Districtwide Distance Education Steering Committee (DDESC) s1

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Districtwide Distance Education Steering Committee (DDESC) s1

Districtwide Distance Education Steering Committee (DDESC) Meeting Notes for Monday, February 10, 2014 12:00-1:30 p.m. District Office - Room 245


Elizabeth Barrington, Hank Beaver, Gwyn Enright, Michelle Fischthal, Dave Giberson, Steinberg-Alison Gurganus, Kats Gustafson, Mary Kingsley, Rechelle Mojica, Jane Newcomb, Sandra Pesce, Angela Romero, Joe Safdie, and Tobey Tam.

Meeting Notes

The Committee reviewed the meeting notes from the December 9 meeting. Notes were approved. All meeting notes are posted to http://www.sdccdonline.net/handbook/.

Online Faculty Mentors' Campus Updates

Gwyn reported on City College’s celebration of their 100-year centennial anniversary. Find out more at http://centennial.sdcity.edu/ and photos can be found at this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/sandiegocitycollege/. The first meeting of City College Academic Senate’s DE subcommittee meeting will be held March 7. Gwyn has promoted the SDCCD Online Instructional Technology workshops to faculty on her campus. Gwyn has already been meeting with faculty this Spring. She has met with three instructors; one instructor of Fine Arts has shown interest in developing an online course.

Joe mentioned that Mesa has been celebrating its fiftieth year anniversary. In the first couple of weeks of the semester Joe has opened his doors to instructors seeking assistance with distance education. Last week, Joe met with Mesa College’s VPI Tim McGrath. Tim expressed concern that the online course offerings at Mesa have not expanded. It is his wish to offer more online courses, and he would like to make sure that a student taking only online courses is able to finish a program of study leading to an AA completely online.

Rechelle and Jane have been working to develop an Accessibility Module that will be included in Continuing Education’s IMCP (Interactive Media Certificate Program.) IMCP offers certificates to students who complete 875 hours and attend courses 25 hours per week for 36 weeks. IMCP Certificates can help students interested in pursuing employment as Graphic Designers, Desktop Publishers, Multimedia Artists, and more. Rechelle has also been gaining knowledge on the art of using Twitter in educational settings. Angela shared that she is currently using Twitter for all 6 of the course sections she is teaching. Rechelle reported that her newly created Blackboard course ‘Accessibility and Universal Design’ will be available for flex credit. Last, she and Dave will be presenting a workshop tomorrow “Developing a Successful Support System for Online Instruction” from noon-1:00pm that will focus on attracting instructors currently not teaching online.

Sandra announced that she will be holding four sessions of ‘Lunch with a Librarian’ via CCCConfer from noon -1:00pm; February 25 – Databases; March 5 – Books & E-books; March 11- Library Websites Review; March 19 – Streaming Video.

EduStream Update Sandra reported that she has received a letter via email from the Bonnie Edwards, CCCCO’s Director of the State’s Technology and Telecommunications Unit. The letter informed that TTIP funds for EduStream will not be renewed. As of July 1, 2014 accounts will be encompassed through the 3C Media Solutions managed by Palomar College. You can find out more about 3C Media Solutions at http://www.3cmediasolutions.org. Palomar will be managing account creation and maintaining the site. There will be no commercial videos available on the site, it will all be faculty or student created content. Some of what the site offers is 3C Media On Demand - 3C Media Solutions provides programming on demand using a variety of media, from video to audio technology. 3C Streaming Media - planning a class lectures, presentations or events you’d like to stream live online. 3CRSS/Podcasting - The 3CRSS solution allows faculty and staff of the CCC System an RSS/Podcasting account free of charge. Event Coverage - Event Coverage Service provides you the opportunity to video record, stream LIVE online and archive all or part of your classroom lecture, presentation, symposium, conference keynote speaker, workshop, break-out sessions, board meetings and special events.

Blackboard SP 14 Upgrade Presentation

Dave provided the Committee with a presentation on the recently installed Service Pack 14 upgrades. Dave walked through many of the new features and answered questions along the way.


Dave described the past and current usage of Blackboard’s SafeAssign tool. Due to an enormous jump in cost, the district has not committed, as yet, to renewing Turnitin after the software license expires this June. Dave detailed the differences between Turnitin and SafeAssign and he described the difference between Global and Institutional databases.

Next Meeting: Monday, April 14, 2014, noon-1:30pm, City College R-212

Respectfully submitted by: Mary Kingsley

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