Swarthmore Rutledge School Home and School Meeting Minutes 10-15-14, 7:00pm, Library

I. Attendance: Rebecca Ball, Tricia Benedetto, Jodi Caputo, Tracy DiBonaventura, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Kerry Hogg, Karen Kille, Autumn Mansor, Julie McHugh, Laurie McLean, Lynn Meza, Kristine Miller, Donna Milligan, Colleen Murphy, Susie O’Donnell, Cami Rose, Hadley Schmoyer (teacher representative), Gretchen Shifflett, Anne Tallent, Michelle Williams

II. Meeting Called to Order: 7:07pm

III. Business A. Principal’s Report: Dr. Tuck 1. Landis Valley

2. JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)- held on 10/3, raised over $7000, still collecting, grandparent attended who has lived with diabetes for 59 years. Diane Hull expressed her great thanks for the generous dona- tions. As the mother of a child with diabetes, she was overwhelmed by the support.

3. Walk to School- 10/8, great success

B. President’s Report: Michele Williams, Tracy DiBonaventura *1. Approve meeting minutes from 9-17-14. Gretchen Schifflit moved to approve minutes, Lynn Meza seconded, Approved

2. Fall Festival- thanks to Gretchen, Courtney, Amy and Jodi; made $2600 profit ($600 more than budgeted for)

3. Directory- first proof done, second proof in process, they will be here soon

4. Walk to School Day- 10/8, national event, father wrote a narrative of how he started a “walking school bus” for website

5. Spirit Wear- Tricia Benedetto spear-heading this fund raiser, spirit wear will be more fitted for women, good quality, revamped logo

6. Globe Trotters- 109 children enrolled, going smoothly

*7. Vote on By-law Amendment Change to Article XII Section 1. a

By law change is to allow H&S to get tax exempt status. We are adding a statement that any extra money would go to a non-profit, NOT a person, if we fold. We need to include this statement for tax exempt status. Donna Mil- ligan makes motion, Lynn Meza seconds. Approved.

Exact words of Article XII Section 1 a: “In the event that the association is liquidated, dissolved or sold, the assets of the Association, after payment of the Association’s debts and expenses (or provisions made therefor) shall be distributed to one or more organizations described in section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code) as selected by the majority vote of the Executive Board and none of the assets shall be used for the private inurement to any person.

C. Treasurers Report: Kerry Hogg 1. Globe trotters have not been paid.

2. Fall fest not showing in income.

3. Next year back to school and fall fest will be separated.

D. Teacher Initiative Requests: Tracy DiBonaventura *1. $200 Beth Kennedy and Dr. Tuck- 2014/2015 Panther Club Cafe Positive Reward Program. Utilized program for last 3 years, successful in helping kids maintain quiet lunchroom. Donna Milligan moved, Lynn seconded, Ap- proved.

E. Upcoming Events 1. Annual Halloween Parade- October 31,10:00am and 2:00pm

2. Spirit Night at CN Skate- November 13, 6:30-9:00

3. STEM NIGHT- November 20, 6:30-8:00 (overlaps book fair and conferences)

4. Fall Book Fair- November 21-26

5. Kindergarten Feast- TBA

F. Comments 1. Donna thanks to Gretchen for book swap. Our children were happy. And, better yet, Chester School for the Arts received the extra books.

2. Jen Pfluegger (via Courtney Page-Smith)- Can we switch to Minton for pictures? Problems with life touch include: directions to kids about pos- ing, having to pay for pictures that were sent home last spring, missing photos this year. Dr. Tuck is considering using Barksdale who does SHMS and NPE. Will ask about family discounts.

3. Tracy reports on volunteer of the week. Please email an suggestions.

4. Presidents’ Meeting with Dr. Noonan. Be reminded that we have a facebook page that we can post information about events on.

IV. Next Meeting: November 19, 2014, 7:00pm.

V. Meeting Adjourned: 7:36pm