
1. Greet the teacher and classmates in another language.

2. Overall understanding a story in a foreign language.

3. Identify and name colors like brown, green, orange or black.

4. Having and expressing quantities of 1 to 5.

5. Recognize the use of greetings Good morning and Good night, and tell them in the right situation.

6. Begin to familiarize yourself with the Anglo-Saxon celebration of Halloween.


The focus of this unit is Halloween, festival among children of Anglo-Saxon culture, which is held the night of October 31, when, traditionally, it is said that witches out.

It is about children this party on Halloween display objects take a class in a black trash bag. Through a story about a witch called Wanda, and then engaged in activities that include elements typical of this celebration, including index cards with faces of pumpkins, witches, etc... Games. At the same time introduce a character named Owl, an owl, who will accompany us in the unity of Halloween.


 Greet students and sing "Hello Song".

 Review the vocabulary of the previous units.

 Routines on "Time."


 Show objects Halloween and be watching the new vocabulary: candles, witch, ...

 Paint faces as witches and vampires.

 Establish the layer of vampires and witches trash bag.

 Play "Witches and Vampires".

 Listen to a story about the witch "Wanda and Owl"

ACTIVITIES AT THE END OF THE CLASS  Records on Halloween: to color and decorate the classroom or on the cartoon.


 Observation of work, class participation and motivation of students. UNIT: "HALLOWEEN". (2 sessions).

Session 1.

* Routines: "Hello, children! Good morning!. How are you today? Ok, come on...

Sit down, please... etc... (Making hand gestures to understand

TPR to sit ...)

(I would sit in the Assembly ...) "What's the weather like today, children?"

(Pointing out the window today ... day ago) "Is it raining, Maria?" (And accompanied the gesture with his hands for rain ... and its corresponding card on the weather and rain ...) .

When the routine greetings and on time, and as preferred, or continue to sit in the group, or leave their work sites... It starts...... HALLOWEENNNNNNNNNNNNNN

That's when the teacher picks up a garbage bag that she has been kind, full of objects related to the Anglo-Saxon festival of Halloween.. He approaches the strange-looking bag... And ask: What's this, children??"... The opening will slowly, with the face of intrigue and mystery... And says: "Oooohh ..." And it starts to take off, one by one, Halloween items... "What's this??" It’s a skirt! SKIRT! (May repeat to you, if you will ...) And it continues... "What's color is the skirt, children? Is it network? No, no... Is it yellow? No, no... It's BLACK! (You can go individually asking ...) And so, little by little, we taking the black skirt, black blouse, black shoes tip, a striped socks, for example, and a witch hat.. That, as they are out of the bag, the teacher is putting on his clothes to dress a witch in front of children / as..

When the teacher is already dressed, we're still taking other decorative items for Halloween Party... as a small pumpkin, candles... etc... And the best... the latest... A secret box! "What's this? It's a box... BOX, children... The child gets closer to / as... And very intriguing... "What's this, Martha?” And open it very slowly... And once opened with much mystery.. Can see some paint colors.. That does not contain all the bug / as thought.. Bars are about to paint his face like witches and vampires!!!... The objective of using these sticks is to review the colors in English. So, are placed in pairs, one student / a 5 year paint a / a 3 year... for example... or as the teacher sees fit.. To follow the orders of TPR as "Black eyes”... With the least information possible, given that we are working on Children. The teacher points out his eyes, and she takes the example of one of the male / female students 3 years old, so that others will see what the activity.

Once we are all painted, we take a garbage bag or children / as must have brought to class, teacher or school takes them... This is because, as you decide.. They are placed around the neck, with our help, like a layer of vampire or a witch, with a simple knot... and. "Let's play!!!"... (These layers can be decorated with small pumpkins, ghosts, Halloween candles or reasons that can be prepared on paper stickers to decorate their coats before going outside .. that is where we will make the game ..)..

Game: "Witches and Vampires”... This game is a witch hunt or vampires... First, we will hunt the witches. With TPR orders, the magic words are: Run and Stop. The teacher begins the game by saying: "One, two, three ... Run!!" and all students will catch the witches .When the teacher may want to stop the hunt by saying, "Stop!!".And all / as they have to stop listening to the word .. You can say the word when all have been hunted, or when she sees fit to change to hunt the vampires. Once they have been hunted, ended the session by returning to class, and if time permits, we can do some coloring sheet on Halloween, to relax after the game..Chips can be placed by the class to decorate Halloween motif.

Note: In this first session on Halloween you can use the songs for Hello and Bye-bye Song if it sees fit.

Optional Cards: In the Internet you can get great pictures for children, such as pumpkins, ghosts pimps, bats… to color and decorate our classroom ..

Optional Activity: Make witches hats black cardboard.But we must not forget that we are in Child and the teacher should help a lot .


_ Routines, Weather... Health and other... (With cards and gestures ...)

"Do you remember Halloween, children??".. This class begins by recalling a bit of vocabulary from the previous session. That, since the Child, should be no high the chosen vocabulary words on this subject. They could be: witch, vampire, candle, owl, ghost... Or other...

We can begin, or by making quick sketches on the board, like a candle... a witch's face... a vampire... and say, "What's this?? .. It's a WITCH! Do you remember?" We can show a flashcard about a witch.. "What's color is the witch? Black ..!. That's right!! .. It's BLACK." Or you can use those objects they showed in the previous session. Just to remind.

Once remembered the vocabulary, let's hear a story about a witch Halloween Owl called Wanda and. An owl... Its title is: "Wanda, the witch ..." You can use either the CD or the teacher's voice, showing the flashcards on, and placing greater emphasis on what she sees fit. We hear it a second time, in the case of Child. Then the flashcards disordered and placed before the board, and they / we are saying as he points his finger: "One! Two! Three!!"... And so complete the correct sequence.

Individual Work: Information on the photocopied cartoon. Depending on their ages: 3, 4 or 5 years we will give your chip with the level of difficulty for this age... Here I propose a few: - Colour the black witches. (3 and 4 years). - Colour the pumpkins with red and yellow crayons to make Them orange. (5 years) - Put stickers on for hats. (3 years). The 4 year old could "draw" the hat in a triangle... Or put a little black clay. - Join the hats to the children, circle the owl and the pumpkin orange color. (5ans - Draw the owl in the space. (5 years). - Colour the owl. (Can do all a color .. .. others with pieces of paper pasted a collage .. etc. ..) STORY: "WANDA, THE WITCH".

Chapter 1:

NARRATOR: Wanda, the witch, is in the wood. She's going to a party. She Hears a sound (the sound of an owl ...) She looks up, and, in the tree, she Sees a brown owl ..

WANDA: "Hello! Who are you? ".

OWL: "I'm an owl (Sounds of the owl ) Who are you? ".

WANDA: "I'm Wanda. I'm a witch. "

OWL: "A witch?"

WANDA: "Yes, I can do magic. Look!. ABRACADABRA! Close your eyes! .. Owl is green! SURPRISE! SURPRISE!

Chapter 2:

NARRATOR: And the owl is green. He's SAD. (And hear TO CRY .)

OWL: "Oh, no .. not green .. "

WANDA: "Oh .. not green .. ABRACADABRA! Close your eyes! Owl is orange!


Chapter 3: NARRATOR: And the owl is orange. He's very SAD . (And begins to CRY)

OWL: "Oh, no not orange .. "

WANDA: "Oh .not orange .. "

OWL: "No.. not orange .. Brown, please .. I'm a brown owl. "

WANDA: "Ok, do not be sad. ABRACADABRA! Close your eyes! Owl is brown!


Chapter 4:

NARRATOR: And now is brown owl again. He's HAPPY!

OWL: "Hahaha! I'm brown, I'm happy now! "

WANDA: "jijiji! Come with me to the party! It's HALLOWEEN! Hurry! "

Chapter 5:

NARRATOR: The party .. (Sound and music ..)

WANDA and OWL (cantando..) "HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN! It's Halloween

tonight! Haha! "