District Communications Plan for OSPI Toolkit
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District Communications Plan for OSPI ToolKit 4/20/14
This communications plan template is designed to help your district develop a customized communications strategy to effectively communicate with students, parents, and others about your hazard mitigation planning process. It is a template of best practices and contains an outline of important components of effective communications. The only requirement by FEMA is that a public process be undertaken with an opportunity for stakeholders to provide input and feedback. The specific form of that process is not mandated. However, the OSPI pre-disaster mitigation grant provides contractor support for one public meeting by each planning partner. It is also recommended that each school district conduct a short public survey.
I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Example language regarding OSPI’s pre-disaster mitigation grant project can be found at h tt p : / / w ww. k1 2 .wa. u s / S c hF acilities /P DM . Other explanatory text is found in the Press Release and Public Meeting Announcement templates found in this ToolBox.
This communications plan is intended to guide consistent and effective communications with school district personnel, parents, students, teachers, and members of the general public while developing the ABC School District’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.
II. COMMUNICATION PURPOSES AND OBJECTIVES The purposes of this Communications Plan are (1) to provide a framework for informing (audiences) about the overall purpose and status of the district’s natural hazard mitigation planning process, (2) to provide information related to the district’s planning process and public meetings, (3) to gain stakeholder input during development of the district’s hazard mitigation plan, and (4) to communicate the content of the plan once it has been completed.
Objectives 1. Continually reinforce the purpose of the district’s plan and how the plan will benefit the community. 2. Educate the appropriate audiences about what the plan will include (the depth and breadth of information), what it will do, and how it will support better decision making and lead to a safer community. 3. Provide opportunities for interactive and meaningful stakeholder involvement to support the planning effort.
III. METHODS/ PRIMARY CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION The following methods and channels of communication are suggested to get key messages, highlighted below, out to appropriate audiences. It is important to recognize that not all communication methods are appropriate for all audiences. Likewise, it is not feasible for all districts to conduct a robust public outreach and participation process. Yet, FEMA requirements must be met. You should therefore develop a list of the outreach methods you will use in order of preference to be responsive to the needs of the different audiences you serve. Taking the time to develop this strategy will assist your district in getting your messages broadly distributed while minimizing the level of effort required for the district. An effective communications strategy will utilize messengers within the community to assist in getting your message out. Using local partners and stakeholders to assist in spreading the word also has another benefit: helping to create local buy-in and acceptance of the district’s final hazard mitigation plan.
It is also important to know which languages your materials need to be developed in (Spanish, Tagalog, and various Asian languages for example).
W eb P ag e on Ex i s t i ng D i s tri c t W e b s ite A simple web page on your district’s existing web site should have a brief paragraph describing the district’s hazard mitigation planning effort, a link to the OSPI web site, and contact information for the district’s planning process, that should include, at minimum, an email address for a local contact. If reasonable, a list of upcoming events or meetings can be added, and links to any social media used by the district.
T a r ge t ed ema il s ( T imi ng: Im por t ant miles t on es and e v e n t s, g e n e ral upda t es) Use an existing email list or develop a new one broken out by your primary audiences, and create email templates for communicating messages at important times. Utilize messengers, your mitigation planning team, and key stakeholders to further disseminate information about the district’s mitigation planning process to their email lists.
On l ine o r p a p e r s u r vey s ( T imi ng: as n ee d e d) On-line surveys can be a valuable way to gain information from audiences and to inform them of critical choices or decision points which are part of the district’s hazard mitigation planning project. The district’s surveys can easily be posted to the district’s website or to an email. An example survey is included in the OSPI Toolbox.
P ubli c mee tin g s/ w o r ks h o ps ( T imi ng : f o ll ow i n g d e v el op me nt o f t he dra f t p l a n ) Public meetings are an invaluable opportunity to engage stakeholders face-to-face. Given the grant support for this project and each of the planning partners, at least one public meeting should be held. Other meetings/workshops are recommended at strategic milestones to maximize the input and feedback of primary audiences/stakeholders.
Ann o un c eme nts f or n e w s l e tt er s ( T imi ng: ba sed o n t imi ng o f m a j o r miles t on es and ha z a r d mi t i ga t i o n p l a n n i n g gr o u p mee t i ng s) Develop a standard template for providing announcements that can be distributed either through the website, or by email, that provides basic information about how the district’s mitigation plan is being developed, stories of how teachers or students are involved, etc. Web page links in emails can serve the same purpose. P r e s e nt a ti o ns ( T imi ng: as n ee d e d) Standardized PowerPoint formats that speak about the project are available from OSPI project staff.
F l ye r s/ n o t i c es ( T imi ng: as n ee d e d) Post a flyer/notice for public meetings that local partners/stakeholders can post on bulletin boards, in stores, etc. One possibility is to promote consistency of messaging by developing flyers that can be posted on the district’s website and can easily be downloaded for posting. Please coordinate notices for your district’s public meetings with OSPI so they can be posted on the PDM webpage simultaneously.
N e w s me di a ( r a d i o, T V, n e w s p a p e r s) ( T imi ng: at t he b e g i nn i ng a nd e n d o f t he p l ann i ng pro c ess, and as n ee d e d) Press Releases and news announcements for traditional broadcast and print media covering the district should be considered at critical points in the district’s mitigation planning process.
S oc i a l me di a ( T w i tt e r , p r o j e c t bl o g , F a c e b ook) ( T i mi ng: r e a l -t ime c onn e ct i ons c an be m ade t hrou g h w e b si t e li nk s a n d li nk s o n w eb p ag e) If your district has experience with social media it can be used to provide strategic messages. It is important to note that if any social media is used it has inherent risks and should be monitored carefully.
IV. AUDIENCES The following list of audiences and the accompanying table are meant as examples of groups that your district may want to communicate with. Checks in the table represent (in this example) potential matches of methods with relevant audiences. • School Board and ESD • Teachers • Parents & Parent Teacher Association • Students • General Public and Community Groups • Specific Legislators (e.g. city council member) and Staff (as appropriate)
A P Prese Social Proje Targe Onli News Flyers n u ntatio medi ct ted ne media /notic n b ns a Webp email surv (TV, es o li speak (Twitt age s ey newsp u c ing er) apers) n m engag c e emen Audiences e e ts m School District and ESD ti Teachers Parents, PTAs, General Legislature A P Prese Social Proje Targe Onli News Flyers n u ntatio medi ct ted ne media /notic n b ns a Webp email surv (TV, es o li speak (Twitt age s ey newsp u c ing er) apers) n m engag c e emen Audiences e e ts m ti Students General Public and Community Groups Specific Legislators and Staff
V. FOCUS OF MESSAGES Possible Messages (M) by Project Milestones (PM):
PM1. Project Kickoff M1. OSPI has been awarded a Pre-disaster Mitigation Planning Grant by FEMA. M2. The ABC School District is working as a planning partner with OSPI to develop a Hazard Mitigation Plan for the District. M3. The public will be involved through ( me e t i ng s, s ur v e y , work s hop s, w eb si t e, e t c .. ) . M4. The planning process and resultant plan will benefit our schools and community by providing strategies for how to increase the safety of our children, teachers, other personnel, volunteers and facilities from these risks. M5. We need your involvement.
PM2. Stakeholder Survey M1. A draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for K–12 schools is being developed for the ABC District. M2. We have a couple of questions we’d like to ask you. M3. Your input regarding risks to our K–12 schools and our community’s priorities is important to us.
PM3. Draft District Plan M1. ABC District has completed the development of a draft Hazard Mitigation Plan. M2. The Plan covers… M3. A public meeting is being held. M4. Here is how you can help. M5. The plan will benefit schools and communities.
PM4. Project Completion (A message from the Superintendent related to the risks identified and how the District will be proactive in addressing them.) M1. ABC School District has completed a hazard risk assessment and developed a Hazard Mitigation Plan that was funded by a FEMA grant to OSPI. M2. Here is what we’ve learned through this project. M3. This is the best information available given the time and availability of resources. M4. This information is necessary to chart a path forward to better protect our children (staff, volunteers, and facilities). M5. Here is the path forward... M6. We thank the many people who took of their time to participate in this project benefiting the safety of our children, schools and communities.