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The National Park System consists of nearly 300 areas and embraces National Park System Areas Shown In Red about 30 million acres. The National Park Service was established in National Forest Service Areas Shown In Green 1916 "to promote and regulate the use of ... national parks, monuments and reservations" and "to conserve the scenery and the natural and Abraham historic objects and the wildlife therein." •Lincoln Birthplace In these 1 O States of the Southeast, there are more than 50 Park System Mammoth • Kentucky / sites-magnificent scenic areas with mountains, forests, rivers, and Cave / seashores, as well as historical areas associated with the Revolution, 0 the Civil War, and the lives of celebrated Americans. Many areas offer ® one or more of a variety of recreational activities, including hiking, Big South Fork River Cumberland •Fort •Pea Buffalo. Gap • lue Guilford @ picnicking, camping, boating, swimming, freshwater and saltwater fish p Ridge River Donelson Obed Ri vere Andrew Ridge Courthouse Parkway Q Wright Brothers ing, and hunting. a • Oza rk ® Johnson • eStones l,;J Great gah ~ River \'./Smoky Fort R•lelgh The Park Service especially invites you to see its many less frequented ~ Mountains ~1 areas. A guide to such places, "Visit a Lesser-Used Park," is available Tennessee isgah Uwharrie .--. Arkansas Carl 0 -ti ) Cape Hatteras for 70 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government @ Cherokee •Fort Chickamauga • R~~deb u rg North Carolina Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Smith and Chattanoo a • e\ Kings Mountain Russell • • St. Francis Cave Sumte. •Hot Springs Moores • Creek ®x South Carol ina 0 Arkansase The or st Servlc prot ts and m nag 1 he Nation's r n Post sources-timber, water, forage, wildlife-and manages for recr tlon Congareee pursuits 154 National Forests, comprising 187 million acres.
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