Final Exam Study Guide - Env. Science *No Points Will Be Given for Copying!

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Final Exam Study Guide - Env. Science *No Points Will Be Given for Copying!

Name ______Final Exam Study Guide - Env. Science *No points will be given for copying! Due Date ______Chapter 2 1. List the 5 steps of the scientific method:

2. The group in the experiment that is NOT changed and is used to compare the results to is called the ______. 3. Define Environmental Science:

4. Explain Ecological Footprint:

Chapter 3 – The Dynamic Earth 5. The earth can be broken into 3 main parts: 1. 2. 3. 6. The living parts from the above main parts is called the ______sphere.

7. The 5 layers of the atmosphere are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. Which layer of the atmosphere contains weather, clouds, and air pollution? ______9. Which layer contains ozone? ______10. List 2 side effects of the ozone layer depletion: 1. 2. 11. What is the building up of carbon dioxide gases in the atm. Called? ______12. This buildup traps in ______.

Chapter 4 – Organization of life 13. Define Ecosystem:

14. Give an example of an abiotic factor: ______Give an example of a biotic factor: ______15. Give an example of natural selection: ______Give and example of artificial selection: ______16. Define the following terms and give an example of each: Species – Population – Community- Ecosystem – 17. Define an adaptation and give an example of one in the tundra:

Chapter 5 – How Ecosystems work 18. A ______level is a layer in the structure of feeding relationships in an ecosystem. 19. The largest layer of all the trophic levels is always the ( producers / consumers)

20. Makes its own food a. carnivore 21. Eats only plants b. Herbivore 22. Eats both plants and animals c. plants 23. Eats only animals d. decomposer 24. Eats the bodies of dead organisms e. omnivore 25. Recycles nutrients ab. scavenger

26. Explain Biological resistance: (include an example and how it happens)

27. The concentration of a pollutant (increases/ decreases) the higher up the food chain it goes. 28. Most energy is ( lost/ increases) before it is passed on to the next trophic level. 29. How much energy is passed up from each trophic level to the next? 30. In most ecosystems, there are (more/less) individuals in the trophic level above a given level. 31. The amount of trophic levels an ecosystem can support (does / does not) depend on the biomass and energy present. 32. Exposed rocks will be eroded away and turned into ______. 33. List an example of primary succession

34. List an example of secondary succession


Chapter 6+7 – Biomes 36. Tundra a. large grassy areas, prairie dogs live here 37. Deciduous b. to lose leaves in the fall 38. Grassland c. hot, dry region, little rain, plants far apart 39. Savanna d. large canopies, wide variety of plants/animals 40. Desert e. cold, no trees, permafrost 41. Tropical Rain Forest ab. Wet and dry season, few clumps of trees 42. Taiga ac. Where fresh water meets salt water 43. estuary ad. Trees that produce cones and don’t lose leaves in the fall

44. What are the two main types of biomes?

45. Which biome shows little tolerance to its very simple food chain?

Chapter 8/9- Populations

46. The place in which an organism lives. A. niche 47. The role of an organism has in its ecosystem. B. habitat

48. The carrying capacity is ______49. The forces that slow the growth of a population are called ______factors. - 2 examples of limiting factors:

50. Consumers that actively hunt other living things a. commensalism 51. Organisms being hunted b. parasitism 52. Relationship in which one organism feeds on another c. predator 53. Relationship in which one benefits and the other isn’t helped or hurt d. mutualism 54. Relationship in which both benefit e. prey 55. Exponential growth is represented with a ______curve when graphed. 56. A population’s growth rate is found using the equation: ______57. List the two types of competition and give an example of each: 1. ______= ______2. ______= ______58. List 3 major concerns with a growing human population:

Chapter 11-13 Water and Air Pollution 59. What is the difference between primary and secondary pollutants?

Give an example of each

60. Most of the U.S.’s fresh water is used for ______?

61. What is a CFC and what environmental factor is it contributing to?

62. What are the 5 major green house gases? (pg 363)

63. What is one of the largest contributors of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?

64. Explain Artificial Eutrophication: What are two sources of it? What are two elements that can cause it?

65. List 3 concerns from the loss of trees:

66. List where the ozone is thinning the most: What season? From what type of cloud? What are some environmental effects?

67. What has happened to the noise pollution in the last 30 years?

68. Draw a pie chart that details the percentages and components of the air.

69. Draw a pie chart that details the amounts of fresh and salt water.

70. What is a watershed and where does it go to?

71. Explain desalination and why we don’t use it more:

Chapter 17-18 Energy 72. What is nonrenewable energy? Give 2 examples 73. What is the difference between nuclear fusion and fission?

74. What element is mined for nuclear fission? 75. The U.S. uses what as their main fossil fuel?

76. Explain the purpose of exploring Yucca Mountain: 77. What is a pro for using nuclear power over traditional fossil fuels?

78. What is “alternative energy sources?” Give an example

Ch 19 Waste

79. What is a leachate and how is it contained?

80. What are 3 current ways to deal with trash? 1. 2. 3.

81. Explain methane gas and what precautions are used in landfills

82. What does “municipal” refer to?

83. Define “source reduction” in terms of solid waste.

84. Incinerators leave behind ______which is ______toxic than the original waste.

85. Plastics may last for ______years.

86. List 2 things that will increase the rate of decomposition: 1. 2.

87. List 4 things needed to safeguard a landfill:

88. What is the number one thing a landfill must do?

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