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Background Paper



Note: The views expressed in this background paper do not purport to reflect the views of the Minister or the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine




Ireland’s marine territories comprise more than masses of water; they are an enormous reservoir of biological resources, within which exists both biological and chemical diversity. Such diversity is the source of novel materials with the potential to support the development of new products and processes in applications ranging from food and food ingredients to polymers for biomedical applications, and more.

The marine is diverse not only in terms of its extreme biological diversity but also in respect of the scientific skills required to understand, harness and develop enterprise opportunities from marine sources. It offers untold opportunities for “discovery science” at all levels, as well as remaining a major source of food. Exploiting the novelty of marine organisms as a source of new materials represent a major challenge; one that is likely to be matched by the challenge of motivating the collaboration of biologists, botanists, chemists, engineers, microbiologists, pharmacologists, engineers - many with no background in the marine sciences - to work in this exciting research area.

The Marine Institute-led national strategy for Marine Knowledge, Research and Innovation - Sea Change, recognised the importance of building new capacity in key areas as being fundamental to Ireland’s ability to realise the potential of the oceans. Overcoming the challenges presented in Sea Change will contribute to the sustainable delivery of food, the creation of novel food ingredients, biomaterials and processes, as well as contribute to improvements in environmental, animal and human health. A key element of Sea Change was its focus on research in support of biomass production - fish, shellfish and seaweeds all of which are targeted for use in traditional and novel applications. Investments by the Marine Institute and other Irish funding agencies continue to enable this capacity building process and the generation of knowledge required to support the creation of high value marine origin products.

The overall objective of Ireland’s marine bioresources related research is to enhance the country’s international competitiveness, ensure the efficient and sustainable use of marine biological resources, and support economic growth and job creation through new bio-based products and processes, whilst safeguarding biodiversity and the marine environment.

With a track record of excellence in performance and the visibility given to new research priorities, Ireland’s marine foods sector is well positioned to benefit from the global demand for food products that make optimal use of natural materials produced to exacting standards of food safety, environmental sustainability, and offer consumers with nutritious, healthy and affordable food products.


Marine foods have always been part of the human diet and the present consumption of fish is greater than ever before. With wild stock fisheries under threat from over fishing and environmental pressures, the role of aquaculture in meeting this demand is expanding. Ireland’s marine territories are a natural competitive advantage, providing opportunities to support a myriad of food and non- food related activities based on the sustainable use of marine bioresources and in doing so, to generate economic growth and job creation. Competing within global markets has become possible due to the on-going transformation of Ireland’s food sector. The focus given to sustainable food production by firms in the sector is matched by policy that aims to position Ireland as a leader in sustainability and sustainable food production.

3 Sustainable production of marine foods and the capture of value from co-products demand continued advances in traceability, food safety, animal health and welfare, knowledge of the marine environment and production systems that maintain biodiversity. Fish and other marine products contribute nearly 20 percent of the animal proteins consumed globally and are the source of essential minerals and lipids. The global demand for fish and seaweeds is increasing, as is the search for new species from extreme and highly diverse marine environments for food and non-food applications Traditional and new sources of biomass are the source of novel bioactives with health potential, many of which are also recognised as having potential in e.g. chemical, materials, agriculture and therapeutics applications. Matching new demands for products that fit the “health and wellness” market under the sustainability headline require excellence in science and innovation and the adoption of best practice manufacturing.

The marine foods area face the same challenges as other strands of the food sector; coping with market volatility, enhanced supply chain management, the adoption of transformational technologies and increased customer segmentation, all against a backdrop of changing global landscapes. Shifting from commodity production to value-added products requires that firms innovate, building on scientific knowledge to enable the production of products which the meet demands of evermore discerning consumers.

The likelihood that marine bioresources will form the basis of new food and non-food products is high. Irish and international firms seek greater basic knowledge of the diversity of marine bioresources viewing them as an important source of product differentiation. Firms with an understanding of the supply chain and committed to value-added activities are better equipped to develop innovative products and create market demand. This scenario points to the need to ensure Ireland’s marine foods and related firms are closely aligned with knowledge providers and that funds continue to be directed towards prioritised research agenda.


The Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland (Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth), published in July 2012, identified a new Strategic Marine Research & Innovation Agenda (2014-2020) and an associated Action Plan as one of 39 priority actions/deliverables. A continued investment in research is fundamental to the delivery of HOOW and achieving the three goals of a thriving maritime economy; health ecosystems and engaging with the sea (see Fig 1 below) – all of which being relevant to the development of food related opportunities. HOOW stated “Identifying and defining strategic research needs, in an inclusive and adaptive manner, together with the appropriate funding resources and mechanisms, is essential for achieving economic development and informing policy.”

HOOW seeks to create the right conditions for growth and investment in the marine sector, consistent with published marine research and innovation priorities (Table 1). Targets set within HOOW in respect of seafood (Fisheries. Aquaculture and Seaweed Processing) and marine biotechnology reflect those set under Food Harvest 2020.

4 Figure 1. High-Level Goals and Enablers. Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth (July 2012)

Ireland’s National Research Prioritisation Exercise (NRPE) recognised the need for enterprise driven research in Sustainable Food Production and Processing (Priority Area I), Foods for Health (Priority Area H), both of which seek to maximise value creation from the exploitation of marine bioresources for food and food ingredients and related products. In targeting research towards other areas including therapeutics, medical devices and processing technologies and novel materials, the NRPE has opened the way for further research into new uses of marine derived materials. There are also on-going requirements to ensure that the harvesting of marine bio-resources and any culturing activity are managed sustainably within an overall plan, to ensure that the biodiversity of the entire marine ecosystem is protected.

A major emerging issue for all marine origin products is biomass production – the production of the raw materials for food and food related products. Maintaining consistency of the supply chain and ensuring security of supply have to be addressed in ways that reflect the concerns we have for the environment and the concept of sustainable production. There is a widespread acceptance of the need for new approaches to how and where marine biomass is harvested and grown. The challenges faced in meeting the anticipated demand are many; and not confined only to biological ones, overcoming engineering and environmental challenges are also important to the sector.

The strategic research outlined reflects the research and innovation priorities considered as essential in creating the right conditions for growth and investment in marine bioresources and other elements

5 of the broader marine sector. These are consistent with published marine research and innovation priorities (Table 1 below), and are necessary to implement the Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland (HOOW, 2012) and achieve its stated targets, which are inclusive of those targets set by Food Harvest 2020 and identified in the DAFM led draft strategic research agenda for sustainable foods production and processing and foods for health.

European Policies National (Irish) Policies

 Europe 2020 Strategy  Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth –An Integrated Marine Plan  An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union for Ireland (2012) (2007)  National Research Prioritisation Exercise (2011)  Water Framework Directive  Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008) Sectoral Policies  European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research (2008)  Food Harvest 2020 (2010)  EU Blue Growth Strategy (2012)  Food Research Ireland (2012)  EU Marine Knowledge 2020 Strategy (2012)  National Ports Policy (2013)  European Union Strategy for the Atlantic (2011) and EU  National Biodiversity Plan(2011) Atlantic Action Plan 20124-2020 (2013)  National Climate Change Strategy (2007-2012)  EU Habitats (….) and Birds ( ) Directives  EPA Strategic Research Plan 2014-2020  Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (1998)

Table 1. Relevant EU and National Policies and Strategies


Marine biomass comprises many forms, including e.g., whole fish – from wild and farmed sources, discards from wild catch or fish processing, aquaculture products, macro-algae (seaweed) – both wild and cultured, micro algae and marine invertebrates, including marine micro-organisms. The starting point or input to the process of adding value to, or extracting value from, marine bioresources is the harvesting of available marine biomass. Whether the desired end result is a seafood food product, or food ingredient, or a novel compound for a new pharmaceutical– marine biomass is processed.

Ireland’s main sources of marine biomass other than for seafood products are an extensive seaweed resource, underutilised materials from fish processing (finish and shellfish) and low-value finfish such as blue whiting and boarfish. Ireland’s fish processing industry turns out large quantities of materials (skins, frames, viscera etc) all of which are sources of high quality protein, fat, minerals etc., but remain largely underutilised and can be costly to dispose of. Ireland’s seaweed resource is believed to be extensive, with more than 500 of the 10,000 or so known algal species, found in Irish waters. However, the full extent and distribution of this resource and its capacity to be sustainably harvested remains largely unknown.


The European Commission announced a European Bioeconomy Strategy in 2012; the twin themes of stimulating research and innovation were at its core. The implementation of this strategy that is now supported by funds from Horizon 2020, stress the importance of a cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary approach to develop Europe’s bioeconomy. The high profile of marine biotechnology projects in the Horizon 2020 work programme is a reflection of the potential and importance of the contribution of marine biotechnology research in developing the EU bioeconomy. Particular emphasis is given to the role of marine biotechnology research in respect of food security and health – both human and animal and bioprocessing. Unlocking the potential of the marine environment by the use of knowledge generated from within cross-cutting marine research is at the heart of Horizon 2020. This

6 new knowledge is seen as contributing to the European Commission Blue Growth initiative, which aims to capture and realise the opportunities to create new high-value food and health products and in doing so, to deliver long-term growth and jobs in the blue economy.


In the implementation of Sea Change, 2006 to 2013, the Marine Institute through the Marine Research Sub-Programme invested €63m in marine research. Marine foods and marine bioresources related research – functional foods, aquaculture, fisheries and seaweed accounted for €21m (42%) of the total investment. These investments supported the development of new research capacity and encouraged scientists from the life sciences, marine biological sciences and the food/nutritional sciences to collaborate on marine bioresources and biotechnology based research.

Known as NutraMara and the Beaufort Marine Biodiscovery project respectively, this capacity and capability building research comprise 20 PhDs students, 16 P Docs and 21 PIs working across 7 institutions. Resulting from these initiatives, Irish researchers collaborate within a defined process to target marine organisms as a source of new materials for commercial applications and towards supporting the sustainable exploitation of our marine resources. They are involved in the collection and screening of organisms and the commercialisation of research outputs to create new bioproducts and processes, and in using research outputs to enhance the competitiveness of the more traditional marine resources sector in addition to assessing available marine living resources.

New research partnerships and collaboration, within Ireland and Europe, developed from with the NutraMara and Beaufort research projects. Irish marine biotechnology researchers are now participating in three EU research framework projects as a direct result of their participation in the Beaufort Biodiscovery project, these projects coupled with new collaborations between NutraMara and Beaufort researchers resulted in close to an additional €14 million in new research awards up to 2014 from national and international sources.


The Marine Institute is currently drafting the Marine Research and Innovation Agenda for Ireland 2014-2020 (and an associated Action Plan) (MRIA). This strategy will set the sectoral priorities for marine research for the next funding cycle until 2020. It is expected that specific funding initiatives will be developed to enable its implementation in line with the recommendations of the National Research Prioritisation Process.

In advance of the MRIA the Marine Institute initiated the following new research funding schemes during 2014 that will continue, subject to budget, for the foreseeable future.

 Cullen Fellowships – MSc or PhD in marine-related topics (similar to Teagasc Walsh Fellowships) – 6 to 8 per annum from 2015  Shiptime Programme – Access to national research vessels (Celtic Explorer and Celtic Voyager) to undertake research at sea – 12 to 15 research surveys per annum  Networking and Travel Grants – Funding to host conferences in Ireland or to attend conferences, workshops, training courses overseas – open to Industry (students/researchers from Teagasc also have received under this scheme) – 40 to 50 awards per annum  Fulbright Irish Scholar Award (in partnership with the Fulbright Commission) - Grant for Irish/EU citizens to complete postdoctoral or professional (marine-related) research in the USA for 3-12 months – 1 to 2 awards per year

7 In addition to the above, the Marine Institute is participating in the Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET (ERA-MBT) and is making provision to support Irish researchers to participate in the first “research call” that is designed to encourage collaboration between European researchers and industry in the development of biorefining processes for marine biorecources.


The emergence of a European bioeconomy focused on the conversion of renewable resources from terrestrial and marine environments into food, feed and related biobased products is identified as contributing to realising Europe’s grand challenges for the 21st century. Effecting a transition to the bioeconomy, whilst it is supported through funds for research to discover new applications for the sustainable use of biomaterials; there is already an active and growing global market for products based on or incorporating marine biological materials.


Opportunities exist for the marine foods sector to engage in product diversification activity based on securing greater value from the processing of marine species. Areas such as food ingredients, nutraceuticals, functional foods, food supplements and cosmeceuticals are immediate opportunities to add value and develop new markets. These opportunities can be enabled by the sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources and by capturing value from within more traditional processing of food and non-food use marine species. The potential of the marine as source of novel compounds for food and other health related applications has attracted the interest of researchers and industry.

There is a global demand for novel ingredients to support the growth in functional foods. In this fast growing market, global sales of probiotic and other functional food ingredients is expected to exceed $31.1 billion by 2015. Functional foods offer the consumer health promoting properties in addition to meeting nutritional requirements. Resulting from the market success and beneficial health effects of integrating fish oils into foods, new sources of functional ingredients are being sought. Early results from Irish research to discover novel bioactives from marine biological resources are promising. The discovery of these entities is relevant to Ireland’s food sector as it strives to build on the successes of developing niche food ingredient products. Primary production and processing sectors will benefit from new opportunities to culture species to meet demand for bioactives and integrate them into high - added value products respectively.


In common with other European countries with an Atlantic coast, Ireland has a long history in the use of seaweed as an agricultural fertiliser. The large brown species, because they were readily available as cast or washed up seaweed, were commonly used for this purpose. Raw and milled seaweeds continue to be used as fertilisers and soil conditioners. The composition of Ascophyllum sp is favourable to the use of this seaweed as a fertiliser due to the beneficial levels of nitrogen and potassium and low phosphorus content compared to animal manure. Ascophyllum is also used in the raw, dried or in an extracted concentrated state as a soil conditioner and as the basis for grass conditioning compounds. Products based on seaweed extracts are commonly used in the horticulture sector. The application of these products is associated with increased yield, nutrient uptake and pest resistance in fruit, vegetable and flower crops.

The use of seaweed as a feed additive is well established in the agriculture sector, stemming from the time when animals reared in coastal regions were allowed to graze on washed-up seaweeds. There is

8 an increased level of interest in the use of seaweed in animal nutrition and health. Emerging evidence regarding the beneficial role of seaweed in animal diets stimulated the production of customised products for cattle, sheep, pigs and horses. Driven by changes in the regulation of veterinary drugs, new systems of animal production are required. Early evidence points to a potential to include seaweed extracts in feed to counter nutritional deficiency, bacterial infection and low weight-gain, without the use of growth promoting antibiotics.


Population growth, food security and health and well-being are seen as the prime drivers of the global food industry. Meeting the future growth in world demand for food will require a 70% increase in global food production from current output. This growth projection includes estimates by the United National Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) that world consumption of fish is growing to an average annual consumption of 17 kg per person. In meeting this constant demand for proteins, marine foods offer significant growth opportunity. A wide range of national and international policy documents highlight the potential of developing the wild catch and aquaculture fisheries. Capturing the economic, social and regional benefits of fisheries and aquaculture such that the sector is able to grow sustainably, requires access to existing knowledge and the generation of new knowledge. Research that yields knowledge about the variation and distribution of natural species – finfish, shellfish and seaweeds is fundamental to managing stock. Other areas where focused research is required to support the development of aquaculture include measures to minimise and mitigate environmental impacts; identification of offshore sites; addressing waste management; new production systems (including breeding/hatchery/genetics/nutrition and health) and biosecurity.

New scientific research is also required; particularly research to underpin continuing policy development; to advance production and processing capabilities; and research to enable the development of new markets for seafood products. Marine biotechnology researchers are well placed to contribute to delivering on the priorities of the European Aquaculture Technology Platform call for improved management of the biological lifecycle, developing sustainable feed production and deliver enhancement in the management of aquatic animal health and welfare.

The aquaculture sector is calling for the development of novel feed sources and ingredients for finfish and shellfish production. The inclusion of seaweed in such diets is seen as a possible means of reducing the dependency on the use of fish meal and fish oils in feed, thereby reducing pressures on wild stocks.


The evolving national research agenda and associated priorities for marine foods and bioresources are informed by the report of the National Research Prioritisation Exercise, the draft Marine Research and Innovation Agenda, and the draft strategic research agenda which integrates Sustainable Food Production and Processing research with Foods for Health research. The thematic areas relevant to the further development of Food Harvest 2020 are outlined below.


Research & Innovation Objectives: To support and undertake the research necessary to support the sustainable management of Ireland’s natural (living) resources in harmony with the environment, to inform good ocean governance and to implement EU and National legislation.

The Resource and Opportunity

9 The sustainable management of natural [living] marine resources (e.g. fish, shellfish, seaweeds, etc.) demands an understanding of marine flora and fauna (including physiology, reproduction, growth, biogeography, etc.) and of the environment (ecosystems) in which they live. It requires an understanding of how organisms interact with each other and with other activities (e.g. marine renewable energy, mineral exploration, aquaculture, etc.) which share the same maritime space. It is also relevant that as well as interacting with the environment, marine organisms (ecosystem engineers) may also create and maintain the environment in which they live.

The Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland emphasises that healthy marine ecosystems, including a clean, green environment, are an important enabler for harnessing our ocean wealth. Ireland’s clean, green image plays a critically important role in the promotion and marketing of marine products and services (e.g. food and tourism sectors), thus the future growth of marine industries depends on protecting the credibility of a clean, green image.

The status of the Irish marine environment, including the status of natural resources, is up-dated on a four year cycle by the EPA, the most recent report being: “Ireland’s Environment 2012 – An Assessment1” and on a ten year cycle by the OSPAR Commission Quality Status Report 2. More recently, Ireland undertook and published an Initial Assessment of Ireland’s marine waters (2013) 3 as part of its EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive obligations, while climate change impacts are dealt with in The Status of Ireland’s Climate 20124.

A recurrent theme in these various assessments is the significant gaps in our knowledge, both in the occurrence and distribution of Ireland’s natural resources and the status of the pressures (natural and anthropogenic) acting upon them. This has, in some instances, prevented an evaluation of the current status of those pressures and ecological characteristics. Although some information gaps are currently in the process of being addressed, others will need to be prioritised when considering monitoring and research needs.

Research Prioritisation Natural Resource/Environmental research is, like nature, a continuum. It encroaches and impacts on all thematic and productive sectors and is often most informative when based on an inter- and multi- disciplinary approach focussed on the interfaces between sectors. It includes basic research providing a better understanding of species biogeography and biodiversity, of species interactions and ecosystem function to applied research in, for example, providing a better understanding of the performance and interpretation of the descriptors of Good Environmental Status (GES) under differing environmental conditions or the impacts of climate change on species and populations. Accordingly while some aspects of priority natural resources and environmental research are addressed here, others are addressed under the previous Thematic priorities or the following Research supporting Policy sections.

High-Level Targets: Managing Natural Resources  Address knowledge gaps in our understanding of natural resources, ecosystem function and resilience and the status of the pressures acting upon marine ecosystems.

A key environmental research challenge for Ireland is to find the right balance between investing in basic marine environmental research (e.g. understanding ecosystem function, etc.) and applied research/funding surveys to establish baseline conditions. The argument being that without adequate information on baseline conditions, existing data gaps not only impede good research, but also good governance.


Research & Innovation Objectives: To develop an integrated and focused national seafood research and innovation programme that will guide State investment in seafood research,

10 development and innovation to 2020; enhance the competitive positioning of Ireland’s seafood industry and support the delivery of targets identified in Food Harvest 2020/Food Research Ireland, the National Research Prioritisation Exercise (Priorities H and I) and Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth.

The Resource and Opportunity The Seafood sector comprises the commercial sea fishing industry, the aquaculture industry and the seafood processing industry. The Irish seafood industry makes a significant contribution to the national economy in terms of output, employment and exports. It is estimated that the industry contributed approximately €719 million to the national economy in 2010, supporting an estimated 11,000 jobs in peripheral rural and coastal regions. Food Harvest 2020 (act smart, think green and achieve growth) recognises the potential to capitalise on Ireland’s high quality natural seafood and sets out a vision to grow the seafood industry to €1 billion and employment to 14,000 by 2020. BIM and An Bord Bia define production targets for fisheries and aquaculture and marine foods products respectively.

The potential for the sector lies in adding value to the existing wild catch, which is likely to remain stable and boosting output from aquaculture through a move offshore while also increasing productivity from existing conventional sites. All Irish seafood products should be quality and eco- assured, processed and delivered in the most efficient and cost effective manner and targeted at high value markets both in the EU and elsewhere.

Priorities supporting the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and revitalising the EU's aquaculture industry as included in the EU Atlantic Action Plan 2014-2020 (May 2013):  adopting an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management;  developing improved multi-species modelling, fishing gear and related techniques and technologies so as to minimise carbon footprint, seabed damage, discards and by-catch; sharing information on tools that improve fisheries managers' understanding of the socio-economic and ecosystem impacts of management measures;  carrying out research to improve the growth, productivity, competitiveness and environmental sustainability of aquaculture (including offshore aquaculture) and the industry's ability to respond to market needs;  Improving the market position of EU-sourced fisheries and aquaculture products by improving processing, labelling, traceability and certification.

Research Prioritisation Research required to underpin the development of Ireland’s seafood sector is identified as a priority by the National Research Prioritisation Exercise and by the national Food Harvest 2020 Strategy. Research priorities, over and above those already identified in Food Harvest 2020 and Food Research Ireland, are currently being refined by the NRPE Prioritisation Action Group (PAG). The high-level targets for publicly funded research for sea fisheries, aquaculture and seafood process are outlined below.

High-Level Targets: Sea Fisheries  Add value to existing wild catches;  Develop and adopt a framework for co-operative and collaborative management of fish resources between state and industry especially for fish resources inside 12nm limits.

High-Level Targets: Aquaculture  Improve the growth, productivity, competitiveness and environmental sustainability of aquaculture (including offshore aquaculture) and the industry’s ability to respond to market needs

High-Level Targets: Seafood Processing

11  Support research to improve the market position of fisheries and aquaculture products by improving processing, labelling, traceability and certification (including Green labelling).


Research & Innovation Objectives: to contribute the research and innovation capacity to enhance Ireland’s international competitiveness and ensure the efficient and sustainable use of marine biological resources in existing and new bio-based products and processes which lead to growth and job creation, whilst safeguarding biodiversity and the marine environment.

The Resource and Opportunity The relevance of marine biotechnology research to Irish businesses is increasing as firms in many sectors seek to maximise the potential of exploiting marine bioresources as the basis for new products and processes as well as enabling the further development of new food products. A number of national and European policy outputs stress the importance of maximising the economic potential of biological resources and the contribution of the marine in developing Europe’s bioeconomy. Ireland is recognised as a leader in marine biotechnology research, being one of the few countries to target the exploitation of marine biological resources and fund the creation of new research expertise.

Ireland has a strategic advantage with respect to marine biotechnology and bio-products in the context of an extensive natural marine resource encompassing a variety of habitats and organisms; an internationally recognised capability in biological sciences research and development; and strong food, pharmaceutical and medical devices industries competing globally.

Several food, medical and pharmaceutical products and other materials that are based on compounds isolated from marine species are already on the market. These successes by international firms, coupled with a continued emphasis by the EC on encouraging expertise in marine biotechnology to explore and produce novel enzymes, drugs, high-value chemicals, food ingredients, and other bio- based products from marine resources (including aquaculture), illustrate the potential which marine biodiversity offers to the business sector in a global market estimated to be worth €2.8 billion per annum (2010 data) and a European market of €0.8 billion. The Irish market (excluding the contribution to marine biotechnology to aquaculture and fish health) is estimated to be circa €50m per annum, primarily as a result of seaweed based food, cosmetic, nutraceuticals and food supplements and agri-products.

The justification of this focused approach is the relevance of marine biotechnology to national and international policy and its strategic importance to Ireland in supporting efforts to maximise the contributions from the marine to economic and societal progress. This will be achieved by actions that:  Respond to the prioritisation of health, food and materials in the National Research Prioritisation Exercise and to the increased global interest in and demand for novel marine components;  Maximise the potential to exploit Ireland’s diverse marine natural bioresources and marine foods processing waste which are a reservoir of biological material;  Build on research excellence in marine bioresources by leveraging benefits from national investments in life sciences/biotechnology;  Expand the existing integrated research activities as a focal point for marine bioresources research, expand collaboration with industry, build on global research and commercial linkages, attract international expertise, train researchers and enable diverse industry sectors to create new products and processes; and  Further Ireland’s marine research capacity via increased participation in international research programmes.

Research Prioritisation: Biotechnology is recognised as a national priority by the National Research Prioritisation Exercise, particularly in relation to Sustainable Food Production and Processing (Priority Area I), Foods for

12 Health (Priority Area H) including therapeutics, medical devices and processing technologies and novel materials. A National Marine Biotechnology Task Force, established by the Marine Institute in 2013, is currently developing a National Marine Biotechnology Research Strategy.

High Level Targets:  Continue to support and engage in research to assess, profile, and maximise the sustainable use of marine bio-resources, for applications in human and animal food, food ingredients, therapeutic compounds, and as novel materials and processes.  Continue to develop Ireland’s research infrastructure in support of marine biotechnology related research in areas that contribute to resource identification, supply, identification and assessment of bio-actives and modes of action, thus contributing to the elimination of bottle- necks in the discovery pipeline.


The research areas identified in this submission are aligned with the vision for Ireland’s marine foods and marine bioresources sector and contribute to the wider agri-food sector as defined in the recently combined draft strategic research agenda for Sustainable Food Production and Processing and Foods for Health as outlined below.

Vision for Sustainable Food Production & Processing and Foods for Health ‘Invest strategically in Sustainable Food Production & Processing and Foods for Health research to drive innovation and enable the agri-food sector to achieve its full potential in a sustainable manner thereby contributing to the achievement of the overall Food Harvest 2020 Vision of Acting Smart, Thinking Green, and Achieving Growth, and increasing public awareness of the role of nutrition, thereby supporting population health’.

The proposed SRIA spans the entire food production systems from primary production, to food processing and including research to support the sustainable management of natural resources. The SRIA reflects the concerns of consumers and the regulatory environment for food safety, traceability and quality of all food products and ingredients.

Specific research priorities related to the marine foods and bioresources sector are outlined below. Realising the high-level objectives will be supported by filling the knowledge gaps in fisheries, aquaculture, food-processing and resource management as outlined below.

RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. Develop strategies and technologies to improve nutrient efficiency and recycling in the entire food chain. 2. Mapping and assessment of Ireland’s wild seaweed resources and other marine biodiversity. 3. Investigate the impact of climate change on the marine environment and ecosystem and marine food products and production. 4. Assess vulnerability of fisheries and aquaculture to climate change and investigate how species and populations adapt to changing marine environments. 5. Improved understanding in climate related changes in marine biodiversity and what measures could effectively improve ecological resilience to climate change? 6. Development of autonomous forecasting systems for harmful and toxin producing phytoplankton



13 1. Generate knowledge on multi species interactions, maximum sustainable yields (MSY) management targets, mixed fisheries and the use of marine biological resources and develop prediction and modelling tools that support an integrated approach in management and decision making in implementing an ecosystems approach to fisheries. 2. Develop long-term management plans for fish stocks having regard to the need for environmental and social sustainability. 3. Develop efficient fishing gear and methods that contribute to reductions in by-catch and discards and enable greater selectivity of species.


ANIMAL WELL-BEING 1. Development of early warning data/surveillance systems, improved diagnostics, vaccines, and intervention strategies for the rapid recognition and control of new and endemic infectious diseases of fish and shellfish. 2. Development of biosecurity strategies to protect the health status of expanding fish production systems. 3. Development of alternative strategies for parasite control to deal with both long-established and new/emerging parasitic diseases in aquaculture systems. 4. Develop objective measures of animal welfare status across the full spectrum of animal production systems. 5. Development of effective treatments for Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD), Sea Lice and other disease/parasites that affect the economic competitiveness of farmed fish.

BREEDING 1. Evaluation and design of optimal fish breeding programmes to ensure long-term sustainable genetic gain. 2. Focus on traits of increasing economic importance in future. 3. Development of low cost genomic selection systems 4. Greater understanding of the long-term effects of genetic/genomic selection on genetic and physiological and biological characteristics of fish. 5. Greater integration of genomic, animal breeding and reproductive technologies to advance gains in profitability at farm level, including potential use of precision breeding tools.

NUTRITION AND PRODUCT QUALITY 1. Investigate alternatives to unsustainable high protein ingredients in animal diets. 2. Examination of current and future use of surplus food and novel animal feed materials, taking due consideration of consumer acceptance and impact on food quality parameters. 3. Examination of current use of in-feed medication and factors influencing it. Examine economically feasible alternatives. 4. Feasibility study to understand potential for production differentiation, as a consequence of improvements in breeding, feeding and management of fish. 5. Quantify the relationship between diet composition and product quality. 6. Develop novel feed sources and ingredients, including functional ingredients for finfish and shellfish production and “organic” diets.


14 1. Further improve and develop metrics of farm and sector level environmental, economic and social sustainability to facilitate benchmarking of Irish food produce. 2. Develop sustainable production systems focusing on economic competitiveness and profitability, environmental sustainability, good animal health, welfare, and producing high quality fish products. 3. Develop sustainable aquaculture production systems focused on competitiveness, use of different aquaculture species, enhanced fish welfare, reduced diseases and parasites, reduced biosecurity risks, reduced escapes, incorporating novel technologies and engineering solutions. 4. Investigate the potential for alternative animal genotypes to increase animal productivity from a limited feed base. 5. To develop production systems which optimise the seasonal supply of product to match demand requirements more accurately. 6. Investigate the opportunity to develop and improve minor and alternative food production systems in Ireland: organic aquaculture products

SEAWEEDS AND MICRO-ALGAE - (ALGAE) 1. Improve understanding of algal growth and development and nutrient requirements and identify key growth phases limiting productivity specific to the Irish climate. 2. Identification and development of alternative/novel species suitable for Irish conditions that can profitably exploit existing or novel markets. 3. Develop low cost and reliable alternative plant establishment and reseeding technologies. 4. Develop improved costing methodologies for all algal production elements that would allow improved decision making about all inputs leading to improved competitiveness in production. 5. Understanding the biology, physiology and genetic architecture of key productivity and quality traits of algae 6. Development of genome-based approaches (genomic selection, marker assisted selection) in algae) breeding programmes from proof of concept phase to implementation phase. 7. Development of more accurate, high throughput, phenotyping of desirable plant characteristics (e.g. FTIR and NIRS). 8. Assess and monitor the impact of integrating novel technologies into future algal breeding programmes.


PROCESSING 1. Development of novel processes and interventions to enhance storage and transport of food products with particular focus on microbiological safety, quality and nutritive stability. 2. Development of novel post-processing supply chain packaging and filling solutions for food products. 3. Develop novel manufacturing technologies to automate and optimise food processing. 4. Enhance and develop lipid process technology in food applications. 5. Development and use of novel applied technologies in efficient production processes for bioactive, technological and functional Smart ingredients or products. 6. Investigate and develop novel mixing, dissolution, shearing and solubilisation technologies of food materials. 7. Develop advanced thermal technologies for food applications.

15 8. Develop next generation separation technologies for food applications. 9. Develop technologies to extend the seasonality of production and processing of food materials and products. 10. Exploit Irish food materials as a source of novel enzymes. 11. Apply Quality by Design (QbD) principles to enhance efficiency within the food industry. 12. Develop advanced methodologies for control of contaminants, toxins and micro-constituents in food materials. 13. Maximise the recovery of value from discarded, under-utilised and returned food materials and co-products. 14. Investigate alternative management technologies for treatment and use of food waste.

FOOD CHAIN INTEGRITY AND SAFETY 1. Enhance authenticity-based traceability and marker systems to guarantee provenance of Irish food products using high-throughput DNA-based genetic identification and appropriate ancillary information technologies Develop enhanced methods of analysis with broad spectrum for contaminants, residues and toxins for improved surveillance and risk management of foods and animal feeds. 2. Development of enhanced methods for detection, characterisation and elimination of food borne pathogens. 3. Assessment of the prevalence and risks of emerging risks e.g. enteric and other viruses, in the fresh food supply chain and development of strategies for their management. 4. Develop an enhanced understanding of the risks posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to the food chain and potential management tools for same. 5. Development of shelf-life testing capabilities and challenge testing capabilities to support Irish food industry.

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 1. Enhance the capability to understand and interpret the biochemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and congenors and their interactions in innovative food matrices. 2. Optimise and enhance eating quality of fresh foods. 3. Development of model food matrices for bioactive protection, delivery and taste masking. 4. Maximise use of minimally processed raw materials in food products. 5. Develop and validate deep food formulation capability for bioactive ingredients and extracts to optimise organoleptic attributes, extend shelf-life and survival during processing. 6. Develop understanding of structure-function relation in food and texture research tools and technology for food design and development. 7. Develop food fermentation formulation technology and applications. 8. Develop and enhance the understanding the science behind food molecular and structural interactions in the development of new foods.


MARINE FUNCTIONAL FOODS AND INGREDIENTS 1. Support the development of food ingredients and foods (including fortified foods) for cohorts of the population with specific nutritional needs.

16 2. Support the development of value-added food products with superior quality and health benefits through increasing the rate of the discovery, identification, extraction, targeted delivery and incorporation of novel bioactive compounds. 3. Increase the rate of discovery of bioactive compounds with potential health benefits from marine sources and food waste streams, by enhancing the rate of screening of bioactive compounds and investigating their use as functional ingredients. 4. Develop food formulations/food structures/delivery systems to enhance the stability and efficacy of a range of bioactives (e.g. phenolics, peptides, lipds, and oligosaccharides) or optimise sensory attributes of foods with an aim to enhance human health. 5. Develop medical foods; linking pharma and food manufacturing for functional foods. This will link pharma production standards with the production of foods for vulnerable consumers that will go beyond the standard food hygiene and other food safety measures to produce a safe source of nutrition for select cohorts.

OTHER BIO-BASED PRODUCTS 1. Assess and exploit algae, fish, invertebrates and marine bacteria – and generate additional biomass as source of novel components; 2. Investigate the biopharmaceutical potential of marine bioresouces as sources of new compounds and biological activities for human and animal health, cosmetics and bioprocessing; 3. Develop novel processes based on marine organisms that contribute to bioprocessing and the production of biochemical components; and 4. Investigate biomedical and environmental applications for marine bioresources to control biofouling.


The following case examples provide insights to ways of maximising value from marine bioresources.

Marine ingredients processing facility

The Killybegs Fishermen's Organisation in partnership with Biomarine Science Technology of Norway plan to invest €35 million to create a facility that will convert marine biomass - boarfish and blue whiting - into high value bioactive ingredients. Prompted by the projected global growth in the use of marine origin materials for food and health applications, and an increase in the world demand for proteins, the new facility will process up to 50,000 tonnes/annum of fish into high-value bioactive ingredients for use in the health and nutrition markets. Hailed as the world's biggest bio-marine ingredients by the promoters, the new facility will ultimately create 70 new jobs.

Omega 3

The global interest in Omega-3 fatty acids stems from their potential role in reducing the risk of heart disease and the role they play in brain function. They are considered as essential fatty acids and as such contribute to human growth and development. These and other health benefits are attributed to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) fatty acids that are typically found “oily fish” - mackerel, salmon, halibut, sardines, herring etc. Though these long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids can be obtained from nuts and plants, the marine species, including krill and algae are the prime sources. Humans need to directly consume these fats because the body is unable to synthesize them; hence recommendations from various health authorities to incorporate fatty fish into a weekly diet.

Driven largely by the positive findings from increasing numbers of scientific studies on the health benefits of omega 3; the European Food Safety Authority approval of health claims for several products containing DHA and regulatory approval for its use in drug trials, the number of applications for omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is expanding rapidly. In addition to its traditional role as a dietary supplement, other uses include as functional ingredients in food and beverages, in human and animal nutrition, clinical nutrition and in pharmaceutical products. On the back of reported health benefits and increased awareness, consumer demand is fuelling market growth. A recent report (2014) from Industry Experts Inc. projects global demand for Omega 3 to top 214,000 tonnes and valued at more than €5 billion by 2020, an 11.6 percent CAG in value between 2013 and 2020.

Issues of food supply and security and meeting the challenge for sustainable production are likely to fuel demand for DHA/EPA from sources other than marine animals. And since omega 3 in fish results from the direct consumption of omega-3 rich algae, or other marine creatures that feed on algae, the source of supply is projected to change. Interest in the cultivation of algae as a prime future source of omega-3 is live. In the past 3 years, four SMEs were the focus of take-overs by large European food ingredients suppliers DSM and BASF to secure technologies and sources of supply of high-purity omega -3 from algae. The combined value of the DSM acquisition of Ocean Nutrition and Martek Biosciences and BASF’s acquisition of Pronova and Equateq during 2012 and 2013 amounted to nearly €2 billion. Also in 2013, the US chemicals company FMC Corporation acquired the Norwegian omega- 3 producer Expat, for close to $350m. This move by FMC secures technologies for the production of high-purity omega-3 to meet demands of the nutraceutical, food and active pharmaceutical ingredient markets.

18 Fish-oil based pharmaceutical product

With its headquarters in Dublin, Amarin is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company specialising in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. The company’s first FDA approved product is Vascepa® a pharmaceutical product currently only available in the United States by prescription. Based on ultra pure omega-3 fatty acid obtained from fish oil, Vascepa® is a patented product containing not less than 96 percent of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and from which DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) has been removed. Amarin is supported by the USA based venture capital firm Sofinnova Ventures, Inc. In 2012 Ireland, though Enterprise Ireland/ National Pensions Reserve Fund to invested $37.5m in the Sofinnova.

Acadian Seaplants

The Canadian company Acadian Seaplants based in Nova Scotia (owners of Arramara Teo) is a research driven company known principally for its range of seaweed-based products for global food, biochemical, agricultural and agri-chemical markets. Though the bulk of its products originate from wild seaweeds that are harvested to sustainable resource management plans, Acadian also culture seaweeds. The culture of a wild strain of Chrondus Crispus otherwise known as Irish moss or carrageen occurs on land and is grown specifically for the Japanese food market. Exacting product standards for colour, shape and texture of were met by customising the culture process (including drying and rehydration stages) to ensure product consistency whilst offering customers with full traceability. Used as a sea vegetable and to decorate other food products, it is rehydrated by customers and commands a market price many times greater than that for commodity alternatives.

Seaweed based product applications

Asian countries (in particular Japan) are thriving markets for marine-origin bioactive materials. Being the leaders in global seaweed consumption, consumers in Asia exhibit a strong level of acceptance of seaweed based products generally. There is an accepted market for consumer products which incorporate seaweed bioactives; including functional foods and ingredients, food and beverages, personal care, cosmetics and toiletry and pet food.

An extensive and growing market exists for fucoidan, a sulphated polysaccharide found in brown seaweeds. The demand for this compound in Japanese markets is driven by claims relating to the medicinal properties of the material. Fucodans are already used in as food supplements, functional ingredients, cosmetics and in personal care products. The Japanese market for fucoidan in 2016 is €27.9 million from a base of €25.5 million in 2011.

The US based chemical company FMC Corporation supplies ingredients to the global pharmaceutical, food, and beverages sectors. Recent reports of 1Q 2014 performance show gross revenue of $942m and a 19 percent growth in revenue from health and nutrition segments. In 2013 FMC subsidiary FMC BioPolymer launched an FDA approved fucoidan based food ingredient Protosea. The origin of the fucoidan is Norwegian sourced brown seaweed. FMC acknowledge the market for marine derived health ingredients is valued at $100m and offers significant growth potential for products that target human and animal nutrition as well as cosmetics.

Polyphenol extracts of from seaweed is a promising area of opportunity. Japanese consumer demand for products that incorporate these bioactives possessing so-called antioxidant properties is high and comes on the back of a widespread acceptance of seaweed based products in Japan. Brown seaweeds contain polyphenols in the form of a wide range of phlorotannins. Green tea various fruits and soya

19 are the main sources of polyphenols but seaweed origin products are making inroads to the market. Strong indications from informed industry suggest food, nutrition and cosmetics products containing phlorotannins from seaweeds will displace the more established fruit based products in Japan. The world market for antioxidants is expected to rise at a CAGR of 4.71 percent over the period 2013-2018 from a base value of $35b in 2010.

Seaweed resource and use

According to FAO, the global seaweed output (most of which is cultured) is estimated to be 19m tonnes. Just 1 percent of the total production is used in the production of hydrocolloids; the remainder is consumed in various forms as food. Seaweed is a low value commodity in both these markets. Increased recognition of the potential of seaweed extracts to form the basis of high-value products in agriculture, human and animal nutrition, cosmetics, and in pharmaceuticals sectors account for the rise in market interest. Consumer demand for high-quality products offering demonstrated nutritional benefits, embodying the “green philosophy” and that convey “healthy lifestyle” also drives demand.


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