Sos601: Culture, Crowding & Chaos

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Sos601: Culture, Crowding & Chaos


Student name: ______Instrument type: Multimedia Scrapbook Topic: Prominent Indigenous Australians Class: ______Time: Six weeks class time (students are also expected to work at home on this task) Final due date: ______Draft dates: ______Length: 800 words equivalent

Learning Outcomes Assessed TCC 6.1 Students evaluate evidence from the past to demonstrate how such accounts reflect the culture in which they were constructed. TCC 6.3 Students collaboratively identify the values underlying contributions by diverse individuals and groups in Australian or Asian environments. TCC 6.4 Students produce a corroborated argument concerning causes of a change or continuity in environments, media or gender roles. CI 6.1 Students analyse the ways in which various societies inhibit or promote cultural diversity. CI 6.4 Students describe instances of cultural change resulting from government legislation or policies that have impacted on cultural groups. SRP 6.5 Students apply understanding of social justice and democratic process to suggest ways of improving access to economic and political power.

Instructions:  Prepare a Multimedia Scrapbook on one prominent Indigenous Australian selected from the list provided and present it to the class.

List of Prominent Indigenous Australians Select one from this list and prepare a comprehensive personal profile presented as a Multimedia Scrapbook.

1. Neville Bonner 7. Vincent Lingiari 14. Mum 'Shirl' Smith 2. Charles 'Chicka' 8. Eddie Mabo 15. Galarrwuy Dixon 9. Sir Doug Nicholls Yunupingu 3. Mick Dodson 10. Lowitja O'Donoghue 16. Other (teacher 4. Patrick Dodson 11. Pat O'Shane approval required) 5. Pearl Gibbs 12. Charles Perkins 6. Ruby Hammond 13. Aden Ridgeway

 Your presentation must be an educational learning experience for the class as well as yourself.  Use the Internet to access the sites listed.  Use other sources to locate a wide and detailed variety of information (visual, written, audio).  Evaluate, sort and organise this information to create a profile about your chosen prominent Indigenous Australian. Add this to your Multimedia Scrapbook.  Organise the Multimedia Scrapbook into three sections using the suggested headings below.

1. Biographical Details Discuss relevant personal information of your prominent Indigenous Australian such as place of birth, age, family, early life, schooling, work and the like.

2. Civic Contributions Describe how your prominent Indigenous Australian has participated in political, cultural, sporting and community life.

3. Achievements Evaluate the main achievements of your prominent Indigenous Australian. Why is he or she prominent? How has he or she contributed to our Australian culture and way of life?  Constantly update your Multimedia Scrapbook to ensure that you have chosen appropriate sources of information to enable you to comprehensively complete the three key sections (see Student Information Sheet).  Complete the Sources Checklist below, and have this signed by your teacher. You must choose at least four different types of sources.  If you cannot record audio sources on your Multimedia Scrapbook, make sure you note them on your Sources Checklist.

4. How to Create Your Multimedia Scrapbook  Create a folder called Multimedia Scrapbook into a word document.  Copy and paste to your Multimedia Scrapbook any text you select by using the Edit  Copy  Paste option.  Save any images you select by downloading them and adding them to your scrapbook.

5. Sources Checklist Tick the items you have used to gather information about your chosen prominent Indigenous Australian. Include any other sources you have used by adding them to the blank spaces.

SOURCES CHECKLIST Text sources Tick Visual, audio and other sources Tick Biographical information Photograph – portrait Profile Photograph – group/event Speech/address Poster Speech (paper) Video Informative article (Internet) Film Online news Collection of papers (archives) Informative article (book) Song Informative article (magazine) Interview – oral history Media release Radio broadcast script Student responses Artefact Personal recollections MULTIMEDIA SCRAPBOOK CRITERIA

Name: Class: Teacher: Criteria A B C D E  Very consistently and very  Consistently and accurately  Good use of a comprehensive  Some use of a comprehensive  Little or no use of Knowledge accurately uses a uses a comprehensive range range of factual information range of factual information comprehensive factual & comprehensive range of of factual information about about the chosen prominent about the chosen prominent information about the chosen Understandi factual information about the the chosen prominent Indigenous Australian. Indigenous Australian. prominent Indigenous ng chosen prominent Indigenous Indigenous Australian.  A well-organised Multimedia  A Multimedia Scrapbook Australian. TCC 6.1 Australian.  A highly organised Multimedia Scrapbook arranged into most arranged into sections using  A Multimedia Scrapbook  A very highly organised Scrapbook arranged into all key sections using some appropriate headings is arranged into unsuitably Multimedia Scrapbook key sections using highly appropriate headings is presented. arranged sections using arranged into all key sections appropriate headings is presented. inappropriate headings is using extremely appropriate presented. presented. headings is presented.  There is a very  There is a comprehensive use  There is sound use of listed  There is some use of listed  Listed Internet sites and other Research comprehensive use of listed of listed Internet sites and Internet sites and other Internet sites and other sources are not used to locate CI 604 Internet sites and other other sources to locate a sources to locate a good sources to locate a limited information (visual, written, sources to locate an detailed variety of information variety of information (visual, variety of information (visual, audio). CI 6.1 extremely detailed variety of (visual, written, audio). written, audio). written, audio).  The student does not maintain information (visual, written,  The student maintains a well-  The student maintains a  The student maintains an a record of research. audio). articulated record of research. sound record of research. inadequate record of  The Sources Checklist is not  The student maintains an  The Sources Checklist is  The Sources Checklist is research. completed. exceptionally well-articulated thoroughly completed. adequately completed.  The Sources Checklist is record of research. inadequately completed.  The Sources Checklist is very comprehensively completed.  Submits an outstanding  Submits an excellent  Submits a sound evaluation,  Submits an insufficient  Submits no evaluation, sorting Process & evaluation, sorting and evaluation, sorting and sorting and organising of evaluation, sorting and or organising of information to Thinking organising of information to organising of information to information to create a profile organising of information to create a profile about a Skills create a profile about a create a profile about a about a prominent Indigenous create a profile about a prominent Indigenous TCC 6.3 prominent Indigenous prominent Indigenous Australian. prominent Indigenous Australian. Australian. Australian.  Presents relevant biographical Australian.  Presents no biographical TCC 6.4  Presents extremely relevant  Presents very relevant details and an adequate  Presents some biographical details or a description of civic biographical details and a biographical details and a description of civic details and a description of contributions. comprehensive description of comprehensive description of contributions. civic contributions.  The achievements of the civic contributions. civic contributions.  The achievements of the  The achievements of the chosen prominent Indigenous  The achievements of the  The achievements of the chosen prominent Indigenous chosen prominent Indigenous Australian have not been chosen prominent Indigenous chosen prominent Indigenous Australian have been Australian have been evaluated. Australian have been very Australian have been sufficiently evaluated. insufficiently evaluated. thoroughly evaluated. thoroughly evaluated. The student has The student has The student has The student has The student has Communicati demonstrated/effected: demonstrated/effected: demonstrated/effected: demonstrated/effected: demonstrated/effected: on  a very high level of  a high level of technological  a sound level of technological  an adequate level of  an inadequate level of SRP 6.5 technological proficiency; proficiency; proficiency; technological proficiency; technological proficiency;  an excellent use of  very appropriate use of  appropriate use of language,  a limited use of appropriate  very limited or no use of appropriate language, language, spelling, grammar spelling, grammar and language, spelling, grammar appropriate language, spelling, spelling, grammar and and punctuation; punctuation; and punctuation; grammar and punctuation; punctuation;  a high quality execution of  a quality execution of visual  a limited implementation of  very limited or no  a very high quality execution visual communication; communication; visual communication; implementation of visual of visual communication;  a quality educational and  a sound educational and  a limited educational and communication;  an outstanding educational learning experience for other learning experience for other learning experience for other  a very limited educational and and learning experience for students. students. students. learning experience for other other students. students.

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