Standard Land Use Permit Conditions Template
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Standard Land Use Permit Conditions Template Introduction This document contains a list of standard land use Permit conditions for Board staff to use when developing draft permits for consideration by their respective Boards. Each Board will always continue to approve the conditions for inclusion in individual land use permits when each Permit is issued. Implementation of this template was approved by the full Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB) in April 2013. Please take time to carefully review all of the instructions, conditions, and rationale contained in this Template before using it for the first time. Conditions that are not recommended by Working Group 4 (WG4) (for example if an updated version of the condition is included on the standard list or if the condition is considered outside of the LWB authority) and conditions that are considered unique (i.e. not standard) are maintained in a separate document titled MVLWB WG4 - LUP - Non-Standard and Deleted Conditions, located on the Staff Links page of the Land and Water Board websites. Please note that some conditions have also been combined or moved to different sections, but remain on the Standard Template. On both the standard template and the non-standard list, some conditions are highlighted in yellow because they are under ongoing review (e.g. by the executive directors, legal counsel, or a multi-agency working groups) and may not have up-to-date rationale. These conditions may be used at the discretion of the Board, although it is recommended that Board staff first consider the MVLWB’s approved Standard Process for New Conditions. Note on including Inspector authorization within conditions: Where use of the phrase “unless otherwise authorized in writing by an Inspector” is consistent with the Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations (MVLUR), based on a legal review obtained by WG4, the phrase has been included in the wording of the condition and a note has been included in the rationale (e.g. “Inspector authorization as per MVLUR section 6, 8, 9(2), 14(1)”). WG4 does not recommend including Inspector authorization in other conditions, but encourages Board staff to consult with Inspectors regarding the wording and applicability of conditions for individual projects to ensure that conditions are practical (e.g. type, size, and number of equipment; Drilling Fluids; etc.) – please be aware that using Board authorization in conditions that formerly used Inspector authorization is not always feasible.
Note on Amending and Assigning permits: This Standard Template is intended primarily for new land use permits and renewals; however, it can also apply to amendments of conditions and assignments of permits: Section 26(2) of the MVLUR gives the Board authority to “amend any of the conditions of a Permit on receipt of a written request from the Permittee,” but not in any other case (except when assigning a Permit, as noted below). When the Board considers amending a Permit condition at the request of the Permittee, the standard condition from this Template should be used or, if necessary, the Standard Process for New Conditions should be used.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 1 of 52 When assigning a Permit, the Board may consider amending Permit conditions as per subsection 38(1) of the MVLUR. If the Board decides to amend conditions during an assignment, staff will use a standard condition from the Template (or use the Standard Process for New Conditions if necessary). Although WG4 does not recommend amending every condition to match the Standard Template, during an assignment, the Board can use its discretion and make any amendments that it deems appropriate. o
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 2 of 52 Instructions for Board staff
Part A: Scope of Permit Do not include detailed information that might change in the scope of a Permit (such as number of drill holes), unless there is rationale for deliberately limiting the scope; a new Permit is required for activities outside the scope. Part B: Definitions Include definitions for words that are specific to your Permit. WG4 has included some new definitions to add clarity to the wording used in conditions. Update the definition of Board if a Permit is being issued by a regional panel. When considering other definitions, please check acts and regulations first for definitions (including external legislation such as the Fisheries Act or Draft NWT Wildlife Act), then check similar permits that have been recently issued. Part C: Conditions Always download the current template from the Staff Links page of the LWB websites. Consider both the rationale and the Board staff notes, then use the Standard Template and delete each condition (row) that you do not want to include in a draft Permit (right click anywhere in the row and select ‘Delete Cells’, then select ‘Delete Entire Row’). Some conditions may be in different sections of the Template than they were on old conditions lists; it is thus advisable to review the entire Template when drafting an LUP, including renewals, to ensure that conditions are not missed. Insert file-specific “non-standard” conditions if appropriate. If you are considering use of a condition that is not on this template, please follow the Standard Process for New Conditions. (To insert a condition: right-click and insert a blank row, then type in the wording. This will maintain the numbering on the left-hand side in the correct order.) All conditions should meet the characteristics of an ideal condition (see the Standard Process for New Conditions); for this reason, include the rationale for each condition in a draft Permit when it is presented to the Board. Consider keeping a printed copy of the standard template (i.e. all conditions and rationale) available for the Board at each meeting to avoid discussing each standard conditions again for every file (this has been specifically requested in the past by the MVLWB regional panel and could be very helpful).
Finalizing: When the a permit is ready to be issued, delete the rationale and notes columns (right click anywhere in the column and select ‘Delete Cells’, then select ‘Delete Entire Column’).
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 3 of 52 Remove table borders; Remove 1st row (column titles ‘Condition’ and ‘Category’); Add the Permittee name, Permit number, and land use activity to the footer on all pages; Add page numbers; Ensure all definitions listed in Part B are actually used in conditions in the body of the Permit and are capitalized; and Do a final formatting check for spelling, spacing, table borders, numbering, etc. Tracking and Updating: One staff member at each Board should be designated to track conditions, most likely a WG4 member or the Regulatory Manager. Condition tracking involves: o Documenting new/different conditions that are used in a Permit; o Documenting proposed changes to standard template conditions; o Identifying conditions that are considered standard for your Board but do not appear on the Standard Template; and o Reporting on the above items to the WG4 Chair. The template is a working document; conditions and definitions may be revised, added, or removed at the discretion of the Executive Directors. The up-to-date template will be maintained on the LWB website (staff links page) to ensure a consistent template is accessible to all Board staff. Tracking in the early stages of implementation will help to refine a tracking scheme that will facilitate ongoing improvement and revision of the standard template.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 4 of 52 Conditions Annexed to and Forming Part of Land Use Permit # ______
Part A: Scope of Permit
1. This Permit entitles “PERMITEE” to conduct the following land-use operation: a) “SCOPE OF OPERATION INLUDING LATITUDE AND LONGITUTE OF PROJECT AREA”
2. This Permit is issued subject to the conditions contained herein with respect to the use of land for the activities and area identified in Part A, item 1 of this Permit.
3. Compliance with the terms and conditions of this Permit does not excuse the Permittee from its obligation to comply with the requirements of any applicable Federal, Territorial, Tłıchǫ,ı or Municipal laws.
Part B: Definitions (defined terms are capitalized throughout the Permit)
Act - the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.
Archaeological Overview - as defined by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre – Guidelines for Developers.
Archaeological Impact Assessment - as defined by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre – Guidelines for Developers.
Board - the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board established under Part 4 of the Act.
Borehole - a hole that is made in the surface of the ground by drilling or boring.
Dogleg – the clearing of a line, trail, or right-of-way that is curved sufficiently so that no part of the clearing beyond the curve is visible when approached from either direction.
Drilling Fluids - any liquid mixture of water, sediment, drilling muds, chemical additives or other wastes that are pumped down hole while drilling and are specifically related to drilling activity.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 5 of 52 Drilling Waste - all materials or chemicals, solid or liquid, associated with drilling, including drill cuttings and Drilling Fluids.
Durable Land - land that is able to withstand repeated use, such as gravel or sand with minimal vegetative cover.
Flowback - the flow of Fracturing Fluid back to the wellbore after fracture treatment is completed.
Flowing Artesian Well - a well in which water: a) Naturally rises above the ground surface or the top of any casing; and b) Flows naturally, either intermittently or continuously.
Fracturing Fluid - the fluid injected at high pressure to perform a hydraulic fracturing treatment, including the applicable base fluid and all additives.
Fuel Storage Container - a container for the storage of petroleum or allied petroleum products with a capacity of less than 230 litres.
Fuel Storage Tank - a closed container for the storage of petroleum or allied petroleum products with a capacity of more than 230 litres.
Greywater - all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens, and domestic washing facilities but not including toilet wastes.
Habitat - the area or type of site where a species or an individual of a species of wildlife naturally occurs or on which it depends, directly or indirectly, to carry out its life processes.
Inspector - an Inspector designated by the Minister under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.
Minister - the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
Oil-Based Drilling Muds - Drilling Fluids that are commonly formulated with diesel, mineral oil, or low- toxicity linear olefins and paraffins.
Oil and Gas Drilling Sump - a surface excavation, constructed of material that exhibits low permeability (hydraulic conductivity of less than 10-6cm/s), for the purpose of depositing and containing Drilling Waste.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 6 of 52 Ordinary High Water Mark - the usual or average level to which a body of water rises at its highest point and remains for sufficient time so as to change the characteristics of the land. In flowing waters (rivers, streams) this refers to the “active channel/bank-full level” which is often the 1:2 year flood flow return level. In inland lakes, wetlands, or marine environments, it refers to those parts of the Watercourse bed and banks that are frequently flooded by water so as to leave a mark on the land and where the natural vegetation changes from predominately aquatic vegetation to terrestrial vegetation (excepting water tolerant species). For reservoirs, this refers to normal high operating levels (full supply level).
Permafrost - ground (soil or rock) that remains at or below 0oC for at least two consecutive years.
Produced Water – water naturally present in the reservoir or injected into the reservoir to enhance production, produced as a co-product when gas or oil is produced.
Secondary Containment - containment that prevents liquids that leak from Fuel Storage Tanks or containers from reaching outside the containment area and includes double-walled Tanks, piping, liners, and impermeable barriers.
Sewage - all toilet wastes and Greywater.
Sewage Disposal Facilities - Sump(s) and/or Sewage collection tank(s) and/or storage containers designed to hold Sewage.
Spill Contingency Plan - a document, developed in accordance with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s Guidelines for Spill Contingency Planning (April 2007), that describes the set of procedures to be implemented to minimize the effects of a spill.
Sump - a man-made pit or natural depression in the earth's surface used for the purpose of depositing waste that does not contain Toxic Material, such as non-toxic Drilling Waste or Sewage, therein.
Toxic Material- any substance that enters or may enter the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions such that it: a) Has or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity; b) Constitutes or may constitute a danger to the environment on which life depends; or c) Constitutes or may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 7 of 52 Waste – any garbage, debris, chemical, or Toxic Material to be used, stored, disposed of, or handled on land, and also as defined in section 51 of the Act.
Waste Management Plan (WMP) - a document, developed in accordance with the Board’s Guidelines for Developing a Waste Management Plan, that describes the methods of waste management from waste generation to final disposal.
Watercourse - a natural body of flowing or standing water or an area occupied by water during part of the year, and includes streams, springs, swamps and gulches but does not include groundwater.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 8 of 52 Part C: Conditions Applying to All Activities (headings correspond to subsection 26(1) of the Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations) Condition Category Rationale Board staff notes 26(1)(a) Location and Area 1. The Permittee shall not Private The condition is included in a Permit where conduct any part of the Property there is a possibility that the land-use land-use operation within operation will infringe upon a person’s ___ metres of any privately private property. The infringement may be owned or leased land or in the form of noise, vegetation structure, unless otherwise disturbance, soil stability from borrow or authorized in writing by the quarry operation, etc. “Privately owned or Board. leased land or structure” includes cabins used for traditional activities, such as trapping, hunting, or fishing.
A setback of 300m has sometimes been used in the past, but any number may be used at the discretion of the Board. 2. The Permittee shall not Avoid This condition may not be fully covered by conduct any part of the Cabins the Private Property condition. The intent land-use operation within here is to protect traditional cabins ___ metres of a cabin used particularly in cases in which ownership of for traditional activities, the land or structure is not clear. Note: including trapping, hunting, land use plans may provide specific or fishing, unless otherwise buffer/setback distances. authorized in writing by the Board. A setback of 300m has sometimes been used in the past, but any number may be used at the discretion of the Board. 3. The Permittee shall locate Camp The intent is to minimize disturbance by all camps on Durable Land Location locating camps, which are heavy use areas, or previously cleared areas. on Durable Land that will endure repeated use. In addition, sites that have no vegetative ground cover can better withstand surface disturbance without the Permafrost melting and the ground surface settling. Durable land is defined in the definitions section.
This is consistent with best practices outlines in the Department of Fisheries and PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 9 of 52 Ocean’s Operational Statement on Mineral Exploration. 4. The Permittee shall use an Existing The intent of this condition is to minimize Using a previously existing campsite, as Camp land disturbance. Whenever possible, it is disturbed site described in the complete preferable to use an existing site rather may have application. than to disturb land for a new campsite. implications for This condition could be used where old the security campsites are known to exist, for example, calculation, which in an area where many historic exploration includes a projects have occurred. ‘discount’ for use of previously disturbed land. 5. Prior to the Drill Final drill target locations are often not commencement of drilling, Locations known at the time the Permit application is the Permittee shall submit submitted, but an Inspector and the Board the drill target locations on need to be informed of final drill target a 1:50,000-scale map with locations in order to: ensure that other coordinates and map conditions related to drilling are adhered datum to an Inspector and to, keep a record on the public registry, the Board. and inspect drilling locations. 6. The Permittee shall not Quarry Inspector authorization as per MVLUR conduct a quarry operation Setback section 6(b). within 100 metres of the Ordinary High Water Mark The intent of this condition is to prevent of any Watercourse, unless the deposition of sediment from quarrying otherwise authorized in that, if occurring near Watercourses, could writing by an Inspector. affect water quality and fish Habitat. MVLUR paragraph 6(b) states that, “Unless expressly authorized by a Permit or in writing by an Inspector, no Permittee shall excavate land within 100 metres of a Watercourse at a point that is below its Ordinary High Water Mark”. The wording of this condition is more protective since it includes all land within 100 m of a Watercourse, not only “points below its Ordinary High Water Mark.”
Note – quarrying near a Watercourse may require specific mitigation measures or authorization from DFO if there are PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 10 of 52 potential impacts on fish. 7. The Permittee shall not Parallel This condition applies to both treed and MVLUR does not construct parallel lines or Roads barren ground regions to eliminate give an Inspector roads, unless an existing unnecessary parallel roads. MVLUR authority to line or road cannot be paragraph 10(a) states that “Unless authorize parallel used. expressly authorized by a Permit, no lines, it says no Permittee shall clear a new line, trail or new construction right-of-way where an existing line, trail or 'where an existing right-of-way can be used.” The Permittee trail can be used'. may construct parallel detours, lines, or trails where the original detour, line, or trail cannot be used due to flooding, landslides, washouts, snowdrifts, etc. This condition is necessary, in addition to Location of Activities, because small lines or trails (particularly temporary winter roads) may not have precise locations defined at the time of the application.
Inspector discretion can be used to evaluate whether or not an existing trail can be used. 8. The Permittee shall locate Parallel The intent of this condition is to avoid or Authority over all lines, trails, and right-of- Watercour reduce erosion of soil into Watercourses. clearing of ways to be constructed se Natural erosion would be accelerated if vegetation for parallel to any trees and other vegetation are cleared roads, trails, and Watercourse a minimum of near shorelines, particularly for streams. right-of ways is 100 metres from the MVLUR section 10 addresses the clearing not an express Ordinary High Water Mark, of lines, trails, and right-of-ways, but does power given to except at crossings. not address required distancing from Inspectors under water. MVLUR section 6 addresses the MVLUR. excavations within 100m of a Watercourse Under section 6 (i.e. prohibited unless authorized by a of the MVLUR, Permit or in writing by an Inspector), but Inspectors only does not address removal of vegetation. have authority with respect to excavation. 9. The Permittee shall not Location of The Permittee must submit, for approval, a The land to be conduct this land-use Activities written request, along with maps, for an used is identified operation on any lands not amendment to this condition when in the preliminary designated in the complete changes to the area of operation are screening—new PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 11 of 52 application. necessary. Private land, mineral claims, land must be land claims, cultural sites, or other screened during interests in land could be affected. an amendment or new Permit process. 10. Prior to the Mark Area The intent of this condition is to inform commencement of the Inspectors and other people in the area of land-use operation, the the land use area associated with the Permittee shall mark each Permit. This is normally used only when corner of the land use area. operations are adjacent to each other and there may be conflicts; for example, multiple Permittees accessing the same quarry or adjacent quarries. 11. The Permittee shall Corner Used with the Mark Area condition above. maintain the corner Posts markings until the area is reclaimed. 12. Prior to the Inspect Locations to be disturbed should be This condition is commencement of the Locations inspected to determine the condition of not commonly land-use operation, the the land use area prior to disturbance [e.g. used. It should Permittee shall accompany the locations for any new well sites, Sumps, be used with an Inspector during an campsites, quarries, and access road caution and only inspection of the proposed locations as described in the complete after consultation land use area. application]. This will help determine the with an Inspector. appropriate level of cleanup and Inspections prior reclamation work that is necessary when to the land-use operation is completed. commencement of the land-use This condition is only used after operation may consultation with an Inspector. not be practical, particularly where sites are accessible only by air. 26(1)(b) Time 13. At least 48 hours prior to Contact An Inspector must be notified in order to the commencement of this Inspector facilitate inspections to ensure that the land-use operation, the Permittee is in compliance with the Terms Permittee's Field and Conditions of the Permit. This initial Supervisor shall contact an contact is important to establish regular Inspector at (867) _____. communication between the Permittee PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 12 of 52 and an Inspector, as well as to confirm contact information for numerous other conditions that will require communication between the Permittee and an Inspector.
The Board should also be notified, but it may not always be possible for the Permittee to contact the Board (e.g. depending on office hours, weekends, etc.) within specific timelines. The Identify Agent condition requires notification in writing to both an Inspector and the Board. 14. At least 48 hours prior to Identify This condition would be used where the commencement of this Agent applicant has not given the contractor’s or land-use operation, the field supervisor’s names on the application Permittee shall provide the because he does not know who they will following information, in be at the time of placing the application. writing, to the Board and Sometimes contracts are awarded after the an Inspector: LUP is issued, so the operating conditions (a) the name(s) of the can become part of the contract. Also, this person(s) in charge of the information may change and must be field operation; (b) updated with an Inspector and the Board. alternates; and (c) all methods for contacting the This written notice must be provided to above person(s). both the Board and an Inspector. 15. At least ten days prior to Reports The intent of this condition is to inform an the completion of the land- Before Inspector that the land-use operation is in use operation, the Removal the final stages of completion, as he/she Permittee shall advise an may want to conduct an inspection before Inspector of: (a) the plan the Permittee leaves the work area and for removal or storage of after final cleanup and restoration have equipment and materials; been completed. and (b) when final cleanup and reclamation of the land used will be completed. 16. The Permittee shall not Shut Down This condition could be used to prohibit all If there is conduct any activity Period activity during certain periods in order to rationale, the associated with the land- minimize impacts, for example, on Board may decide use operation between ___ Permafrost, critical wildlife, or fish Habitat. to restrict a and ____ [dates]. specific type of PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 13 of 52 activity rather than all activities. If so, replace “activity associated with the land-use operation” with the specific type of activity being restricted. 17. The Board, for the purpose Spring This condition is normally used in every of this operation, Break – Permit where other conditions refer to designates ___, as spring up spring break-up, such as shut down dates break-up. or removal of snow fills.
An Inspector does not have legal authority to change this particular condition, therefore, it does not state ‘unless otherwise authorized in writing by an Inspector. However, as stated in conditions titled V-Notch Ice Bridges, Remove Snow Fills, and Sumps/Spring Break-up, an Inspector does have authority to waive or delay the requirement for debris removal (e.g. ice bridges/snow fills) and reclamation of Sumps, depending on the situation from year to year, as per MVLUR 9(2) and 8.
The date should be set in consultation with an Inspector. A date of March 31 has sometimes been used in the past, but any date may be used at the discretion of the Board, considering the climate of the region and the local terrain. 26(1)(c) Type and Size of Equipment 18. The Permittee shall not use Only This condition ensures that the potential Authority over any equipment except of a Approved impact on the land with respect to type size and similar type, size, and Equipment equipment type, size, and number, as number of number to that listed in the listed in the application, are considered equipment is not PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 14 of 52 complete application. when selecting the Permit conditions and an express power approving the Permit. given to Inspectors under Board staff, an Inspector, and the applicant the MVLUR. should work together to see how likely changes in equipment are and whether such changes in equipment would trigger any other requirements (e.g. a water licence), change the environmental impacts and mitigations, and/or change the scope of the project, etc. Board staff should consult with an Inspector and the applicant to decide whether it is appropriate to include “type” and/or “size” and/or “number” – e.g. it some cases it may not be practical to include “number”. Using the word “similar” reduces enforceability (according to legal advice) but may be a practical solution for giving some amount of flexibility to Permittees, within reason, and relying on an Inspector’s discretion. 19. The Permittee shall use Portable The intent of this condition is to minimize portable ramps during Ramps disturbance and erosion of stream banks. loading or unloading of Portable ramps eliminate the need for dirt ships or barges. push-outs or earth ramps that may cause erosion and sedimentation into streams, harming fish or fish Habitat. Construction of earth ramps may require approval from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 20. The Permittee shall Fire- This condition is applicable where there is Condition is only maintain the following fire- Fighting risk of a land use operation starting a fire. necessary where fighting equipment at the Equipment For example, . where the Permittee risk of land use site: (a) Four backpack bags proposes to dispose of timber, brush, operation starting complete with hand and/or debris by burning during the forest a fire is high (e.g. pumps; and (b) a minimum fire season (generally, May 15 to October welding of two pieces of each of 1, as described by GNWT). This condition operation or the following equipment: or sections thereof should be used with burning of brush pulaskis, axes, and shovels. discretion considering fire risk andfire during fire priority zone, as well as risk to human life, season) property, natural resources, and cultural PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 15 of 52 resources). 26(1)(d) Methods and Techniques 21. The Permittee shall Dogleg Dogleg The intent of this condition is to maintain lines, trails and right-of- Approache and preserve aesthetic values along ways that approach s navigable streams and public roads. This Watercourses or public may also be used as an erosion control roads. technique. 22. Prior to the movement of Detours The intent of this condition is to eliminate any vehicle that exerts and the use of heavy machines, such as pressure on the ground in Crossings bulldozers, to explore for creek crossings excess of 35 kPa, the and detours around other obstacles Permittee shall scout encountered on the proposed lines or proposed lines and routes routes, as considerable vegetation and to select the best location trees are disturbed or destroyed in the for crossing streams and process. Reconnaissance using light track avoiding terrain obstacles. vehicles, ATV’s, aircraft, or by walking will result in less damage to the land and vegetation. It is also more cost effective for the operator. 23. As the land-use operation Refill Craters resulting from the use of explosives progresses, the Permittee Craters can be a safety hazard to people and shall refill and restore animals. craters caused by explosives. 24. Immediately upon Mineral This condition applies to both small- and completion of operations Exploration large-diameter mineral exploration at each Borehole, the Drill drilling. The intent is to reduce the Permittee shall remove or Casings potential safety hazard for wildlife and cut off and seal each drill humans, and to maintain aesthetic values. casing at ground level. The wording “upon completion of operations at each drill hole” is intended to allow casing removal to be delayed if the Permittee intends to re-enter the drill hole. 25. Immediately upon Oil and Gas This condition applies to oil and gas drilling completion of operations Drill operations. The intent is to reduce the at each Borehole, the Casings potential safety hazard for wildlife and Permittee shall remove or humans, to maintain aesthetic values, and cut off and seal each drill to plan ahead for potential ground casing below ground level. subsidence. 26. The Permittee shall remove Remove The intent of this condition is to prevent PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 16 of 52 all wire from the land as Wire obstructions to wildlife Habitat and injuries the land-use operation to wildlife. This condition is often used for progresses. activities such as seismic and road blasting. 27. The Permittee shall Winter The intent of this condition is to protect construct and maintain the Roads mosses, grasses, and small shrubs on the overland portion of winter overland portions of winter roads. A layer roads with a minimum of of snow, packed in place, will help reduce 10 cm of packed snow the amount of winter kill of vegetation. and/or ice at all times Snow cover also adds to the life of the during this land-use winter road by reflecting the sun’s heat. operation. Snow insulates the road surface preventing heat from penetrating the frost in the road bed. Ice may also be used, particularly where sufficient snow is not available. 28. The Permittee shall not Storage on The intent of this condition is to reduce the 'For immediate erect camps or Ice risk of pollution of Watercourses by not use' gives some store material, other than allowing camps or stockpiling of materials discretion to an that required for on ice. ‘Watercourse’, as defined in the Inspector immediate use, on the ice MVLUR, includes all moving and standing regarding what surface of a Watercourse. water bodies. can be stored and for how long.
29. Prior to the expiry of this Excavated Inspector authorization as per MVLUR Since this is in the Permit, the Permittee shall Material section 8, which requires excavated MVLUR, excluding replace all excavated material to be replaced, unless otherwise this condition material, unless otherwise authorized in a Permit or in writing by an from the authorized in writing by an Inspector. Permittee does Inspector. not absolve the Safety for people and wildlife is the Permittee from primary purpose of the condition. replacing Backfilling all holes, including: Sumps, excavated trenches, etc., eliminates the hazard that material in open holes pose. accordance with the regulations. 30. The Permittee shall leave a Tree The primary reason for this condition is Board staff buffer strip of undisturbed Screen aesthetics, as well as reduced risk of snow should consult vegetation at least 30 blowing/drifting on the road. with an Inspector metres in width between to designate the cleared areas and public In some cases, an exception clause may be width of the tree roads. included in the condition, for example “.... screen/buffer 30 metres in width between cleared areas depending on the PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 17 of 52 and public roads except at location type and location ______, where a minimum buffer strip of of the operation – 10 metres must be maintained.” e.g. if a road is proposed within 30 metres of a Watercourse, and the Board is ok with the road location, then the tree screen width must be adjusted accordingly. 26(1)(e) Type, Location, Capacity, and Operation of All Facilities 31. The Permittee shall ensure Clean Work The intent of this condition is to instruct that the land use area is Area the Permittee to keep the land use area kept clean at all times. generally clean at all times. Cleanup should occur throughout the land-use operation, not only when the operation is complete. 32. The Permittee shall mark Markers/ The intent of this condition is to provide This condition all seismic lines at least Seismic the land use Inspector with a means of should only be once every 1.5 km Lines identifying who cleared the seismic lines or included in indicating the Land Use who the users are on existing seismic lines. permits if an Permit’s number and In barren regions, the stakes are a visual Inspector asks for provide GPS coordinates aid for the land use Inspector. it or to maintain of each marker to an best practices Inspector and the Board. that may be established in a given region. In other cases, providing GPS coordinates for at least every kilometre and only installing physical markers at each end of the line should suffice. 33. The Permittee shall provide Seismic This condition requires all survey Some Inspectors PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 18 of 52 an electronic copy of all Survey information to be provided to an Inspector have asked for shot and receiver points, Data and may be used at the request of an this information. for all seismic lines Inspector. Board staff surveyed during the should consult operation, to an Inspector with an Inspector and the Board. to determine whether this condition is appropriate. 34. The Permittee shall not Sumps Inspector authorization is as per Paragraph locate any Sump within 100 From 6(b) of the MVLUR, which states that, metres of the Ordinary Water “Unless otherwise authorized in writing by High Water Mark of any a Permit or an Permittee Watercourse, unless shall excavate land within 100 metres of a otherwise authorized in Watercourse at a point that is below its writing by an Inspector. Ordinary High Water Mark”.
The intent of this condition is to prevent waste from entering Watercourses and affecting water quality, fish and other aquatic life, and downstream users. 26(1)(f) Control or Prevention of Ponding of Water, Flooding, Erosion, Slides, and Subsidence of Land 35. The Permittee shall install Culvert The installation of culverts, if not done and maintain culverts such Size correctly, can change the flow of water that scouring does not through and downstream of the culvert, occur. resulting in scouring and erosion leading to the release of sediment into the water. Sediment deposited in water can affect water quality, fish, and other aquatic life. Elevated culvert entrances can cause scouring which may create an obstruction for migrating fish and result in destruction or fragmentation of fish Habitat.
Wording of this condition is based on the DFO Fact Sheet on Culvert Installations. 36. The Permittee shall Permafrost This condition applies especially to PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 19 of 52 insulate the ground surface Protection operations conducted during summer in beneath all structures Permafrost regions and particularly where associated with this land- there are unstable soils having a high ice use operation to prevent: content that are covered with vegetation. (a) any vegetation present The intent is for a mat to be laid down to from being removed; (b) protect the ground on which buildings, the melting of Permafrost; equipment, and for materials to be placed and (c) the ground settling or stored, particularly buildings or and/or eroding. structures that are heated. 37. The land-use operation Natural The intention of this condition is to prevent shall not cause Drainage the impoundment of water, unless this is obstruction to any natural the intent of the undertaking for which a drainage. water licence has been obtained, such as in the case of construction of reservoirs to generate electricity, a water supply for towns and cities, or industrial use such as hydraulic mining. This condition is intended to prevent ponding, flooding, erosion, damage to fish Habitat, and other potential impacts of obstructed/modified drainages. It applies to any and all types of obstructions; for example, those caused by ice bridges, snow fills, inadequate erosion control measures, excessive vegetation clearing, and improper culvert design/installation, etc. 38. The Permittee shall Progressive This requires the Permittee to prevent and minimize erosion by Erosion mitigate erosion throughout the life of the installing erosion control Control project. Inspectors will use their discretion structures as the land- to determine whether the efforts of the use operation Permittee are satisfactory and consistent with best practices - e.g. a focus on progresses. preventing erosion rather than trying to stop or clean up sediment that has already been eroded. 39. The Permittee shall, where Flowing Flowing artesian wells resulting from flowing water from a Artesian drilling programs may affect adjacent land Borehole is encountered: Well owners or cause erosion. Water flowing (a) plug the Borehole in from bore holes could transport sediment such a manner as to or additives to surrounding lands or water permanently prevent any bodies. The groundwater level may be PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 20 of 52 further outflow of water; affected, which could affect vegetation and (b) immediately report and/or impact surrounding well water the occurrence to the levels. Board and an Inspector. Inspectors can take immediate action if necessary, such as a field inspection to ensure that LUP conditions are being adhered to and that any risk to people or the environment is mitigated. The Board must also be notified to ensure that information is posted to the public registry and is available to inform future Board decisions and/or LUP conditions regarding development in the area. 40. The Permittee shall not Off-road This condition applies where repeated use There are four conduct off-road vehicle Vehicle of a single route will damage the surface of conditions related travel in areas without Travel the land or vegetation during winter or to snow-covered surfaces. summer. rutting/gouging and vehicle movement. They can be used in a variety of combinations. 41. The Permittee shall Prevention The intent of this condition is to prevent There are four prepare the site in such a of Rutting damage to vegetation and rutting of the conditions related manner as to prevent ground with heavy machinery, especially to rutting of the ground during summer in Permafrost regions rutting/gouging surface. where there are unstable soils with high ice and vehicle content. It requires the use of some type movement. They of supporting and insulating pad or mat or can be used in a geotextile, or a snow/ice pad, and requires variety of that the Permittee be proactive in combinations. preventing rutting. 42. The Permittee shall Suspend This condition would apply to land-use There are four suspend overland travel of Overland operations carried out during summer conditions related equipment or vehicles at Travel where machinery and vehicles make to the first sign of rutting. repeated trips over lines and trails, rutting/gouging eventually rutting the ground and and vehicle damaging the vegetation, especially in wet movement. They areas. This condition could also apply to can be used in a spring break-up and fall freeze-up when variety of PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 21 of 52 the ground may not be sufficiently frozen combinations. for vehicles to travel without damaging the soil and vegetation. 43. The Permittee shall not Vehicle This condition puts the onus on the There are four move any equipment or Movement Permittee to determine whether or not the conditions related vehicles unless the ground Freeze-up ground is dry and firm enough or to surface is in a state capable sufficiently frozen to support machinery rutting/gouging of fully supporting the and vehicles. The intent is to prevent and vehicle equipment or vehicles damage to the land surface and vegetation. movement. They without rutting or gouging. can be used in a variety of combinations. 44. The Permittee shall not use Ice Bridge The intent of this condition is to keep any material other than Materials waste out of Watercourses. Logs, planks, clean water and snow in sawdust, soil, etc. are prohibited because the construction of ice when frozen into the ice bridge, they bridges. become difficult, if not impossible, to remove before spring break-up. 45. The Permittee shall not use Snowfill The intent of this condition is to keep any materials other than Materials waste out of Watercourses. Logs, planks, clean snow and water in sawdust, soil, etc. are prohibited because the construction of snow they become difficult, to remove before fills. spring break up. If not removed, they would be deposited into the Watercourse. 46. Prior to spring break-up or Remove or Inspector authorization as per MVLUR completion of the land-use V-Notch section 9, which also requires cleanup and operation, the Permittee Snowfills restoration of natural drainage. shall clean up and either remove or v-notch all The intent of this condition is to prevent snowfills from stream pollution and the alteration of drainage in crossings, unless otherwise streams. An Inspector can decide when and authorized in writing by an whether removal is necessary, or whether Inspector. v-notching is preferable. In some cases, removal could damage the stream bank, thus v-notching would be preferable.
This condition is consistent with the DFO Operational Statement on Ice Bridges and Snow Fills, which recommends that: “Compacted snow should be removed from snow fills prior to the spring freshet”. PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 22 of 52 Timing of cleanup and v-notching is provided by the Spring Break – Up condition. 47. Prior to spring break-up or V-notch Ice Inspector authorization as per MVLUR completion of the land-use Bridges section 9, which also requires cleanup and operation, the Permittee restoration of natural drainage. shall clean up and v-notch all ice bridges, unless The intent of this condition is to prevent otherwise authorized in pollution and the alteration of drainage in writing by an Inspector. streams. V-notching of ice bridges is a best practice recommended by DFO. Timing of cleanup and v-notching is provided by the Spring Break – Up condition. 48. The Permittee shall not cut Stream Inspector authorization as per MVLUR any stream bank, unless Banks Paragraph 6(b), which requires any cutting otherwise authorized in of a stream bank to be authorized within a writing by an Inspector. Permit or by an Inspector. If authorization to cut a stream bank is given to the Permittee, then mitigation of erosion and slumping should be coordinated with a Fisheries Officer and an Inspector.
The intent of this condition is to ensure that stream crossings are established at locations where both banks are low in order to prevent bank-cutting and subsequent erosion. This is especially important where there is flowing water.
This condition is consistent with best practices, as outlined in the DFO Operational Statement on Temporary Stream Crossings, which recommends that, “Grading of the stream banks for the approaches should not occur. If the stream bed and banks are steep and highly erodible (e.g., dominated by organic materials and silts) and erosion and degradation are likely to occur as a result of equipment fording, then a temporary PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 23 of 52 bridge should be used in order to protect these areas”. 49. The Permittee shall Minimize The intent of this condition is to prevent minimize approach grades Approach erosion of stream banks and potential on all Watercourse impacts to fish Habitat. The term crossings. “minimize” is somewhat vague, but it allows an Inspector to use his/her discretion to ensure that low-grade crossings are selected and erosion is prevented. 50. The Permittee shall not No Fording The intent of this condition is to prevent If a one-time ford ford wet streams. of Streams erosion of stream banks and stream beds of a wet stream is and the deposition of sediment into an approved part streams. Sediment can affect water quality of the project, and harm fish and other aquatic life and then this their Habitat. condition should not be used, or DFO Operational Statement on Temporary should include an Stream Crossings recommends: “The use of exception – e.g. temporary bridges or dry fording is “except a one- preferred over fording in flowing waters time ford across due to the reduced risk of damaging the Small Creek near bed and banks of the Watercourse and location ____” or downstream sedimentation caused by “except as vehicles.” described in the application”.
51. The Permittee shall slope Excavation Inspector authorization as per MVLUR the sides of waste material and section 8, which requires that excavated piles, excavations, and Embankme material be replaced unless otherwise embankments — except in nts authorized by a Permit or Inspector. solid rock — to a minimum ratio of 2:1 vertical, unless This condition is applicable on public roads otherwise authorized in and in areas accessible by the public. writing by an Inspector. Safety, aesthetics, and erosion prevention are the main factors. Sloping the sides of cuts, fills, and piles aids in stabilizing the soil and reducing erosion. 52. The Permittee shall not Watercour The intent of this condition is to control Conditions remove vegetation or se Buffer erosion and to avoid sediment deposition Excavate Near operate heavy equipment into water-bodies where it can affect water Watercourse and PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 24 of 52 within 100 metres of the quality and fish Habitat. It also protects Parallel Ordinary High Water Mark sensitive riparian Habitat. Watercourse also of any Watercourse. limit activities The condition places additional within 100m of a requirements on the Permittee; in addition Watercourse and to MVLUR section 6 requirements are more regarding excavations. generally applicable than If activities within 100 metres of a this Watercourse Watercourse are an approved part of the Buffer condition. project – for example at crossings – an exception should be added to this The phrase condition – e.g. “....except as described in “unless otherwise the application” or “except at crossings”. authorized in writing” is not used here; an Inspector has authority to authorize excavations within 100 m of a Watercourse (as per MVLUR section 6), but not vegetation removal or general equipment operation. 53. The Permittee shall not Excavate Inspector authorization as per MVLUR excavate land within 100 Near section 6. metres of the Ordinary Watercour High Water Mark of any se The intent of this condition is to prevent Watercourse, unless erosion and sediment deposition within a otherwise authorized in Watercourse. This condition is based on writing by an Inspector. MVLUR paragraph 6(b) which states that no Permittee shall, “Excavate land within 100 metres of a Watercourse at a point that is below its Ordinary High Water Mark”. However, this condition is more stringent, since it prohibits excavation on
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 25 of 52 all land within 100 metres of a Watercourse and not only land that is 'below its Ordinary High Water Mark’.
Note: work in or near a Watercourse may require a water licence and/or DFO authorization. 26(1)(g) Use, Storage, Handling, and Ultimate Disposal of Any Chemical or Toxic Material 54. The Permittee shall not use Drilling The intent of this condition is to ensure Board staff need any Drilling Fluids, muds, or Chemicals that chemicals used in oil and gas drilling to decide additives that were not and hydraulic fracturing operations are whether it is identified in the complete reviewed and approved by the Board. appropriate to application, unless the Depending on the chemical’s composition recommend MSDSs are provided to the and characteristics, different management ‘Drilling Board and Inspector and and mitigation measures may be required. Chemicals’ or usage of the chemical(s) is Please see the detailed rationale for the ‘Chemicals’ authorized in writing by the general Chemicals conditions. condition to the Board. Board (depending The Board authorization process during the on type of life of a project includes input from an operation, type of Inspector and may include input from chemicals, other parties. mitigation measures proposed, potential impacts on the environment, etc).
It is possible that both conditions could be included in a single Permit. 55. At least seven days prior to Chemicals Authority: the Board has authority to the use of any chemicals make conditions related to chemical that were not identified in use and disposal, as per MVLUR 26(1) the complete application, (g) the MSDS sheets must be Purpose and rationale: this condition PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 26 of 52 provided to an Inspector allows Board and Inspector to review and the Board. the chemical and take action if they are concerned that its use may impact the environment. If appropriate, the Board may require the Permittee to update his/her management or mitigation measures or the Spill Contingency Plan. The condition should match the scale of the project, be practical, and enforceable: o Board approval of every chemical is not practical for all operations. Inspectors note that mineral exploration projects may change Drilling Fluids 10 or more times over a few years, always using some type of biodegradable, non-toxic fluid. For this type of operation, direct approval of individual chemicals is not necessary because conditions for waste disposal already prevent deposit of any Toxic Material (defined in definitions section). o For hydraulic fracturing or other activities that may use Toxic Material, the Board may wish to use the Drilling Chemicals condition to require Board authorization prior to use of any new chemicals. o Seven days notice does not significantly delay the Permittee (since they need time to order and ship a Drilling Fluid or other chemical). No conflicts with legislation: PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 27 of 52 Inspector authorization of specific chemicals is not supported by MVLUR, therefore, either Board authorization or no authorization should be used. 56. When drilling within 100 Drilling The intent of this condition is to prevent metres of the Ordinary Near the deposit of Drilling Waste into High Water Mark of any Water or Watercourses. Watercourse, and when On Ice drilling on ice, the These four conditions on drilling near Permittee shall contain all water and Drilling Waste are always used drill water and waste in a together. closed circuit system for reuse, off-site disposal, or deposit into a land-based Sump or natural depression. 57. The Permittee may deposit Drilling The intent of this condition is to prevent Drilling Waste that does Waste drill waste from entering water bodies not contain Toxic Material where it could affect water quality and fish in a Sump or natural Habitat. This condition states that it is depression. Any Sumps or acceptable to dispose of non-toxic waste natural depressions used to on the land; removal is not required. If it is deposit Drilling Waste must safe to do so, an Inspector may authorize a be located at least 100 Sump that is less than 100 metres from a metres from the Ordinary Watercourse, as per MVLUR section 6. High Water Mark of any Watercourse , unless These four conditions on drilling near otherwise authorized in water and Drilling Waste should always be writing by an Inspector. used together. 58. The Permittee shall remove Drilling Waste containing Toxic Material must be all Drilling Waste Waste removed to prevent contamination of soil, containing Toxic Material Disposal groundwater, and surface water. An to an approved disposal approved facility means a facility that is facility. certified by the relevant regulatory body (e.g. federal, provincial, territorial) to accept the waste/substances that are to be removed.
These four conditions on drilling near water and Drilling Waste should always be PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 28 of 52 used together. 59. The Permittee shall not Drilling The intent of this condition is to contain allow any Drilling Waste to Waste Drilling Waste. If Drilling Waste is allowed spread to the surrounding Containme to spread to adjoining lands or into lands or Watercourses. nt streams, water quality, vegetation, and wildlife and fish Habitat could be seriously affected.
These four conditions on drilling near water and Drilling Waste should always be used together. 60. The Permittee shall ensure Wastewate The intent of this condition is to contain that all Drilling Fluids, r liquid Drilling Waste generated during Flowback, and Produced Containme hydraulic fracturing operations. Water wastes are nt contained in storage tanks If Drilling Waste is allowed to spread to located within a bermed adjoining lands or into streams, water area with leak detection quality, vegetation, and wildlife and fish and a synthetic liner that is Habitat could be seriously affected. considered impermeable and is capable of containing 110% of the total volume of the largest storage tank(s) employed within the bermed area. 61. Prior to rig removal, the Mud Waste containing Toxic Material must be Permittee shall supply, to Componen removed to an approved facility to prevent the Board and an ts contamination of soil, groundwater, and Inspector, a list of mud surface water. An approved facility means components used during a facility that is certified by the relevant the drilling operation. regulatory body (e.g. federal, provincial, territorial) to accept the waste/substances that are to be removed.
This condition applies to oil and gas operations. 62. Prior to spring break-up, Reclaim Inspector authorization is consistent with This condition the Permittee shall reclaim Sumps MVLUR section 8, which requires that requires the RO all Sumps, unless otherwise excavated material be replaced, unless to include and authorized in writing by an otherwise authorized by a Permit or define a date for Inspector. Inspector. Spring break-up PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 29 of 52 condition in 26(1) This condition is intended primarily for (b) Time. Sumps associated with oil and gas drilling activities. Sump reclamation prior to spring break-up is of particular concern in Permafrost areas where melt-out of ground ice and snow may cause the Sump to overflow. 63. Prior to the expiry date of Backfill Inspector authorization is consistent with this Permit or the end of Sumps MVLUR section 8, which requires that operations, whichever excavated material be replaced, unless comes first, the Permittee otherwise authorized by a Permit or shall backfill and restore all Inspector. Sumps, unless otherwise authorized in writing by an The intent of this condition is to have Inspector. Sumps and pits backfilled so that: (a) buried materials remain in place and do not spread to surrounding lands or waters; b) the land when restored is close to its original state; and c) aesthetics of the site are improved. 64. The Permittee shall notify Backfilling The intent of this condition is to allow an an Inspector at least ten Notificatio Inspector the opportunity to inspect the days prior to backfilling any n Sump before backfilling and/or to observe Oil and Gas Drilling Sump. the backfilling operation to determine: (a) the nature and level of contents (freeboard); (b) if liquid is totally frozen; and (c) if there is overflow during backfilling.
This condition only applies to oil and gas Sumps; it is not normally necessary to notify an Inspector prior to the backfilling of a Sewage/grey water Sump or a diamond drill cuttings Sump. 65. The Permittee shall Report Spills must be reported in order to ensure maintain a record of all Spills adequate cleanup occur, necessary spills. For all reportable mitigation measures are implemented, and spills, in accordance with records are maintained. In addition to the GNWT Spill reporting spills to the spill report line, this Contingency Planning and condition also explicitly requires the PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 30 of 52 Reporting Regulations, the Permittee to maintain records of all spills, Permittee shall: (a) to report each 'reportable' spill to an immediately report each Inspector within 24 hours, and to submit spill to the 24-hour Spill reports to the Board and Inspector within Report Line (867) 920- 30 days regarding the spill and the 8130; (b) report each spill Permittee's cleanup efforts. to an Inspector within 24 hours; and (c) submit, to the Board and an Inspector, a detailed report on each spill within 30 days. 66. The Permittee shall dispose Waste The Permittee's Waste Management Plan of all Toxic Material as Chemical must describe the disposal methods for all described in the approved Disposal Toxic Material. The methods and Waste Management Plan. techniques for disposal will be subject to the approval of the Board, and there should be consultation with other agencies. This is a general condition that refers to all Toxic Material, other than substances for which there are specific conditions (e.g. Drilling Waste). Toxic Material may include brine, antifreeze, equipment fluids, Drilling Fluids/additives, etc. 67. The Permittee shall dispose Waste This is the general condition for waste Use either of of all combustible waste Petroleum petroleum disposal. Petroleum products these two Waste petroleum products by Disposal can pollute soil and streams if disposed of Petroleum removal to an approved indiscriminately. Disposal disposal facility. conditions, not both. 68. The Permittee shall dispose Waste Petroleum products can pollute soil and Use either of of all waste petroleum Petroleum streams if disposed of indiscriminately. these two Waste products by removal to an Disposal This condition applies only if the Permittee Petroleum approved disposal facility has proposed to incinerate waste Disposal or by incineration in a petroleum in the Waste Management Plan conditions, not device designed for this submitted with the application, and if the both. purpose, as described in Board has approved incineration as the approved Waste described in the plan – if so the Waste Management Plan. Petroleum Disposal condition above would not be used. Waste petroleum can be used PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 31 of 52 in specially designed furnaces or boilers to heat buildings, thus reducing the need to ship and consume petroleum, while minimizing air emissions from incineration. 26(1)(h) Wildlife and Fish Habitat 69. The Permittee shall take all Habitat The intent of this condition is to instruct reasonable measures to Damage the Permittee to take care when using prevent damage to wildlife machinery and vehicles so as to do the and fish Habitat during this least damage possible to vegetation and land-use operation. other Habitat components. This is a general condition that applies to all land- use operations; specific measures to protect Habitat are required under conditions for waste management, erosion control, etc. 26(1)(i) Storage, Handling, and Disposal of Refuse or Sewage 70. The Permittee shall adhere Waste A Waste Management Plan must be to the Waste Management Manageme submitted with the application. This Plan, once approved, and nt condition requires implementation of the shall annually review the plan. Any proposed changes to waste plan and make any management must be submitted to the necessary revisions to Board for approval in a revised plan. reflect changes in operations, technology, chemicals, or fuels, or as directed by the Board. Revisions to the plan shall be submitted to the Board for approval. 71. The Permittee shall keep all Garbage This condition applies mainly to very small garbage and debris in a Container camps where the volume of garbage secure container until produced each day is not enough to disposal. warrant daily burning or removal. The purpose of containment is to stop wildlife from getting into the garbage. This condition can be used in conjunction with daily burning, but it is especially necessary if burning is not done every day. Examples PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 32 of 52 of a secure container may include: any container inside a building, a covered metal container, etc. Inspector will use his/her discretion to determine whether a container is adequate or not. 72. The Permittee shall dispose Remove Inspector authorization as per MVLUR of all garbage, waste, and Garbage subsection 14(1), although the MVLUR debris as described in the refers specifically to garbage from a approved Waste 'campsite'. Management Plan, unless otherwise authorized in The intent of this condition is to keep the writing by an Inspector. land use area clean and to reduce pollution and associated impacts on land, water, fish, and wildlife. 73. The Permittee shall dispose Sewage The intent of this condition is to prevent of all Sewage and Disposal - contamination of land and water from Greywater into a Sump at Sump Sewage and Greywater. If Sewage is not least 100 metres from the contained, it may affect water quality and Ordinary High Water Mark be a risk to human health. Sewage is of any Watercourse. considered to degrade naturally over time in the environment; therefore, disposal in a Sump is often acceptable. 74. The Permittee shall dispose Sewage The intent of this condition is to prevent Depending on the of all Sewage and Disposal contamination of land and water from information Greywater as described in Sewage and Greywater. If Sewage is not included in the the approved Waste contained, it may affect water quality and Waste Management Plan. be a risk to human health. Management Plan, Board staff This is a more generic version of the should select Sewage in Sump condition above, since which Sewage some Permittees do not use Sump disposal Disposal (they may use incinerating toilets, dispose condition to use. of Greywater and Sewage separately, etc.).
If Sewage is to be deposited in a Sump, the general condition, Sumps From Water, would also apply; it specifies a 100-metre setback for all Sumps from any Watercourse. 26(1)(j) Protection of Historical, Archaeological, PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 33 of 52 and Burial Sites 75. The Permittee shall not Archaeolog The intent of this condition is to protect For Sahtu Area: operate any vehicle or ical Buffer cultural sites, whether known or suspected replace “or burial equipment within 150 (pursuant to MVLUR section 6, which ground.” with “or metres of a known or states that a buffer of 30 metres must be 500 metres of a suspected historical or maintain ed). These archaeological burial ground.” archaeological site or burial conditions are all related to overlapping ground. jurisdiction, but paragraph 26(1)(j) and Note: Inspector section 6 of MVLUR give specific authority has authority to the Board and the MVLUR to protect under MVLUR these sites. These three conditions section 6, but (Archaeological Buffer, Site Disturbance, WG4 legal advice and Site Discovery and Notification) are states that normally included in all permits. Inspector’s authority is only The distance noted in this condition should applicable if be set in consultation with the PWNHC, Permit is silent or land claim groups, and an Inspector. if Permit simply Minimum normal buffers established in repeats the regulations or recommended by PWNHC MVLUR. If Permit and land claim groups are as follows: condition MVLUR section 6 (30m), Sahtu Settlement specifies a Area (150m), Wek’eezhii (150m). Sahtu different area requires 500m buffer for burial requirement (i.e. grounds. anything other than 30m), and Exceptions can be added if there is an does not include approved activity within the normal buffer an Inspector’s – e.g. “....The Permittee shall not operate authorization, any vehicle or equipment within 70 metres then Inspector of sites x12 and x14.” cannot change the requirement in the condition.
76. The Permittee shall not Site The intent of this condition is to protect knowingly remove, disturb, Disturbanc cultural sites, whether known or or displace any e suspected, consistent with condition below archaeological specimen or and with MVLUR paragraph 12(a). site. 77. The Permittee shall, where Site This condition is intended to protect newly a suspected archaeological Discovery discovered archaeological sites and ensure PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 34 of 52 or historical site, or burial and they are registered with the Prince of ground is discovered: (a) Notificatio Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWHNC). immediately suspend n MVLUR paragraph 12(a) requires operations on the site; and notification of the Board or an Inspector (b) notify the Board at but not direct notification of GNWT. (867) _____ or an Inspector Notification of PWHNC (GNWT) is an extra at (867) _____, and the requirement, which is not in the MVLUR, Prince of Wales Northern that the Boards can use if desired. Heritage Centre at (867) Inspectors are responsible for informing 920-6182 or 873-7688. the Board if they are notified. 78. At least _____ days prior Archaeolog 1) Authority – MVLUR 6 and 26(1) Add time – to any new land ical (j) outline the authority within the normally 60 days. disturbance, including Overview MVLUR and of the Board with regard The 60 day period new drill sites, the to archaeological, historical, and will allow the Permittee shall conduct burial sites. Historical sites are not PWNHC and aboriginal an Archaeological explicitly included in the condition organizations to Overview to identify because the definition of review the areas of high and low “archaeological sites” in the NWTASR Overview and potential for includes historical sites (i.e. sites that provide archaeological and burial are greater than 50 years old). comments to the sites and shall submit a 2) Purpose - Other standard LUP Board. The Board summary report to the conditions and the NWT will rely on Board and the Prince of Archaeological Sites Regulations comments from Wales Northern Heritage prohibit disturbance of an PWNHC and Centre. archaeological site; this condition aboriginal requires an overview or assessment organizations to assess the to facilitate the identification of new appropriate use sites. Archaeological Overview and of this Overview Impact Assessment are defined in the condition (to Guidelines for Developers for the identify high/low Protection of Archaeological Sites in potential) rather the NWT (PWNHC) – an overview than a full generally does not involve fieldwork Archaeological or require an archaeological permit; Impact an assessment does involve Assessment. fieldwork, and thus must take place when the ground is not snow- Sahtu note – Land Use Plan CR#4 covered, and does require an already requires archeological permit. Summary PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 35 of 52 reports (excluding precise locations of archaeological archaeological sites) submitted to the assessments so Board will be placed on the public unlikely these registry and Board staff will be conditions will be responsible for notifying aboriginal relevant. organizations and other interested or impacted parties when new information is submitted. 3) Practical and enforceable Practical –The archaeological overview requirement provides an opportunity for the permittee to proceed with relatively small land disturbances (e.g. 100 10m x 10m mineral exploration drill locations equals 1ha of disturbance over a 10km x 10km area vs large disturbances for roads or mine infrastructure) without conducting archaeological fieldwork in areas of low archaeological potential, while being more protective of areas with obvious high archaeological potential. The Permittee must be aware that fieldwork required for an Archaeological Impact Assessment must occur when the ground is snow-free, and plan their drill program and other disturbances accordingly. Note: other archaeological conditions (i.e. Archaeological Buffer, Site Disturbance, Site Discovery and Notification) apply to all land use areas regardless of their potential. Enforceable - Enforcement would be administered by the Board, PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 36 of 52 through distribution of and review of reports submitted by the Permittee. 4) Matches scale of project – This condition requires reporting on archaeological work that is conducted for planned disturbances; the requirement is therefore proportionate to the amount of disturbance the Permittee plans to undertake and to the archaeological potential of the areas in which disturbance is planned. For projects with relatively small land disturbances (e.g. 100 mineral exploration drill holes), the chance that a drill site will be placed on an archaeological site is already low, and avoidance of areas of high potential (e.g. types of terrain where known sites are common, such as eskers) through the Archaeological Overview requirement further minimizes the risk of impacts. For large disturbances like roads or mine sites, an Archaeological Impact Assessment will normally be required for the entire disturbance area (not just for areas of high potential). 5) No conflicts with existing leg/regs –The NWT Archaeological Sites Regulations prohibit disturbance of an archaeological site. There is nothing in the Archaeological Sites Regulations that conflicts with the land use permit condition and the Archaeological Impact Assessment required under this condition provides a means of finding artifacts and identifying sites. Permits for PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 37 of 52 archaeological fieldwork and detailed reporting of archaeological information to PWNHC are required, as described in the Guidelines for Developers for the protection of archaeological sites in the NWT.
Condition always used together with AIA – High Potential, Prior to disturbance in AIA – High See rationale for Archaeological Overview. Always requires areas of high potential Potential prior submission for archaeological or Condition always used together with of an burial sites identified in Archaeological Overview. Archaeological the Archaeological Overview, either Overview, the Permittee pursuant to a shall conduct an LUP condition or Archaeological Impact with the LUP Assessment of the sites application. where disturbance is planned and shall submit Sahtu note – Land a summary report to the Use Plan CR#4 Board and the Prince of already requires Wales Northern Heritage archaeological assessments so Centre. unlikely these conditions will be relevant. Prior to any new land AIA See rationale for Archaeological Overview, Stand-alone disturbance, the and: condition; not for Permittee shall conduct use with AIA-High an Archaeological Impact For larger projects with significant land Potential and Assessment of the sites disturbance (i.e. a mine site, road, etc.), it Archaeological is often appropriate to require an Overview where disturbance is Archaeological Impact Assessment prior conditions. planned and shall submit to any disturbance, rather than only an a summary report to the Overview to determine high/low Sahtu note – Land Board and the Prince of potential. Use Plan CR#4 Wales Northern Heritage already requires Centre. archaeological assessments so
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 38 of 52 unlikely these conditions will be relevant. 26(1)(k) Objects and Places of Recreational, Scenic, and Ecological Value 79. The Permittee shall not Buffer / No The intent of this condition is to protect This condition conduct any activity Activity Habitat in sensitive locations or times of may be applied to within . [a buffer year, for example, related to vegetation, all activities or zone, e.g. 500 m from nesting or den areas, calving, incubation of only to Jackfish lake, or eggs, and rearing of young. The condition equipment (e.g. predefined area, e.g. the may also be used to limit or prevent vehicles, heavy Yellowknife River impacts on important cultural, spiritual, machinery, drills, watershed] recreational, and/or scenic values. etc.) depending on the sensitivity of the object/location being protected. 26(1)(l) Security Deposit 80. Prior to the Security Security may be required by the Board and This condition is commencement of the Deposit should be calculated based on the security usually for land-use operation, the spreadsheet formulas, which are intended small/medium Permittee shall deposit to estimate the cost for a third party to projects - more with the Minister a security access and restore the site if the Permittee complex security deposit in the amount of abandons it (pursuant to MVLUR section arrangements $______. 32). (e.g. for mines) can be dealt with through annexes or schedules. 81. All costs to remediate the Responsibil This condition is a basic statement of This condition is area under this Permit are ity for responsibility for costs to restore site. It is normally used in the responsibility of the Remediatio in accordance with MVLUR sections 29 all land use Permittee. n Costs (final clearance requirements) and 15 permits. (restoration of Permit area). 26(1)(m) Fuel Storage 82. The Permittee shall: (a) Check for The frequency of checks would be Board staff examine all Fuel Storage Leaks designated by an Inspector or Board staff should consult Tanks and containers for on the basis of quantity of fuel, type of with Inspector leaks a minimum ______container (e.g. top-fed vs. bottom-fed regarding the [e.g. once per day]; and (b) Tanks), location, etc. The frequency of practicality of this repair all leaks checks for Fuel Storage Tanks/containers condition. PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 39 of 52 immediately. that are in use should be more often than for stored fuel, since they may be more likely to have leaks (due to being attached to hoses/fittings, container being temporarily out of Secondary Containment, etc). For example, checks could be required once per month for stored fuel that is not in use and once per day or week for fuel that is in use. 83. The Permittee shall not Fuel Near Inspector authorization as per MVLUR 6. As noted for place any Fuel Storage Water archaeological Containers or Tanks within The intent of this condition is to provide a conditions, an 100 metres of the Ordinary buffer in order to prevent fuel spills from exception could High Water Mark of any impacting surface water. This is consistent be added to this Watercourse, unless with MVLUR paragraph 6 (b); however, this condition if a otherwise authorized in condition is more protective since MVLUR specific storage writing by an Inspector. only prohibits fuel within 100 metres of a location within Watercourse below its Ordinary High 100m of a Water Mark. The Board, when considering Watercourse is the application, and an Inspector, during approved by the the operation, may authorize fuel storage Board. within 100 metres of water under specific conditions (e.g. if moving fuel further poses a risk of leaks/spills, if there is a hill separating fuel from water, etc.). 84. The Permittee shall ensure Fuel Cache The intent of this condition is to ensure that all fuel caches have Secondary that fuel does not contaminate adequate Secondary Containme surrounding lands and waters. Containers Containment. nt may leak, so Secondary Containment is meant to contain any leaks and protect the environment while repairs and cleanup take place. Secondary Containment for large caches of fuel drums (e.g. 500) may be impractical; however, such large amounts of fuel should be stored in a proper storage tank, which must meet Environment Canada regulations.
An Inspector will determine what is “adequate” for any given project based on the type and amount of fuel, terrain, PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 40 of 52 location and layout of fuel caches, etc. 85. The Permittee shall set up Secondary Purpose & Rationale: to prevent spills, all refueling points with Containme leaks, and drips from impacting the land Secondary Containment. nt - during refueling. Refueling is a situation Refueling when there is the potential for spills. Practical & Enforceable: it is only a small inconvenience for the Permittee to use secondary containment during refueling. This will assist with compliance with the Fuel Containment condition as well. 86. The Permittee shall only Fuel The intent of this condition is to reduce the use stands approved by an Container likelihood of failure and spillage and to Inspector for supporting Stands facilitate inspection of containers. Fuel Storage Containers that are in use. 87. The Permittee shall not Fuel The intent of this condition is to state a allow petroleum products Containme general requirement for the Permittee that to spread to surrounding nt protects the land and water from fuel lands or Watercourses. contamination. Fuel or petroleum product spills, if allowed to spread to surrounding lands or into streams, could harm vegetation and pollute soil and water. Through a combination of appropriate Fuel Storage Containers/Tanks, storage locations, Secondary Containment, fuel transfer practices, spill prevention and Spill Contingency Planning, the Permittee must prevent the spread of petroleum products. 88. The Permittee shall locate Fuel on The intent of this condition is to protect ice mobile fuel facilities on Land and water from fuel spills when mobile fuel land when the facilities are equipment is in use on ice-covered stationary for more than 12 Watercourses. This condition commonly hours. applies to seismic operations and winter road construction. Storage of non-mobile fuel on ice is not permitted, except for immediate use, as stated in the general Storage on Ice condition. 89. The Permittee shall mark Mark The intent of this condition is to ensure Inspectors and all Fuel Storage Containers Containers that containers are marked so an Inspector WG4 have agreed and Tanks with the can identify who is responsible for any that the Permittee's name. containers both during operations and Permittee's name PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 41 of 52 after cessation of operations. This only is condition normally applies to all activities, satisfactory and particularly where two or more (rather than Permittees are carrying out operations name and/or using the same ground, such as winter Permit number, roads, stockpiling/storage sites, etc. which may have been required in the past). 90. The Permittee shall mark Mark Fuel The intent of this condition is to mark fuel all stationary fuel caches Location caches so they are visible to equipment and fuel storage facilities operators so they won’t run their with flags, posts, or similar machinery over the fuel containers. This is devices so that they are at especially important in tundra and barren all times plainly visible to regions and particularly where bladders are local vehicle travel. used. Also, the marking of fuel caches makes inspections easier. 91. The Permittee shall have a Maximum The intent of this condition is to ensure Board staff may maximum of _____ litres of Fuel On that the amount of fuel stored is consistent want to consider fuel stored on the land use Site with the amount of fuel identified in the amending other site at any time, unless application. The liability on site, linked to conditions (e.g. otherwise authorized in the requirement for a security deposit, security) if the writing by the Board. depends in part on the maximum amount the Permittee of fuel on site at any time. In addition, the requests an potential for impacts from spills, including increase to the worst-case scenarios, is sensitive to the maximum fuel maximum amount of fuel on site at any storage. time. Board approval would be required for substantial changes to the maximum fuel storage (i.e. >10 percent change). 92. Within ten days of the Report Fuel The intent of this condition is to inform an establishment of any fuel Location Inspector of all fuel caches the Permittee cache, the Permittee shall may have on the project site so that report the location and inspections can be conducted to ensure quantity of the cache in cleanup and restoration has been done writing to an Inspector and when the operation is complete. MVLUR the Board. section 7 also requires small fuel caches to be reported to the Board. 93. The Permittee shall seal all Seal Outlet The intent of this condition is to prevent outlets of Fuel Storage leaking of petroleum fuel from container Containers and store the outlets, valves and nozzles, particularly containers on their sides where fuel caches are unattended. Small PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 42 of 52 with the outlets located at containers such as kegs, barrels, and 3 and 9 o'clock, except for cylinders, when not being used, should be containers currently in use. stored with openings facing upwards to help prevent leaks. Inspectors have recommended that best practice is to have outlets of fuel drums/barrels at 3 and 9 o’clock, so that a worst case scenario would be a spill of half the container. 94. The Permittee shall adhere Spill A Spill Contingency Plan must be submitted If the plan is not to the Spill Contingency Contingenc with the application. This condition approved upon Plan, once approved, and y Plan requires that the Spill Contingency Plan be issuance of the shall annually review the implemented in order to prevent Permit, then plan and make any contamination of land and water in case of additional necessary revisions to any fuel spill. conditions may reflect changes in need to be operations, technology, Any changes in fuel storage locations, considered (e.g. chemicals, or fuels, or as volumes, container/tank types, chemicals ‘adhere to the directed by the Board. to be used, etc. must be reflected in an plan submitted Revisions to the plan shall updated Spill Contingency Plan. with the be submitted to the Board application, for approval. 95. Prior to commencement of Spill In order to prevent contamination of land Note: adherence operations, the Permittee Response and water in case of any fuel spill, Spill to the approved shall ensure that spill- Contingency Plans and spill cleanup kits Spill Contingency response equipment is in must be in place prior to commencement Plan should cover place to respond to any of operations. this, but this potential spills. condition puts extra emphasis on the readiness of spill response equipment. This is also something that is easy to inspect and enforce. 96. All equipment that may be Drip Trays The purpose of this condition is to prevent Board staff parked for two hours or small leaks/drips from contaminating a should consult an more, shall have a haz- site, especially parking areas used Inspector mat/drip tray under it or frequently at remote sites. regarding the be sufficiently diapered. practicality and Leaky equipment shall be necessity of this PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 43 of 52 repaired immediately. condition. 97. The Permittee shall clean Clean Up This is an explicit requirement to clean up up all leaks, spills, and Spills all spills and leaks, whatever the size (e.g. contaminated material. drips on snow). This is a frequent item noted in inspection reports for drilling programs and winter roads. This is also related to the general requirement for adherence to a Spill Contingency Plan, as stipulated under the Spill Contingency Plan condition. 26(1)(n) Methods and Other conditions Techniques for Debris and from the non- Brush Disposal standard list may be added in consultation with Inspector and GNWT Forestry, and following the MVLWB Standard Process for New Conditions. 98. The Permittee shall Brush Progressive disposal is necessary to keep a progressively dispose of all Disposal/ work area clean, particularly where there brush and trees and shall Time are aesthetic concerns, and it may assist complete all brush with fire prevention. An Inspector will disposal; all disposal shall decide how much progressive disposal is be completed prior to the necessary and satisfactory (in some cases expiry date of this Permit. disposal may be delayed), but final disposal is always required prior to the expiry of the Permit. 99. The Permittee shall not Minimize This condition would apply: clear areas larger than Area (a) In areas of unstable or high ice content identified in the complete Cleared soils where removal of vegetation may application. result in erosion or subsidence; (b) In areas of merchantable or immature timber; and (c) In areas visible to the public. The condition may also be used in a general way to minimize disturbed areas and impacts on environment. 100. The Permittee shall not No Clearing This condition is an alternative to the PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 44 of 52 clear any vegetation. Minimize Area Cleared condition for cases where clearing was not identified in the application, where the environment is very sensitive, and/or no clearing is allowed. Sensitive environments may include discontinuous Permafrost areas where trees provide shade (insulation) or Habitat for species at risk or are of special cultural or other importance. The condition also applies to a situation in which a Permittee wants to (or is required to) use existing trails, the right-of-ways of which are not to be widened because doing so would infringe upon adjoining land claims blocks, private property, etc. This condition may also be used as a general Habitat/vegetation protection measure. 101. The Permittee shall not use Hand The intent of this condition is to prevent any self-propelled Crews Only erosion and maintain aesthetics, machinery for clearing the particularly in areas where there is brush. Permafrost or in areas of unstable soils, such as along stream banks or steep slopes. The intent is to prevent disturbance or removal of the ground cover in order to prevent movement/erosion of soil caused from either Permafrost melt or exposure of unstable soils to water and wind. This is primarily for seismic activities and prohibits any mechanized clearing of brush (whereas the Clearing Sensitive Area condition applies only to specific locations).
102. The Permittee shall clear Clearing This is for prevention of erosion. Ten When using this by hand all trees and brush Sensitive metres is suggested as a general distance condition, keep in a minimum distance of Area but can be modified for site-specific mind that other ____ metres from the top considerations. conditions, such edge of all stream banks as Tree Screen and top edge of slopes. and Habitat Damage, require PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 45 of 52 vegetation buffers around Watercourses. 26(1)(o) Restoration of the Lands 103. All areas affected by Pre- Inspector authorization as per MVLUR construction or removal constructio section 8, which states that “Unless activities shall be stabilized n Profiles otherwise authorized by a Permit or in and landscaped to their writing by an Inspector, every Permittee pre-construction profiles, shall replace all materials removed by the unless otherwise Permittee in the course of excavating, authorized in writing by an other than rock trenching, and shall level Inspector. and compact the area of the excavation”.
The intent of this condition is to restore the land use area in order to prevent erosion, improve aesthetics, and allow for future uses. Application of this condition includes construction activities and it provides additional detail to MVLUR 8 regarding stabilization and landscaping to pre-construction profiles. 104. The Permittee shall dispose Disposal of Inspector authorization as per MVLUR of all overburden as Overburde section 8, which states that “Unless instructed by an Inspector. n otherwise authorized by a Permit or in writing by an Inspector, every Permittee shall replace all materials removed ...”.
Waste soil (overburden) removed to expose useable or needed material is generally deposited next to the quarry or borrow pit. The best arrangement is a sloped, round, or oblong pile. An Inspector should authorize placement of waste piles where they are likely to cause the least damage to the environment and at the same time improve aesthetics. This condition is primarily for quarries, and it authorizes that excavated material need not be replaced, as per MVLUR section 8.
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 46 of 52 This condition is an alternative to the Save and Place Organic Soil condition. 105. The Permittee shall store Save and Inspector authorization as per MVLUR overburden and use it to Place section 8, which states that “Unless recontour the site after Organic otherwise authorized by a Permit or in operations are complete, Soil writing by an Inspector, every Permittee unless otherwise shall replace all materials removed ...”. authorized in writing by an Inspector. The intent of this condition is to help restoration of the land and to facilitate plant re-growth. This condition is consistent with requirements to replace excavated material, as per MVLUR section 8, but also specifies that the soil be maintained separately from other material. This condition is not generally used for quarry operations but for pipelines, Sumps, trenching, etc.
This condition is an alternative to the Disposal of Overburden condition. 106. The Permittee shall level all No The intent of this condition is to maintain stockpiles of granular Stockpiles aesthetic values at quarrying sites; it may material located within the also improve safety and reduce mischief. land use area prior to the expiry date of this Permit. 107. Prior to the expiry date of Final The intent of this condition is to ensure this Permit, the Permittee Cleanup that final cleanup and restoration are shall complete all cleanup and completed within the term of the Permit. and restoration of the Restoratio Any material left for future work must be lands used. n approved by the Board through a Storage Authorization. Ideally, cleanup and restoration are done progressively and are complete when the Permit expires. MVLUR section 15 requires restoration of the Permit area “after completion of a land-use operation”. This condition clarifies the deadline for cleanup/restoration work. 108. Prior to the expiry date of Natural As noted by Inspectors, preparing the site Yukon Reveg this Permit, the Permittee Vegetation for natural revegetation is sometimes Manual is PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 47 of 52 shall prepare the site in preferable to active replanting. referred to since such a manner as to we are not aware facilitate natural Natural revegetation is recommended of an official NT revegetation. when (Yukon Revegetation Manual, 2012): document with it has been decided there should be similar detail. no risk of introducing foreign seeds or plants to the region, including cultivars of native species. Usually this applies to sites in or near a natural preserve or park. a substantial layer of organic material can be spread on the site or when the organic soil has not been disturbed, such as when the site has been grubbed but not scraped. there is a natural source of seeds and colonizing plants immediately adjacent to the site or in the soil.
Unless more specific criteria are specified by the Board in this condition, Inspector’s discretion will be used to determine the adequacy of site preparation.
This condition is an alternative to the Active Revegetation condition. 109. Prior to the expiry date of Active Active revegetation is preferred when this Permit, the Permittee Revegetati (Yukon Revegetation Manual, 2012): shall initiate active on there is an immediate or imminent revegetation of disturbed threat of significant erosion at the areas. site; this includes most sites with a slope over 15% grade; the site has little or no organic content; i.e., it is essentially bare mineral soil; the site is so large that the centre will be too far from seed sources and colonizing plants; it is not acceptable to wait 10-20 years PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 48 of 52 for significant natural vegetation to develop; or populations of invasive plants are known to inhabit the area, because they will outcompete native colonizers;
Unless more specific criteria are specified by the Board in this condition, Inspector’s discretion will be used to determine whether this condition is satisfied.
This condition is an alternative to the Natural Revegetation condition. 110. The Permittee shall carry Progressive The intent of this condition is to encourage out progressive Reclamatio progressive reclamation. ‘As soon as reclamation of disturbed n practical’ is vague, but an Inspector’s areas as soon as it is discretion can be used to determine what practical to do so. is practical on a case-by-case basis. 111. The Permittee shall restore Trails The intent of this condition is restoration any trails impacted by the Restoratio and cleanup of any trapper trails that may land-use operation by n have been followed or crossed by the removing fallen trees and Permittee when carrying out the land-use any other obstructions operation. Failure to restore trails could from the trails. result in the trapper’s requesting compensation for damaged equipment such as snowmobiles or sleighs. The condition also applies to trails used for recreation and other purposes. 26(1)(p) Display of Permits and Permit Numbers 112. The Permittee shall display Display The intent of this condition is to inform the a copy of this Permit in Permit Permittee how and where permits or each campsite established copies are to be displayed. to carry out this land-use operation. 113. The Permittee shall keep a Copy of The intent of this condition is to inform the copy of this Permit on hand Permit Permittee how and where permits or at all times during this copies are to be displayed. This condition land-use operation. is commonly used when there is no camp
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 49 of 52 established in conjunction with the land- use operation and/or when it is desirable for the Permittee to be able to consult the Permit immediately. 26(1)(q) Biological and Physical Protection of the Land 114. The Permittee shall not CARIBOU RATIONALE: to limit activities in active move any equipment or DISTURBAN caribou habitat. Ceasing all operations commence any drilling CE may not be possible or practical – e.g. when one or more caribou there is potential for drills to freeze into are within five hundred Boreholes if they are stopped mid- (500) metres. operation – the rationale for ceasing a stationary operation/disturbance that a caribou willingly approaches (e.g. a drill location) is less clear than the rationale for restrictions on commencing operations or moving equipment toward or within the space occupied by caribou. “Equipment” includes ATVs, snowmobiles, and all other vehicles or equipment. 115. If migratory birds or their Migratory Rationale – to protect migratory birds and nesting areas, or any Bird their Habitat. If this condition was species at risk are Disturbanc changed to focus on Habitat, i.e. nesting encountered during the e areas, then it would be more clearly under course of operations, the LWB jurisdiction. Permittee shall minimize all activity so as to not disturb MVLWB commonly includes this condition these animals. in permits.
WLWB commonly encourages permittee to work with EC/Tlicho Gov/WRRB on this sort of thing and reminds Permittees about other legislation, but does not include this condition in LUP. 116. Prior to the Submit Condition to specifically require submission Board staff commencement of Revised of a revised plan (waste, spill, engagement) should consider operations, the Permittee Plan if the plan submitted with the original the extent of shall submit a revised application is not approved at the time the revisions ______LUP is issued. Normally, these plans are necessary and the Plan (e.g. Waste approved at the time an LUP is issued, but applicant’s PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 50 of 52 Management or Spill depending on the extent of revisions proposed work Contingency or required, it is up to the Board to determine schedule to Engagement Plan) in whether to issue the LUP with a condition determine accordance with ____ such as this or to delay issuing the permit whether revisions Guidelines (e.g. MVLWB’s until the revisions are complete and plans are required 2011 “Guidelines for are approved. “prior to the Developing a Waste commencement Management Plan” or of operations” or Aboriginal Affairs and “within XX days of Northern Development the issuance date Canada’s 2007 “Guidelines of this permit.” for Spill Contingency Normally, prior to Planning” or MVLWB’s commencement 2013 “Engagement would be Guidelines for Applicants preferred. and Holders if Water Licences and Land Use Permits”) to the Board for approval. 117. If any plan is not Resubmit Condition to provide clarity on the process approved by the Board, Plan for dealing with plans that are submitted the Permittee shall after issuance of an LUP, but are not revise the plan according approved by the Board. to the Board’s direction and re-submit it to the Board for approval. 118. The Permittee shall Engagemen To ensure the Permittee follows through adhere to the t Plan on the intent of the commitments made in Engagement Plan, once the Engagement Plan. approved, and shall annually review the plan and make any necessary revisions to reflect changes in operations or as directed by the Board. Revisions to the plan shall be submitted to the Board for approval. 119. All revised plans Summary To facilitate efficient review and tracking of
PERMIT NUMBER – Permittee Name - Activity Page 51 of 52 submitted to the Board of Changes different versions of Plans. shall include a brief summary of the changes made to the plan.
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