Last Updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 What a Find

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Last Updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 What a Find

Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

WCBPA-Washington Classroom-Based Performance Assessment A Component of the Washington State Assessment System The Arts

Grade 5 Music What a Find! Revised 2008

Student Name _

Student Score – (Circle number) Creating 4 3 2 1 0 Performing 4 3 2 1 0

1 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

Directions for Administering the Washington Classroom-Based Performance Assessment (WCBPA) Grade 5 Music What a Find! Revised 2008 Introduction This document contains information essential to the administration of the Washington Classroom-Based Performance Assessment (CBPA) of Music, Grade 5, What a Find!

1. Prior to administration, all students should have received instruction in the skills and concepts being assessed.

2. Please read all information carefully before administering the performance assessment.

3. This CBPA may be used as an integral part of instruction, and/or formative assessment, summative assessment, culminating project, alternative education packets of instruction, lesson plans, substitute plans, pre- and post- assessment, accumulating student learning data, individual student portfolio item, use of data teaming and individual /district professional development, professional learning communities, and in whatever capacity the teacher finds useful to improve arts and all instruction and student learning.

Test Administration Expectations  The skills assessed by this item should be authentically incorporated into classroom instruction.  This assessment item is to be administered in a safe, appropriately supervised classroom environment following district policy and procedures.  All industry and district safety policies and standards should be followed in the preparation and administration of the CBPAs in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts.  Accommodations based upon student IEP or 504 Plan determine the administration of this assessment, such as teacher scribing student responses.  Culture, diversity, and religious mores/rules may require additional assessment administration modifications.

Description of the Performance Assessment Students taking this performance assessment will respond to a performance task.  Performance tasks ask the students to individually create and perform a solo performance based on the criteria outlined in the task.  Response sheets are provided for the creation of the rondo.  All work must be completed on these student response sheets.  Performance tasks ask the students to individually create and perform based on the criteria outlined in the task.  It is recommended that performances and verbal responses be recorded to facilitate scoring and to document each student’s creative work.

2 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

Materials and Resources Students will need the following materials and resources to complete this performance assessment:  classroom set of reproduced tasks, including the glossary of terms,  classroom set of reproduced student response sheets,  pencils and erasers, glue sticks or tape, and scissors,  private rehearsal space (if available)  performance space, and  recording devices (recommended).

Teacher Assistance with CBPAs  Authorized school personnel, school authorized volunteers; paraprofessional staff, etc. were used in state pilots with great success.

Teacher Preparation Guidelines  This assessment is a solo/individual performance. Reproduce a classroom set of student task directions, glossary of terms, and student response sheets found in the Student Task Booklet.  Students will perform their patterns using body percussion sounds.  Teacher should not model any of the rhythmic patterns with the students.  Students should be instructed to label then cut out their sheet of musical manuscript.  Students should be instructed to glue or tape their rondo onto the student response sheet provided, which should be labeled with their name/number.  Students should have two opportunities to perform the selection.  Students should hand in their arrangement of the rondo after their performance.

Suggestions for Time Management Students may have as much time as they need to complete the task. Time suggestions are a guide and may be shortened or lengthened to meet individual class and student circumstances. A suggested timeframe is the following three-day model:

Day One Suggested Time: • 15 minutes: The teacher provides the class with the task and reads it aloud. It is recommended and encouraged that the teacher reviews the glossary and scoring rubrics with students. The students may ask questions. The teacher answers any questions asked and distributes all materials. • 25 minutes: The students have 25 minutes to create the rondo. • 5 minutes: The teacher collects all materials. Day Two Suggested Time: • 5 minutes: The teacher distributes rondos to the students. • 20 minutes: The students practice their rondos using body percussion sounds.

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• 20 minutes: The teacher may record the performances and collects rondos after each performance. Day Three Suggested Time: • 45 minutes: The teacher finishes the remaining performances.

Test Administration All students who remain productively engaged in the task should be allowed to finish their work. In some cases, a few students may require considerably more time to complete the task than most students; therefore, you may wish to move these students to a new location to finish. In other cases, the teacher’s knowledge of some students’ work habits or special needs may suggest that students who work very slowly should be tested separately or grouped with similar students for the test. Provide the class with the reproduced student tasks prior to beginning the task. The students will receive the task that follows. Instruct the students to look at the task. Have the students read the directions to themselves as you read them aloud. Answer any questions the students may have before you instruct them to begin.

Say: Today you will take the Grade 5 Washington Classroom-Based Performance Assessment (CBPA) of Music entitled “What a Find!”

4 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

What a Find!

You are volunteering at a museum of music as part of a class project. The museum director shows you three old manuscripts with musical patterns on them. The manuscripts will be put on display and the musical patterns will be played during an upcoming exhibit. The museum director asks you to create a rhythmic composition using the notation on the manuscripts.

The museum director has given you three copies of each manuscript and requires that you arrange these manuscripts into a rondo (ABACA) form. The director will give you time to practice and perform the rhythmic pattern.

The museum director explains that you must meet the following task requirements when creating the rondo:

 label each pattern A, B, or C,  assign a different body percussion sound to each pattern label (such as A-clap, B- pat, or C-stomp), and  cut and arrange the music patterns in the rondo form of ABACA and attach them to the blank response sheet provided (there will be measures not used in your rondo).

The museum director explains that you must meet the following task requirements when performing your rondo:

 practice the rondo you created,  use a different body percussion sound for each of the three patterns (such as clap, pat, snap, or stomp),  play the rondo with its correct rhythmic value,  play the rondo with a steady beat, and  perform with a smooth transition between the sections of the rondo so there is no noticeable interruption.

The museum director will give you time to create the rondo. Practice the rondo before performing. Your performance may be recorded.

5 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

Music Manuscripts (Cut along dotted lines)











































6 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

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Washington Classroom-Based Performance Assessment (CBPA)

7 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

Grade 5 What a Find! Music Glossary beat – the steady pulse in music; the basic unit of time and the underlying pulse in music; the basic unit within a measure body percussion – sounds made using parts of the body (e.g.: hand clapping, finger snapping, foot stamping, thigh slapping) manuscript(s) – music that is hand written or type written measure – the segment of music contained between two bar lines pattern – a combination of melodic and/or rhythmic elements that can be repeated rhythm – the way a pattern of sounds moves through time rhythmic value – note value and rest value rondo – a composition consisting of one main theme that reappears several times in alternation (back and forth; taking turns) with other contrasting themes (ABACA)

8 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”


Creating Rubric (1.1)

4 A 4-point response: The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the creative process by meeting all four of the task requirements listed below:  arranges the sections in rondo form (ABACA),  labels each manuscript with the correct pattern type,  labels the body percussion to be used in the A, B, and C sections, and  the body percussion in each section is different. 3 A 3-point response: The student demonstrates three of the four required criteria listed above. 2 A 2-point response: The student demonstrates two of the four required criteria listed above. 1 A 1-point response: The student demonstrates one of the four required criteria listed above. 0 A 0-point response: The student demonstrates little or no understanding of the task and does not include any of the four required criteria.

Performing Rubric (1.2)

4 A 4-point response: The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of rhythm by meeting the following task requirements:  performs body percussion as labeled,  plays with correct rhythmic value,  plays with a steady beat, and  has a smooth transition between each section so there is no interruption. 3 A 3-point response: The student demonstrates three of the four required criteria listed above. 2 A 2-point response: The student demonstrates two of the four required criteria listed above. 1 A 1-point response: The student demonstrates one of the four required criteria listed above. 0 A 0-point response: The student demonstrates little or no understanding of the task and does not include any of the four required criteria.

9 Last updated- 01-15-2009-Draft Music 5 “What a Find”

Scoring Notes

The following scoring notes should be used as guidelines when scoring this item.

 It is important that the teacher explain the concept of measure and bar line in this activity so that as students perform their body percussion they do not pause in between each pattern.  A revised template for the rondo manuscript composition is included in this CBPA.  The template is placed in a landscape format for more room for the student rhythm patterns.

Additional options for this item:  It is acceptable to write the given rhythm patterns in this CBPA on the board and have the students copy them on their own paper rather than use the scissors and glue option.  You may design your own rhythm patterns and make them as simple or complex as you wish so that the patterns match the varying ability levels of your students.  A challenge for your students would be to design each section with a rhythm pattern that is up to four measures in length. When these rhythm patterns are arranged in rondo form they will create a much longer piece of music.


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