Planning Committee s1
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APPLICATION NO: 04/02048/F WARD Nork RECEIVED: 24/08/04 : APPLICANT: Magham K Obaid AGENT: Safa Alattar LOCATION: 30 GARLICHILL ROAD, EPSOM DOWNS DESCRIPTION Ground floor side and rear extensions and first floor extensions to : convert bungalow to a two-storey dwelling. DRAWING NUMBERS: Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
Referred to Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Harrison because of concerns about the impact of the extensions on neighbouring residential amenity.
Following views expressed by members at a committee site visit on 27 November 2004, the application was withdrawn from the agenda for the Planning Committee meeting on 1 December 2005 to allow the applicant to make amendments to the scheme. A copy of the previous report is appended.
Following a number of discussions with the applicant, amended plans were received on 25 January 2005. Renotification has been carried with the period for response expiring on 17 February 2005. Any comments received will be reported at the meeting.
Amended Plans
The amended scheme reduces the height of the roof and the length of the main ridge. It also reduces the bulk of the building on the northern side when compared to the original scheme by introducing a long cat-slide roof. These changes would result in a two-storey house that appears more subservient to its immediate neighbours at 1 Beech Grove and 28 Garlichill Road, and reduces the impact on the adjacent property at 1 Beech Grove. The reduction in the roof height considerably reduces the opportunity to utilise the roof space for further accommodation.
D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc The general appearance of the building has been improved with the incorporation of more detailed design features into the frontage of the building. The siting of the front bay windows is more symmetrical, resulting in a more balanced building design.
The amended plans show the length of a front contecting fence between No.30 and the side of No.1 Beech Grove measures 9.6m. Furthermore, the distance between the boundary with No.30 Garlichill Road and the neighbours building is 8m, when measured from the boundary and the two-storey rear side of No.1 Beech Grove. This spacing increase further, forward of the fence and reduces to 5.3m, if the measurement is taken between the boundary and No.1 Beech Grove’s rear conservatory. These measurements have been checked on site.
While the resultant building would not comprise a chalet style building, as suggested by some members at the site visit, it is nevertheless considered to maintain the visual appearance and character of the street scene and would further reduce the impact on the amenities of the neighbouring property at 1 Beech Grove, when compared to the original scheme. The amended proposal is considered to meet the requirements of policies Ho9, Ho13 and Ho14 of the adopted Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994.
Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in the appended report.
D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc COPY OF REPORT ON PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA FOR MEETING ON 1 DECEMBER 2004
APPLICATION NO: 04/02048/F WARD Nork RECEIVED: 24/08/04 : APPLICANT: Magham K Obaid AGENT: Safa Alattar LOCATION: 30 GARLICHILL ROAD, EPSOM DOWNS DESCRIPTION Ground floor side and rear extensions and first floor extensions to : convert bungalow to a two-storey dwelling. DRAWING NUMBERS: Sheets 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Referred to Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Harrison.
The property is a detached bungalow, flanked on either side by two-storey houses. The surrounding area is characterised by a mix of single and two-storey dwellings. The applicant seeks through extensions to the existing property to create a two-storey house.
The proposed extensions would result in a form of development that would maintain the visual appearance and character of the street scene. It would not harm the amenities of neighbouring residential properties. The proposal meets the requirements of policies Ho9, Ho13 and Ho14 of the adopted Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994.
Planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.
D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc Consultations:
Highway Authority: no objection subject to conditions (further response awaiting to amended plans)
Neighbours were notified by letters dated 25/08/04 and 14/10/04 and again 3/02/05 (responses will be reported to committee)
45 letters of objection have been received to date raising the following issues:
Issue Response Loss of daylight See paragraph 5.7 – 5.10 Overdevelopment See paragraph 5.3 – 5.5 Out of character See paragraph 5.3 – 5.5 Parking/traffic concerns See paragraph 5.11 Accuracy of plans See paragraph 5.9 Construction nuisance See paragraph 5.9 Set a precedent for large scale conversions See paragraph 5.9 Loss of privacy See paragraph 5.7 – 5.10 Foundation support for extensions See paragraph 5.9
1.0 Site and Surroundings
1.1 The property is a detached bungalow located within an established residential area with mixed two-storey and single-storey dwellings. The property is immediately adjoined by two-storey houses on either side. The property benefits from a long rear garden that rises up towards the rear. The boundary is screened by a mix of wooden panel fencing and hedges and trees further to the rear of the site.
2.0 Relevant Planning History
2.1 None.
3.0 Current Proposal
3.1 This is a full application for the erection of various extensions to the existing bungalow to create a two-storey dwelling with rear and side extensions.
3.2 The main extensions would be to create a new single-storey rear extension, replacement single-storey side extension and erection of a first floor extension to provide first floor accommodation with a pitched roof. The existing footprint of the bungalow is 93 square metres. The proposed footprint of the two-storey house would be 257 square metres.
3.3 Further details of the development are as follows:
D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc Site area 0.09 hectares Existing floor area 93 square metres Proposed floor area 257 square metres Existing parking spaces 2 Proposed parking spaces 2
4.0 Policy Context
4.1 Local Plan Designation
Urban Area
4.2 Surrey Structure Plan 1994
Protecting the Environment PE10
4.3 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994
Housing H9, Ho13, Ho16
4.4 Surrey Structure Plan (Deposit Draft) 2002
The Location of Development LO4 Sustaining the Environment SE4
4.5 Other Material Considerations
Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPG 1, PPG3 Supplementary Planning Guidance Surrey Design Local Distinctiveness A Parking Strategy for Surrey Parking Standards for Development Other Human Rights Act 1998
5.0 Principal Issues
5.1 The main issues to consider are:
Impact on Character of Area Residential Amenity Highway Considerations
Impact on the Character of the Area
5.2 The proposal is for the construction of several extensions to the existing three bedroom bungalow to create a two-storey house. The property is presently sited on a road with a mix of bungalows and two-storey dwellings. The current property is flanked on either side by two-storey dwellings. Therefore the principle of a two- D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc storey dwelling is acceptable in terms of maintaining the appearance of the street scene and character of the surrounding area.
5.3 All properties in the immediate area are detached. The proposed building would maintain sufficient space at first floor level to provide a visual gap to both neighbouring properties. This would be a minimum of one metre to the southern boundary with 32 Garlichill Road, which itself is approximately 1.5 metres off the joint boundary. To the north, 1 Beech Grove is sited considerably further away. Its scale and form would not dominate the plot or the dwelling.
5.4 The proposed first floor extension and pitch roof would be similar in scale and presence to neighbouring properties. The proposal has been amended to reduce the height of the roof and to lessen the massing of the extensions towards No.1 Beech Grove. The catslide roof is shown to have a single rooflight to provide daylight to a bathroom. The applicant has agreed for this to be obscure glazed. Future proposals to insert such rooflights or dormers could be controlled by condition.
5.5 The overall scale of the development would result in a large increase in the height and mass of the existing dwelling. However, given the presence of two-storey dwellings either side of the existing bungalow and the spacing between dwellings, it is my opinion that the combined extensions would not result in an overdevelopment of the plot or a form of dwelling that would be out of character with the area.
Residential Amenity
5.6 The nearest neighbours to the development would be 1 Beech Grove, a detached two-storey dwelling located on a corner plot to the north of the application site; and 28 Garlichill Road, located to the south.
5.7 1 Beech Grove is sited at least 8 metres from the boundary with 30 Garlichill Road and sited at an angle. The boundary is well screened with two metre high dense hedge sited within 1 Beech Grove’s garden. The only first floor side facing window would light a bathroom, which is to be obscured glazed to prevent direct overlooking. The first floor rear windows of the extension would have a limited outlook into the far rear garden area of 1 Beech Grove, which is already screened at this point by hedges Given the distance between the site and 1 Beech Grove, the development would not have a detrimental impact on the amenities of 1 Beech Grove.
5.8 The immediate neighbour to the south of the site, 32 Garlichill Road, is a two-storey dwelling sited slightly higher than the application site. The boundary is screened by wooden panel fencing and further along by a single-storey rear extension up to the boundary. The first floor extension would retain a one metre gap between the side of the new extension and the boundary line. Only a side bathroom window would overlook no.32 at first floor level, which can be required to be obscured glazing by way of condition. The first floor extension would not dominate or detrimentally harm the daylight or amenities of this neighbouring property. The first floor rear facing windows would have an oblique outlook to the rear garden of no.32. However given that No.30 is set further back, this outlook would be limited to areas of the garden not immediately to the rear of No.28. The mutual outlook over rear
D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc garden areas from rearward facing first floor windows would be similar to that between other two-storey houses in the area, and is an accepted relationship within a residential area.
5.9 Several other issues have been raised by neighbours in their objection letters. The issue of whether the existing foundations can cope with the proposed level of extensions is not a planning consideration, but would be considered as part of the Building Regulation process. Amended plans have been submitted to correct small inaccuracies in the original submission. While some disruption is inevitable during construction, that is not by itself a reason for refusal. Issues relating to noise and parking problems caused by the existing occupiers/owners of 30 Garlichill Road, are not material planning considerations. The application has to be considered on its own merits.
5.10 All other neighbouring properties are sited at a sufficient distance as not to be materially affected by the proposed development in terms of loss of daylight and privacy.
Highway Considerations
5.11 A number of objectors have raised concern about the current parking problems on the site and the level of parking requirements given the scale of the new extensions. The property would retain two vehicle parking spaces on the site. This accords with the advisory standard set out in the County Council’s and the Borough Council’s own parking standards. The Highway Authority has raised no objection to the development.
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. Before the development hereby permitted is commenced the developer shall obtain the Local Planning Authority's written approval of samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the building works hereby permitted and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the detailed design of the proposal.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) (with or without modification), no further windows or openings in the southern or northern first floor elevations of the building shall be constructed, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking.
D:\Docs\2018-04-25\0b2393ac7e49891b02466e25af6776d0.doc 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) (with or without modification), no rooflights or dormer windows shall be constructed in any plane of the roof without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking in accordance with Local Plan policy Ho9.
5. The first floor windows in the southern and northern elevations of the building shall be fitted with obscured glazing which shall not be openable other than with a top hung fanlight and shall be so maintained at all times. Reason: To ensure that the development does not affect the amenity of the neighbouring property by overlooking.
The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan polices Ho9, Ho13, Ho16 and PE10 and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.