Prelude: John Breur, Accompanist
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ORDER OF WORSHIP July 12, 2015 – 9:30 A.M.
Prelude: John Breur, accompanist Call to Worship Welcome *Songs of Praise: “O Worship the King” “I Will Exalt My God and King” ~ Psalter #145:1&2 *God’s Greeting/We Greet Each Other *God’s Will For Our Lives: Heidelberg Catechism #50 (responsive reading) 125 Q: What does the fourth request mean? A: Give us today our daily bread means, do take care of all physical needs so that we come to know that you are the only source of everything good, and that neither our work and worry nor your gifts can do us any good without your blessing. And so help us to give up our trust in creatures and to put trust in you alone. *Song of Response: “You Are My All in All” Installation of Elder Roy Heerema Children’s Message: Mrs. Carol Byma Scripture Reading: Proverbs 30:8~9 (pp.1029); Matthew 6:25~34 (pp.1505) Sermon: “Daily Bread” ~ Pastor Chris Prayer of Response * Song: “Now Thank We All Our God” ~ Psalter #454:1&2 Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Christian Reformed World Missions Offertory Prayer
Announcements Congregational Prayer * God’s Blessing * Parting Praise: “O God Our Help in Ages Past” ~ Psalter #170:1&2 * Postlude
*Please stand if you are able.
In reverence and respect to God, kindly turn off all electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary. Sermon Outline: Lord’s Prayer Give us our daily bread.
What does this prayer tell us about God? +Providence=God is a provider.
+Bread is a symbol of God’s care. Narratives in both Old & New Testament show a God of abundant giving.
+Jesus—“I am the bread of life” (my body given for you). More bread than we could ever ask!
What does this prayer tell us about our relationship to God? +We depend completely on God for everything we need both physically and spiritually.
“We Westerners have nearly mastered the art of controlling nature. We open a faucet and the water flows. We flip a switch and there is light. We turn up the thermostat and the temperature goes up. We turn it down and it drops.” John Timmer
+Praying for bread is a surrender of the illusion of control & self-sufficiency.
How are ways that we can pray “Give us today our daily bread”? +This petition comes “down the line” in this prayer— We pray about God’s name, kingdom and will first. Yet—we still pray our wants and needs, not ignore them. We pray not only for “stuff and things” but an attitude of trust & peace.
+Our bread: 1st person plural—us, we & our (not me, my, mine). “Royal priests” (1 Peter 2) We intercede on behalf of others. We pray not only for the hungry but also with the hungry We also pray that we be answers to this prayer.
Praying this prayer in simple ways at our tables (both meal and Lord’s Supper).
We ultimately ask God that we would be moved with gratitude for His abundance. Notes: WELCOME We welcome you to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church and fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center.
WORSHIP HIGHLIGHTS July 12 ~ 9:30 AM: Pastor Chris will give a message on Proverbs 30:8~9 and Matthew 6:25~34, “Daily Bread.” 6 PM: Joint worship with our sister churches at Midland Park CRC. July 19 ~ 9:30 AM: Pastor Chris will give a message on Matthew 18:21~35, “Forgive Our Sins.” 6 PM: Joint worship here at Cedar Hill CRC. Pastor Chris will give a message on 1 Timothy 2:5~6; Hebrews 4:14~16, “Intercession.”
WORSHIP SERVICE INFORMATION This Week – July 12, 2015 OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: CR World Missions GREETERS: Welcome Team #2 USHERS: Robert Dyksen, Michael Steiginga, Joseph Post NURSERY: Infant: Mandi Post, Toddler: Jared Post CH/JR CHURCH: JoAnn Angelucci/Jeanne Veenstra and Samantha Cubias Next Week – July 19, 2015 OFFERINGS: AM: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Building Fund PM: Eastern Christian Schools GREETERS: Welcome Team #3 USHERS: AM: William Brock, Jared Post, Harold Post PM: Sally Haven, Ted Faber, Bill Heerema NURSERY: Infant: Sandy Ruit, Toddler: Diane Monterisi CH/JR CHURCH: Jenn Anema/Raegan Heerema and Joe Post CEDAR HILL CHURCH MP Senior Crusaders will leave on Tuesday, July 14, at 9:30 AM from OFFICE NOTES Faith Reformed for their trip to the The office will be closed tomorrow Shrimp Boat for lunch and the Point through Friday, July 17. If you have Pleasant boat ride. a prayer or praise item to be ANNOUNCEMENTS announced, please contact Pastor Chris. MEALS NEEDED PASTOR NOTES Meals are needed for several Renewal Lab: Continue your families in our congregation who are Bible journey reading through the going through difficult times. Contact Gospels of Luke and Acts in Ginny at 973-697-3326. The gift of a preparation for the Renewal Lab. You delicious home-cooked meal is a are encouraged to apply the practice of wonderful way to show Christ’s love S.O.A.P. (scripture, observation, and compassion. application, prayer) as we discern what it means to hear, pray, and live out NEW HOPE BACKPACK BUDDY God’s mission. The scripture reading Registration for New Hope’s guide is available at the welcome Backpack Buddy program has begun! center. Are willing to donate a new, filled back pack for one of New Hope’s kids, Summer Picnics: contact Michele July 12: HH Group 1,2,3 [email protected] or 973- July 19: HH Group 4,5,6 942-4059. July 26: HH Group 7 & 8 (if you are not available on your day, DITTO RESALE you may join one of the other dates.)
Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Sign up at the welcome center to bring either a salad, beverage, or dessert.
MP SENIOR CRUSADERS Join the Ditto Upscale Resale team by becoming a volunteer (ages high school to retirees) for the months of July and August. No experience necessary. Volunteer positions include cashiers, donation room sorters, and selling floor workers. All volunteers receive a 10-20% discount on purchases. Ditto is a ministry of Eastern Christian Schools. Call Betsy at 862-221-2947, or Carrie at 708-224- 1978 for details. A CULTURE OF PRAYER ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too . . .” Colossians 4:2 JULY 12, 2015
PRAYER OF HEALING ~ Tannette Botbyl thanks God for the progress she made this week in her recovery and hopes to return home today. Continued prayers for a return to full health and strength for Tannette. Pray for Deb Vandenberg as she recovers from ankle fusion surgery this past Friday. Prayers for a successful surgery and for strength and patience during recovery. PRAY FOR ONGOING CONCERNS ~ Kassie Borduin Ben Kuipers Gert Troast Elsie Vander Weit Jean Stonehouse Jay Faber Dan Hoffman Charles & Betty Koban Tannette Botbyl PRAY FOR OUR HOMEBOUND & THEIR CAREGIVERS ~ Don Kreil Tena Stavinga Edward Van Spronsen Marie Meenen Jen Kuiken Marie Steiginga
Pray for Mission Outreach: ACROSS THE SEA – ACROSS THE STREET Local Church Plants – Home Missions – World Missions Classis Hudson & Hackensack Church Plants: This week, we pray for Love Korean Church of Clifton and Rev. Chung. Also, pray for New Horizons Church in Paterson and Pastor Marco Avila. PRAYER LINES ~
Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated as needed on Friday afternoons. You can also check our denominational prayer requests at 888- CRC-PRAY or News from ...... Lee & Emma
This week at Cedar Hill Church July 12 ~ July 18, 2015
9:30 AM ~ Worship Service and Fellowship Time (Sanctuary & Hall)
12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall)
6:00 PM ~ Joint Worship at Midland Park CRC
7:00 PM ~ Deacon Meeting (Deacon Room)
7:30 PM ~ Elder Meeting (Council Room)
8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Fellowship Hall)
8:45 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM ~ Parkinson’s Support Group (Fellowship Hall)
7:30 PM ~ Worship Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
8:00 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary)
6:30 AM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) CEDAR HILL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 422 Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ, 07481 Rev. Christian Pedersen, Pastor A Family of Christ Where You Belong ~ where everyone is encouraged to grow in their walk with Christ daily, to live intentionally in the Holy Spirit as they go, and so create a culture where people are served, invited, and enfolded into the Kingdom. Sunday Worship: 9:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.* (See calendar for location of evening service.) Church Office: 201-652-4277 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM Bulletin Announcement Deadline: Wednesday 12:00 Noon Prayer Line: 201-652-4277, extension 2; Fax Line: 201-652-3245 Worship Service for Sick & Homebound: 1-855-231-0914, code 218-237-7378 # Pastor Chris email: [email protected] Church office email: [email protected] Website:
2015 ~ 2016 Council Members Elders Deacons Steve Bruining, Clerk (HH #1) Harrison Bruining (HH #4) Henry Rozema (HH #3) Rob Dykstra, Chairman (HH #8) Keith Post, President (HH #8) Paul Laauwe (HH #6) Pete Spalt (HH #7) Robert Storms, Secretary (HH #1) Ralph Faasse, Chairman (HH #2) Gary Veenstra (HH #5) Bill Heerema (HH #6) Chris Borduin (HH #2) Roy Heerema(HH #4) Paul Heerema, Jr. (HH #3) Bill Bushman (HH #5) Steve Martin (HH #7)
Child Care (Year-round) Nursery for infants and toddlers available during all services. Main floor, library corridor. Children’s Worship (Ages 3 ~ Pre-K) meets on the lower level during the morning service. (Contact Jo-Ann Angelucci at 973-427-5443 with any questions.) Junior Church (Kindergartners and 1st graders) meets in the lower level. Children are dismissed as a group following the Children’s Message in the morning service. (Contact Katia Faber at 201-612-9605 with any questions.) Christian Education Hour ~ 11 AM – 12 PM (September ~ May) Sunday School (Preschool ~ Grade 8) meets in lower level classrooms. Catechism (Grades 9 ~ 12) meets in the lower level classrooms. Adult Sunday School meets in the Youth Room, main level. (Contact Katia Faber at 201-612-8892 with any questions.) Fellowship ~ Tuesday Night Connection (September ~ April): 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 6 PM, begins with a family dinner with various youth and adult activities following. Worship Aids ~ Tape Ministry: The Tape Ministry Table provides audio/video tapes of all services, main lobby. Assistive-Listening Devices, Large Print Bibles, and Orders of Worship are available in main lobby. **Our ushers or greeters will gladly assist you with any questions or if you need direction**