Assignment 1.2: Investigating physical properties

Task Sheet 1 P2 Factors that can affect human health (part)

Type of factor: Example Effects on health or symptoms medical of illness

Micro-organism – Measles Cold-like symptoms: a fever, a runny nose Virus and a cough. A blotchy red rash starts on the head, and spreads over the rest of the body. The symptoms usually last for around This is an 14 days. Complications can develop, for example example diarrhoea, vomiting, conjunctivitis, laryngitis. More severe complications include pneumonia and hepatitis. Rarely, it can cause death.

Micro-organism – Virus

Micro-organism – Virus

Micro-organism – Bacteria

Micro-organism – Bacteria

Carcinogen –

Carcinogen –

© HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd 2010 BTEC First 3 Applied Science Assignment 3.4: The effects of different factors on human health Task Sheet 1 P5 Fill in the table above. Use the internet to research two (part) diseases caused by a virus, two caused by bacteria and two examples of carcinogens (things that cause cancer). Examples Virus – HIV/Aids, Ebola, bronchiolitis, common cold Bacteria – Anthrax, Cholera, Tetanus Carcinogens – tar in cigarette smoke, UV light, alcohol, X rays Factors that can affect human health (continued)

2 Draw up a similar table to list 10 social factors that affect health, and their effects. For example, your list could include the over-consumption of alcohol, the use of cannabis, and so on. Include factors related to diet and exercise. For example, an inactive lifestyle, an allergy, an eating disorder. Attach some illustrations if you like. Type of factor - Harmful effect Effects or symptoms Lifestyle

Here are some you could include: Heroin Cannabis Ecstasy Legal Highs Tobacco Alcohol Obesity Lack of exercise Poverty Eating disorders (eg anorexia) Food allergy (eg nuts) Unbalanced diet Working in a noisy environment Stressful job

3 Draw up a similar table to present two inherited factors, that is inherited health conditions. Include one single gene disorder and one autoimmune disease.

You will need to do some research to find an example of each.

4 BTEC First Applied Science © HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd 2010