Section One: Name This Committee Shall Be Known As the Troop 674 Committee Under The

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Section One: Name This Committee Shall Be Known As the Troop 674 Committee Under The

February 2008

Article One

Section One: Name This committee shall be known as the Troop 674 Committee under the jurisdiction of the Boy Scouts of America and Church of the Shepherd. Section Two: Meetings Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month with notice of date and time to be given to committee members at least one month prior. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson at any time upon due notice to all the Committee members. Section Three: Quorum SIX(6) Committee members shall constitute a quorum for any regular or special meeting providing Article One, Section Two has been strictly adhered to.

Article Two

Section One:

Officers and Elections The officers of the Committee shall be: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Advancement Coordinator. Each shall be elected for a period of one year at the regular meeting in March. Newly elected officers shall take office the first day of April.

Section Two:

Resignation of an Officer Upon the resignation of an officer, an interim appointment can be made by the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Charter Organization Representative until the next regular scheduled meeting, at which time elections for that office will be held.

Article Three

Duties of Chairperson

 Organize the Committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.  Maintain a close relationship with the Chartered Organization Representative and the Scoutmaster.  Interpret national and local policies to the Troop.  Prepare Troop Committee meeting agendas.  Call, preside over, and promote attendance at regular Troop Committee meetings and any special meetings.  Ensure Troop representation at monthly Roundtables.  Secure top-notch, trained individuals for camp leadership.  Arrange for charter review and annual re-charter.  Plan the charter presentation.  Appoint a subcommittee to review the Treasurer’s records and provide a report to the Committee. Troop 674 Bylaws February 2008 Page - 2

Duties of the Vice Chairperson It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairperson to conduct all meetings of the Committee in the absence of the Chairperson.

Duties of the Secretary

 Keep minutes of meetings and send out Committee meeting notices.  Handle publicity  At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting.

Duties of the Treasurer

 Handle all Troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the Troop Committee

 Maintain Checking and other approved bank accounts.

 Keep adequate records.

 Supervise money-earning projects including obtaining proper authorizations

 Report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

Duties of Advancement Coordinator

 Encourage and support Scouts to advance in rank.

 Maintain all Scout advancement records

 Assist Eagle candidates in completing Eagle Packet papers and records.

 Arrange regular Boards of Review and Courts of Honor

 Submit advancement reports to Council within 30 days of an advancement being earned. Secure appropriate badges and certificates.

 Report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

Duties of Outdoor/Activities Coordinator

 Help secure permission to use camping sites.

 Serve as transportation coordinator

 Secure tour permits for all Troop activities

 Report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

Duties of Training Coordinator

 Communicate schedule of training programs.

 Encourage Troop leaders and Committee members to attend training. Troop 674 Bylaws February 2008 Page - 3

 Report to Troop Committee at each meeting.

Duties of Chaplain

 Encourage Reverence be included in Troop meetings and activities

 Give guidance to the Chaplain Aide

 Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of their choice.

 Visit Scouts in time of sickness or need.

 Give spiritual counseling service when needed or requested.

 Encourage Boy Scouts earn the religious emblems of their faith.

Duties of the Equipment Coordinator

 Supervise and help the Troop acquire camping equipment.

 Work with the Quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all Troop equipment.

 Report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

Duties of Membership Chairman

 Assist the troop scribe in maintaining unit membership, advancement and attendance records.

 Work with the chartered organization representative to develop a plan to recruit new Scouts.

 Develop a troop plan to identify and personally follow up with Scouts who have been absent from meetings and activities for three consecutive weeks.

 Assist with unit re-charter process, including membership inventory, uniform inspecting, charter review meetings and a formal charter presentation.

 Assist Scoutmaster in planning and conducting an orientation program for new families

 Recognize both youth and adult recruiting efforts

 Coordinate communication between leaders to insure Webelos transition into the troop

 Assist interested Boy Scouts into Varsity/Venture Scouting and Exploring

 Attend Boy Scout leader training Troop 674 Bylaws February 2008 Page - 4

Article Four

Section One:

MembershipAnyone over the age of 21 shall be eligible for membership in the Committee. Acceptance of membership will be in accordance with current BSA Adult Application approval.

Article Five

Section One:

Dues and Fees Renewal Fee, as set by Council, shall be due by the end of February along with Adult applications. The committee may assess an annual activity fee.

Section Two:

Fundraisers It shall be the duty of the Committee to conduct all fundraisers for the Troop.

Section Three.

Distribution of Funds Allocation of the profit, between Troop and Scouts’ accounts, from each Scout fundraiser, shall be determined at the time each fundraiser is approved.

Article Six

Section One:

ScoutmasterIt shall be the goal of the Committee to provide Troop 674 with a Scoutmaster and an Assistant Scoutmaster for each 10 boys or part thereof. The Scoutmaster will be provided by the Committee using the guidelines of the Chartered Organization.

Section Two:

Scoutmaster SupportIt shall be the duty of the Committee to assist the Scoutmaster on all encampments, long or short term, both in transportation and assistance at camp. As required by the Greater St. Louis Area Council, there will be at least two (2) registered adult Scouters accompanying boys on all outings.

Section Three:

Discretionary Fund The Scoutmaster shall be authorized to spend up to five-hundred dollars ($500) and the Advancement Chairperson two-hundred-fifty dollars ($250) without prior consent of the Committee members. They shall make a full report and account for such expenditures at the next regular meeting. Troop 674 Bylaws February 2008 Page - 5

Article Seven

Section One:

Individual Scout Accounts

A Scout may use the money in his account for any Troop, District, or Council, activity and necessary equipment. He is required to submit written notice signed by his parent or guardian for such purpose.

(1) A Scout may add personal money to his account at any time during the year.

(2) If a Scout transfers to another Boy Scout Troop, the money in his account shall be transferred directly to his new Troop Treasurer, minus any money or dues owed to Troop 674.

(3) If a Scout leaves Troop 674 and does not join another Troop, all the money in his account from fundraisers will remain with the Troop account for a period of one year. After one year of inactivity these funds will revert to the troop General Fund. Any personal funds may be refunded upon written request. The amount available for refund will be determined by a first- in-first-out analysis of money earned by fundraising and personal contribution vs. expenses.

Section Two:

Scout Scholarships

The Committee believes that short-term financial situations should not prevent a boy from joining Troop 674 and participating in the Troop’s activities. A subcommittee of Committee Chair (or representative), Treasurer, and Chaplain (or representative) will review every 6 months and provide an estimate of what it will cost to be a member of Troop 674. This dollar amount will be available to cover the Scout’s participation in Troop activities. Conditions of continued financial support will be;

1. Participate in all available Troop fund raising activities

2. Apply for camperships available from others sources, e.g. GSLAC, OFP, etc.

3. Meet attendance and advancement goals appropriate for the Scout.

Article Eight

Section One:

Rules of Order Unless otherwise provided, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.

Section Two:

Amendments Any amendments to these Bylaws shall be proposed in writing, signed by three members in good standing, and presented at a regular meeting. Said amendments shall lie over until the next regular meeting for consideration, and all members shall be notified of the same. If approved by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present, such amendments shall be declared adopted.

Section Three:

Bylaws and Partnership Agreement Troop 674 Bylaws February 2008 Page - 6

These Bylaws and the Guidelines of the Partnership Agreement shall be used to guide the Troop 674 Adult Committee in a fair and just program for the boys of Troop 674. All past rules or past guidelines, other than the Partnership Agreement, are hereby repealed. The above bylaws shall be effective on the date they are adopted.

Revision History

 Bylaws reformatted, for improved readability, and incorporation within Troop Internet Web Pages.

 Bylaws converted to new Word Processors, and used for submitting a new tax exempt letter from the state of Missouri, Jan-14, 1998.

 Revised bylaws are effective on June 13, 1996.

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