ELA Curriculum Map Supplement 7.L.3 Grade: 7 English Language Arts 1 Highly-Leveraged Standards the most essential for students to learn because they have endurance (knowledge and skills are relevant throughout a student's lifetime); leverage (knowledge and skills are used across multiple content areas) and essentiality (knowledge and skills are necessary for success in future courses or grade levels).

7.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy

Specific Skills: Students will be able to employ the conventions of language when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. Students will be able to use precise language to express ideas. Students will be able to identify and correct wordiness and redundancy.

Performance Level Descriptors: http://pdlearning.tusd1.org/pd/Curriculum/ELA/ELAPLDLangG7.docx

Standard Minimally Proficient Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient For grade- For grade-appropriate, For grade-appropriate, For grade-appropriate, appropriate, low- low- to moderate- moderate- to high- high-complexity texts, complexity texts, the complexity texts, the complexity texts, the the Highly Proficient Minimally Proficient Partially Proficient Proficient student student student student Language 7.L.3 uses a basic uses knowledge of uses knowledge of uses comprehensive knowledge of language and its language and its knowledge of language language and its conventions when conventions when and its conventions conventions when writing, speaking, writing, speaking, when writing, writing, speaking, reading, or listening: reading, or listening: speaking, reading, or reading, or listening: a. chooses language a. chooses language listening: a. inconsistently a. strategically chooses that expresses ideas that expresses ideas chooses language that language that precisely and precisely and expresses ideas expresses ideas concisely, occasionally concisely, recognizing without wordiness precisely and and redundancy. recognizing and and eliminating concisely, consciously eliminating wordiness wordiness and recognizing and and redundancy. redundancy. eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

This definition for highly-leveraged standards was adapted from the “power standard” definition on the website of Millis Public Schools, K-12, in Massachusetts, USA. http://www.millis.k12.ma.us/services/curriculum_assessment/brochures

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