996). In Hare 2004), and also the inclusion of local his impressive work, Castells argues that global professional or lay knowledge not available to networks are heavily on the increase and gives science and administration. One revealing example numerous examples supporting this idea. However, of the latter is that of bovine spongiform Castells does not provide mechanisms as to how encephalopathy (BSE) spread through conditions of networks function or what role they play in cattle breeding. “Regulations demanding the governance. Second, Latour’s (1996) “actor removal from cattle carcasses of potentially network theory” (ANT) has gained popularity, hazardous body parts (such as the spinal cord) made especially in sociology. As Latour explicitly assumptions about the conditions of work in incorporates nonhuman actors (“actants”) in his slaughterhouses, conditions that inspectors found it approach, the study of governance networks can impossible practically to ensure” (Yearley hardly profit from these ideas. 2000:106). Second, a complex mix of different, and often conflicting, societal values and interests regarding the governance issue at stake calls for INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE effective means of communication to resolve LEARNING IN NETWORKS conflicts or even develop shared views through deliberative processes. In summary, both We shall review why learning is an essential element information transmission and deliberation are of network governance in the context of central elements of learning that can be provided environmental management. We shall discuss what through governance networks. learning on an individual level means and how this can be fostered in governance networks. We argue Learning that networks need to serve certain functions to provide an environment conducive to learning in the Defined widely, learning refers to cognitive changes context of environmental management. Subsequently, (Miller 1996). In a stricter sense, learning involves we extend this concept to learning on the level of not only cognitive but also behavioral change. That the network itself, i.e., collective (or social) is, only when cognitive change manifests in changed learning. Both forms of learning can be “shallow” action, can one speak of learning (Argyris 2003). or “deeper,” applying the concept of single-loop and Here, we accept both definitions, and acknowledge double-loop learning to learning in networks. that learning has already taken place when, on the individual level, people acquire new knowledge or change their perceptions of the environment. Although learning can involve all sorts of dimensions, we are particularly interested in those that are conducive to network outputs in the context of environmental management. Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

Learning is a form of information processing and knowledge generation. The general hypothesis ● Resilience: Drawing on the concept of behind learning in networks is that networks provide resilience as developed in the social– an “access to novel information” and “influence the ecological systems literature (Berkes and way information is being processed.” Access to Folke 1998), we define network resilience as novel information is provided by communication the capacity of a network to remain intact in with other network members. These also exert its basic functions when subject to pressure influence on information processing, e.g., by or sudden change. For instance, if an copying from others (Bandura 1977) or through important actor in a small, nonredundant deliberative processes in which arguments are network structure suddenly disappears (e.g., exchanged and perceptions change through by leaving the network or because of illness persuasion. or death), the whole network might encounter severe difficulty in maintaining its function Learning-related network functions or may even break up. Therefore, a certain redundancy of both competencies and These considerations lead us to distinguish two key network relations makes networks less functions that networks need to foster learning: vulnerable and, therefore, potentially more information transmission and deliberation (Newig effective with regard to their learning-related and Günther 2005): functions.

● Information transmission: Through the Collective Learning: Change of Synapses in a interaction and communication of actors, Social Network knowledge and information can be transmitted among the actors (information Learning on an individual level involves changes in distribution or diffusion, see, for example, cognitive structures of individual brains. Collective Valente 2005). This is a first prerequisite of learning in its stricter sense pertains to learning on the (collective) learning of actor groups. a collective level. Social learning, in the sense of Actors gain access to relevant information Bandura (1977), involves learning of individuals by and other participants’ knowledge with copying from others, rather than through having relatively low effort as compared to a non- experiences oneself. For our purposes, this type of network situation. Arguably, the potential of learning would still be considered individual a network to allow information transmission learning, because learning takes place by an depends to a considerable extent on the individual, i.e., “within” a collective, but not “by” network structure and the involved actors. a collective. In practice, collective learning typically involves individual learning as well. In this sense, collective learning requires the transmission of ● Deliberation: Based on ideas by Habermas knowledge among individuals. (1981), deliberation refers to a genuine exchange of ideas and arguments, regardless Collective learning, in the sense of Swieringa and of societal power asymmetries. Networks are Wierdsma (1992), refers to a change of shared expected to provide opportunities for mental models among members of an organization, deliberation, e.g., by way of group group, or network. Collective learning often implies interactions. Through intensive group that social structure changes. In line with much interactions, deliberation is expected to structuralist thinking in sociology, we define social produce more creative (“emergent”) ideas structure very generally as stable patterns within and solutions, as compared to a situation in society on a supra-individual (emergent) level. which actors are reasoning by themselves. Social structure comprises both “institutional structure,” that is, institutions in the broadest sense refer to informal or formal norms—such as Next to these basic network functions that pertain collective decisions—that shape individual action, to learning, we introduce a third network function and “relational structure,” that is, relations between that forms a fundamental prerequisite for actors such as networks (López and Scott 2000). maintaining network functions; that is, network Thus, we do not limit the concept of social structure resilience. to that of social networks (as, for instance, Wellman Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

and Berkowitz 1988 do). Regarding relational (Swieringa and Wierdsma 1992, Maurel 2003, Pahl- structure, we can take up the analogy of individual Wostl 2009). Then, learning also affects the learning as a change in cognitive structures (links common rules and institutions of the network, which of neurons in a brain), where collective learning in represents collective learning. a network can be regarded as a change of synapses (links) in a social network. Depending on the level of learning (single- or double-loop), networks can support or impede Collective learning in governance networks bears learning efforts. In particular, in long-term stable similarities to policy learning, as conceptualized, network relations (strong ties), double-loop for example, by Sabatier 1988. Policy-oriented learning is difficult to achieve because the effect of learning refers to “relatively enduring alterations of social closure and group thinking is likely to hinder thought or behavioral intentions which result from actors from reflecting on goals, norms, and rules. experience and which are concerned with the Double-loop learning processes, i.e., paradigm attainment (or revision) of policy objectives” shifts, are more likely to occur in the (re-)formation (Sabatier 1988:133). It is important to note that phase of a network (Pahl-Wostl 2009). Whereas learning is not everything, and not everything is single-loop learning is generally supported by learning. Not all policy “change” can be attributed network structures, information flow and the to learning! Regularly, policy change occurs merely adaptation of the same are supported by mutual trust because of (collective) “decisions” that result from and the common normative framework. applying decision tools or algorithms or from bargaining processes that leave the preferences of actors as well as network structures unchanged. NETWORK CHARACTERISTICS FOSTERING LEARNING Single- and double-loop learning We will now examine the impact of network This transfers the term “learning” to a more abstract structure on the potential for learning. Social science level that concerns the underlying values, beliefs, research has developed a wide range of instruments and attitudes of the actors (group). Hence, it is to describe and evaluate network characteristics. To necessary to disaggregate learning and conceptually analyze networks in a standardized and formalized distinguish among different forms of learning. manner, methods developed within SNA Argyris (1982) developed the concept of single-loop (Wasserman and Faust 1999, Scott 2000) have and double-loop learning, which is valuable in this advanced and become rather elaborate. Social context. Both forms lead to new or improved network analysis provides numerous definitions and knowledge which will lead to changes in the mathematical tools, derived from graph theory, that cognitive structures. The concept argues that single allow for a stringent description and analysis of loop-learning occurs when an experience has led to network structures. the detection of a mismatch between desired goals and the achieved results of an action, which is We will discuss the potential effect of well-defined, corrected without changing the underlying values, structural whole-network measures. These comprise but remains within the accepted routines. However, average homophily and multiplexity in a network, in double-loop learning, the detected mismatch the relation of weak to strong ties, network size, leads to a change of the underlying paradigm density, cohesion (absence of structural holes), and (Argyris 1982). The change in the paradigm requires centralization. Drawing on different sets of as well new rules of conduct and routines (Argyris literature, that is, network theory, social learning, 2003). and complex systems research, we present a number of hypotheses on the suggested effects of these This concept can be aggregated to networks and characteristics on the three learning-related social learning (see Table 1). An actor group reflects functions of governance networks, that is, on the experiences of collective action, transfers information distribution, deliberation, and resilience, information and knowledge individually gained and to the single-loop and double-loop learning. among the actors, and adapts the way to reach a goal Table 2 provides an overview of these hypotheses. (single-loop learning). Double-loop learning implies a reflection on the goals themselves and on the interrelations between the network members Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

Table 1. Relation of single- and double-loop learning to individual and collective learning.

Single-loop learning Double-loop learning

Individual learning Learning of new facts Change of assumptions and values

Correction of practices Collective learning Punctual change in network structure Fundamental change in network structure; building of network resilience Collective decisions: change of rules of operational choice Collective decisions: change of rules of collective choice

Nature of Network Ties: Average Homophily and Multiplexity; Weak as Opposed to Strong ● Average multiplexity: Network relations can Ties be of different types. Multiplexity arises when ties of multiple types link the same Ties among actors in a governance network can be actors (Koehly and Pattison 2005). For characterized in different ways. There is reason to instance, members of a governance network assume that the overall nature of relations in a can communicate about an environmental- network affects the network’s potential to foster or management problem at stake, have a formal inhibit the different forms of learning. hierarchical relationship, or be friends with one another. Moreover, multiplexity can arise ● Average homophily: Human communication through different arenas in which actors are theory states that, in principle, the distribution engaged. Examples are: support networks, of knowledge and flow of ideas mostly occurs coworkers, exchange networks, etc. (Tichy et among individuals who are similar, or al. 1979). In all of these, communication plays homophilous (Rogers 1995:18). Homophily an important role. Generally, multiplexity of is the degree to which two actors in a network network ties is expected to support interacting with each other have certain information diffusion. “Thus the breadth of similar attributes. For information flows someone’s links might serve to provide an leading to single-loop learning, this is an individual with a variety of information advantage. A network with a high degree of sources” (Hartman and Johnson 1989:529). average homophily among actors is supposed to distribute information and (tacit) Although they are different concepts, homophily knowledge more quickly, i.e., the actors have and multiplexity are not wholly independent, for a better source for learning (Powell 1990, homophily is likely to lead to multiplex relations. Cross et al. 2001). However, for a paradigm To support learning, relations in a network should shift in the sense of double-loop learning, this generally be characterized by a high degree of is not that clear. Effective information and homophily and multiplexity. These are the basis of knowledge distribution is needed here too. trust among the actors, which is needed to develop Yet homophilous actors also tend to close a learning-supported environment (Liebeskind et al. their perceptions to outside information 1996, Booher and Innes 2002). However, high (Krackhardt and Stern 1988), thus strengthening values in these characteristics can also indicate a confirmation bias of individuals in the cognitive blocking situation that does not allow network. double-loop learning and, hence, radical changes or paradigm shifts. Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

Table 2. Hypothesised influence of network characteristics on the performance of network functions.

Network function / Information Deliberation Resilience Single-loop Double-loop Network characteristic transmission learning learning

Homophily (average) + + + + º + + + + – (+) Multiplexity (average) + – º º + (–) Relation of weak to strong ties + + / – + + + / – (convex curve) (convex curve) Network size ++ + + + – Density + ++ + + – Cohesion / absence of structural holes + – – + + Centralization

(+) = high (low) values in the independent variable lead to high (low) values in the dependent variable. (–) = vice versa. (º) = no discernible, or unclear, influence.

network members with actors outside the ● Weak and strong ties: The strength of a boundaries of the network. However, because network tie has been defined as a of the loose link, weak ties are less suitable “combination of the amount of time, the for creating trust, shared values, and norms. emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual Conversely, deliberative processes with confiding), and the reciprocal services that intensive exchange of arguments tend to work characterize the tie” (Granovetter 1973:1361). better with strong ties that are mainly based Typically, weak ties are less redundant and on the bilateral trust of actors to respect the more flexible than strong ties, they can bridge mutual normative frameworks, facilitating longer distances within a network and, thus, the development of collective action routines provide new information and knowledge for (Ostrom 1990). On the other hand, a high the network. Moreover, weak ties can link level of trust among actors could lead to a Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

closed common worldview of the actors and maximum number of ties an actor can maintain, an overall inflexibility and “cognitive larger networks will likely be less dense than smaller blocking” (Messner 1995) and an attitude of ones because of the quadratically growing number nonlearning. This social closure has been of possible relations (Scott 2000). The denser a termed “groupthink.” “The more amiability network, i.e., the more relations exist in a given and esprit de corps among members of a network, the more easily information will be policy-making ingroup, the greater is the transmitted. In a less dense network, information danger that independent critical thinking will can become distorted when transmitted via a great be replaced by groupthink” (Janis 1982:198). number of different actors. This has been shown in Radical changes and paradigm shifts can different studies (Abrahamson and Rosenkopf hardly be implemented in these networks. 1997, Valente 2005). As well, deliberation is more However, based on research on organizational likely to occur in dense networks, because groups networks, Kraatz (1998) argues that the in which many actors know each other show more information-sharing power of strong ties potential for deliberation. Deliberation in particular outweighs the above arguments even for is supported by high cohesion, i.e., the absence of adapting to severe external threats. structural holes in a network (Gargiulo and Benassi 2000). On the other hand, very dense and strongly Taking up arguments from complex systems theory cohesive networks tend to be less able to adapt to (Gibson et al. 2000, Newig and Fritsch 2009a), fundamental change, e.g., restructuring the network modular networks consisting of several cohesive (double-loop learning; Burt 1992, Gargiulo and subgroups with strong ties and several weak tie Benassi 2000) because they tend to be “trapped” in relations within the broader network can be their own groupthink. Structural holes offer further expected to provide the strongest environment to opportunities for emergent leadership and foster learning in different respects. Findings from collaborative innovation. Individuals can exploit an environmental-governance network in Helsinki structural holes to act as brokers and connect support these assertions (Toikka 2009). otherwise disconnected groups and thus promote innovation and learning. Network Size, Density, and Cohesion Network Centralization “Network size” is defined by the number of actors in a network. For very small networks, one can “Network centralization” is a measure of how assume a positive relationship between network size “uneven” centrality is distributed in a network and various learning effects: the more actors there (Scott 2000). Centrality is an actor-related measure are, the more there is to learn from them in any and can be defined in different ways that all relate respect, and the more resilient the network is. As to the “importance” or “power” of an actor in a networks become larger, this relationship is less network. For instance, degree centrality as a “local” obvious. If the whole network is involved, large measure of centrality is defined by the number of networks can make it difficult to engage in directly related actors in a network; closeness deliberative exercises. For instance, experiences centrality is a measure of how easily an actor can from case studies demonstrate that an ideal group reach any other actor in a network by relying of size for deliberation is about 8-15 actors (Craps shortest distances in the network graph. Typically, 2003). However, deliberation in medium-sized centralization is defined as the centrality of the most groups may also occur within a larger network. This central actor(s) divided by that of the least central requires analysis of cohesive subgroups (Everett one(s). Regarding consensus on values and goals, and Borgatti 1999). Generally, larger networks are more centralized networks combined with a high likely to exhibit stronger resilience as, for example, opinion leadership of the central actor are regarded the exit of actors or the termination of relations can as more suitable. However, overly centralized more easily be replaced by others in the network. networks are also seen as vulnerable because of their strong reliance on a few heavily linked individuals. “Network density” is defined as the number of Experiences from various case studies show that relations in a network divided by the maximum networks and, hence, learning processes will possible number of relations. Typically, network collapse if an actor with high opinion leadership density is also a function of network size: given a leaves the process (Nicolini and Ocenasek 1998). Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

Information transmission is typically easier in actors and a decrease for others. A change in the centralized, as opposed to decentralized, networks centrality of an actor can also affect his/her opinion (Leavitt 1951, Crona and Bodin 2006). Given a leadership, in particular if centrality decreases. similarly dense network, a more centralized one will Regarding the whole network, collective learning allow information to flow quickly from, for processes, such as learning about the competencies example, a peripheral actor through central ones to of other actors in the network, may lead to higher other more peripheral ones, whereas in a network centralization, reflecting a specialized and decentralized network, typically several actors have more efficient communication structure. to be bridged until communication reaches the recipient. On the other hand, more complex tasks The most fundamental changes in networks are such as deliberation typically require rather caused by double-loop collective learning. Single- decentralized networks (Leavitt 1951, Crona and loop collective learning involves punctual changes Bodin 2006), owing to the fact that deliberation is in the nature of network relations or their density, hindered by high imbalances of power (and, but does not change fundamental network therefore, of actor centrality). structures. Learning occurs within the chosen paradigm of the network. On the other hand, double- loop learning can involve the shift toward new HOW COLLECTIVE LEARNING paradigms, i.e., a change in rules of collective choice CHANGES NETWORK STRUCTURES (Ostrom 1990). Network structure and the quality of relations may not only be conceived of as independent variables CONCLUSIONS with respect to collective learning, but also as dependent variables. The question is then how Here, we have presented some preliminary thoughts processes of learning change the network structure on the relationship between the structure of and the qualities of relations among actors governance networks and learning in the context of (Knoepfel and Kissling-Näf 1998). Whereas environmental management. Unlike in most learning is expected to change the knowledge previous research, and taking up recent calls from, network, this, in turn, may change the for example, Provan and Kenis 2007, Christopoulos communication network and ultimately change 2008, and Prell et al. 2009, we have employed SNA formal roles and collective institutions (see Figure to specify network concepts and focused on whole- 1). To analyze how learning changes network network measures as structural variables. structures, it is important to consider the different subjects of learning (individual and collective) and As learning concepts in the literature are quite the forms of learning (single- or double-loop diverse (e.g., social learning), we have specified learning) as outlined in Table 1. learning in networks by introducing three different learning-related functions of a network, namely Single-loop learning is understood as the simple information transmission, deliberation, and resilience. adaptation of actions to a new experience. This is Thus, we reveal that certain network characteristics, primarily done by individuals or collectively, but is such as density, centralization, or the relation of based on individual learning. Changes in network weak to strong ties, can have different learning- structure attributed to collective learning primarily related effects, depending on whether they relate to involve communication and knowledge transfer information transmission or deliberation. Whereas, among the network members. Collective learning for example, highly centralized networks may be can lead to more intense exchange between actors well suited for the efficient transmission of and, hence, to increased network density. In information, they are less suitable for enabling addition, the intensity and reciprocity of relations deliberation and, moreover, tend to be less resilient can slightly increase, as can interactivity within the to abrupt change. Regarding the network structure network. as the dependent variable, we have shown that different “depths” of learning (single- or double- Changing communication and knowledge-transfer loop) influence network structures in different structures can also change the roles and tasks of ways. Ultimately, network structure and learning actors within the network. This can also lead to an appear to mutually influence each other, leading to increase in the degree of centrality for one or more learning cycles that involve both cognitive and Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

Fig. 1. Conceptual model of the role of networks and collective learning for sustainability transitions. Adapted from Newig and Günther 2005.

institutional factors. They potentially affect the More research is clearly needed on how this link performance of network governance in two ways. between individual and collective actors can be Thus, environmental effectiveness can be enhanced conceptualized, in particular with regard to SNA. by more informed and more creative governance decisions, incorporating a wider variety of Large parts of the hypotheses presented here have knowledge and values, and by better acceptance of not been tested empirically. Although many of the decisions by the target actors that participated in scholarly works we draw on do rely on empirical network governance, leading to better compliance research, only some relate to governance networks, and implementation. let alone those operating in an environmental management context. We propose to adapt the case- Reflecting on these initial attempts at conceptualizing survey method (Larsson 1993, Newig and Fritsch learning in governance networks in the context of 2009b) to the growing body of empirical network environmental management with the means of case studies. This will allow the systematic SNA, we see two major challenges to be addressed comparison and integration of partial insights on the through further research. We have already relation of network structure on learning aspects in addressed the question of who constitutes an actor the context of environmental management. in governance networks. The pertinent literature has not resolved this issue in a satisfactory manner. Existing research tends to be ambiguous about, mix Responses to this article can be read online at: up, or equate, organizations with individuals, the latter supposedly representing the former. Our responses/ approach of confining the governance-network concept to individual actors is certainly feasible, both conceptually and empirically. However, this contrasts with the common usage in policy and governance-networks literature that assumes actors in policy or governance networks to be collective. Ecology and Society 15(4): 24

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