This helps a child or young person share personal information in order to help those working with them understand their motivations, preferences, goals and self-image. The design of this template may vary depending on a child or young person’s interests and preferences. There are many ways of providing a child or young person with opportunities to complete their profiles either as part of a classroom activity, during tutor group time, in a mentoring session with support or by themselves.

As My Profile shares personal information, it needs to be treated with respect. A child or young person should be informed how the information will be used, for example: as part of lesson planning, helping to plan transition to another year group, class or school; as a guide to help with individual support planning. Most of these children or young people will not be identified as having additional needs.

Instructions for use

Download your ‘My Profile’ templates here! As they are interactive PDFs, you can complete them in 2 ways:

1. Download your chosen design(s) and complete onscreen by clicking in the appropriate choice boxes and typing within the text fields. The PDF should then be resaved and renamed and filed away as required

2. Download your chosen design(s), print out and complete manually.

‘My Profile’ designs

‘My Profile’ templates come in a range of styles to appeal to different tastes and age groups. Children and young people are free to choose the template that most appeals to them.

General headings:

All ‘My Profile’ template share the same general headings:  What’s important to me

 What people like and admire about me

 My goals and aspirations

 What helps me

 What doesn’t help me


Some templates provide extra subheadings. For instance, under the heading ‘What’s important to me’, the subheadings provided are: People, Places, Things.

Tick box options: Some templates provide additional tick box options under these subheadings. For example, under the subheading, ‘people’, options provided are: Family, Grandparents, Friends etc. There is always an option for the child or young person’s own choice in a free text box.

The choice is yours!