9th Grade FCS Major

Child Development This plan sheet should be filled out in complete sentences.

Lesson Plan

Name: Period: Group Members: Theme: Colors Focus: Blue Title of Lesson: I Love Blue Type of Lesson: Gross motor OR Music OR OR Arts and Crafts

1. “Attention Grabber” (hands-on). How will you use this to introduce your lesson?

-Hands-on ----Not a question Should give the children an idea of what you are going to do. I love colors. I like to find colors all over the room. I see blue, and red and green. My favorite is BLUE 2. Objective of the lesson – What do you want the children to learn from this activity?

The children will be able to recognize things that are blue and think of things that are blue.

The children will be able to describe the texture of the finger paint and use their hands to create a picture.

-what is the goal of your lesson? -what do you want the children to be able to do? (examples: draw a picture of a pumpkin, name the parts of a flower, throw the ball into the bucket) 3. Activity description – How will the children be involved? Activities should be hands- on. Think PIES!!  -provide a lot of details for this section!! Physical: The children will use fine motor skills to paint blue finger paint on white paper.

Intellectual: They will be able to mix white paint with the blue so that they can see the different shades of blue.

4. Specific directions so that anyone could follow them. List step by step.

-be specific!! 1. Children will put on smocks 2. Children will sit at table with a piece of paper in front of them. 3. Teacher will put a small dot of paint on the paper and show how to spread it around with hands. a. Teacher will add a small dot of white paint to show how colors can change 4. Teacher will show how

5. Questions you will ask the children to help generate discussion and get them interested.

1. These should not be yes/no questions—they should get a specific answer. 2.What does the paint feel like? Can you describe it in words? What happens when you add white to the blue paint? What do you think would happen if we add black to the blue paint? 6. List all materials needed for lesson. -List everything you need for your lesson

1. Finger paint paper 2. Smocks 3. Hand washing tubs 4. Blue finger paint 5. White finger paint 6. Paper to cover tables 7. Sponges for clean up .