Everybody’s Scared of Something

Abby: Every night I practice And practice all my lines I’m still scared I’ll mess up And forget once or twice

Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems silly, sometimes it seems weird Everybody’s scared of something We’re not any weaker because of our fears

CASSANDRA: I missed a soccer goal I screamed and ran away Because I heard buzzing And I’m afraid of bees

Abby and CASSANDRA Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems silly, sometimes it seems weird Everybody’s scared of something We’re not any weaker because of our fears

SAMARA: I’m scared of dark places

Random actor (child or adult): I’m scared of chicken bones

SETH I’m scared of my new school

ANNIE I still use training wheels

All children: Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems silly, sometimes it seems weird But everybody’s scared of something We’re not any weaker because of our fears

Bert: Yesterday I interviewed with a twenty-something He already makes twice as much as I have ever made He didn’t get his MBA, he never finished school But he used words like ‘cloud’ and ‘meme’ and asked me if I Reddit I asked, “Read what?” and he laughed at me and seemed disinclined to answer That’s when I knew that interview wasn’t going well He shook my hand and as I left he said, “We’ll let you know” But I knew what he really meant was, “Not a chance, bro”

What if I’m too far behind? What if I’m washed up? Wonder if I should apply For that opening at Starbucks

Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it’s paralyzing, sometimes it seems bleak But everybody’s scared of something Least now I know my resumé’s “on fleek” (Spoken) Who comes up with these words?

CASEY I’m scared of the freeway

MAX All spiders freak me out

BERT I pictured it in my head with him trying to convince the kids he was weirdly afraid of his own feet for the first half of the line and then for the second half scolding his son/child for leaving Legos out] I’m scared of my bare feet When Legos are around

Everybody: Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems silly, sometimes it seems weird Everybody’s scared of something We’re not any weaker because of our fears

Janet: One more rehearsal just begun, hope there’s not another trauma I really wish I had a way to help them with their lines Are they learning anything or just here to pass the time Do they sense my doubt and fear? ‘cause it’s an uphill climb I’ve always loved the theater and loved to work with kids But am I only harming their precious hearts and minds Or am I insignificant and wasting all my time Would everyone be better off if I just resigned What if I’m failing them? What if their parents hate the show? What if this was a mistake? What if Abby never learns her lines

Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems hopeless, sometimes it’s really hard Everybody’s scared of something God please let them walk away with something (Spoken) Something good

EMILY I’m frightened on plane rides

SETH [Not sure what the band looks like, but I was thinking if you had a drummer you could have him/her hit the cymbal extra hard on the beat after this line and this actor could jump, startled] I’m scared of drum cymbals

SAMARA I’m scared of brush fires ANNIE I’m scared of beach seagulls

All: Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems silly, sometimes it seems weird But everybody’s scared of something We’re not any weaker because of our fears

Everybody’s scared of something Sometimes it seems silly, sometimes it seems weird But everybody’s scared of something We’re not any weaker because of our fears We’re not any weaker because of our fears

MAX (as an apology to Reggie) Reggie (appreciating the gesture) [both together?]: We’re not any weaker because of our fears