MODULE 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

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MODULE 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

MODULE 3 - ATTACHMENT 5 (SERVICE LEVELS) 1. OVERVIEW General 1.1 This Attachment 5 describes: 1.1.1 the Service Levels that the Contractor must comply with and report against; and 1.1.2 the consequences that apply for the Contractor failing to meet those Service Levels. 1.2 The parties must comply with the requirements in this Attachment 5 in relation to each Contract, except to the extent specified in any Contract Order Form. 1.3 The parties must also comply with any performance management framework: 1.3.1 specified in the Contract Order Form; and 1.3.2 included in the Product and Service Catalogue for a Deliverable, including in relation to measuring and reporting on the Contractor's performance under any Contract and the application of any remedies (including Service Credits).

2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 This methodology describes the approach used to define the Service Levels. 2.2 Each Service Level is: 2.2.1 defined in clauses Orders to Helpdesk Quality below; and 2.2.2 in the following tabular format:

Description Metric Definition Definition of the Service Level See clause The Service Level definition tables include details of ‘Service Coverage Hours’ and ‘Measurement Hours’ (if applicable to the measure). The ‘Service Coverage Hours’ are Service Coverage the hours or period during which the relevant Deliverables are Hours provided. The ‘Measurement Hours’ are the hours or period over which the Service Level is measured. In some cases, the ‘Measurement Hours’ will differ to the ‘Service Coverage Hours’.. See clause The Service Level definition tables include details of ‘Service Coverage Hours’ and ‘Measurement Hours’ (if applicable to the measure). The ‘Service Coverage Hours’ are Measurement the hours or period during which the relevant Deliverables are Hours provided. The ‘Measurement Hours’ are the hours or period over which the Service Level is measured. In some cases, the ‘Measurement Hours’ will differ to the ‘Service Coverage Hours’.. Minimum Service The minimum level of service the Contractor must provide to Level the Agency. Target Service The target level of service the Contractor should aim to provide Level to the Agency. Measurement Methodology Measurement Identifies where or when the measurement is carried out. point Calculation How the Service Level is calculated, including calibration of the Service Level against the scoring scale. Period of The period over which the Service Level is calculated (e.g. Calculation Monthly). Calculation notes Additional information on what is included or excluded from the calculation. Data Source Identifies the source of the information used to calculate the Service Level (e.g. named tools or data sources). Measurement Identifies whether the Contractor or the Agency is responsible responsibility for measuring the Service Level. It is expected that in most cases, the Contractor will be responsible for measurement. Reporting Details of how often the Service Level is reported. Frequency Special Reporting Any special reporting requirements for a Service Level. The Requirements standard reporting requirements are specified in clause Performance reports are to be delivered to the specified recipient within 10 Business Days of the end of each Month or as agreed with the Agency. At a minimum, such reports must include:.

2.3 Each Service Level definition table in clauses Orders to Helpdesk Quality contains details of the measurement methodology for the Service Level. Measurement methodologies may change over time to reflect changes and innovations in technology, tools and methodologies used for these purposes or to reflect changes in the Commonwealth’s business objectives. Any such changes must be agreed by Finance. Any changes that seek to vary the Head Agreement or a Contract must be dealt with in accordance with the variation procedures in the Head Agreement. 2.4 If the ‘Minimum Target Service Levels’, the ‘Target Service Levels’, or the ‘Calculation’ in a Service Level definition table contains more than one set of measures or measurements, then each of those must be measured and reported as separate Service Levels. 2.5 Service Levels are provided on an end to end basis, and the Contractor is responsible for all Subcontractors and managed third party activities that impact on the Service Levels. However, Service Level failures for components of the Service Level beyond the Contractor’s responsibility will be treated as an excusable event in accordance with clauses Subject to clause Service Levels are provided on an end to end basis, and the Contractor is responsible for all Subcontractors and managed third party activities that impact on the Service Levels. However, Service Level failures for components of the Service Level beyond the Contractor’s responsibility will be treated as an excusable event in accordance with clauses 2.12, 2.13, and 2.14., a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be taken into account in measuring the Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

Contractor’s performance against the Service Level to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by any:, Without limiting any other reason, a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be regarded as beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor if the failure or delay could have been:, and If the Contractor is seeking to rely on the excusable events set out in clause Subject to clause 2.5, a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be taken into account in measuring the Contractor’s performance against the Service Level to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by any:, then it must promptly advise the Agency by notice of the details of the relevant event in its performance report. If the Agency agrees the event has impacted upon the Contractor’s performance, the time permissible for correcting an incident or outage is extended only by the length of the delay or to the extent of the failure as caused by the excusable event.. 2.6 The Service Level definition tables include details of ‘Service Coverage Hours’ and ‘Measurement Hours’ (if applicable to the measure). The ‘Service Coverage Hours’ are the hours or period during which the relevant Deliverables are provided. The ‘Measurement Hours’ are the hours or period over which the Service Level is measured. In some cases, the ‘Measurement Hours’ will differ to the ‘Service Coverage Hours’. 2.7 If a Service Level includes a percentage, these will be applied as follows: “X%” means that if the Contractor achieves X% or higher, the Service Level is met (without further rounding-up of the percentages, except for the rounding-up referred to below). 2.8 For each Service Level, a conversion of the ‘Target Service Level’ percentage may need to occur to calculate the number of allowable incidents that can occur without the Contractor failing the applicable Service Level. If the number of allowable exceptions has a fractional component, then the number of allowable exceptions will be rounded up to the next highest whole number. For example: If the ‘Target Service Level’ is “95%”, and the Contractor has provided the Deliverable 45 times in a set period, then the “number of allowable exceptions” is 5% of 45 = 2.25, which is rounded up to three (3) allowable exceptions. In this example the Contractor must meet the Target Service Level 42 times in order to achieve a pass for this Service Level. 2.9 Time elapsed will be calculated taking into consideration the starting time. For example, if a Deliverable is requested at 12.30pm on a Friday, and it is to be provided within two Business Days, then this means that it must be provided by 12.30pm on the following Tuesday (unless the Monday is not a Business Day, in which case two Business Days means by 12.30pm on the following Wednesday.) 2.10 References in this Attachment 5 to Business Days, Business Hours or other times refer to the time at the place where the applicable Service is performed by the Contractor. For example, if: 2.10.1 on-site break/fix services are provided by the Contractor personnel in Perth, the break/fix scheduled hours are references to Perth time; 2.10.2 Helpdesk services are provided from the Helpdesk located in Sydney, the Helpdesk scheduled hours are references to Sydney time. 2.11 Performance reports are to be delivered to the specified recipient within 10 Business Days of the end of each Month or as agreed with the Agency. At a minimum, such reports must include: 2.11.1 graphical depictions and written details of the Contractor’s performance against agreed Service Levels relevant to the previous month or period, unless the Service Level is to be reported on an exception basis only in which case the report should include only exception reporting information; 2.11.2 comparison of that performance to performances in previous months and relevant trend analysis; 2.11.3 summary by cause code (based on the Contractor standard cause categories, e.g. hardware failure, Software error, network failure) for any incidents occurring during the month; 2.11.4 action plans for rectifying any failure to meet Service Levels; 2.11.5 details of preventative action proposed to minimise the re- occurrence of the failure; and 2.11.6 any other special reporting requirements set out by individual Agencies in the Contract. 2.12 Subject to clause Service Levels are provided on an end to end basis, and the Contractor is responsible for all Subcontractors and managed third party activities that impact on the Service Levels. However, Service Level failures for components of the Service Level beyond the Contractor’s responsibility will be treated as an excusable event in accordance with clauses Subject to clause 2.5, a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be taken into account in measuring the Contractor’s performance against the Service Level to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by any:, Without limiting any other reason, a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be regarded as beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor if the failure or delay could have been:, and If the Contractor is seeking to rely on the excusable events set out in clause 2.12, then it must promptly advise the Agency by notice of the details of the relevant event in its performance report. If the Agency agrees the event has impacted upon the Contractor’s performance, the time permissible for correcting an incident or outage is extended only by the length of the delay or to the extent of the failure as caused by the excusable event.., a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be taken into account in measuring the Contractor’s performance against the Service Level to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by any: 2.12.1 defect, error or malfunction in any item of hardware or Software which the Contract specifies is not the responsibility of the Contractor; or 2.12.2 other failure or delay beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor (beyond reasonable control being determined by the Agency). 2.13 Without limiting any other reason, a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be regarded as beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor if the failure or delay could have been: 2.13.1 prevented by the Contractor by adopting reasonable business continuity practices (including industry standard redundancy, Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

regular preventative maintenance, capacity planning, regular backups and off-site tape storage, uninterrupted power supplies); or 2.13.2 circumvented by using alternative sources, workarounds or other means. 2.14 If the Contractor is seeking to rely on the excusable events set out in clause Subject to clause Service Levels are provided on an end to end basis, and the Contractor is responsible for all Subcontractors and managed third party activities that impact on the Service Levels. However, Service Level failures for components of the Service Level beyond the Contractor’s responsibility will be treated as an excusable event in accordance with clauses 2.12, 2.13, and 2.14., a failure or delay to meet a Service Level will not be taken into account in measuring the Contractor’s performance against the Service Level to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by any:, then it must promptly advise the Agency by notice of the details of the relevant event in its performance report. If the Agency agrees the event has impacted upon the Contractor’s performance, the time permissible for correcting an incident or outage is extended only by the length of the delay or to the extent of the failure as caused by the excusable event. 3. SERVICE LEVELS 3.1 The Contractor must meet the following Service Levels. 3.1.1 Orders Description Measures the time taken from an Order being submitted by the Agency and Metric Definition the Order being processed by the Contractor. Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours The Contractor must process Minimum Service an Order within two Business 98% within the timeframe. Level Days of submission by the Agency Representative. The Contractor must process Target Service an Order within two Business 100% within the timeframe. Level Days of submission by the Agency Representative. Measurement Methodology Measurement Time of Order submission by the Agency Representative; and point time an Order confirmation email has been sent by the Contractor to the Agency Representative. Calculation For each Order by the Agency, the time taken to confirm an Order is measured as the time between when: (a) the Order is placed (e.g. via Helpdesk / phone / email or website); and (b) a confirmation email has been sent to the Agency Representative. Service Level performance is calculated as: (the number of Orders that meet the ‘Minimum Service Level’ divided by the total number of Orders during the period) x 100. Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes Consumable Orders are not included in the measurement of this Service Level. Data Source Contractor ordering systems Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits do not apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level, however the other remedies relating to failures to meet Service Levels apply.

3.1.2 Product Delivery Description Measures the time taken between the nominated Delivery Date and the actual Metric Definition Delivery Date. Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours Minimum Service Delivery occurs on the 98% by the nominated Delivery Level nominated Delivery Date. Date. Target Service Delivery occurs on the 100% by the nominated Level nominated Delivery Date. Delivery Date. Measurement Methodology Measurement Nominated Delivery Date as specified by the Agency in the point Contract; and time of Delivery confirmation by the Agency Representative. Calculation For each Delivery to the Agency, the time taken to deliver the Deliverable is measured as the time between: (a) the nominated Delivery date as specified by the Agency in the Contract; and Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

(b) the time of Delivery confirmation by the Agency Representative. Service Level performance is calculated as: (the number of Deliveries that meet the ‘Minimum Service Level’ divided by the total number of Deliveries during the period) x 100. Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes Delivery for Consumables is reported against Service Level Consumable Delivery. Data Source Delivery systems Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

3.1.3 Installation Description Measures the time taken between nominated installation date and actual Metric Definition installation date for MOMs Products. Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours Minimum Service Installation occurs by the 98% by the nominated Level nominated installation date. installation date. Target Service Installation occurs by the 100% by the nominated Level nominated installation date. installation date. Measurement Methodology Measurement Nominated installation date as specified by the Agency in the point Contract; and time the MOMs Product is deemed to be operational. Calculation For each MOMs Product installed by the Contractor, the time taken to install the MOMs Product is measured as the time between: (a) the nominated installation date as specified by the Agency in the Contract; and (b) the time entered on the Acceptance certificate, after the MOMs Product has been Accepted in accordance with the Head Agreement. Service Level performance is calculated as: (the number of installations conducted by the Contractor that meet the ‘Minimum Service Level’ divided by the total number of installations conducted by the Contractor during the period) x 100. Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes Installations conducted by the Contractor are included in the measurement of this Service Level. Data Source Installation checklist, maintenance systems Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

3.1.4 Consumable Delivery Description

Metric Definition Delivery time for Consumables. Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours Minimum Service Consumables ordered by the 90% within two Business Days Level Agency are Delivered within 95% within three Business two Business Days, unless Days agreed otherwise for Remote 100% within four Business sites. Days If Remote Management and/or 90% within two Business Days a Valet Service is used - 95% within three Business Consumables ordered by the Days Contractor are Delivered within 100% within four Business two Business Days, unless Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

agreed otherwise for Remote Days sites. Consumables ordered by the 95% within two Business Days Agency are Delivered within 100% within three Business two Business Days. Days Target Service If Remote Management and/or Level a Valet Service is used - 95% within two Business Days Consumables ordered by the 100% within three Business Contractor will be Delivered Days within two Business Days. Measurement Methodology Measurement From the time either the Helpdesk or website is notified by the point Agency Representative or the Contractor Personnel requesting the provision of Consumables to the time of Delivery of the Consumables to the Agency site. Calculation The time to deliver Consumables is measured as: (a) the time of notification to the Helpdesk or the Contractor Website for the provision of Consumables; and (b) the time of Delivery of the Consumables to the Agency site. Period of The Service Level performance is calculated as: (the number of Calculation Consumables requests whose delivery time meets the ‘Minimum Service Level’, divided by the total number of requests for Consumables) x 100 Calculation notes Each individual request for Consumables must be treated separately, regardless of whether the Contractor bundles the Consumable requests for Delivery. Data Source Inventory systems, Helpdesk, Delivery systems Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

3.1.5 Return to Service Description Metric Definition Measures the 'Return to Service' times of the MOMs Product. Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours Faulty MOMs Product(s) as identified by the Agency to the Contractor's Helpdesk is returned to full functionality within: 90% within four Business Hours Priority Sites Minimum Service 100% within 10 Business Hours. Level 90% six Business Hours Metropolitan sites 100% within 15 Business Hours 85% within 10 Business Hours Regional sites 100% within 20 Business Hours

Remote sites unless 85% within 16 Business Hours agreed otherwise by the Agency. 100% within 30 Business Hours Faulty MOMs Product(s) as identified by the Agency to the Contractor's Helpdesk is returned to full functionality within: Target Service 95% within four Business Hours Level Priority Sites 100% within eight Business Hours 95% within six Business Hours Metropolitan sites 100% within 10 Business hours 95% within 10 Business Hours Regional sites 100% within 16 Business Hours 95% within 16 Business Hours Remote sites 100% within 24 Business Hours Measurement Methodology Measurement Time of Fault notification to the Contractor's Helpdesk; and the point time at which full functionality of the MOMs Product is restored and fully operational (‘Returned to Service’). Full functionality and fully operational includes the MOMs Product operating in accordance with its Specifications, including those in the Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

Statement of Minimum Requirement. Calculation For MOMs Product(s) which has been reported as faulty by the Agency, Return to Service is measured as: (a) the time a Fault is logged with the Contractor's Helpdesk; and (b) the time the MOMs Product is restored to full functionality and is fully operational by the Agency, as noted on the Contractor's maintenance sheet. Service Level performance is calculated as: (the number of Fault rectifications conducted by the Contractor that meet the ‘Minimum Service Level’ divided by the total number of Fault rectifications conducted by the Contractor during the period) x 100. Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes Failures and outages are included in the measurement. The Contractor Helpdesk staff may rectify a Fault over the phone not requiring a technician on-site. The rectification of Faults that do not require an onsite technician are not included in the measurement of this Service Level. The Contractor may choose to provide back-up MOMs Product(s) to Remote Agency sites, swapping the MOMs Product and placing it into operation will be measured as rectification of the Fault. The faulty MOMs Product, once repaired and fully operational, must be returned into service within a timeframe that allows continuation of services (as negotiated between the Agency and the Contractor). The faulty MOMs Product, if unable to be repaired, must be replaced within a timeframe that allows continuation of services. Data Source Helpdesk, Fault management systems, and problem management tools. Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

3.1.6 Billing and Invoicing Description Measures the time taken to provide accurate Tax Invoices to the Agency Metric Definition Representative. Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours Tax Invoices are received by 98% received by the the nominated Tax Invoice nominated date. delivery date. Tax Invoices are received in Minimum Service the required format and without Level errors (e.g. there are no errors and the Agency 98% are in the required format Representative does not have and without errors to seek clarifications and/or corrections on the submitted Tax Invoice). Tax Invoices are received by 100% received by the the nominated Tax Invoice nominated date delivery date. Tax Invoices are received in Target Service the required format and without Level errors (e.g. there are no errors and the Agency 100% are in the required Representative does not have format and without errors to seek clarifications and/or corrections on the submitted Tax Invoice). Measurement Methodology Measurement (a) The time between the nominated delivery date for the Tax point Invoice; and the time of receipt of a correctly rendered, accurate Tax Invoice to the Agency Representative, via email or otherwise in accordance with the Head Agreement or Contract. (b) The number of times the Agency requires a Tax Invoice to be resubmitted due to errors and the subsequent delay to the achievement of item The time between the nominated delivery date for the Tax Invoice; and the time of receipt of a correctly rendered, accurate Tax Invoice to the Agency Representative, via email or otherwise in accordance with the Head Agreement or Contract.. Calculation For each Tax Invoice sent to the Agency, the time taken to Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

deliver Tax Invoices is measured as the time between: (a) the nominated Tax Invoice delivery date as specified in the Contract; and (b) the time a correctly rendered and accurate Tax Invoice is received by the Agency Representative. Service Level performance for the receipt of Tax Invoices is calculated as: (the number of Tax Invoices received by the Agency that meet the ‘Minimum Service Level’ divided by the total number of Tax Invoices issued to the Agency during the period) x 100. Service Level performance for the accuracy of Tax Invoices is calculated as: (the number of Tax Invoices received in the required format and without errors which require correction or resubmission by the Agency divided by the total number of Tax Invoices issued by the Contractor during a period) x 100 Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes All Tax Invoices are included in the measurement of this Service Level, consolidated Tax Invoices are considered one invoice for the purposes of this Service Level calculation. Data Source Sales systems, reporting systems, invoice systems. Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels. 3.1.7 Reporting Description Measures the time taken to provide reports to the Finance Representative the Metric Definition Agency as set out in the Head Agreement and the Contract and the accuracy of those reports Service Coverage Business Hours Hours Measurement Business Hours Hours The Contractor provides the Finance Representative with 98% of reports are delivered the reports required to be by the required date. provided to Finance or the 100% of reports are delivered Finance Representative by the within 3 Business Days of the date the report is due. The date on which the report is Agency will nominate the due. reporting requirements and delivery dates for Agency Reports in the Contract. 98% of reports delivered are consistent with the required The Contractor provides reporting requirements and are accurate reports that meet the without errors (e.g. the Finance requirements for the delivered Representative or the Agency reports and are without errors. does not have to seek Minimum Service clarifications and/or corrections Level on the submitted report). 98% of reports are delivered The Contractor provides the by the required date Agency Representative with 100% of reports are delivered the reports required to be within 3 Business Days of the provided to the Agency or the date on which the report is Agency Representative due.

98% of reports delivered are consistent with the required The Contractor provides reporting requirements and are accurate reports that meet the without errors (e.g. the Agency requirements for the delivered Representative or the Agency reports and are without errors. does not have to seek clarifications and/or corrections on the submitted report). For both Finance and the Target Service Agency, delivery of the report 100% of reports are delivered Level occurs on the date the report is by the required date. required. For both Finance and the Agency, the Contractor 100% of reports are delivered provides accurate reports that are consistent with the meet the requirements for the required reporting templates delivered reports and are and are without errors. without errors. Measurement Methodology Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

Measurement (a) The time between the required report delivery date; and point the time of delivery of a correct, accurate report to the Finance or Agency Representative (as relevant), via email or otherwise in accordance with the Head Agreement or Contract. (b) The number of times the Finance Representative and/or Agency requires a report to be resubmitted due to errors and/or lack of clarity and the subsequent delay to the achievement of item The time between the required report delivery date; and the time of delivery of a correct, accurate report to the Finance or Agency Representative (as relevant), via email or otherwise in accordance with the Head Agreement or Contract.. Calculation For each report sent to Finance or the Agency (as relevant), the time taken to deliver reports is measured as the time between: (a) the required report delivery date as specified in the Head Agreement or Contract (as relevant); and (b) the time a correct report is delivered to Finance Representative or the Agency Representative (as relevant). Service Level performance is calculated as: (the number of report deliveries that meet the ‘Minimum Service Level’ divided by the total number of reports required to be delivered by the Contractor during the period) x 100. Service Level performance for the accuracy of reports is calculated as: (the number of reports received that meet the requirements for that report and without errors which require correction or resubmission by Finance or the Agency divided by the total number of reports required to be delivered by the Contractor during a period) x 100 Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes All reports are included in the measurement of this Service Level, consolidated reports will be considered one report for the purposes of this Service Level calculation. Data Source Sales systems, reporting systems, delivery systems Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Finance Representative as agreed in the Frequency Module 3 or the Agency Representative as agreed in the Contract (as relevant). Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels. However, Service Credits only apply with respect to reports required to be provided to the Agency.

3.1.8 Availability of MOMs Products Description

Metric Definition The availability and reliability of the MOMs Products. Service Coverage 24 x 7 Hours Measurement 24 x 7 Hours No more than three (3) Faults Each MOMs Product is Minimum Service per month that prevent the use available for use by the Level of that MOMs Product by the Agency. Agency

No more than one (1) Fault per Each MOMs Product is Target Service month that prevent the use of available for use by the Level that MOMs Product by the Agency. Agency

Measurement Methodology Measurement The Faults notified to the Contractor by the Agency or identified point by the Contractor Calculation The number of Faults is the number of Faults notified to the Contractor by the Agency or identified by the Contractor for each MOMS Product. The number of Faults for each MOMs Product notified to the Contractor by the Agency or identified by the Contractor in that month divided by the total number of Faults for all MOMs Products in that month (for products supplied by the Contractor to the Agency under the Contract). Period of Monthly unless stated otherwise. Calculation Calculation notes Helpdesk, Fault management systems, and problem management tools. Data Source Failures and outages are included in the measurement. Measurement The Contractor responsibility Reporting Reported to the Agency monthly, unless agreed otherwise by Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

Frequency the Agency. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

3.1.9 Agency Satisfaction Description The Agency is satisfied with the performance of the Contractor under the Metric Definition Contract. Service Coverage 24 x 7 Hours Measurement 24 x 7 Hours The Contractor achieves an average satisfaction score equal to, or greater than, three where: (a) Score 1: Very dissatisfied Minimum Service (b) Score 2: Dissatisfied Level (c) Score 3: Neutral (d) Score 4: Satisfied (e) Score 5: Very Satisfied The Contractor achieves an average satisfaction score of score equal to, or greater than, four where: (a) Score 1: Very dissatisfied Target Service (b) Score 2: Dissatisfied Level (c) Score 3: Neutral (d) Score 4: Satisfied (e) Score 5: Very Satisfied Measurement Methodology Measurement The level of satisfaction will be determined by the Agency, as point and when required by the Agency. This may be based on, but is not limited to, the Agency surveying a sample set of end users about the performance of the Contractor or the Deliverables. The survey questions will be designed by the Agency, but the Contractor must have an opportunity to make comments on the questions before they are used to measure the level of satisfaction, and the Agency must take any such comments by the Contractor into account . Calculation The average satisfaction score will be the score determined by the Agency (any may be the mean score from each survey identified in the Measurement Point). Period of Every six months unless stated otherwise in a Contract. Calculation Calculation notes The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the method for calculating Agency satisfaction is conducted in an appropriate manner. An Agency may collect satisfaction data at its discretion and in relation to the whole or part of the Contractor's performance as required by the Agency from time to time. Data Source Surveys conducted by the Agency, as determined by the Agency Measurement Agencies (but the Contractor must report on its performance responsibility against this Service Level) Reporting Reported to the Agency Representative every six months unless Frequency stated otherwise in a Contract. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

3.1.10 Helpdesk Quality Description The Helpdesk provides a responsive and high quality service to Agency end Metric Definition users. Service Coverage 24 x 7 Hours Measurement 24 x 7 Hours The Contractor achieves an average satisfaction score equal to, or greater than, three, where: (a) Score 1: Very dissatisfied Minimum Service (b) Score 2: Dissatisfied Level (c) Score 3: Neutral (d) Score 4: Satisfied (e) Score 5: Very Satisfied Target Service The Contractor achieves an average satisfaction score equal to, Level or greater than, four where: (a) Score 1: Very dissatisfied (b) Score 2: Dissatisfied Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

(c) Score 3: Neutral (d) Score 4: Satisfied (e) Score 5: Very Satisfied Measurement Methodology Measurement The level of satisfaction will be determined by the Agency and point may be based on surveying a sample set of end users. The survey questions will be designed by the Agency, but the Contractor must have an opportunity to make comments on the questions before they are used to measure the level of satisfaction, and the Agency must take any such comments by the Contractor into account. Calculation The average satisfaction score will be the score determined by the Agency (any may be the mean score from each survey identified in the Measurement Point). Period of Every six months unless stated otherwise in a Contract. Calculation Calculation notes The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the method for calculating Agency satisfaction is conducted in an appropriate manner. Data Source Surveys conducted by the Agency or such other data sources, as determined by the Agency Measurement Agencies (but the Contractor must report on its performance responsibility against this Service Level) Reporting Reported to the Finance Representative and the Agency Frequency Representative every six months unless stated otherwise in a Contract. Special Reporting Not applicable Requirements Service Credits Service Credits apply with respect to any failure to meet this Service Level in accordance with clause Consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels.

4. CONSEQUENCES FOR FAILING TO MEET THE SERVICE LEVELS 4.1 This section describes the consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels. 4.2 If the Contract or the Product and Services Catalogue include additional consequences for failing to meet the Service Levels, then those consequences will apply in addition to those set out below. 4.3 If the Contractor fails to meet a Service Level, then the Agency may determine that the application of any consequences specified in this Attachment 5: 4.3.1 will apply; or 4.3.2 will not apply. 4.4 Should an Agency determine that will apply; or will apply, the Agency must advise Finance of its intentions. 4.5 An Agency's rights under this Attachment 5 are cumulative. Temporary deferral of any remedy does not constitute a waiver of the right to the remedy. 4.6 If a failure to meet more than one Service Level is due to a single event, the Agency will take this into account in the application of any Service Credit or other remedy and may elect, acting reasonably, not to apply multiple Service Credits or remedies in respect of that event (or to reduce the extent to which the Service Level or remedy applies). Individual Service Level Failure 4.7 An “Individual Service Level Failure” occurs when a Service Level is not met on any single occasion. 4.8 A Service Credit will apply to an Individual Service Level Failure. Material Failure 4.9 A “Material Failure” occurs if the Contractor exceeds the number of Individual Service Level Failures applicable to a Service Level, by more than 15%. 4.10 If a Material Failure occurs, the relevant Service Credit will apply to each Individual Service Level Failure comprising that Material Failure. 4.11 For example, if: 4.11.1 ten occasions of Individual Service Level Failure in a month constitute a Material Failure; and 4.11.2 12 Individual Service Level Failures occur in respect of that Service Level in a month, the Service Credit applicable for the Material Failure would apply for each of the 12 occurrences of the Individual Service Level Failure. 5. REPETITIVE SERVICE LEVEL FAILURE 5.1 A “Repetitive Service Level Failure” occurs if: 5.1.1 a failure of an Individual Service Level occurs three or more times in separate months, in any rolling six month period, or in any part of such a period; 5.1.2 a Material Failure of the same Service Level occurs two or more times in any rolling six month period, or in any part of such a period; or 5.1.3 a failure of any six or more different Service Levels occurs in any rolling six month period. 5.2 For example, if: 5.2.1 an Individual Service Level Failure of the same Service Level occurs in April, May and again in September; or 5.2.2 a Material Failure occurs in May and in July, then a Repetitive Service Level Failure would apply. 5.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the Repetitive Failure Remedy applies in addition to any other applicable remedy that applies under the Head Agreement of Contract. 6. CALCULATION OF SERVICE CREDITS 6.1 Except to the extent specified in the Contract Order Form, the method for calculating a Service Credit is set out below: Module 3 - Attachment 5 (Service Levels)

Individual Service Level Failure

(i) for each Individual Service Level Failure, a Service Credit of 1% of the total average monthly Charges for the Contract is incurred for each failure, up to a maximum of 10% of the total monthly Charges;

Material Failure

(ii) for each Material Service Level Failure, a Service Credit of 3% of the total average monthly Charges for the Contract is incurred for each failure, up to a maximum of 15% of the total monthly Charges;

Repetitive Failure

(iii) for each Repetitive Service Level Failure, a Service Credit of 5% of the total average monthly Charges for the Contract is incurred for each failure, up to a maximum of 20% of the total Contract value; and

7. MAXIMUM CAP 7.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Order Form, the maximum Service Credits which are payable under a Contract is capped at 20% of the total Charges payable under the Contract. 7.2 For the purpose of Service Credits arising under the Contract, the Agency will calculate the amount due as a reduction or credit based on measurement of the Contractor's performance under the Contract and the method referred to in clause Except to the extent specified in the Contract Order Form, the method for calculating a Service Credit is set out below:. 8. CALCULATION OF MONTHLY CHARGES 8.1 For the purposes of clause Except to the extent specified in the Contract Order Form, the method for calculating a Service Credit is set out below:, the total average monthly Charges for a Contract is calculated as the total Charges payable under the Contract, divided by the number of months in the term of the Contract. 9. CONSISTENT FAILURE TO PERFORM 9.1 If the Contractor, in the reasonable opinion of Finance or an Agency, repeatedly or consistently fails to meet any one or more Service Levels under any one or more Contracts, Finance or the Agency may (as applicable) require the Contractor to investigate the underlying causes of the failure(s) in which case the Contractor must: 9.1.1 promptly prepare and deliver to Finance or the Agency (as applicable) a report identifying the underlying causes and the steps the Contractor will take to eliminate those underlying causes and to mitigate any future failures; 9.1.2 regularly provide updates to Finance or the Agency (as applicable), including on request by Finance or the Agency, on the steps being taken to prevent future failures and the Contractor must promptly provide this information; and 9.1.3 attend any required meetings with Finance of the Agency (as applicable) to discuss the Contractor's performance and the steps the Contractor is or will take to improve its performance. 9.2 Nothing in this Attachment 5 limits the rights of Finance or an Agency under the Head Agreement or Contract (including Finance's right to suspend a Module).

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