SDAEOP 2017 Annual Business Meeting
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SDAEOP Annual Meeting June 7, 2017 All Members SDAEOP 2017 Annual Business Meeting
South Dakota Association of Educational Office Professionals Ramkota - Best Western 3200 W Maple St Sioux Falls, SD 57107 June 7, 2017
1. Call to Order - Meeting was called to order at 3:12.
A. Welcome B. Introduction of officers and board members C. Pledge of Allegiance D. Credentials Report (Conference Chair) - Not available - No report.
Members Non-Members Guests
E. Introduction of New Members and Guests - No new members here, but do have 4 new members.
2. Appendix A - Minutes of Annual Business Meeting for June 2016.
A. Approval of the June 9-10, 2016 Minutes.
Action: Motion Diane Aus Second Deb Ulvestad Carried Motion carried
3. Treasurer’s Report - Sherry Lurz - Appendix B
A. Financial Statement $13,553.50. Includes savings and checking. Last year was higher balance as Sherry had already deposited last years, but hadn’t paid bills yet. Have not deposited this year. Make a note: have one speaker who didn’t cash her check and she gave it back. So, we didn’t lose any money.
Action: Motion Juanita Harrington Second Jill Drolc Carried Motion carried
B. Budget Expenditures - Ne expenses for the meals and stuff. Had enough for the conference.
Action: Motion Nancy Christopherson Second Deb James Carried Motion carried
1 4. Committee Reports
Area Rezoning - (See Attachment C for Area Boundary Clarification.) As many of you know, we have seen a decline in membership in each area over the past few years. A committee was formed in 2014, consisting of Betty Sokol, Charla Callahan, Deb Ulvestad, Deb Luger, and Karen Speed to look into the reorganizing our SDAEOP Areas. The proposal is to reduce the areas to three (3). Three counties would be changed (Jackson and Bennet would be in Area II (Central) and Perkins would now be in Area III (West River); otherwise it would just be a renumbering from Area I - VI to Area I - III. In March of this year a ballot was sent out to all current members. There were 27 Yes votes returned.
You can see the old area map and new area map in your packet.
This means each area will have conference every third year. However, this will be revisited again every two years and if membership increases in each area, we will decide and vote to change it to more areas once again. As it is now, we will still have six Area Directors. Each director will be elected alternate years and will serve on the board for two years.
Are there any questions? No questions.
Area I - Lori Waldner - None Area II - Betty Sokol - Didn’t really do anything. Helped with conference. Went to SDEA and took information packets on our organization and gave to schools we don’t have members. Area III - Nicole Valentine - Had an inservice. Reached out to areas who were not members. Had about 20 in attendance. Had a speaker and home cooked meal. Was a fun time. Membership - Peggy Greiner - 75 paid members. 73 and 2 out of state. Down 1.04 last year. Had 78 last year. 6 new members this year. 1 Todd, 1 Belle Fourche, 3 Sisseton Newsletter - Nancy Spoolman - Please send articles to Nancy for the newsletter. It can be an article from members, administrators, etc. Newsletter is online when it’s done. Look for Trivia questions in the newsletter. Historian - Charla Callahan Past Board Members - Betty Sokol - Packets for new people. Awards - Pam Liebe - Sharon and Tammy presented scholarship. Jason ??. He is going into business administration in the medical field. Nominations and Elections - Nancy Christopherson - Talked about stepping up to the plate. So many things going on this unusual year, fire in schools, death of family members, but here we are at conference carrying on as usual. We have a total of 6 meetings over a two year period. Please think about coming forward and become a board member! Public Relations - Becky Steen - Reminder to tell Becky if someone needs to have a card sent. A lot of people liked the idea of May baskets, anytime of year basket; pick a date in the year and each area, on that date, take to a school in another area. Budget - Sarah Smyle and Sherry - If questioning cost of website that is for a three year period. We will keep the same amount for Area Inservice ($60) however, since we have three areas now, it is $120 for each area inservice. Constitution and Bylaws - Sarah Smyle
Action: Motion Nancy Christopherson Second Rhonda Broski Carried Motion carried
2 Area 1V - Had a mini conference and made baskets for various schools.
5. Report of Board of Directors
The board of directors met on October 1, 2016 and March 4, 2017 to make appointments, review the budget and finances, approve a conference schedule and conduct other business of the association. Minutes of those meetings are in Attachment B for your information.
6. Old Business
Audit Results - Sherry Lurz - Sarah will appoint members to the audit committee. (Will do a two year audit.) Sarah will appoint two people to do the audit.
7. New Business
A. Nominations
Nominations from the floor, or volunteers needed for Area Directors I, II, and III.
Vice President - Secretary - Treasurer - Sherry Lurz Past President -
Area I - Lori Waldner Area II - Betty Sokol Area III - Nicole Valentine
Think about it and let Sarah know. We don’t want to pressure anyone.
B. 2018 Conference in Milbank - No info at this time. Will be held at the school. Becky Steen has some information on Speakers and Vendors.
2019 - Area II
NAEOP will be in Minneapolis in 2018.
C. Nominations of members for Nominating Committee
D. Any other new business? None
8. Other Miscellaneous
Certificates and Pins - Peggy Greiner (Banquet and awards this will be done.)
50/50 Jar Raffle - Becky Steen - (Will do this at banquet and awards, or Friday morning.)
Gift Card / raffle winners announced - Raffle ones are for conference expenses. Gift Cards go to scholarship. This will be done on Friday. Cyndy Weber is in charge of the raffle. Blue for raffle.
3 Scholarship winner - Pam Liebe - Announced tomorrow at Banquet.
Introduction of New President Sarah Smyle
Adjournment of annual meeting - 3:48 p.m..
Action: Motion Juanita Harrington Second Deb Ulvestad Carried Carried