Members present: Duncan Shrout, Scott Stokes, Mary Rasmussen (joined at 11:14 am)

Staff present: Mike Derr

Duncan Shrout called the meeting to order at 11:07 am.

 The committee reviewed the draft agenda for the 3/3/17 Council meeting. One change related to the current makeup of the Council membership. Mr. Shrout noted that the Law Enforcement & Crime Commission (LECC) no longer exists, and that the criminal justice field is well represented on the Council. He suggested that the LECC designee slot be converted to an 8th citizen slot, as robust citizen participation allows the Council to gain innate knowledge on recovery experiences and topics, and gain additional professional knowledge in substance abuse matters.

 Ms. Rasmussen moved that the Executive Committee recommend Council representatives approach the State Legislature and request that state law be revised converting the LECC designee slot on the Council to a citizen position. Mr. Stokes seconded her motion. The motion carried unanimously, so this recommendation will be discussed during the March 3rd Council meeting. Mr. Shrout felt that if this law change is successful, the Council can later explore additional changes or new citizen slots for the Council.

 Mr. Derr referenced the “Other Alternative Topics” at the bottom of the draft agenda. Ms. Rasmussen requested that Ambulatory Detox services be addressed at the June Council meeting. The Executive Committee agreed that the Public Records and State Ethics training modules be jointly completed by Council members at the June meeting.

 Mr. Derr gave an overview of the current Council makeup and membership, including the newest members and designees. Mr. Shrout noted continuing interest among Council members to have the Council membership include a staff person working in the Governor’s Office.

 Mr. Derr gave a quick update that six members of the Needs Assessment Stakeholder Workgroup are affiliated with the Council’s four committees. The first workgroup meeting with DHS staff is Feb. 28th, after which Derr will summarize that meeting’s discussions at the March 3rd Council meeting.

 Executive Committee members discussed the possibility of future June or Sept. Council meetings being held in central/northern Wisconsin to better engage with tribal and rural populations, or to visit programs in that region of the state. Mr. Stokes stated that most Council members and DHS staff are from the Madison and Milwaukee areas, so meetings have been held in Madison.

 Mr. Stokes referenced several Council members whose terms are expiring on 7/1/17, and asked whether they should be encouraged to take any specific steps. Mr. Shrout responded that members should contact the Governor’s Appointments office as soon as they can.

The meeting adjourned at 11:44 am.