The BEKA capillary tube mats lie in the screed layer directly at the floor surface. Evenly distributed heat radiation with short response times increases your sense of well-being. This cost-effective variant of radiant underfloor heating and underfloor cooling mats is mainly used in new buildings with standard construction materials for insulation and sealing. The preferred capillary mat type used for radiant underfloor heating systems in screed is P.VS30.

Thin Layer Radiant Underfloor Heating Mats

Particularly when using the thin layer method for radiant underfloor heating, the improved BEKA Foli-mat offers all the technical benefits of the conventional variant. Due to its low height this assembly is perfect for refurbishments and conversions of old buildings. Specifically designed for application in retrofit radiant underfloor heating systems, Foli-mat called P.FS20 has been fitted with new foil tapes, double-sided adhesive tape and the patented BEKA connecting system - for faster and more cost-effective mounting. Alternatively, the BEKA capillary tube mat K.S15 can also be used as thin layer underfloor heating mats.

Utilize Geothermal Energy with a Heat Pump and Capillary Tube Mats

BEKA capillary tube mats can be perfectly extended to a system which combines geothermal heating and cooling with modern indoor HVAC comfort. In combination with modern geothermal heat pumps BEKA capillary tube mats are also used as ground collector to connect with indoor radiant heating and radiant cooling applications. Due to the large surface of the many capillary tubes, the geothermal system can efficiently utilize little differences between indoor and ground temperature for geothermal heating and cooling comfort. The combined indoor and outdoor use of capillary tube mats ensures a minimum loss of heat which results in energy-efficient as well as eco-friendly HVAC systems. Also capillary tube mats do perfectly connect with solar collector systems because large heat exchange surfaces enable a sufficient heat supply already with comparably low flow temperatures. Efficient radiant heating and cooling comfort with your individual ecological energy supply! Concrete Core Activation for Fast-Reacting Heating and Cooling

By means of the concrete core activation method preconditions for radiant heating and cooling comfort are already created in the shell construction phase. As a prefabricated, finished element B.RBO.30 the BEKA capillary tube mat is integrated in the concrete ceiling. Placed directly on the surface, the fast-reacting concrete core activation is extremely dynamic in its temperature control behaviour for high radiant heating and radiant cooling requirements. Architects Office Michael, Cologne

 Cutting Edge HVAC System with Concrete Core Activation, Ground Collector, and Geothermal Heat Pump Design / Planning: Thomas Michael, Use: BEKA units for quick-reaction concrete core activation integrated into KapiTherm Massiv expanded clay structural elements. The HVAC concept includes: ground collector, geothermal heat pump, concrete core activation, and a capillary tube system "The smallest and technologically most progressive office building in Cologne."

Vienna Twin Tower, Austria 

Large-Scale Building Cooling with Energy-Efficient Radiant Cooling Ceilings Architect: Massimiliano Fuksas Commissioned by: Wienerberger AG Time: Autumn 2000 Use: 29.000 m² radiant cooling surface as metal ceiling with integrated capillary tube mats.