Kelly Thrush Mitchell, Md
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Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, TTUHSC, Lubbock Texas 79430-7217 Phone: 806-743-2020/800-535-8006; Fax: 806-743-2471; email: [email protected]
Professional Experience: 2003 – ACADEMIC OPHTHALMOLOGY Associate Professor, 2010 – Residency Program Director, 4/2007 to present Co-Director, Focused Medical Ophthalmology Fellowship, 6/2006-12/06 Department of Pediatrics, Joint Appointment, 2006 to present Co-Medical Director, UMC/NICU, Retinopathy Screening and Treatment Co-Director of the Retina Service, 2003 – present Assistant Professor, 2003-2010 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock Texas 1998 – 2001 COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY Associate Ophthalmologist Bowling Green Eye Center; Bowling Green, Ohio 1995 – 1998 MILITARY OPHTHALMOLOGY Staff Ophthalmologist, Assistant Chief and Chief Ophthalmology Service Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Fort Gordon, Georgia Education: 2005 – 2006 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT COURSE Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock 2001 – 2003 FELLOWSHIP IN RETINA AND VITREOUS SURGERY University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas, Texas 1999 – 2001 Course work in Masters in Public Health Northwestern Ohio Consortium for Public Health University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University 30 of 45 hours completed towards MPH, GPA: 3.80 1992 – 1995 RESIDENCY IN OPHTHALMOLOGY Brooke Army Medical Center; San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston, Texas 1990 – 1991 TRANSITIONAL INTERNSHIP Brooke Army Medical Center; San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston, Texas 1986 – 1990 DOCTOR OF MEDICINE University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Cincinnati, Ohio 1982 – 1986 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, Botany The Ohio State University; Columbus, Ohio Honors and Awards: 2012-15 PHYSICIAN RECOGNITION AWARD IN CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION, American Medical Association 2011 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MEDICAL STAFF ALL-STAR, October 2011 2011 FACULTY TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD, presented by the residents of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, TTUHSC 2010-15 Super Doctor Award, Texas Monthly Magazine, 2010 Awarded Tenure and Promoted to Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Health Sciences Center, Texas Tech University Board of Regents 2008-11 PHYSICIAN RECOGNITION AWARD IN CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION, American Medical Association 2008 UNSUNG HERO AWARD, School of Medicine Dean’s Faculty Appreciation Dinner 2006 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MEDICAL STAFF ALL-STAR, November 2006 2006 ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION AWARD, Faculty Development Course 2004 HONORABLE DISCHARGE, medical corps, United States Army Reserve 2004 FACULTY TEACHING AWARD, presented by the residents of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Texas Tech University Health Science Center
1998 ARMY MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL, for superior clinical and leadership skills that increased clinical productivity in a changing healthcare environment Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia 1997 ARMY COMMENDATION MEDAL, for improving patient access to eye care services Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia 1997 ARMY ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL, for preparing the Ophthalmology and ENT Clinics for the site visit by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia 1996, 2000, 08 LIFELONG EDUCATION FOR THE OPHTHALMOLOGIST AWARD, American Academy of Ophthalmology 1995 – 1997 ACTIVE TEACHER AWARD, American Academy of Family Physicians 1996 OUTSTANDING TEACHER AWARD, Family Medicine Residency Program, Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia 1993 ARMY ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL, The C.A.R.E.S. Resident Award, recognizing exemplary patient care, Brooke Army Medical Center; San Antonio, Texas 1992 ARMY COMMENDATION MEDAL, awarded for service to the Second Brigade, Second Infantry Division – Republic of South Korea 1989 ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA, Honor Medical Society University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Cincinnati, Ohio 1988 EUGENE B. FERRIS ACADEMIC ACHIEVMENT AWARD, presented to the second- year medical student for scholastic excellence and leadership in the basic sciences 1987 MCGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY AWARD, presented to the medical student ranked number one at the end of the first year 1986 –1990 ARMY HEALTH PROFESSIONS SCHOLARSHIP 1986 CUM LAUDE GRADUATE, The Ohio State University 1985 HELIX, College of Biological Sciences Honor Society, The Ohio State University 1981 EAGLE SCOUT, Boy Scouts of America Scholarly Publications and Presentations (Completed): 2015 Desai A, Tran P, Hamood A, Mitchell K, Reid T 2.5, 5, and 10% Betadine solution in not effective in inhibiting the growth of different Gram Negative and Gram Positive Pathogens in Vitro, Poster Presentation ARVO, May 2015, Denver CO 2015 Mitchell J, Mitchell K, Recurrent Valsalva Retinopathy: An Indication for Systemic Evaluation, Poster Case Report American Medical Society of Sports Medicine, April 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2015 Shen CL, Brackee G, Mitchell KT, Song X, Finckbone V, Tomison MD, Han J, Wang JS. A 6-month chronic toxicity study on green tea polyphenols in middle-aged ovariectomized rats. FASEB J 2015; 29(1): S608.6 2014 Huynh E., Pham P., Reid T., Hamood A., Mitchell K.T., Phat T., 5% Betadine solution is not effective in inhibiting the growth of different Gram Negative and Gram Positive Pathogens in vitro, Poster Presentation Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting May 2014, Orlando, FL 2014 Joseph G.M., McCartney D.L., Mitchell K.T., Mitchell J.J., Framed Despite Polycarbonate. Poster Case Report. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting. April 2014; New Orleans, LA. 2012 Mendez M, Mitchell J, Hickox J, Mitchell KT She was going the wrong way! A case of an orbital floor fracture with inferior rectus muscle entrapment in an pediatric boxer. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) annual meeting. May 2012. Atlanta, GA. 2012 Mitchell K.T. Tran P., Arnett A.I., Mosley T., Tran K., Hanes R., Webster D., Dominguez L. Hamood A., Reid T., Organo-selenium coatings inhibit multiple species of biofilm formation on different types of ophthalmic device material, Poster Presentation Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting May 2012, Fort Lauderdale FL 2011 Mitchell K.T., Arnett A.I., Auten J.C., Hanes, R., Jarvis, C., Thomas, J., Hamood, A., Dominguez, L., Reid, T.D., The Use Of A Covalent Selenium Coating To Inhibit Biofilm Formation On A Silicone Scleral Buckle, Poster Presentation Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting May 2011, Fort Lauderdale FL 2011 Mitchell JJ, Mitchell K.T. ,”My What Big Eyes You Have”. Case report & abstract poster presentation. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting. April 2011, Salt Lake City, UT. 2010 Mitchell, K.T., Lee S.Y., Current Treatment Options for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment, Focal Points Clinical Update Modules for Ophthalmologists, American Academy of Ophthalmology 2009 Mitchell, K.T., Edwards A.E., How to do Chart Audits in the Era of EMR?, Poster Presentation, American Association of Medical Colleges Meeting; Boston 11/09 2009 Mitchell K.T., Bradley J.C., Gilmore L.S., Meyerrose G.E., Ratnoff W.T.; Fabry’s Disease as a Cause of Sequential, Bilateral Central Retinal Artery Occlusions: A Case and Review; Clin Experiment. Ophthalmol, Sept 09;37(7):748-50 [PMID:19788678]; and Poster Presentation Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting May 2005, Fort Lauderdale FL 2009 Mitchell, K.T., How to do Chart Audits in the Era of EMR?, Oral Presentation, Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Palm Springs 2008 Mitchell , J.J., Mitchell, K.T., Chaya, C: “Fundus of Fury”, Oral Presentation of Valsalva Retinopathy, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Rendezvous II, International Sports Medicine Conference, Las Vegas
2008 Mitchell, J.J., Mitchell, K.T., Cochrane, R: “Is That Sand in Your Eye or Giant Papillae?, oral presentation describing giant Papillary conjunctivitis , American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Rendezvous II, International Sports Medicine Conference, Las Vegas 2008 Lusk, J., Nutter, B, Mitra, S., Mitchell, K.T., Eezzuduemhoi D, Poster Presentation: Automated 3-D Reconstruction of Stereo Fundus Images using Image Rectification, Medical Imaging Symposium San Diego, Feb 2008 2007 Kirkman M., Mitchell K. et al., Eye Findings of West Nile Virus Seen in West Texas, poster presentation, Preventing Pandemic Pandemonium Public Health Conference, Civic Center, Lubbock, Texas, August 17-18 2007 2006 Mitchell K.T., Mitchell J.J., Diabetic Retinopathy, Podcast Education Project Department of Family and Community Medicine, September 2006 Mitchell K.T., Treatment Options for Macular Degeneration, Podcast Education Project Department of Family and Community Medicine, November. 2005 Bradley J.C., George J.G., Sarria J.C., Kimbrough R.C., Mitchell K.T.; Aspergillus terreus Endophthalmitis; Scand J Infect Dis.2005;37(6-7):529-31.[PMID: 16012022] 2005 Sarria J.C., Bradley J.C., Habash R.,Mitchell K.T., Kimbrough R., Vidal A.M.; Candida glabrata Endophthalmitis Treated Successfully with Caspofungin; Clinical Infectious Diseases, Feb 2005; 40:e46-48 [PMID: 15714407] and poster at Southern Section – American Federation of Medical Research / Southern Society of Clinical Investigation. New Orleans, LA. February 2005 2005 Sawyer, C., Mitchell, K.T. “Vitamin E and AMD Reward and Risk”, Resident Presentation Competition, Texas Ophthalmological Association Meeting, Dallas 2004 Williams P.D., He Y., Kooner K.S., Mitchell, K.T., The Suppressive Effect of Glaucoma on Diabetic Retinopathy; Poster # B562, Association for Research in Vision and 2003 Siu, K., Mitchell, K., He, Y.-G., Visual Outcomes and a Patient Satisfaction Survey after Photodynamic Therapy for Age Related Macular Degeneration; Poster # B669, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting May 2003, 2001 Mitchell K.T., Hollsten D.A., White W.L., O’Hara M.A., Article: The Autogenous Dermis-Fat Orbital Implant in Children, Journal of the American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 2001; 5,4:367-369; Abstract/Book Chapter (CH VI, Section IX): Update on Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology, Proceedings of the Joint ISA and AAPO&S meeting, 19-23 June 1994, Vancouver, BC, ISBN# 0- 8493-8691-5, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL 1996 Chaknis M.J., Brooks S.E., Mitchell K.T., Marcus D.M., Inflammatory Opacities of the Vitreous in Rifabutin-associated Uveitis, American Journal of Ophthalmology, 1996; 122, 4:580-1.[ PMID: 8862060] 1995 Mitchell K.T., Campagna J.C., The Evaluation of Peripapillary Atrophy and Glaucomatous Nerve Damage Using the Topcon Image Analyzer, The Walter Reed Ophthalmology Alumni Meeting, May 1995,Washington D.C. 1991 Specht C.S., Mitchell K.T., Bauman A.E., Gupta M., Ocular Histoplasmosis with Retinitis in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Ophthalmology, 1991; 98:1356-1359. [PMID: 1945308] Book Chapters: 2011 Mitchell, JJ, Mitchell K.T. Orbital Fractures. In: The 5-Minute Sports Medicine Consult, 2 nd Edition , Editor: Bracker, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia. 2008 Mitchell, K.T., Orbits (Chapter 18),In:Pediatric Imaging: Rapid-Fire Questions and Answers, Editors: Quattromani F, et al. , Thiene, ISBM 987-1-58890-658-8 2007 Mitchell K.T., Mitchell J.J., Ophthalmology (Chapter 48), In: Review of Family Medicine 4 th Edition, Bope E.T. Editor, Saunders, ISBM 1416030646 Invited Lectures: 2015 Mitchell, K.T., The One, Two, Three of Swept Source OCT, update lecture at the JACHPO section of American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, November 2015 2014 Mitchell, KT., Ocular Trauma and Disease for the Athletic Trainer, Masters of Athletic Training Annual Update, TTUHSC July 2014 2013 Mitchell, K.T., The 1,2,3 of ROP, a 30 minute update lecture at the JACHPO section of American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in New Orleans, November 2013 2013 Mitchell, K.T., Retinal Detachment: Terminology, Technology, and Techniques, Clinical Update for the Optometrist, TTUHSC 2011 Mitchell, K.T., The Red Eye: Essentials in Ophthalmology for the Family Physician and Geriatrician , Annual Update for the Family Physician, Department of Family and Community Medicine, TTUHSC 2011 Mitchell, K.T., Update on Hydroxychloroquine Screening, Texas Ophthalmological Association and Texas Medical Association meeting May 2011, Houston 2011 Mitchell, K.T., Eye Know to Deal with the Red Eye, 3rd Annual Update in General Internal, Department of Internal Medicine, TTUHSC 2011 Mitchell, K.T., Genetics of Macular Degeneration, Clinical Update for the Optometrist, TTUHSC 2009 Mitchell, KT., Ocular Trauma and Disease for the Sports Medicine Specialist, Big Twelve Conference Team Physician Meeting, June 11 San Antonio Texas 2009 Mitchell, K.T., New AMD treatments, Clinical Update for the Optometrist, TTUHSC 2008 Mitchell, K.T., Ophthalmology Fundamentals, Clinical Nurse Practitioner Program, TTUHSC broadcasted to five campuses throughout Texas 2008 Ragain, M., Mitchell, K.T., Ethical Considerations of High Cost Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of Macular Degeneration, Fulfilled requirements for yearly ethics hour for Texas Medical Board, 2008 Ophthalmology Clinical Update for Ophthalmologists 2006 Mitchell K.T., Current Treatment Options for Macular Degeneration, Dean’s Grand Rounds Presentation, School of Medicine TTUHSC, November 2005 Mitchell K.T., The Aging Eye, The Garrison Institute of Aging, TTUHSC 2005 Mitchell K.T., Macular Degeneration Update, The Garrison Institute of Aging, TTUHSC broadcasted to the Amarillo and El Paso campuses 2004 Mitchell, K.T., Ophthalmology Update: “Eye Know how for the Family Physician” Clinical Update for the Primary Care Physician, Sponsored by the Department of Family and Community Medicine, TTUHSC, Lubbock 2004 Mitchell K.T., Laser Basics and Uses in Retinal Diseases, Dean’s Grand Rounds Presentation, School of Medicine TTUHSC, February Clinical Meeting Leadership: 2004-12, 14- Mitchell K.T., Director, Annual Meeting: Clinical Update for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Lubbock Grant Proposals: Funded 2015 Sudin, O, Reid, T., Mitchell, K.T., McCartney, D.L., DNA typing of ocular surface microbiologic flora, awarded Presidential Collaboration Grant within Texas Tech University System Grant awarded $50,000 2011-13 Umstead, C., Kasemsri T, Barhorst, A, Mitchell KT., Survey of Eyes Subjected to Increasing Blood Pressure to Observe Retinal Hemorrhaging, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center & Texas Tech Mechanical Engineering Department, Intramural Health Science Center Grant awarded of $15,000 2005 Mitchell K.T., Proposal to partner with EMR vendor to develop software that would facilitate process for resident chart audit with ultimate goal to increase educational value of chart audit process, awarded $ 5,000 from Intradepartmental Shannon Educational Grant 2004 Mitchell, J.J., Mitchell, K.T., submitted abstract for intramural grant to create team teaching module for non-ophthalmic physicians to gain panoptic (new version of ophthalmoscope) exam skills. Awarded $4,000 of intramural funds through SOM Dean’s Office for new teaching ideas, money went to the Dept. of Family Practice. Unfunded 2008 Mitchell K.T., Proposal study the educational value of a nearly developed software that would facilitate process for resident chart audit with goal to increase educational value of chart audit process, Intramural School of Medicine, Education Innovation Grant. 2006 Mitchell, K.T., Proposal to augment ophthalmic equipment assets in order to facilitate ophthalmic care and clinical scholarly projects concerning ocular health and disease of rural elderly and Hispanic, Intramural Medical Center CH Foundation Grant Scholarly Collaboration: 2012-14 NIH Funded: (NCCAM)/NIH. 1 U01 AT006691. 09/30/2012-6/30/2017. $1,585,149. PI: C-L Shen (Principal Investigator). Co- investigator: J-S Wang (University of Georgia), Xiao Song (University of Georgia). Collaborators: M Jenkins (TTUHSC), G Brackee (TTUHSC), CK Felton (TTUHSC). Consultants: Mitchell K.T., Dunn D.M., Pence BC, TTUHSC Preparation for GTP Long-Term Clinical Study on Bone Health”. National Complementary and Alternative Medicine The objective is to collect the preliminary data for a future long-term GTP clinical trial with an optimal dose of green tea in postmenopausal women with low bone mass. My role is to evaluate study animal eyes for potential toxic effects Scholarly Projects (In progress): Chaya, C., Mitchell, K.T., Sports related causes and severity of Valsalva Retinopathy Mitchell, K.T., Case Report: Intraocular Breakage of 25 gauge Vitrectomy probe Committee Activities: 2014 Faculty Executive Meeting Committee Member, TTUHSCSOM 2013 Tenure and Promotion Committee member, TTUHSC 2011 – Post Tenure Review Committee, member Texas Tech Health Sciences Center 2010 –12 MPIP Committee, Member -at-Large, School of Medicine 2010 –12, 14- Grievance Committee, School of Medicine with Vice-Chair in 2015 & Chair in 2016 2009 Chairman, Ad hoc Grievance Committee, Graduate Medical Education 2006 – Present Continuing Medical Education, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 2006 – 2007 Admissions, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University 2004 – 2009 Electronic Medical Record, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences 2004 – 2005 Library, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 2003 – Present Risk Management, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 2003 – Present Surgery, University Medical Center Health Sciences Center and Community Service: 2014 Speaker at October 2014 Lubbock Rotary Club Meeting: The Aging Eye 2014 Provide TV interviews broadcasted by Lubbock NBC affiliate during children Miracle Network Telethon: Ocular Treatment Options after severe eye injury in a child 2014 Provided one five minute TV interviews broadcasted by Lubbock NBC affiliate: eye injury prevention during sports participation 2014 Diabetic Support Group Educator, Combest Center, Lubbock April 2014 Lecture about dry eyes, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, and macular degeneration to a seniors group from the Garrison Institute on Aging 2013-present Ophthalmology Faculty Advisor to Medical Students of the Paul Foster School of Medicine, TTUHSC El Paso Campus 2013 Provided two five minute TV interviews broadcasted by Lubbock NBC affiliate: fireworks eye safety and diabetic retinopathy 2013 Lectured about new AMD treatments to the Seniors Group of University Medical Center 2011 Lecture about current treatment options for Diabetes and Macular Degeneration to a seniors group from the Garrison Institute of Aging 2010-11-13 Lecture on workplace ocular safety at a Regional Safety Meeting of the EXCEL Utility Company 2008 -present Founding Faculty Advisor, Medical Student Ophthalmology Interest Group, TTUHSC 2008 Lecture about new AMD treatments to the Seniors Group of University Medical Center 2007 Provided in two, five minute TV interviews broadcasted by Lubbock NBC affiliate: child eye safety during Halloween and eye safe toys. 2007 Lectured about new AMD treatments to the Seniors Group of University Medical Center 2005 Participated in the Children’s Miracle Network Telethon educating the public about importance of newborn eye exams, the disease Retinopathy of Prematurity and value of the Retcam II photographic equipment for infants in the NICU at UMC. 2005 Guest for one hour long radio show (AM KFLB) discussing AMD and Diabetic Retinopathy. 2004 Provided two, five minute TV interview broadcasted by Lubbock NBC affiliate: macular degeneration, and Diabetic Retinopathy. 2004 – Faculty Mentor for Medical Students during 1st and 2nd year, 1 student per year group; 2004 – Faculty Advisor for Medical Students in 3rd and 4th year, 2 students per year group. State Medical Licenses: 2001 – Texas State Board of Medical Examiners 1992 – State Medical Board of Ohio Board Certification and Recertification: 2008 – 2017 Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology, recertification, time limited: 10 year 1997 – 2007 Diplomate, American Board of Ophthalmology, initial certification, time limited: 10 year Professional Associations: 2002 – Texas Ophthalmological Association 1992 – American Academy of Ophthalmology Hospital Affiliations – Medical Staff: 2003 – University Medical Center; Lubbock, Texas 2002 – 2003 Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Dallas, Texas 2001 – 2003 Parkland Memorial Hospital; Dallas, Texas 2001 – 2003 John Peter Smith Hospital; Fort Worth, Texas 1998 – 2001 Wood County Hospital; Bowling Green, Ohio 1995 – 1998 Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia Military Assignments and Education: 1997 – 1998 ASSISTANT CHIEF AND CHIEF OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia 1997 – 1998 FIRST YEAR GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION COORDINATOR Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Augusta – Fort Gordon, Georgia 1995 – 1997 STAFF OPHTHALMOLOGIST Eisenhower Army Medical Center; Fort Gordon, Georgia 1993 MEDICAL OFFICER ADVANCE COURSE GRADUATE Army Medical Department Center and School; San Antonio – Fort Sam Houston, Texas 1991 – 1992 BRIGADE SURGEON, 2nd Brigade, Second Infantry Division, U.S Army, South Korea