Santa Rosa County School Board s3

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Santa Rosa County School Board s3

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture SANTA ROSA COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD John W. Rogers, Superintendent of Schools Purchasing Department Judson C. Crane, CPPB, CPPO, Director of Purchasing & Contract Administration 6544 Firehouse Road Milton, FL 32570-3411

Phone (850) 983-5130 FAX (850) 983-5133 Suncom 689-5130 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

The Santa Rosa County School Board solicits a submission as listed in this request for bid. All terms and conditions below are a part of this bid request, and no bids will be accepted unless all these terms and conditions have been met, unless superseded by the bid specification. Rights are reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities. Bids not submitted in accordance with this bid request will be rejected.


1. The purchasing department will be the point of contact for this bid, unless otherwise noted in the bid specifications. Under no circumstances are the superintendent of schools, board members, school administrators or any other school board employee to be contacted concerning this bid until after award. Any such contact may result in bid disqualification. 2. Price, quality, specifications, payment discounts, warranty, travel time for warranty service, ability to provide service and time of guaranteed delivery will be the determining factors in the awarding of this bid. 3. Bid price shall be the delivered and unloaded price to the designated point according to the purchase order. *** Collect shipments will be refused *** 4. Bids may be awarded or rejected in whole or item by item, with rights being maintained to make joint awards if in the best interest of the district. The Santa Rosa County School Board will retain all copyright and patent rights that may be created by the contract resulting from this bid. These rights are to include, but are not to be limited to written works, computer software and mechanical devices that are created as a requirement of this bid. 5. Enough detail is given in the bid to describe the item being bid, although not written, full manufacturer's specifications are implied. Manufacturer's specifications take precedent over information within this bid if any discrepancy exists. Manufacturer's literature is available from the office of the Purchasing Agent upon request. 6. Any manufacturer's name, trade name, brand name, information and/or catalog numbers listed in a specification are for information only in order to describe and establish general quality levels, not to limit competition. Such references are not intended to be restrictive. The bidder may offer any brand for which authorized to represent, which meets or exceeds the specifications for any and all items. If bids are based on equivalent products, indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name and number and indicate any deviations from the specifications. IMPORTANT NOTE: If bidding an alternate, complete manufacturer's literature, giving full description of the alternate being bid, must be submitted. Failure to submit manufacturer's descriptive literature when bidding an alternate can result in bid rejection for failing to comply with bid instructions. Any bid lacking written indication of intent to quote an alternate brand will be considered and received as a bid in complete compliance with the specifications as listed in the bid. If upon receipt it is found not to meet specifications, payment will not be made and the item will be returned at the bidders expense. 7. For Service and Term contracts, the board reserves the right to provide all services internally, and similar goods and services may be procured through a general contractor or other existing contract. The board also reserves the right to separately bid out large purchases of similar goods and services. 8. In the event more than one bid is submitted for a line item, please indicate the alternate item by inserting "ALT" after the unit price. 9. To be considered all bids must be submitted on the enclosed bid form, properly signed by an authorized representative on the company placing the bid, and delivery date stated. 10. In the event of an error in extending the total cost of an item, the total price submitted will prevail. 11. Sealed bids must be submitted by hand delivery or mail only as noted in the bid specifications. Bids by telephone, fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Only those submitting a bid or a bid marked "NO BID" will be retained on the bid mailing list. No Bids may be sent via mail, e-mail or fax. 12. The bid opening shall be public and at the time noted in the bid specifications. 13. Tie bids will be awarded to the bidder with the earliest postmark or if hand delivered, the earliest actual time noted or stamped on the envelope. It is the bidders responsibility to insure the actual date and time are noted on the envelope. The only exception to this rule is if the tie bids are between an out of state company and a company headquartered in Florida, the Florida company will prevail. 14. A notice of intended decision will be posted in the office of the Purchasing Director one week prior to award. A notice of intended decision will be furnished only to bidders who supply a self addressed, stamped envelope with their bid or by downloading from the purchasing department internet web site at Bidders and interested parties may examine the bid tabulations and files during normal business hours (public record) after bids have been awarded. 15. Rights are reserved to purchase additional quantities at bid price. 16. Payment will not be made until an order is completed in full. 17. The successful bidder will allow duly authorized representatives of the board, the Auditor General of the State of Florida, the Comptroller General of the United States, or other authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the bidder which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture 18. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of preceding under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. All contact in this regard to be made exclusively with the purchasing department. 19. (Service bids only) Insurance required to be carried shall include: A. Insurance 1) The Company shall furnish proof of the following insurance to the Board by Certificate of insurance. 2) The Certificate of Insurance shall state that the Board, it’s members, officers, elected officials, employees, agents and volunteers are additional insureds under the policy or policies. 3) The Company shall provide Certificates of Insurance to the District’s Risk Manager at 8056 Canal St., Milton, FL, 32570 prior to the start of any work under this contract. 4) The Companies insurers shall provide thirty (30) days advance written notice via certified mail in the event of cancellation of any insurance program required by this contract. 5) All insurance policies shall be issued by companies either of the following qualifications: 6) The company must be (1) authorized by subsisting certificates of authority by the Department of Insurance of the State of Florida or (2) an eligible surplus lines insurer under Florida Statutes. In addition, the insurer must have a Best’s Rating of “A” or better and a Financial Size Category of “VI” or better according to the latest edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide, Published by A.M. Best company. Or 7) With respect only to Workers’ Compensation insurance, the company must be (1) authorized as a group self-insurer pursuant to Florida Statutes or (2) authorized as a commercial self-insurer fund pursuant to Florida Statutes. 8) Workers’ Compensation Insurance. The Company shall maintain Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by Florida Statute 440, covering all Company employees employed in connection with this contract and Employers Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence. 9) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. The Company shall procure and maintain for the life of the contract/agreement, Comprehensive Liability Insurance, Broad Form, including Products and Completed Operations Liability. This policy shall provide coverage for death, bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage that could arise directly or indirectly form performance of the contract. The coverage must be on an occurrence form basis with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability 10) Business Automobile Liability. The Company shall procure and maintain, for the life of the contract/agreement Business Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This coverage shall be on an “Any Auto” or “Comprehensive Form” policy. The coverage shall be on an occurrence form policy. In the event the Company does not own any vehicles, hired and non-owned coverage shall be provided in the amounts listed above. B.Indemnification / Hold Harmless 1) Company shall indemnify the Santa Rosa County School Board and to the fullest extent permitted by law, protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Board, its agents, officers, elected officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, losses (including economic losses), and costs arising out of any actual or alleged; 2) Bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use resulting there from, or any other damage or loss arising out of, or claimed to have resulted in whole or in part from any actual or alleged act or omission of the company or subcontractor, any directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable in performance of the work; or 3) Violation of law, statute, ordinance, governmental administration order, rule or regulation by the company in the performance of the work; or 4) Liens, claims or actions made by the Company or any subcontractor or other party performing the work. 5) The indemnification obligations hereunder shall not be limited to any extent on the amount, type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the company or any subcontractor under workers’ compensation acts, disability benefit acts, other employee benefit acts or any statutory bar. 6) Any cost or expense, including attorney’s fees, incurred by the board to enforce the contract shall be borne by the company.

Direct all insurance inquiries to the Purchasing Department, (850) 983-5130.

20. Other governmental agencies which qualify under School Board of Education Rule 6A-1.012(5) may purchase from this bid. This is also a joint bid with the Emerald Coast Purchasing Co-op and the Gulf Coast Purchasing Cooperative whose members may also purchase from this bid at bid prices. 21. In accordance with Florida Statute 1011.14, funding is subject to availability of appropriated funds.

NOTE: Do not return this document with bid submission.

2 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Section 287.087 Florida Statutes

Preference shall be given to businesses with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service, are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process.

Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a business shall:

1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.

2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations.

3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1).

4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employees will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.

5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by an employee who is so convicted.

6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section.

As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements.

Vendor's Signature



1. This sworn statement is submitted to (print name of public entity)

by (print individual's name and title)

for (print name of entity submitting sworn statement)

whose business address:

And (if applicable its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is:

(If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement):

2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.33(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision or any other state or of the United States. Including, but not limited to, any bid contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation.

3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction or a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry or a plea of guilty or nolo contender.

4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means:

a. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or b. An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate.

4 5. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. 6. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below, is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Indicate which statement applies.)

Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989.

The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989.

The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. (Attach a copy of the final order.)



Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20 .

Personally known: or Produced Identification:

Type of Identification: Notary Public - State of

Notary Signature: Notary Stamp:

Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 06/18/92)

5 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture *** BID SPECIFICATIONS ***

All bids must be filed in the Purchasing Director’s office of the Santa Rosa County School Board, located at 6544 Firehouse Road, Milton, Florida prior to 3:00 PM December 3, 2004 and clearly marked Bid 04-15 School Furniture. The sealed bids will be publicly opened in the Purchasing Director’s office at 8:00 AM, December 6, 2004 to be acknowledged and referred to the Purchasing Director for tabulation. The notice of intended decision will be posted by 4:00 P.M. January 20, 2005. The award of the bid will be at the School Board meeting of January 27, 2005 or at a later date if additional study is required. Bidders and interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend both the bid opening and the bid award.

Delivery to be FOB delivery point to: Various locations in Santa Rosa County, Bay County and Okaloosa County. Also, other Northwest Florida locations who are part of the Gulf Coast Purchasing and Emerald Coast Purchasing Cooperatives if agreed to by the vendor.

Note: To receive a copy of the notice of intended decision, send a stamped, self addressed envelope with this bid. The notice of intended decision will be posted in the purchasing office by 4:00 P.M. on January 20, 2005 and on the Internet at

***BID SPECIFICATIONS*** Note: All items to be indelibly stamped or marked with the manufacturer's name and date of manufacture. Combined quantities stated are estimates only from Santa Rosa, Bay and Okaloosa County School Boards. Items within each number are to be bid all-or-none. Specification sheets must be included with the bid sheets if alternates where allowed. Prices to be good for a minimum of 360 days. Bid prices are to include tailgate delivery, (unloaded to the ground). The point of delivery whether school, department, etc., is to be notified 24 hours in advance of delivery. This bid is also being used to establish pricing on items where quantities are not known at this time, but may be purchased at a future date. Please bid all items. Minimum order stipulations are discouraged. Please contact Sandra King at (850) 983-5130 with questions about this bid.

*The table below contains estimated amounts each School Board spent with each winning vendor based on last years bid award. (January 1, 2004 – October 25, 2004) LAST WINNING VENDOR BAY CO SCH BD OKALOOSA CO SCH BD SANTA ROSA CO SCH BD ALLIED $10,000.00 $0 $0 MCALEERS $0 $16,691.89 $29,000.00 PAXTON $0 $0 $0 SCHOOL HSE PROD $13,000.00 $44,685.77 $15,000.00 SCH SPECIALTY $0 $3,427.20 $5,000.00 SPUR $0 $261.44 $22,000.00 VIRCO $100,000.00 $40,009.27 $65,000.00 WENGER $2,000.00 $14,414.60 $0

All items within a number will be awarded to one vendor with the following exceptions: The items listed below will be awarded as follows: 4 & 5 will be awarded to one vendor. 10A, 10B, 10C & 10D will be awarded to one vendor. 13A, 13B & 14 will be awarded to one vendor. 20A & 20B will be awarded to one vendor. 29A, 29B, 30 will be awarded to one vendor.

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture 6 1. Adjustable Open Front Desk - Student desk shall be four-leg moveable type, adjustable with open front copolymer plastic book box. Frame: Four legged piece assembly to consist of two U-shaped 1 1/8” X 18 gauge tops running from side to side to form the upper front and rear legs. Upper legs to be MIG welded to two 14 gauge steel brackets to provide freestanding support for book box. Swagged lower legs to be 1” X 16 gauge. Top: Shall be 18” X 24” X 5/8” and consist of 55 pounds per cubic foot density particleboard surfaced with textured laminated plastic. Edges shall be beveled and sealed with lacquer. Book Compartment: Shall be 21”W X 16”D X 4 1/4”H with safety-rounded corners and shall be injection molded copolymer with pencil tray. Book box shall be attached to the top with eleven screws, and attached to the frame by means of two ribs, which are riveted to the steel support brackets at six points. Front of book box shall be securely supported (unsupported book boxes not acceptable). Adjustment: Legs shall adjust 22” to 30” in one-inch increments. A positive locking device shall employ a set screw and a corresponding T-nut welded to the inside of the upper leg. The T-nut enables the set screw to engage a minimum of 1/4” thread bearing surface. The positive locking device shall assure level and uniform top height. Metal Finish: Shall have upper legs with powder coat finish. Lower legs shall be chrome-plated. Glides: Swivel glides shall be 1 1/4” diameter, rubber cushioned, case hardened, nickel plated, internal holding, nylon base. To be Virco Model #785 or approved equal.

2. Junior Executive Desk - Student desk shall be four-leg moveable type, adjustable with steel side book compartment and steel modesty panel. Frame: Four-legged base assembly to consist of two U-shaped 1 1/8” X 18 gauge tubes running from front to back to form the upper front and rear legs. A brace of 3/4” diameter 18 gauge steel tubing is welded to the outside upper legs for additional strength and rigidity. Molded modesty panel attaches to the tubular leg brace and to the underside of the top with screws. Tapered lower legs to be 1” X 16 gauge. Top: Shall be 18” X 34” X 4/8” and consist of 55 pounds per cubic foot density particleboard surfaced with textured laminated plastic. Edges shall be beveled and sealed with lacquer. Book Compartment: Shall be of 20 gauge steel 11”W X 15 1/2” D X 15” H. Double level storage compartment shall have a rolled inch safety-front edge and a die-formed, full-width pencil tray. Adjustment: Legs shall adjust 22” to 30” in one-inch increments. A positive locking device shall employ a set screw and a corresponding T-nut welded to the inside of the upper leg. The T-nut enables the set screw to engage a minimum of 1/4” thread bearing surface. The positive locking device shall assure level and uniform top height. Metal Finish: Upper legs shall be powder coat finish. Lower legs shall be chrome-plated. Glides: Swivel glides shall be 1 1/4” diameter, cushioned, case hardened, nickel-plated, internal holding, nylon base. To be Virco Model #765 or approved equal.

3. Combination Student Desk - Study top with tubular steel frame, one-piece molded plastic seat and laminated plastic writing surface. Available in 18” and 16” seat height. Frame: One length of 1 1/8” diameter X 16 gauge swaged continuous steel tubing is U-shaped to create the front two legs. Two 14 gauge steel top support brackets shall be welded to said tube and shall attach the top with 8 screws. One length of 1 1/8” X 16 gauge swaged continuous steel tubing is U-shaped to create the rear two legs. A 1 1/8” diameter X 14 gauge steel integral support tube is MIG welded on one end to the front leg frame, then runs underneath the writing surface and down the side of the unit to beneath the shell where it is welded to two 14 gauge leg brackets. One length of 3/4” diameter X 18 gauge steel runs between the front leg and the integral support tube as a lateral brace. One length of 3/4” diameter X 18 gauge steel will also be welded to the integral support tube beneath the writing surface. This tube will run around the side of the unit, where it will be MIG welded to the top of a continuous steel back support tube of 3/4” X 16 gauge steel. This back support tube shall be secured by four MIG welds to two 14 gauge steel brackets which are MIG welded to the legs at eight points for durable, uniform construction. Plastic Shell: Shall be injection molded of high density, 2.0 melt index, linear polyethylene material, molded to a posture-enhancing form with rolled edges and a reinforced area at rivet points. Plastic to have an additive to dispel static charge from product. Evenly dispersed color shall insure fresh appearance. Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

7 Face of the shell to be textured, with three ventilation slots. Shell to be permanently attached to the frame with four stress free nickel plated rivets. Metal Finish: Shall be powder coat finish or chrome-plated. Writing Surface: Shall be 18” X 24” X 5/8” and consist of 55 pounds per cubic foot density particleboard surfaced with textured laminated plastic. Edges shall be beveled and sealed with lacquer. Bottom shall have plastic backing sheet. Glides: Swivel glides shall be 1 1/4” diameter, rubber cushioned, case hardened, nickel plated, internal holding, nylon base. Bookrack: Shall be of cold rolled steel stretchers MIG welded together, then MIG welded to the frame. Also available without bookrack. To be Virco Model 9400BR or approved equal. Size 16" 18"

4. Chairs - Chair shall be metal stacking and moveable type with one-piece molded plastic seat and back. Available in 12”, 14”, 16” and 18” heights. Frame: Shall have 1 1/8” X 18 gauge swaged tubular legs on 18” chairs and 1” X 18 gauge swaged tubular legs on 12”, 14” and 16” chairs. Continuous steel back support tube shall be 3/4” X 16 gauge on 18” chairs and 5/8” X 16 gauge on 12”, 14” and 16” chairs. Tubular steel continuous back support shall be secured by four MIG welds to two 14 gauge steel brackets which are MIG welded to the legs at eight points for durable, uniform construction. Plastic Shell: Shall be injection molded of high density, 2.0 melt index, linear polethylene material, molded to a posture-enhancing form with rolled edges and a reinforced area at rivet points. Plastic to have an additive to dispel static charge from product. Evenly dispersed color shall insure fresh appearance. Face of the shell to be textured with three ventilation slots. Shell to be permanently attached to the frame with four stress free nickel plated rivets. Glides: Swivel glides shall be 1 1/4” diameter, rubber cushioned, case hardened, nickel plated, internal holding, nylon base. Metal Finish: Available with powder coat or chrome finish.

To be Virco Series 9000 Chairs or approved equal. Size 12” 14” 16” 18”

5. Chair Truck - Two wheel tubular chair truck for 18” seat height stack chairs. Frame: Chair truck base is constructed of 1” diameter x 14 gauge steel tubing. Two 1 1/8” diameter x 18 guage steel tubes are welded to the inside of the truck base assembly. “U” shaped handle slides inside tube and is secured with four sheet metal screws. One 8” tube is welded at the top of the truck base to serve as a safety stop for the stack of chairs. A steel tube with a 12 gauge plate welded to each end is welded across underside of brace tubes as a chair back leg stop. One 5/8” diameter x 20 5/8” steel rod with two 9/64” diameter holes drilled through is welded to frame forming the wheel axle. Two 8” diameter wheels with solid rubber tires are secured to the axle with steel washers and cotter pins. Metal Finish: Powder coat paint finish. Dimensions: Overall is 20 5/8” wide x 36” long x 46 3/4” high. To be Virco Model #HCT789 or approved equal.

6. Teacher's Chair - Chair shall be moveable with one-piece sculptured shell. Shall have upholstered seat and back pads. Frame: Shall have 1 1/8” X 16 gauge tubular steel legs. Continuous back support tube shall be 3/4” X 16 gauge and be joined by four MIG welds to two 14 gauge steel leg brackets which are MIG welded to the legs a eight point for unitized construction. Plastic Shell: shall be injection molded of high density, 2.0 melt index, linear polyethylene, molded to a posture-enhancing form with rolled edges and a reinforced area at rivet

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

8 points. Plastic to have an additive to dispel static charge from product. Evenly dispersed color shall insure fresh appearance. Face of the shell to be textured, with three ventilation slots. Shell to be permanently attached to the frame with four stress free nickel plated rivets. Casters: Shall have four 2” hooded swivel casters. Upholstered Pads: seat and back pads shall consist of a 5/8” thick polyurethane foam covered with fabric that is bonded to a 1/10” plywood base. Pads shall be affixed to shell with twelve pop rivets. Metal Finish: Shall be fully chromed. Dimensions: Seat height to be 18”. Unit width to be 19”. Unit depth to be 21”. Unit overall height to be 30”. To be Virco Model #9050P or approved equal. 7. Tables - Table shall be four-legged moveable, adjustable type. Top: Shall be 1 1/8' thick construction consisting or particleboard core with high pressure laminated plastic surface and a plastic backing sheet. Edges shall be protected with a T-mold banding that is securely locked in place. All leg receiving brackets to be 14 gauge steel and to be factory installed. Support Bar: All tables 30” X 60” and over shall be provided with a 7/8” square by 16 gauge enamel support bar, closed with plastic plugs. Legs: Upper leg assembly to be 1 1/8” X 18 gauge tubular steel MIG welded 360 degrees to a 14 gauge leg plate and supported by a steel U-shaped brace. Lower leg to be tapered 1” X 16 gauge chrome-plated tubular steel. Lower leg die-formed at one-inch increments to receive setscrews for positive, even adjustment. For safety, a T-nut shall be welded to inside of each upper leg enabling set screw to engage a minimum of 1/4” thread bearing surface. Range of adjustment shall be from 22” to 30”, at one-inch spacings. A positive locking device shall assure level and uniform top height. Metal Finish: Upper legs shall be powder coat finish. Lower legs shall be chrome-plated. To be Virco Series 4000 Tables or approved equal. Type/Shape, Size, Rectangle, 24” x 36” Rectangle, 24” x 48” Rectangle, 24” x 60” Rectangle, 24” x 72” Rectangle, 30” x 36” Rectangle, 30” x 48” Rectangle, 30” x 60” Rectangle, 30” x 72” Rectangle, 36” x 60” Rectangle, 36” x 72” Square, 36” x 36” Round, 36” Round, 42” Round, 48” Round, 60” Trapezoidal, 24”x24”x24”x48” Trapezoidal, 30”x30”x30”x60” Trapezoidal, 42”x42”x42”x84 with grommet hole, straight leg Kidney, 48” x 72” Horseshoe, 60” x 66” Clover 48”

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

8. Teacher's Desk - Teachers desk shall be steel, double pedestal, with central locking system. Pedestals: Each pedestal to have one box drawer and one file drawer of fully reinforced steel. Box drawer shall 9 have slots inside walls to receive partitions. Steel drawer slides with nylon bearings for smooth drawer operation. Lock in box drawer locks both box and file drawer. File drawer shall have full cradle suspension with nylon rollers to allow drawer to fully open. Follower block holds files upright. Center Drawer: Shall be cold rolled steel with pencil and utility drawer. Modesty Panel: Shall be cold rolled steel. Plastic unacceptable. Legs: Shall be 1” square cold rolled steel chrome plated tubing. Metal Finish: Shall be powder coat finish. Top: Shall be 30” X 60” X 1 1/8” high density particleboard surfaced with textured laminated plastic. Edges are protected with a T-mold banding. Glides: Shall be 1 1/4” non-marring, plastic base adjustable glides with in a steel insert. To be Virco Model #546 or approved equal.

9. Teacher's Desk - Teachers desk shall be steel, single pedestal, with locking drawer system. Pedestals: Shall be fully reinforced steel. Box drawer shall have slots inside walls to receive partitions. Steel drawer slides with nylon bearings for smooth drawer operation. Lock in box drawer locks both box and file drawer. File drawer shall have full cradle suspension with nylon rollers to allow drawer to fully open. Follower block holds file upright. Central Drawer: Shall be cold rolled steel with pencil and utility drawer. Modesty Panel: Shall be cold rolled steel. Plastic unacceptable. Legs: Shall be 1” square cold rolled steel chrome plated tubing. Metal Finish: Shall be baked-on enamel. Top: Shall be 30” X 48” X 1 1/8” high density particleboard surfaced with textured laminated plastic. Edges are protected with a T-mold banding. Glides: Shall be 1 1/4” non-marring, plastic base adjustable glides wet in a steel insert. To be Virco Model #543 or approved equal. 10A. Computer Table - Top is 1 1/8” thick with a high pressure laminated plastic surface. Laminate is formed over a radius edge core, forming a rolled edge. Backing sheet on the underside to prevent warping. Legs adjust from 22” to 30” in one-inch increments. Tubular steel bracing on the underside of 60” or longer tops. Nylon- base adjustable glides. Wire management panel and grommet hole in top is standard on tables. Available only with chrome legs with Char Black frame and Grey Nebula top. Keyboard mouse tray must be ordered separately. Units to be Virco 87PF “Future Access” series or approved equal. Table Sizes: 87PF2472 = 24” X 72” 87PF3048 = 30" x 48 87PF3072 = 30” X 72”

10B. Computer Table - Top is 1 1/8” thick with a high-pressure laminated plastic surface with pedestal legs. Edges are protected with a Char Black T-mold banding. A backer sheet on the underside to prevent warping. Legs adjust from 22” to 30” in one-inch increments. Tubular steel bracing on the underside of 60” or longer tops. Nylon-base adjustable glides. Available in three colors, med oak, walnut and grey nebula. This table has no grommet holes and wire management panel and keyboard must be ordered separately. Units to be Virco 8700 or approved equal.

Table Sizes: 872472 = 24” X 72” No Grommet hole 873072 = 30” X 72” No Grommet hole 87TRAP60 = 42X42X84 With Grommet hole

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

10C, Key Board Mouse Tray - Tray is ¾” thick with a radiused and formed laminate edge. Height adjustment is made during installation in ½” increments at three different heights. Ball bearing slides provide extension and retraction of tray. Tray size is 12” X 29”. KBMT is recommended for use on 24” wide tables. Units to be 10 Virco TKBMT29 or approved equal.

10D. Wire Management Panel - Guides cables from unit to unit or houses cables for cable management. Steel modesty panel is 7” high. Wire storage channel is 3” X 2”. WMP is standard on “Future Access” tables and optional on Series 8700. Units to be Virco TWMP or approved equal. Wire Management Panel: TWMP-72 for 72” tables

11. Demonstration Table with Mirror - Constructed in maple with natural finish. Overall table size 30” W X 72” L X 32” H. Includes two drawers, 2 ¾”H X 20” W X 18” D inside. Top surface is 1 ¼” thick, covered with laminated plastic, 30” X 72”. Table is supported by 2” X 2” heavy-duty legs. Unit furnished with 22 5/8” X 64” demonstration mirror with tempered glass in a 1 ¾” X 4” H X 8” L maple block support base. Unit to be Shain Shop/Bilt #DB-7230WM or approved equal.

12. Folding Chairs - Frame to be 7/8” diameter X 20 gauge steel tube and be U-shaped to create front legs and backrest support. Seat pan to be one piece construction, contoured with 22 gauge steel, lower edge curled and seat pan attached to U-shaped frame and rear legs with four 1/4” X 1-1/8” steel rivets. Backrest panel to be curved 24 gauge thick steel panel to be curled along full with of bottom edge, and shall be spot resistant welded in nine places. Rear legs to consist of two sections of 19-1/4” long X 7/8” diameter X 23 gauge tubing. Metal finish to be available with a powder coat finish. Dimension seat height is 17”. 17-1/2”WX18”DX29-1/4”H. To be Virco 167 or approved equal.

13A. Adjustable Teacher / Clerical Pneumatic Task Chair - Maximum depth 24 ¼, width 26 and height 38 ¼, seat depth 18 ¼ width 20 ½, back width 17 ½ height 16. Seat to floor height 15 ½ - 20 ½. Pneumatic seat height adjustment, positions lumbar support within a fixed range, swivel 390 degrees. Code III fabric. To be Hon 7901 or approved equal.

13B. Arms for Teacher /Clerical Pneumatic Task Chair – Fixed, upholstered, T-Arms for Hon 7901. Code III fabric. To be Hon 7991.

14. Stool/Designer - Pneumatic with footrest. Adjustable height with foot ring. Pneumatic seat height adjustment. Positions lumbar support within fixed range, Swivel 390 degrees. Code III fabric. To be Hon 5905 or approved equal.

15. Adjustable Stool - Steel seat stool with seam-welded tubular steel frame and steel seat pan. Frame is enamel finish. Adjustable height legs have 8” range in 1” increments from 19” to 27” and have self-leveling glides. Nickel plated telescoping leg section locks with set screws. 14” diameter steel seat with tempered hardboard inset. To be Krueger International Stool 618A

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

16. Stool/Lab - Stool to have adjustable height from 25” - 33”. Seam-welded tubular steel frame with steel seat pan, enamel frame, fixed legs have polypropylene feet, 14” diameter steel seat with tempered hardboard inset, nickel plated adjustable, telescoping in 8 one inch increments, legs with self-leveling glides. To be Kruger International 624A.

17. Floor Lectern - enamel finish, epoxy powder coat, 20”WX16”D top to be constructed of 5/8” thick high 11 density fiberboard featuring balanced construction of high pressure melamine laminated plastic surface and plastic backer sheet. Edges to be contoured and lacquered. Attached to steel support plate with metal screws. To have 16”WX2”D metal book retainer. Upper pedestal channel to be constructed of 2 1/4” X 1” 16 gauge rectangular tubular steel. Lower pedestal column to be constructed of 1”X2” 18 gauge rectangular tubular steel with 1”X2” cross base welded to upright. Lower pedestal column to be tapped at 1” intervals to adjust in height from 34” to 44” with use of plastic knob on adjusting mechanism. To have 1 11/16” diameter base floor leveling glides. To be Royal #0500.

18. Folding Table with Adjustable Height Legs - Adjustable height 19” to 29”.Top to be 3/4” and consist of 45 lb per cubic foot density particleboard surfaced with a fused melamine surface. The underside of the top shall be sealed with a melamine backing sheet to seal out moisture. Edges to be protected with a vinyl T-mold banding. Upper leg frames, to consist of a 1-1/4” diameter X 19 guage top hinge tube, and two 1-1/8” diameter X 19 gauge leg tubes. Leg frames shall attach to top with four 3/4” wide X 18 guage zinc steel clamps with two 9/16” screws per clamp. Lower leg frame to insert into upper leg frame and consist of two 1” diameter X 20 gauge steel leg tubes welded to a 1” diameter X 17 gauge steel foot tube. The leg tubes shall have eleven 3/16 X 7/16” adjustment holes. Table to have adjustable release mechanism, folding mechanism, spring clips, steel aprons, corner supports and non-marring plastic glides. Colors: Aprons, legs and folding mechanisms shall be charcoal. Metal finish, upper legs shall be available with a powder coat finish. Lower legs shall be available chrome plated. To be Virco 6013 & 6023 or approved equal. Size & Model 30” X 72”, Virco 603072ADJ 30” X 96”, Virco 603096ADJ

19. Cafeteria Table - The tables shall fold and open in one operation, assisted by pneumatic cylinders. Tables to be equipped with 4” casters, maximum of four per table. Table top to be solid core 45 lb. density Novoply with a .053” high pressure laminate and a .045 backersheet. Table edge to be the “Perfect Edge” which will prevent dirt, moisture and bacteria from penetrating the table core. The tables to have attached Corex stool seating that rotates to a vertical position when the table is closed. The unitized table frame to have chrome legs and seat supports. All tables to carry UL listing. The warranty to be for a 10 year period with a lifetime warranty for the “Perfect Edge” table top. Table height to be bid for both 27” or 29”. Size/Make /Model or approved equal. Kruger N812-C-PR 27” #UF12/8 with 16 Stools Kruger N812-C-PR 29” #UF12/8 with 16 Stools Kruger N612-C-PR 27” #UF12/6 with 12 Stools Kruger N612-C-PR 29” #UF12/6 with 12 Stools Kruger UF12/BE/PR/CH 27” Rectangular Table with Benches Kruger UF12/BE/PR/CH 29” Rectangular Table with Benches

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

20A. Student Music Chair - Chair to be constructed of 16-gauge 7/8” (22mm) square-tube frame, wear- resistant polypropylene seat and back, with nylon bumpers to protect chairs when stacked. Frame finish to be grey, black or chrome. Frame is strengthened with 14 gauge 7/8” (22mm) square tube rear crossmember the floor glides high impact mar resistant nylon material. Seat and back color options: Wedgewood, Oatmeal, Raspberry, Black and Oyster. To be Wenger #0930000 Posture Chair or approved equal. Sample may be required if alternate bid. Size/seat-to-floor frame height 12 16” 17 ½” 18 ½”

20B. Folding Tablet Arm - Arm to be constructed with large 13 ¾” X 17” writing surface with an easy to attach design which folds behind chair when not in use. To be Wenger, (#0939015- left arm) or (#0939014- right arm), Folding Tablet Arm or approved equal. Sample may be required if alternate bid.

21. Music Stand - Stands desk is to be constructed of a polystyrene composite to make it chip, dent and scratch resistant. Contains an accessory shelf and has 20 3/8” X 13 ½” desk surface, with height adjuster which allows the desk to adjust from 24” to 45 ½” from desk lip to floor. Base is to be welded. Base and upright tube to be black, grey and chrome. To be Wenger # 1020000 or approved equal. Sample may be required if alternate bid.

22. Music Stand - To be constructed with polymer material and lightweight, with one-piece base. Music desk to be 13 ½” to 20” with recessed desk area, and height adjuster which allows the desk to adjust 25 ½” to 49” from desk lip to floor. To be Wenger # 039B500 or approved equal. Sample may be required if alternate bid.

23. 23. Mobile Folio Cabinet - To be a 75-Slot Band/Orchestra Folio Cabinet w/Maple Doors, with lower storage compartment, standard 1 3/8” shelf spacing with adjustments at 5/8”. Cabinet dimensions to be 47 ¾” W X 17 5/8” D X 47 1/8” H with shelf dimensions of 14 ¼” W X 14 ½” D X 1 3/8 H. To be Wenger # 146H592 or approved equal.

24. Mobile Folio Cabinet - To be a 100-Slot Choral Folio Cabinet w/Maple Doors, with lower storage compartment, standard 1 3/8” shelf spacing with adjustments at 5/8”. Cabinet dimensions to be 47 ¾” W X 17 5/8” D X 47 1/8” H with shelf dimensions of 10 1/8” W X 12 ½” D X 1 3/8” H. To be Wenger # 146H572 or approved equal.

25. Stereo Cabinet - Cabinet to be lockable with a flip-up top for turntable access, with three adjustable component shelves, cassette storage drawer, CD storage drawer, miscellaneous drawer, folding speaker shelves. To be constructed of ¾” thermofused composite wood mounted on lockable casters. To be Wenger # 165G001 or approved equal.

26. Trouper Seated Choral Riser - To be constructed with fixed-height legs and (side & front closure panels & backrails and siderails are optional accessories), with a capacity of 51-60 and capable of being set up in horseshoe, winged shape or semi-circle shape. Side and front closure panels. To be Wenger Trouper Seated Riser# FP135 with backrails and sloping siderails, side and front closure panels or approved equal.

Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

27. Art Tables - To be a multi-purpose art table constructed of solid Maple base fitted with a heavy-duty top covered with plastic laminate and vinyl t-mold edge. Plastic laminate top is 1 ¼” thick and provide a non- staining, smooth, mar-proof work area. Over all table size is 60” wide X 42” Deep X 30” High with heavy floor glides. Base finish consists of sealer and multiple hot lacquer applications. To be Shain Shop Built Art Table # PT-62P or approved equal.

28. Science Tables - General purpose lab table to provide workspace for two students. Apron to be solid hardwood construction and legs to be 2 1/4” square with vinyl boots. To have epoxy resin 1” tops. Overall height to be 30”. Size to be 60”x 24”. To be Diversified Woodcraft # 657681N or approved equal.

13 29A. File Cabinet – Two drawer and four drawer, letter and legal size. Corner gussets to allow for strength and air circulation. Shelves (horizontal members) are welded for additional strength. To have triple tied cradle with drawers to be of three piece welded construction, inside drawer filler is 22 guage steel. Standard drawer sides (hang rails must be purchased if file is to be used for hanging file folders). Locks purchased separately. To meet or exceed all ANSI/BIFMA requirements. To be Hon 530 Series or approved equal. Size 2 drawer, letter/Hon R532 4 drawer, letter/Hon R534 2 drawer, legal/Hon R532C 4 drawer, legal/Hon R534C

29B. File Cabinet – Two drawer and four drawer, letter and legal size. Corner gussets to allow for strength and air circulation. Shelves (horizontal members) are welded for additional strength. To have triple tied cradle with drawers to be of three piece welded construction, inside drawer filler is 22 gauge steel. Rotary, core removable locks and high drawer sidewalls for hanging type files. To meet or exceed all ANSI/BIFMA requirements. To be Hon 510 Series or approved equal. Size 2 drawer, letter/Hon 512P 4 drawer, letter/Hon 514P 2 drawer, legal/Hon 512CP 4 drawer, legal/Hon 514CP

30. Lateral File Cabinet – To be 30”, 36” or 42” case width with drawers 19 ¼” case depth. Equipped with one key interchangeable core removable locks. Cabinet to have three-part telescoping slide suspension which operates on 40 steel ball-bearings per slide, drawer extension restraint, adjustable leveling glides, adjustable hang rails, optional laminate tops, reinforce case construction and baked enamel finish over phosphatizing prime rust-proofing treatment. To be Hon 600 Series or approved equal.

14 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture

Size: 30”W 2 Drawer with lock/Hon 672L 36”W 2 Drawer with lock/Hon 682L 42”W 2 Drawer with lock/Hon 692L 30”W 3 Drawer with lock/Hon 673L 36”W 3 Drawer with lock/Hon 683L 42”W 3 Drawer with lock/Hon 693L 30”W 4 Drawer with lock/Hon 674L 36”W 4 Drawer with lock/Hon 684L 42”W 4 Drawer with lock/Hon 694L 42”W 5 Drawer with lock/Hon 665LF

31. Laminate Book Cases – To be 3, 4 or 5 shelf laminate bookcase with square corner detail and adjustable shelves. To be Hon 1870 Series or approved equal. Size: 36” W X 11-1/2D X 36-1/8H 3 shelf #1871 36” W X 11-1/2D X 48-3/4H 4 shelf #1872 36” W X 11-1/2D X 60-1/8H 5 shelf #1874

NOTE: Do not return this document with bid submission.

15 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 15-04 School Furniture *** Bid Form ***

Date: Company:

Address: City, State & Zip Code

Phone: Toll Free Phone:

Internet Web Site (URL):



By: ______Title: ______(Signature And Print Name)

Payment Terms:

Accept Procurement Card (Visa) Payment: Yes No

Additional Discount for use of Procurement Card:


Delivery Time In Days: ______

How Long Will Prices Be Good: (Minimum of 360 days requested) ______


Reminder: Enter unit price. Any additional fees, such as installation, must be noted separately. Items are to be delivered and unloaded as specified. Specifications for alternate makes and models bid must be attached to your bid.

Santa Rosa County School Board Bid 04-15 School Furniture ITEM ALT MAKE ALT UNIT MODEL PRICE 1 Adjustable Open Front Desk, Virco Model #785 2 Junior Executive Desk, Virco Model # 765 3 Combination Student Desk, Virco Model 9400BR 16” Combination Student Desk, Virco Model 9400BR 18”

16 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture ITEM ALT MAKE ALT UNIT MODEL PRICE 4 Chairs, Virco, Series 9000 12” Chairs, Virco, Series 9000 14” Chairs, Virco, Series 9000 16” Chairs, Virco, Series 9000 18” 5 Chair Truck, Virco Model HCT789 6 Teacher Chair, Virco Model 9050P 7 Tables,Virco 4000 Series Rectangle, 24”x 36” Rectangle, 24”x 48” Rectangle, 24”x 60” Rectangle, 24”x 72” Rectangle, 30”x 36” Rectangle, 30”x 48” Rectangle, 30”x 60” Rectangle, 30”x 72” Rectangle, 36”x 60” Rectangle, 36”x72” Square, 36”x 36” Round, 36” Round, 42” Round, 48” Round, 60”

Trapezoidal, 24”x24”x24”x48”

Trapezoidal, 30”x30”x30”x60”

Trapezoidal, 42”x42”x42”x84” with grommet hole, straight leg

Kidney, 48”x72”

Horseshoe, 60”x66”

Clover 48” 8 Teacher’s Desk, double pedestal Virco Model 546 9 Teacher’ Desk, single pedestal Virco Model 543 10A Computer Table Virco Model 87PF

Table 24”x72”

Table 30"x48"

17 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture ITEM ALT MAKE ALT UNIT MODEL PRICE

Table 30”x72” 10B Computer Table Virco Model 8700

Table 24”x72”

Table 30” 72”

Table 42X42X84 with grommet hole 10C Key Board Mouse Tray Virco TKBMT29 10D Wire Management Panel Virco TWMP-72 for 72” tables 11 Demonstration Table with Mirror Shain Shop Bilt DB- 7230WM 12 Folding Chairs Virco 167

13A Adjustable Teacher Chair/Clerical Pneumatic Hon 7901

13B Arms for Teacher/Clerical Pneumatic Chair Hon 7991

14 Stool/Designer Pneumatic with Foot Rest Hon 5905

15 Adjustable Stool Kruger International 618A 16 Stool/Lab Kruger International 624A 17 Floor Lectern Royal 0500 18 Folding Table with Adjustable Height Legs Virco 6013 & 6023

Table 30” x 72”

Table 30” x 96”

19 Cafeteria Table Kruger N812-C-Pr & N612-C-PR Table 27” with 16 Stools #UF 12/8 N812-C-PR 27” Table 29” with 16 Stools #UF 12/8 N812-C-PR 29”

18 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture ITEM ALT MAKE ALT UNIT MODEL PRICE Table 27” with 12 Stools #UF 12/6 N612-C-PR 27” Table 29” with 12 Stools #UF 12/6 N612-C-PR 29” Table 27" with Bench UF12/BE/PR/CH Table 29" with Bench UF12/BE/PR/CH 20A Student Music Chair Wenger 0930000 Chair 16”

Chair 17 ½”

Chair 18 ½”

20B Folding Tablet Arm 0939015 left Wenger 0939014 right 21 Music Stand Wenger 1020000 22 Music Stand Wenger 039B520 23 Mobile Folio Cabinet Wenger 146H592 24 Mobile Folio Cabinet Wenger 146H572 25 Stereo Cabinet Wenger 165G001 26 Trouper Seated Choral Riser FP 135 Portamaster Seated Riser FP135 Backrails

Straight Siderail 177A002

Side Closure Panel

Front Closure Panel

27 Art Tables Shain Shop Bilt PT-62P 28 Science Tables Diversified Woodcraft #657681N 29A File Cabinet (530 Series)

2 Drawer Letter/Hon R532

4 Drawer Letter/Hon R534

19 Santa Rosa County School Board RFB 04-15 School Furniture ITEM ALT MAKE ALT UNIT MODEL PRICE 2 Drawer Legal/Hon R532C

4 Drawer Legal/Hon R534C

Locks Per Each:

29B File Cabinet (510 Series)

2 Drawer Letter/Hon 512P

4 Drawer Letter/Hon 514P

2 Drawer Legal/Hon 512CP

4 Drawer Legal/Hon 514CP

Locks Per Each:

30 Lateral File Cabinet (600 Series)

30”W 2 Drawer with lock/Hon 672L

36”W 2 Drawer with lock/Hon 682L

42”W 2 Drawer with lock/Hon 692L

30”W 3 Drawer with lock/Hon 673L

36”W 3 Drawer with lock/Hon 683L

42”W 3 Drawer with lock/Hon 693L

30”W 4 Drawer with lock/Hon 674L

36”W 4 Drawer with lock/Hon 684L

42”W 4 Drawer with lock/Hon 694L

42”W 5 Drawer with lock/Hon 665LF

31 Book Case 36” W X 11-1/2D X 36-1/8H 3 shelf #1871

Book Case 36” W X 11-1/2D X 48-3/4H 4 shelf #1872

Book Case 36” W X 11-1/2D X 60-1/8H 5 shelf #1874


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