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Conway Council Crier February 2016 Charles Andrew Smith Council No. 7531 Conway, SC Grand Knight Don Ullmann
Council website:
Prayers for Fr. Tim: We ask for continued prayers for Fr. Tim. Yes, he is resuming parish duties as of February 1. Recovery, however, is a process that takes time and not a single event which occurs on a given date like Feb. 1. Thanks, too, to Fr. Sam who filled in so admirably as needed to ensure our liturgies continued during Fr. Tim’s absence as well as all the other priests of our deanery who helped out while their brother priest was laid up.
Blood Drive, Sunday, March 13, 9 AM – 2 PM: Thanks to the efforts of Peter and Annette Copeland in cooperation with Jean Witt, our Parish Nurse, there will be a Blood Drive in the Founders Center at the above indicated date and time conducted by the American Red Cross. If able to donate, please consider participating and give “the Gift of Life”.
Ultrasound Initiative: About a decade ago the Supreme Council of the K of C realized what a powerful tool the ultrasound machine could be in the fight against abortion. Research had shown that many pregnant young women did not know what an infant in the womb looked like, that is was a living being, and how its movements, extremities, etc. could be viewed in an ultrasound. Many such expectant Moms who might have been contemplating an abortion for an unwanted child changed their minds after such an experience. Given that knowledge, the Supreme Council launched a major initiative to have ultrasound machines installed in as many states as possible. To back up its beliefs, it pledged to fund 50% of the costs with local K of C units responsible for raising the other 50%. While over the course of the ensuing years, K of C Councils in South Carolina have bought and placed 12 ultrasound machines throughout the state at Pro-life Clinics, there unbelievably were no such clinics along the Grand Strand so we and our sister councils have not been able to install an ultrasound. I am most happy to now be able to report that such a clinic, Coastline Women’s’ Center, has been founded in Conway. Its proprietors, Jeannie and Carter Smith, were approached by our District Deputy to see if they were willing to participate in the program and whether their policies and facility meet the K of C requirements. Jeannie & Carter were thrilled to participate and receive a state-of-the-art ultrasound to replace their antiquated machine. To learn all about them and Coastline Women’s’ Center please go to
1 The cost of the ultrasound they need is $27,000 + state tax of $1900 + shipping $400 = $29,300.00. The local council in the city where the recipient facility is located is called the “Supporting Council” which is us, Council 7531. We will be responsible for raising the one-half of the total cost ($29,300 divided by 2+ =) $14,650.00. We can raise the money from other councils in the area (North Myrtle Beach, Loris, Myrtle Beach. Garden City, Pawleys Island and Georgetown), Catholic parishes of the Myrtle Beach Deanery, Pro-life Protestant churches in the area, and individuals who are Pro-life supporters, the Grand Strand Citizens for Life, etc. Out Council unanimously voted to accept the role of Supporting Council and I have volunteered to head up the effort. Jeannie & Carter have helped us completed the required paperwork and I submitted the application to the K of C State Council at our Grand Knight Meeting on January 16, 2016. The Diocese of Charleston must approve the application and the send it on to the K of C Supreme Council. Once we are notified that the application is approved, we are authorized to begin fund- raising. What a chance we have to help save infants’ lives here on the Grand Strand. I’ll be contacting everyone for assistance in reaching our goal. By the way, the Coastline Womens Center is having is annual gala (fund-raiser) on March 3 at the Marriott Dunes starting at 6:30 PM. If you would like to attend this incredible event, please contact Lori Videan, our Parish & Council Pro-Life Representative at 843-503-3607. See the information page attached.
January 2016 Knight of the Month: Gary Woods who underwent his First Degree in November 2015 and immediately sprang into action helping at “Breakfast with Santa” at Fatz Café on Dec. 5 and attending the Council’s “Christmas Breakfast” one week later. Way to get active from the start, Gary!
Family of the Month: Jim and Mary Hunter for their unwavering support of all Council and Parish activities but especially Jim’s endless hours of cooking as PGK Ed H’s Chief Assistant Cook! Thanks for all you both do!
“Knights on Bikes”
SC Knights who enjoy motorcycle riding have joined together to form a Supreme Council & State Council sanctioned group to link their hobby with the goals of the Knights of Columbus. So far three of our Brothers have enthusiastically shown interest. Brother Jim Davis is our Point of Contact (Tel: 843-591-0198 / e-mail: [email protected]). You may not be interested in motorcycles but please keep “Knights on Bikes” in mind as a possible recruiting tool for new future members. See attached information page.
2 3rd Annual South Carolina Catholic Men’s Conference: Two years ago Bishop Guglielmone called on the South Carolina Knights of Columbus to help orgnize a state-wide Catholic Men’ Conference to offer the Catholic men of South Carolina the opportunity for spiritial rejuvenation. It was a huge success as was the follow-on conference last year in Rock Hill. This year’s conference will be a lot closer (Goose Creek near Charleston). It is on Saturday, March 5, just over two months away. Please see attached information page for registration information and mark your calendars. Let’s have a sizeable contingent from our Council attend! I am going and have an SUV and can take five Brothers with me.
$100 Annuity Again Available
The K of C Insurance Program also makes annuities available. Purchasing an annuity is a way for a Brother Knight to change from an Associate Member to an Insurance Member. Each year our Council has a quota of four (4) new Insurance Members to qualify for the “Star Council Award”. Right now we have one (1) new Insurance Member and need three (3) more before June 30, 2016. Here is information of the $100 Annuity. Please look at it and see if you are interested.
QUOTE Not only is the $100 Annuity back, but it is better than before. New members can buy it, old associate members can buy it. (Has to be 10 years of service or less). And guess what!! Your councils can count these on their insurance quota to help you earn that Star Award. And to make it easier Supreme is sending the forms directly to the Financial Secretary. He or the Grand Knight or the Field Agent can fill the forms out, put a check with the form and send it to Supreme. And you have a credit for an insurance member on your quota. How much easier than that can it be?
Frank L. Davis State Deputy South Carolina State Council UNQUOTE
Upcoming Events
February March Other
Feb. 1: 7 PM Hispnic Round March 4: 6:30 PM Knights April 2: 9 AM – 2nd & 3rd Table Meeting lead rosary after Stations of Degrees at St. Michaels, the Cross Garden City. Feb. 8: 6-6:25 PM Adoration in Chapel March 5: 3rd Annual South April 16: Annual Day of 6:30 PM: Officer & Directors Carolina Catholic Men’s Recollection at Kingstree Meeting in FC Conference April 22-24: K of C State
3 Feb. 10: 7:30 PM (Later March 7: 6-6:25 PM Council Annual Convention Start – Ash Wed) Monthly Adoration in Chapel Meeting 6:30 PM: Officer & Directors Sept. 24: Third Degree in our Meeting in FC Founders Center Feb, 12: 6:30 PM Knights lead rosary after Stations March 7: 7 PM Hispnic Round Table Meeting Feb. 19: 6:30 PM Knights March 9: 7 PM Monthly lead Stations of the Cross and Meeting rosary after Stations March 11: 6:30 PM Knights Feb. 26: 6:30 PM Knights lead rosary after Stations of lead roasary after Stations of the Cross the Cross March 13: 9 AM – 2 PM – Blood Drive in Founders Center
March 18: 6:30 PM Knights lead rosary after Stations of the Cross
March 24: Holy Thursday
March 25: Good Friday
March 27: Easter – Knights Assist with Parking
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