ACTFL World Readiness National Standards
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ACTFL World Readiness National Standards 1. Communication: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1 [Interpersonal Mode] Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard 1.2 [Interpretive Mode] Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standard 1.3 [Presentational Mode] Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. 2. Culture: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practice and perspectives of the culture studied. Standard 2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. 3. Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its culture. 4. Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Standard 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. 5. Communities: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World Standard 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting. Standard 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. Spanish 6 Curriculum 2017-2018 Proficiency Target Level: Students will reach Novice High level Student Background: FLES Spanish K-5 Student Entry Proficiency Level: Novice Mid Student Exit Proficiency Level: Novice High Meeting Time: 2-3x weekly, 40 weeks, 80-120 minutes Resources: Buen Viaje I Textbook
NCSSFL-ACTFL Global Can-Do Benchmarks for Novice High Learners Interpersonal Communication – I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions. Presentational Speaking – I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences. Presentational Writing – I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life. Interpretive Listening – I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said. Interpretive Reading – I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read.
Course Outline September Preliminary Chapter: Calendar & Greetings Objectives: 1. Students will be able to communicate using classroom expressions. 2. Students will be able to state Spanish-speaking countries. 3. Students will be able to recognize famous people of Hispanic heritage. 4. Students will be able to recognize and use letters to spell words. 5. Students will be able to greet people. 6. Students will be able to say good-bye to people. 7. Students will be able to express simple courtesies. 8. Students will be able to find out and state their emotions. 9. Students will be able to find out and tell the days of the week. 10. Students will be able to find out and tell the months of the year. 11. Students will be able to identify and count from 0-30. 12. Students will be able to find out and tell the seasons. 13. Students will be able to find out and state people’s birthdays. Content Classroom Expressions Alphabet Courtesy Expressions Greetings, titles, name, emotions, farewells Days, months, seasons, dates Numbers 0-31 Structure Estoy, Es Punctuation & Accents Interrogatives: cuál, cuándo, qué Answering questions in full sentences Forming questions Culture Greeting gestures Hispanic Heritage Month 1st week day Monday 1st = primero Independence Day Countries & Flags
October - November Chapter 1: Un amigo o una amiga Content Review Numbers 0-30 (spelling) Basic physical features and personality traits (adjectives) Some nationalities Halloween Thanksgiving Structure Definite and indefinite singular articles (meanings, gender agreement, placement) Nouns: masculine, feminine (gender agreement) Word order: adjective/noun placement/agreement Singular subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, Ud. Singular forms of ser: soy, eres, es 1 person/thing/quién: es Es = it is Correct word order No = not, placement Tú v. Ud. Interrogatives: quién, cómo, dónde, qué Preposition: de Answering questions: sí, no, full sentences Culture Day of Dead Independence Days Countries & Flags
December - January Chapter 2: Alumnos y cursos Content Numbers 30-60 Time School courses Adjectives describing classes More nationalities Structure Plural articles, nouns, adjectives Plural subject pronouns: nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ellos, ellas, Uds. Singular vs. plural agreement Plural forms of ser 2 or more people/things/quienes: son someone and me = we form (somos) someone and you = Uds. form (son) Culture 24 Hour Clock Time differences Spanish School Schedule Independence Day Countries & Flags Christmas New Years Day of 3 Kings
February - March Chapter 3: Las compras para la escuela Content Numbers 60-100 School supplies Basic clothing Colors Basic shopping vocabulary Valentine’s Day St. Patrick’s Day Structure Singular regular –ar verb endings: -o, -as, -a Review tú vs. Ud. Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags
April - May Chapter 4: En la escuela Content Numbers 100-1000 Ways to arrive at school Classroom activities Basic party activities Mother’s Day Structure Plural regular –ar verb endings: -amos, -áis, -an Ir, dar, and estar Al, del Culture Independence Day Countries & Flags Easter Cinco de Mayo
May – Week 3 Speaking Final Exam Preparation Layout of exam Scoring points Explanation of administering 4 sections Practice speaking situations
May – Week after Memorial Day Speaking Section of Final Exam – 2 Situations (30 points) June Content Course Review: all vocabulary, structure, situations, and functions (communicative approach) Culture Independence Day Countries & Flags Father’s Day
June – During Final Exam Week Spanish Final Exam FLES K-6 material Placement Exam Communication Modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational Listening, Reading, & Writing Sections (70 points) Spanish 6 Performance Rubric Criteria used to determine each student’s language performance Final Exam Results & Rubric Used to determine 7th grade Spanish course placement Spanish IA (7 th grade Beginner) Proficiency Target Level: Students will reach Novice Mid level Student Background: no prior Spanish instruction Student Entry Proficiency Level: none Student Exit Proficiency Level: Novice Mid Meeting Time: Daily, 40 weeks, 200 minutes Resources: Buen Viaje I Textbook
NCSSFL-ACTFL Global Can-Do Benchmarks for Novice Mid Learners Interpersonal Communication – I can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized. Presentational Speaking – I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions. Presentational Writing – I can write lists and memorized phrases on familiar topics. Interpretive Listening – I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I hear them spoken. Interpretive Reading – I can recognize some letters or characters. I can understand some learned or memorized words and phrases when I read.
Course Outline: September Preliminary Chapter: Calendar & Greetings Objectives: 1. Students will be able to communicate using classroom expressions. 2. Students will be able to state Spanish-speaking countries. 3. Students will be able to recognize famous people of Hispanic heritage. 4. Students will be able to recognize and use letters to spell words. 5. Students will be able to greet people. 6. Students will be able to say good-bye to people. 7. Students will be able to express simple courtesies. 8. Students will be able to find out and state their emotions. 9. Students will be able to find out and tell the days of the week. 10. Students will be able to find out and tell the months of the year. 11. Students will be able to identify and count from 0-30. 12. Students will be able to find out and tell the seasons. 13. Students will be able to find out and state people’s birthdays. Content Classroom Expressions Spanish Speaking Countries Alphabet Courtesy Expressions Greetings, titles, name, emotions, farewells Days, months, seasons, dates Numbers 0-31 Structure Estoy, Es Punctuation & Accents Interrogatives: cuál, cuándo, qué Answering questions in full sentences Forming questions Culture Hispanic Heritage Month 1st week day Monday 1st = primero September Independence Days Greeting gestures Independence Days, Countries & Flags 21 Spanish Speaking Countries Assessments: Month Calendar Project Preliminary Chapter Test
October – November Chapter 1: Un amigo o una amiga Objectives: 1. Students will be able to write out numbers from 0-30. 2. Students will be able to ask or tell who someone is. 3. Students will be able to ask or tell what something is. 4. Students will be able to ask or tell where someone is from. 5. Students will be able to ask or tell what someone is like. 6. Students will be able to describe yourself or someone else. 7. Students will be able to talk about a famous Spanish novel. Content Review Numbers 0-30 (spelling) Basic physical features and personality traits (adjectives) Some nationalities Structure Definite and indefinite singular articles (meanings, gender agreement, placement) Nouns: masculine, feminine (gender agreement) Word order: adjective/noun placement/agreement Singular subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, Ud. Singular forms of ser: soy, eres, es 1 person/thing/quién: es Es = it is Correct word order No = not, placement Tú v. Ud. Interrogatives: quién, cómo, dónde, qué Preposition: de Answering questions: sí, no, full sentences Culture Day of Dead Independence Days Mexico & Central America Assessments Chapter 1 Test Chapter 1 Project: Yo y Mis Amigos
November – December Chapter 2: Alumnos y cursos Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 30-60. 2. Students will be able to tell time. 3. Students will be able to tell at what time an event takes place. 4. Students will be able to describe people and things. 5. Students will be able to talk what subjects you take in school. 6. Students will be able to express their opinions about their courses. 7. Students will be able to talk about Spanish speakers in the United States. Content Numbers 30-60 Time School courses Adjectives describing classes More nationalities Structure Plural articles, nouns, adjectives Plural subject pronouns: nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ellos, ellas, Uds. Singular vs. plural agreement Plural forms of ser 2 or more people/things/quienes: son someone and me = we form (somos) someone and you = Uds. form (son) Culture Hispanic Americans in US (history, demographics, trends) 24 Hour Clock Time differences Spanish School Schedule Independence Days & Countries Assessments Chapter 2 Test Chapter 2 Project: Westhampton Beach Middle School
December – January Chapter 3: Las compras para la escuela Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 60-100. 2. Students will be able to identify and describe school supplies. 3. Students will be able to identify and describe articles of clothing. 4. Students will be able to shop for school supplies and clothing. 5. Students will be able to state color and size preferences. 6. Students will be able to speak to people formally and informally. 7. Students will be able to discuss differences between schools in the United States and Spain. Content: Numbers 60-100 School supplies Basic clothing Colors Basic shopping vocabulary Structure Singular regular –ar verb endings: -o, -as, -a Review tú vs. Ud. Culture: Independence Days & Countries Christmas & New Years Customs 3 Kings Day Differences in Spain Schools and US Assessments Chapter 3 Test Chapter 3 Project: Fashion Show
January – February Chapter 4: En la escuela Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 100-1000. 2. Students will be able to talk about going to school. 3. Students will be able to talk about school activities. 4. Students will be able to greet people and ask and state how they feel. 5. Students will be able to describe where you and others are. 6. Students will be able to discuss differences between schools in Spain and the United States. Content Numbers 100-1000 Ways to arrive at school Classroom activities Basic party activities Structure Plural regular –ar verb endings: -amos, -áis, -an Ir, dar, and estar Al, del Culture: Similarities and differences in Spanish Schools and US . School make up . Classroom set up Expansion: countries music, dances, singers (past/current) Asssessments Chapter 4 Test Chapter 4 Project: Nosotros en WHB Video
February – March Chapter 5: En el café Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 1,000-10,000. 2. Students will be able to order food or a beverage at a café. 3. Students will be able to identify some food. 4. Students will be able to shop for food. 5. Students will be able to talk about café activities. 6. Students will be able to talk about differences between eating habits in the United States and Spanish- speaking countries. Content Numbers 1,000-10,000 Basic restaurant, market, and supermarket vocab Basic foods and drinks Meals Structure Regular –er and –ir verbs Irregular verb: ver Culture Independence Days & Countries Eating Customs . Times . Common foods . Tipping . Table Manners . Cafés in Spain . Tappas . Markets vs. Supermarkets Pounds vs. Kilogram Asssessments Chapter 5 Test Chapter 5 Project: Ordering at Café Play
April – May Chapter 6: La familia y su casa Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 10,000-1,000,000. 2. Students will be able to talk about their family. 3. Students will be able to describe their home. 4. Students will be able to ask and state their age. 5. Students will be able to state what they have to do. 6. Students will be able to state what they are going to go. 7. Students will be able to state what belongs to them and others. 8. Students will be able to talk about families in Spanish-speaking countries. Content: Numbers 10,000-100,000 Basic family members Basic birthday vocabulary Basic parts of the house Basic home activities Structure Irregular verb: tener Tener expressions Expressions: Tener que and ir a Possessive adjectives Culture Family Traditions Celebrations Easter Cinco de Mayo Independence Days & Countries Asssessments Chapter 6 Test Chapter 6 Project: Family Album
May – Week 4 Speaking Final Exam Preparation Layout of exam Scoring points Explanation of administering 4 sections Practice speaking situations
May – Week after Memorial Day Speaking Final Exam – 2 Situations (30 points)
June Content Course Review: all vocabulary, structure, situations, and functions (communicative approach) Culture Independence Day Countries & Flags Father’s Day
June – During Final Exam Week Checkpoint A Final Exam Listening, Reading, & Writing Sections (70 points) Spanish I (IB .800) Proficiency Target Level: Students will reach Novice High level Student Background: 1 year of Spanish instruction, Spanish IA Student Entry Proficiency Level: Novice Mid Student Exit Proficiency Level: Novice High Meeting Time: Daily, 40 weeks, 200 minutes Resources: Buen Viaje I Textbook
NCSSFL-ACTFL Global Can-Do Benchmarks for Novice High Learners Interpersonal Communication – I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions. Presentational Speaking – I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences. Presentational Writing – I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life. Interpretive Listening – I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said. Interpretive Reading – I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read.
Course Outline: September Review Spanish IA material Preliminary Chapter – Chapter 6 vocab and grammar topics Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags
October Capítulo 7: Los deportes Content Basic sports and where they are played Basic equipment Structure Stem-changing verbs (uue, oue, eie) Gustar, interesar, aburrir Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Day of Dead Significance & Traditions Soccer, baseball, and wrestling
November Capítulo 8: La salud y el médico Content Basic emotions Basic illnesses/aches and pains (cough, cold, flu, fever, chills, etc.) Basic doctor/pharmacist vocab Basic parts of the body Structure Ser vs. estar Present progressive (regular participles and –yendo participles) Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Pharmacies in Spain and Latin America
December Capítulo 11: Un viaje en avión Content Airport and plane travel vocab Other basic means of transportation Structure Yo-go verbs Saber vs. conocer Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Christmas Significance & Traditions New Years Traditions Customs process Importance of air travel in South America
January Capítulo 9: El verano y el invierno Content Basic weather expressions Beach and summer activities vocab Skiing vocab Structure Regular –ar verbs in the preterite -car, -gar, -zar verbs in the preterite Culture 3 Kings Day Independence Days Countries & Flags Geography-inverse seasons on opposite sides of the equator
February Capítulo 10: Diversiones culturales Content Parts of the movie theater, basic museum and theater vocab Structure Regular –er and –ir verbs in the preterite Dar, ver, ir and ser in the preterite Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Introduction to Hispanic Artists, Famous Paintings and Art Styles
March Chapter 12: La rutina diaria Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe their personal grooming habits. 2. Students will be able to talk about their daily routine. 3. Students will be able to tell some things they do for themselves. 4. Students will be able to talk about differences in daily routines between the United States and Spanish speaking countries. Content Basic daily routine vocabulary Structure Reflexive verbs in context (no formal grammatical explanation) Irregular Preterite (hacer, reflexive verbs) Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Similarities & Difference in daily routines Asssessments Chapter 12 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 12 Project: Daily Schedule
March Chapter 13: Earning a Living Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify different occupations. 2. Students will be able to describe what people do and where they work. 3. Students will be able to participate in a job interview. 4. Students will be able to discuss the occupations they are interested in. 5. Students will be able to express their feelings about different careers. 6. Students will be able to read and understand help-wanted ads. 7. Students will be able to discuss the uses of Spanish in various occupations. Content Occupations vocabulary Structure Ser review Verbs associated with jobs Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Usage of Spanish in careers Asssessments Chapter 13 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 13 Project: Classmates Interview
April Chapter 14: Physical Environment Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify basic geographical features. 2. Students will be able to identify common animals. 3. Students will be able to express their vacation preferences. 4. Students will be able to read a map and environmental information. 5. Students will be able to discuss activities appropriate to various places and weather conditions. Content Review weather, seasons, months, and activities vocabulary Physical Features & Geography vocabulary Location Expressions Descriptive Expressions (adjectives) Animals Structure Quedar Tener expressions Está, Hace Review vivir, visitar, ver, estar, preferir, ir a Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Easter Oceans, Mountains, Deserts, Beaches, Cities Names Review Fahrenheit v. Celsius temperature Conversion units Asssessments Chapter 14 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 14 Project
April Chapter 15: Community & Neighborhood Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe your town. 2. Students will be able to identify buildings and places. 3. Students will be able to give directions from one place to another in their town. 4. Students will be able to understand announcements of events taking place in their town. 5. Students will be able to write a short note about a town and the activities you do there. 6. Students will be able to tell about specialty shops in Spanish-speaking countries. 7. Students will be able to read a Spanish city map. Content Community and Town vocabulary Adjectives Asking and giving directions Structure Parar, seguir, dar un paseo, continuar, cruzar, pedir, doblar, andar, pasear, caminar Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Sevilla, Spain - Feria Specialty shops City Maps Asssessments Chapter 15 Test Chapter 15 Project
May Chapter 16: Public & Private Services Objectives: 1. Students will be able to read and understand directions to use a pay phone. 2. Students will be able to talk on the phone. 3. Students will be able to make a long distance phone call. 4. Students will be able to read a telephone guide. 5. Students will be able to write a friendly letter. 6. Students will be able to talk to postal workers. Content Telephone vocabulary and expressions Post Office vocabulary and expressions Letter vocabulary Structure charlar, depositar, funcionar, comunicar, decir, marcar, enviar, mandar Culture Cinco de Mayo Independence Days Countries & Flags Writing letters, emails, texts Spanish phone greetings Asssessments Chapter 16 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 16 Project
May – Week 4 Speaking Final Exam Preparation Layout of exam Scoring points Explanation of administering 4 sections Practice speaking situations
May – Week after Memorial Day Speaking Final Exam – 2 Situations (30 points)
June Content Course Review: all vocabulary, structure, situations, and functions (communicative approach) Culture Independence Day Countries & Flags Father’s Day
June – During Final Exam Week Checkpoint A Final Exam Listening, Reading, & Writing Sections (70 points) Spanish I (.700) Proficiency Target Level: Students will reach Intermediate Low level Student Background: FLES Spanish K-6 Student Entry Proficiency Level: Novice High Student Exit Proficiency Level: Intermediate Low Meeting Time: Daily, 40 weeks, 200 minutes Resources: Buen Viaje I Textbook
NCSSFL-ACTFL Global Can-Do Benchmarks for Intermediate Low Learners Interpersonal Communication – I can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions. Presentational Speaking – I can present information on most familiar topics using a series of simple sentences. Presentational Writing – I can write briefly about most familiar topics and present information using a series of simple sentences. Interpretive Listening – I can understand the main idea in short, simple messages and presentation on familiar topics. I can understand the main idea of simple conversations that I hear. Interpretive Reading – I can understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topic is familiar.
Course Outline: September Preliminary Chapter: Calendar & Greetings Objectives: 1. Students will be able to communicate using classroom expressions. 2. Students will be able to state Spanish-speaking countries. 3. Students will be able to recognize famous people of Hispanic heritage. 4. Students will be able to recognize and use letters to spell words. 5. Students will be able to greet people. 6. Students will be able to say good-bye to people. 7. Students will be able to express simple courtesies. 8. Students will be able to find out and state their emotions. 9. Students will be able to find out and tell the days of the week. 10. Students will be able to find out and tell the months of the year. 11. Students will be able to identify and count from 0-30. 12. Students will be able to find out and tell the seasons. 13. Students will be able to find out and state people’s birthdays. Content Classroom Expressions Spanish Speaking Countries Alphabet Courtesy Expressions Greetings, titles, name, emotions, farewells Days, months, seasons, dates Numbers 0-31 Structure Estoy, Es Punctuation & Accents Interrogatives: cuál, cuándo, qué Answering questions in full sentences Forming questions Culture Hispanic Heritage Month 1st week day Monday 1st = primero September Independence Days Greeting gestures Independence Days 21 Spanish Speaking Countries 21 Flags Assessments Month Calendar Project Preliminary Chapter Test
September Chapter 1: Un amigo o una amiga Objectives: 1. Students will be able to write out numbers from 0-30. 2. Students will be able to ask or tell who someone is. 3. Students will be able to ask or tell what something is. 4. Students will be able to ask or tell where someone is from. 5. Students will be able to ask or tell what someone is like. 6. Students will be able to describe yourself or someone else. 7. Students will be able to talk about a famous Spanish novel. Content Review Numbers 0-30 (spelling) Basic physical features and personality traits (adjectives) Some nationalities Structure Definite and indefinite singular articles (meanings, gender agreement, placement) Nouns: masculine, feminine (gender agreement) Word order: adjective/noun placement/agreement Singular subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, Ud. Singular forms of ser: soy, eres, es 1 person/thing/quién: es Es = it is Correct word order No = not, placement Tú v. Ud. Interrogatives: quién, cómo, dónde, qué Preposition: de Answering questions: sí, no, full sentences Culture Independence Days Mexico & Central America Assessments Chapter 1 Test Chapter 1 Project: Yo y Mis Amigos
October Chapter 2: Alumnos y cursos Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 30-60. 2. Students will be able to tell time. 3. Students will be able to tell at what time an event takes place. 4. Students will be able to describe people and things. 5. Students will be able to talk what subjects you take in school. 6. Students will be able to express their opinions about their courses. 7. Students will be able to talk about Spanish speakers in the United States. Content Numbers 30-60 Time School courses Adjectives describing classes More nationalities Structure Plural articles, nouns, adjectives Plural subject pronouns: nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ellos, ellas, Uds. Singular vs. plural agreement Plural forms of ser 2 or more people/things/quienes: son someone and me = we form (somos) someone and you = Uds. form (son) Culture Hispanic Americans in US 24 Hour Clock Time differences Spanish School Schedule Independence Days & Countries Assessments Chapter 2 Test Chapter 2 Project: Westhampton Beach Middle School
October Chapter 3: Las compras para la escuela Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 60-100. 2. Students will be able to identify and describe school supplies. 3. Students will be able to identify and describe articles of clothing. 4. Students will be able to shop for school supplies and clothing. 5. Students will be able to state color and size preferences. 6. Students will be able to speak to people formally and informally. 7. Students will be able to discuss differences between schools in the United States and Spain. Content: Numbers 60-100 School supplies Basic clothing Colors Basic shopping vocabulary Structure Singular regular –ar verb endings: -o, -as, -a Review tú vs. Ud. Culture: October Independence Days & Countries Day of Dead Differences in Spain Schools and US Assessments Chapter 3 Test Chapter 3 Project: Fashion Show
November Chapter 4: En la escuela Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 100-1000. 2. Students will be able to talk about going to school. 3. Students will be able to talk about school activities. 4. Students will be able to greet people and ask and state how they feel. 5. Students will be able to describe where you and others are. 6. Students will be able to discuss differences between schools in Spain and the United States. Content Numbers 100-1000 Ways to arrive at school Classroom activities Basic party activities Structure Plural regular –ar verb endings: -amos, -áis, -an Ir, dar, and estar Al, del Culture: Similarities and differences in Spanish Schools and US . School make up . Classroom set up Expansion: countries music, dances, singers (past/current) Asssessments Chapter 4 Test Chapter 4 Project: Nosotros en WHB Video
November Chapter 5: En el café Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 1,000-10,000. 2. Students will be able to order food or a beverage at a café. 3. Students will be able to identify some food. 4. Students will be able to shop for food. 5. Students will be able to talk about café activities. 6. Students will be able to talk about differences between eating habits in the United States and Spanish- speaking countries. Content Numbers 1,000-10,000 Basic restaurant, market, and supermarket vocab Basic foods and drinks Meals Structure Regular –er and –ir verbs Irregular verb: ver Culture Independence Days & Countries Eating Customs . Times . Common foods . Tipping . Table Manners . Cafés in Spain . Tappas . Markets vs. Supermarkets Pounds vs. Kilogram Asssessments Chapter 5 Test Chapter 5 Project: Ordering at Café Play
December Chapter 6: La familia y su casa Objectives: 1. Students will be able to count from 10,000-1,000,000. 2. Students will be able to talk about their family. 3. Students will be able to describe their home. 4. Students will be able to ask and state their age. 5. Students will be able to state what they have to do. 6. Students will be able to state what they are going to go. 7. Students will be able to state what belongs to them and others. 8. Students will be able to talk about families in Spanish-speaking countries. Content: Numbers 10,000-100,000 Basic family members Basic birthday vocabulary Basic parts of the house Basic home activities Structure Irregular verb: tener Tener expressions Expressions: Tener que and ir a Possessive adjectives Culture Family Traditions Celebrations Independence Days & Countries Asssessments Chapter 6 Test Chapter 6 Project: Family Album
December Chapter 7: Los deportes Objectives: 1. Students will be able to talk about team sports and other physical activities. 2. Students will be able to tell what they want to, begin to, and prefer to do. 3. Students will be able to talk about people’s activities. 4. Students will be able to express what interests, bores, or pleases you. 5. Students will be able to discuss the role of sports in the Hispanic world. Content: Basic sports vocabulary Equipment needed for sports Places where sports are played Basic equipment Structure Regular sports verbs: meter, terminar, empatar, correr, ganar, patinar, nadar, equiar, montar, tirar, atrapar, driblar, batear, golpear, marcar, practicar, usar, participar, ir a, tener que, caminar Stem-changing verbs: jugar, volver, poder, dormir, empezar, querer, preferir, perder, pensar Gustar, interesar, aburrir Indirect Object Pronouns: me, te, le, nos, os, les Culture Independence Days & Countries Christmas & New Years Significance & Traditions Soccer: athletes, teams, events, countries Baseball: athletes, teams, events, countries Other popular sports, events, and athletes Asssessments Chapter 7 Test Chapter 7 Project: Interview Famous Athlete
January Chapter 8: La salud y el médico Objectives: 1. Students will be able to explain a minor illness to a doctor. 2. Students will be able to describe some feelings. 3. Students will be able to have a prescription filled at a pharmacy. 4. Students will be able to describe characteristics and conditions. 5. Students will be able to tell where things are and where they’re from. 6. Students will be able to tell where someone or something is now. 7. Students will be able to tell what happens to you or someone else. 8. Students will be able to tell what they or others are currently doing. Content Basic emotions Basic illnesses, aches and pains Basic doctor/pharmacist vocabulary Basic parts of the body Structure Ser vs. estar Me duele(n) (review IOP) Review tener Traer, recetar, examinar, creer, abrir Present progressive (regular participles and –yendo participles) Culture Independence Days & Countries 3 Kings Day Pharmacies in Spain and Latin America Similarities & Differences in Health Care Asssessments Chapter 8 Test Chapter 8 Project: Doctor’s Visit Play January Chapter 11: Un viaje en avión Objectives: 1. Students will be able to state different means of transportation. 2. Students will be able to check in for a flight. 3. Students will be able to talk about services on board the plane. 4. Students will be able to get through the airport after deplaning. 5. Students will be able to purchase a travel ticket and request information about arrival, departure, etc. 6. Students will be able to tell what they or others are currently doing. 7. Students will be able to tell what they know and whom they know. 8. Students will be able to discuss the importance or air travel in South America and train travel in Europe. Content: Airport travel vocabulary Airplane vocabulary Other basic means of transportation Structure Yo-go verbs: hacer, poner, traer, salir, venir Saber vs. conocer Culture Independence Days & Countries Customs process Importance of air travel in South America AVE train in Spain Asssessments Chapter 11 Test Chapter 11 Project: Travel Brochure
February Chapter 9: El verano y el invierno Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe summer and winter weather. 2. Students will be able to talk about summer activities and sports. 3. Students will be able to talk about winter sports. 4. Students will be able to read a weather report. 5. Students will be able to discuss activities appropriate to various weather conditions. 6. Students will be able to discuss past actions and events. 7. Students will be able to refer to people and things already mentioned. 8. Students will be able to talk about resorts in Spanish-speaking countries. Content Summer & Winter weather expressions Beach & Summer activities vocabulary Winter sports vocabulary Structure Regular –ar verbs in the preterite Irregular Verbs: -car, -gar, -zar verbs in the preterite Culture Independence Days & Countries Geography: Andes & Alps Mountains Inverse seasons on opposite sides of the equator Weather differences Celsius vs. Fahrenheit temperature Asssessments Chapter 9 Test Chapter 9 Project: Weather Report
February Chapter 10: Diversiones culturales Objectives: 1. Students will be able to discuss movies, museums, and theater. 2. Students will be able to discuss cultural events. 3. Students will be able to relate past actions or events. 4. Students will be able to tell for whom something is done. 5. Students will be able to talk about cultural activities that are popular in Spanish-speaking countries. Content Parts of the movie theater Basic museum and theater vocabulary Structure Regular –er and –ir verbs in the preterite Dar, ver, ir and ser in the preterite Culture Independence Days & Countries Introduction to Hispanic Artists, Famous Paintings and Art Styles Asssessments Chapter 10 Test Chapter 10 Project
March Chapter 12: La rutina diaria Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe their personal grooming habits. 2. Students will be able to talk about their daily routine. 3. Students will be able to tell some things they do for themselves. 4. Students will be able to talk about differences in daily routines between the United States and Spanish speaking countries. Content Basic daily routine vocabulary Structure Reflexive verbs in context (no formal grammatical explanation) Irregular Preterite (hacer, reflexive verbs) Culture Independence Days & Countries Similarities & Difference in daily routines Asssessments Chapter 12 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 12 Project: Daily Schedule
March Chapter 13: Earning a Living Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify different occupations. 2. Students will be able to describe what people do and where they work. 3. Students will be able to participate in a job interview. 4. Students will be able to discuss the occupations they are interested in. 5. Students will be able to express their feelings about different careers. 6. Students will be able to read and understand help-wanted ads. 7. Students will be able to discuss the uses of Spanish in various occupations. Content Occupations vocabulary Structure Ser review Verbs associated with jobs Culture Independence Days & Countries Usage of Spanish in US careers Asssessments Chapter 13 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 13 Project: Classmates Interview
April Chapter 14: Physical Environment Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify basic geographical features. 2. Students will be able to identify common animals. 3. Students will be able to express their vacation preferences. 4. Students will be able to read a map and environmental information. 5. Students will be able to discuss activities appropriate to various places and weather conditions. Content Review weather, seasons, months, and activities vocabulary Physical Features & Geography vocabulary Location Expressions Descriptive Expressions (adjectives) Animals Structure Quedar Tener expressions Está, Hace Review vivir, visitar, ver, estar, preferir, ir a Culture Independence Days & Countries Easter Oceans, Mountains, Deserts, Beaches, Cities Names Review Fahrenheit v. Celsius temperature Conversion units Asssessments Chapter 14 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 14 Project
April Chapter 15: Community & Neighborhood Objectives: 1. Students will be able to describe your town. 2. Students will be able to identify buildings and places. 3. Students will be able to give directions from one place to another in their town. 4. Students will be able to understand announcements of events taking place in their town. 5. Students will be able to write a short note about a town and the activities you do there. 6. Students will be able to tell about specialty shops in Spanish-speaking countries. 7. Students will be able to read a Spanish city map. Content: Community and Town vocabulary Adjectives Asking and giving directions Structure Parar, seguir, dar un paseo, continuar, cruzar, pedir, doblar, andar, pasear, caminar Culture Independence Days Countries & Flags Sevilla, Spain - Feria Specialty shops City Maps Asssessments Chapter 15 Test Chapter 15 Project
May Chapter 16: Public & Private Services Objectives: 1. Students will be able to read and understand directions to use a pay phone. 2. Students will be able to talk on the phone. 3. Students will be able to make a long distance phone call. 4. Students will be able to read a telephone guide. 5. Students will be able to write a friendly letter. 6. Students will be able to talk to postal workers. Content: Telephone vocabulary and expressions Post Office vocabulary and expressions Letter vocabulary Structure charlar, depositar, funcionar, comunicar, decir, marcar, enviar, mandar Culture Cinco de Mayo Independence Days Countries & Flags Writing letters, emails, texts Spanish phone greetings Asssessments Chapter 16 Vocabulary Quiz Chapter 16 Project
May – Week 4 Speaking Final Exam Preparation Layout of exam Scoring points Explanation of administering 4 sections Practice speaking situations
May – Week after Memorial Day Speaking Final Exam – 2 Situations (30 points)
June Content Course Review: all vocabulary, structure, situations, and functions (communicative approach) Culture Independence Day Countries & Flags Father’s Day
June – During Final Exam Week Checkpoint A Final Exam Listening, Reading, & Writing Sections (70 points)