Project: Nile Tech Limited , Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon

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Project: Nile Tech Limited , Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon

Six-Monthly Environmental Compliance Report of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance For The Period April 2015 t0 September 2015

Nile Tech Ltd. Plot No. – 16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana

For Submission to: Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC)

Submitted by: Nile Tech Limited

November 2015 Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 2 of 16


Description Page No. Chapter Introduction and Project Description 1 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Project Description 4 1.3 Present Status of the Project 5 1.4 Purpose of the Report 5 Chapter Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance 2 Part A Specific Conditions 6 I. Construction Phase 6 II. Operation Phase 9 Part B General Conditions 11 Chapter Details of Environmental Monitoring 3 3.1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 13 3.1.1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations 13 3.1.2 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology 13 3.1.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results 14 3.1.4 Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area 14 3.2 Ambient Noise Monitoring 15 3.1.1 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations 15 3.2.2 Methodology of Noise Monitoring 15 3.2.3 Ambient Noise Monitoring Results 15 3.2.4 Discussion on Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area 16 3.3 Groundwater Quality Monitoring 16 3.3.1 Groundwater Quality 16 3.4 Soil Monitoring 16 3.4.1 Soil Monitoring Locations 16 3.4.2 Methodology of Soil Monitoring 17 3.4.3 Soil Monitoring Results 17 3.4.4 Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area 17 Tables 3.1 Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations 13 3.2 Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 14 3.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results 14 3.4 Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations 15 3.5 Ambient Noise Monitoring Results 15 3.6 Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location 17 3.7 Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil in the Study Area 17

Figures 3.1 Location-wise Variation of Ambient Air Quality 14 Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 3 of 16

Description Page No. 3.2 Location-wise Variation of Ambient Noise Levels 16

Annex 1 Environmental clearance letter from MoEF 2 Test results of ambient air, noise, water and soil monitoring Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 4 of 16

Chapter 1 Introduction and Project Description

1.1 Introduction

The Project has been developed at Plot no -16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana, to facilitate IT Park/Call Centre.

This project has been granted environmental clearance by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), New Delhi, vide letter number 21-86/2007-IA.III dated 30 October 2007.

The project has also obtained Consent to Establish (NOC) from Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB) vide letter no. HSPCB/2007/TAC/155 dated 05/03/2007.

1.2 Project Description

Salient Features:

Location Plot No. -16, Phase V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Building floors Three basement, LG+UG+6 floors Total Plot Area 18,890.81 sq.m. Total Built up Area 47,227 sq.m Total Water Requirement 650 cum Waste Water Generation: 200 cum

Structure:  RCC framed structure, designed as per NBC norms  Design standards are based on NBC  Structure design to Zone V earthquake resistance norms

Architectural Features:  All fixed and vertically aligned building components, including elevators, exit stairs, mechanical and electrical rooms are grouped into a building core element in the typical floor plan

Basement:  Three lower basements for engineering plant, equipment and car parking

Amenities:  Centrally Air Conditioned building – provision of office area, air conditioning provided up to AHU on each floor  The internal distribution system of air conditioning.

Power Backup:  100 % power back-up through diesel Gen-Sets including power back-up for all systems  4x2000 KVA and 1x750 KVA DG sets provided

Fire Fighting:  For fire fighting and sprinkler services in office area, provisions made up to services shaft on each floor  Fire detection and alarm system installed in entire building including basement Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 5 of 16

Wash Room:  Gents/ Ladies toilet on each floor as per statutory norms  CI/GI piping provided

Electricity:  Provision of electricity in each floor up to the shaft  No electric conduits or wiring provided in the slab

Fuel:  24 hours fuel storage facility

Water Supply:

 There is availability of fresh water supply for 24 hours from HSIIDC.

1.3 Present Status of the Project

The project is now at operational phase.

1.4 Purpose of the Report

This six-monthly report is being submitted as per the condition stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Order.

Further, the study will envisage the environmental impacts that have generated in the local environment due to the project.

The environmental assessment is being carried out to verify:  That the project does not have any adverse environmental impacts in the project area and its surrounding  Compliance with the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Letter.  That the Project Management is implementing the environmental mitigation measures as suggested in the approved Form-1, Form-1A, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and building plans.  The project proponent is implementing the environmental safeguards in true spirit.  Any non-conformity in the project with respect to the environmental implication of the project. Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 6 of 16

Chapter 2 Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance


I. Construction Phase

S. Conditions of Environmental Status of Compliance No. Clearance 1 Consent for establishment shall be Consent to establishment (NOC) under Air obtained from the state pollution control and Water Act has been obtained from Board/Pollution control committee under HSPCB. Air and Water Act and a copy of the same shall be submitted to the Ministry before start of any construction work at site. 2 For disinfection of waste water use ultra The STP is equipped with Ultra Violet violet radiation and not chlorination treatment for waste water instead of chlorination. 3 Vehicles hired for construction activities For the transportation of construction should be operated only during non- materials, hired vehicles were operated peak hours. mainly in non-peak hours. 4 All the top soil excavated during Top soil was stored in secure area and was construction activities should be stored utilized for landscaping purpose. for use in horticulture/landscape developments within the project site. 5 Ready mixed concrete must be used in Ready mixed concrete was used during building construction. construction of the project. 6 Water demand during construction shall Premix concrete was used during be reduced by use of pre mixed construction phase of the project. concrete, curing agents and other best practices 7 Permission to draw ground water shall There was no usage of ground water at the be obtained from competent authority time of construction. Water requirement was prior to construction/operation of the fulfilled by contractor through water tankers. project 8 Separation of gray and black water An onsite STP has been installed to cater the should be done by the use of dual treatment of wastewater. Dual Plumbing plumbing line. Treatment of 100% gray arrangement has been provided here. water by decentralized treatment should be done. 9 Fixtures for showers, toilet, flushing and Pressure reducing device or low pressure drinking should be of low flow either by taps has been installed to reduce the use of aerators or pressure reducing wastage of water. There are sensor based devices or sensor based control. control devices in urinal to avoid excess use of water. 10 Use of glass may be reduced up to 40% The percentage of glass use is less than 40 to reduce the electricity consumption % as per recommendation of MoEF. and load on air conditioning. If necessary, use high quality double glass with special reflective coating in windows. 11 Roof should meet the prescriptive Proper thermal insulation for roof has been Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 7 of 16

S. Conditions of Environmental Status of Compliance No. Clearance requirement as per energy conservation provided to reduce energy requirement. The building code by using appropriate roof contains layer of concrete, undertake thermal insulation material to fulfill insulation, Brick Cova, air Gaps and light requirement. colour tiles to meet the thermal insulation requirement. 12 Opaque wall should meet prescriptive Opaque wall so proposed meets the energy requirement as per energy conservation conservation building code. building code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non air conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation to fulfill requirement. 13 Storm water control and its reuse should Rain water system has been installed at the be as per Central Ground Water Board project site to recharge groundwater aquifer and BIS standards for various as per CGWB guidelines. applications. 14 Necessary approval of competent The project site is in HSIDC area and hence authority of State Forest Department not required forest clearance. shall be obtained before starting construction 15 All required sanitary and hygienic Proper sanitary and hygienic measures had measures should be in place before been provided at the time of construction to starting construction activities and to be avoid contamination and diseases maintained throughout the construction phase. 16 Soil and ground water samples will be Testing for soil and groundwater had been tested to ascertain that there is no threat conducted during construction stage and the to groundwater quality by leaching of test results showed that there was no heavy metals and toxic contaminants. contamination 17 A first aid room will be provided at the First aid room facility was provided during project site both during construction and construction and it will also be provided for operation of the project. operation phase. 18 Adequate drinking water and sanitary Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for facilities were provided for construction construction workers at the site. The workers. safe disposal of wastewater and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. 19 Disposal of muck including excavated Muck generated from the site was collected material during construction phase and stored in designated area that is lined should not create any adverse effects on with impermeable liner to avoid leaching into the neighboring communities and be ground water. The stored muck was then disposed off taking the necessary disposed off through authorized disposer. precaution for general safety and health aspects of people.

20 Diesel power generating sets used Silent DG sets had been used at the project during construction phase should be of site during construction stage, which “enclosed type” to prevent noise and maintained noise and emission within the should conform to rules made under permissible limits. Environment (Protection) Act 1986, Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 8 of 16

S. Conditions of Environmental Status of Compliance No. Clearance prescribed for air and noise emission standards.

21 Ambient noise levels should conform to Ambient noise levels for the day & night time standards both during day and night noise levels measured at the project when measured at boundary wall of the boundary were found to be within the premises. Incremental pollution loads on permissible limits. the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. 22 The construction agencies shall use fly Concrete used in construction of the building ash based material/products as per the contains fly ash and accounts to 25 percent provisions of fly ash notification of use of fly ash. 14.09.1999 and as amended on 27.08.2003 23 Vehicles hired for bringing construction All vehicles brining construction materials at material at site should have valid the site was insured to have pollution under “pollution under check” (PUC) certificate check certificate and conforms air and noise and to conform to applicable air and emission standards. Further it was noise emission standards and should be encouraged that the vehicles used shall be operated only during non peaking hours. newly procured and all vehicles of old models were not used. For the transportation of construction material, hired vehicles frequency to the project site was in non peak hours. 24 Construction spoils including bituminous Construction spoils was stored in a dedicated material and other hazardous materials area surrounded by boundaries to avoid must not be allowed to contaminate contamination to nearby environment. water courses and the dump sites for Impervious lining on floor of storage area such material must be secured so what prevented contamination. they should not leach into the ground water. 25 Any hazardous waste generated during There was no such hazardous waste at the construction phase should be disposed project site except diesel which had been of as per applicable Rules & norms with stored in impervious area to avoid necessary approves of the Haryana contamination. Waste oil so generated was Pollution Control Board disposed off through HSPCB authorized waste oil recycler/ disposer. 26 Regular supervision of the above and Environmental cell and supervisor were there other measures for monitoring should be to supervise the project work and to control in place all through the construction the impact on environment during phase so as to avoid disturbance to the construction phase. surrounding. 27 Under the provision of Environment Environmental clearance had been obtained (Protection) Act 1986, legal action shall (Annex 1). be initiated against the project proponent if it was found that construction of the project had started without obtaining environmental clearance. Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 9 of 16

II. Operation Phase

S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No 1 Diesel power generating sets as source There are 5 numbers of DG sets at the project of back up power for lifts and common site to facilitate electricity. These includes: area illumination should be of “enclosed type” and conform to rules made under . Environmental (Protection) Act 1986”, prescribed for air and noise emission standards as per CPCB guidelines. Exhausts should be discharged by stack, raised to 4 meters above the rooftop. 2 During night time the noise levels Noise monitoring have been carried out at the measured at the boundary of the building boundary of the project site and the results shall be restricted to the permissible are enclosed (Annex 2). levels to comply with the prevalent regulations. 3 The sewage treatment plant of A STP of 200 Kld capacity has been installed adequate capacity should be provided at the project site for the treatment of waste and it should be certified by an water. This STP has facility to treat waste independent expert for adequacy as water with Ultra violet radiation under tertiary well as efficiency and submit a report in treatment phase. this regard to the Ministry before the project is commissioned for operation. The wastewater should be treated up to tertiary level and after treatment reused for cooling, landscaping and gardening etc. however, discharge of treated sewage, if any, shall conform to the norms and standards prescribed by Haryana Pollution Control Board. 4 Rain water harvesting and ground water Rain water harvesting system has been recharging shall be practiced. The constructed within the projects that are in ground water levels and its quality operation phase. should be monitored regularly in consultation with the Central Ground Water Authority. Oil & Grease trap shall be provided to remove oil and grease from the surface runoff and suspended matter shall be removed in a settling tank before its utilization for rainwater harvesting. 5 The solid waste including e-waste The solid waste and e-wastes are being generated should be properly collected stored at designated place through authorized & segregated. Biodegradable waste waste collector who collects the waste from should be composted and non bio- the project for disposal and STP sludge is degradable solid waste should be being used as manure for horticulture. disposed of to municipal landfill sites after recovering recyclable waste. STP sludge shall be used as manure for gardening. 6 Any hazardous waste including Only hazardous waste to be generated is the biomedical waste should be disposed of used oil from DG sets. Waste oil will be Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 10 of 16

S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No as per applicable Rules & norms with recycled through authorized recycler M/s necessary approvals of the Haryana Lubri Sales, who is registered with Central pollution Control Board. Pollution Control Board. 7 A peripheral green belt has been developed around the project site. Plants are in growing The green belt design along the stage and height & spread of canopy is not periphery of the plot shall achieve sufficient at this point of time to attenuate attenuation factor conforming to the day outer noise. Once the plants of peripheral and night noise standards prescribed for green belt achieve dense canopy it will help to residential land use. The open spaces reduce outer noise level. There are additional inside the plot should be suitably green areas inside the project site. Most of landscaped and covered with vegetation the tree species planted is of indigenous of indigenous variety. variety. 8 Incremental pollution load on the Monitoring of ambient air quality, noise inlet – ambient air quality, noise and water water quality has been conducted and the test quality should be periodically monitored results are enclosed (Annex 2). after commissioning of the project. 9 Prior permission of the Central Ground There is no bore well for the ground water Water Authority should be obtained for extraction at the site. Water supply has been the utilization of ground water. provided by HSIDC. 10 Solar energy shall be used for water There are installation of solar lightings in heating as well as lighting in common common area to support energy conservation areas and variable measures shall be adopted for energy conservation and water conservation. 11 Report on the energy conservation For conserving energy, luminaries with less measured should be prepared power consumption have been installed in the incorporating details about building building. These include usage of CFL and T5 materials and technologies, R & U tube lights instead of common bulbs and tube factors etc. and submitted to the lights. ministry in three months time. 12 The value of R & U for the building The building envelop has met the requirement envelop should meet the requirements of the hot and humid climatic locations. The of the hot and humid climatic locations. details of the building envelop has been Details of the building envelop should worked out. be worked out and furnished in three months time.


S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. 1 The environmental safeguards contained Environmental Safeguards as prescribed by in the documents should be implemented the ministry of environment and forests in the in letter and spirit. clearance document is being implemented in true spirit. 2 Provision should be made for the supply It was ensured by the project proponent that of kerosene or cooking gas and pressure there is adequate supply of kerosene and cookers to the laborers during pressure cookers supplied to the laborers construction phase. 3 All the laborers to be engaged for Periodic medical checkup were carried out Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 11 of 16

S. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Status of Compliance No. construction works should be screened for all construction laborers during for health and adequately treated before construction phase of the project. issue of work permits. Adequate Every laborer were provided with safety preventive and protective measures shall equipments like boots, helmets, safety belts be taken to protect workers, labors etc. etc. for safety and the project site followed all during construction and operation phase safety norms as prescribed in the labor act of the project. and safety guidelines. 4 Six-monthly monitoring reports should be Six monthly report is being submitted to the submitted to the Ministry and its Regional MoEF and its Regional office Chandigarh Office. regularly at every six month (June and December of the every year). This six monthly report for the month of June 2013 to November 2013 is being submitted in December 2013. 5 Officials from the regional office of MoEF, Officials from MoEF visiting the project site Chandigarh who would be monitoring the will be provided with full cooperation. A copy implementation of environmental of the report is also being forwarded to the safeguards should be given full CCF, Regional Office, Chandigarh cooperation, facilities and documents/ data by the project proponents during their inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to MoEF should be forwarded to the CCF, Regional Office of MoEF, Chandigarh 6 In the case of any change(s) in the scope There is no change in the scope of work of the project, the project would require a fresh appraisal by this ministry 7 All other statutory clearances such as the All necessary permissions have been approvals for storage of diesel from Chief obtained from the competent authorities Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Depart, Forest Department, Wildlife Act 1972 etc. shall be obtained by the project proponents from the competent authorities 8 These stipulations would be enforced The project will function under all the among others under the provisions of the guidelines under the Water (Prevention and Water (Prevention and Control of Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and and the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991. the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991. 9 The project authority will enter into MOU The project authority has entered into MOU with all buyers of the property, shops etc. with the buyer to ensure operation and to ensure operation and maintenance of maintenance of the assets the assets by owners of the buildings Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 12 of 16

Chapter 3

Details of Environmental Monitoring


3.1.1 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Ambient air quality monitoring has been carried out at one location, one being Near Main Gate to assess the ambient air quality. This will enable to have an analytical understanding about air quality and the changes in the air environment in the study area with respect to the condition prevailing. The locations of the ambient air quality monitoring stations are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations S. Locn. Location Name/ Description Environmental Setting No. Code 1. AAQ-1 Near Main Gate Commercial activities

3.1.2 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology

Monitoring was conducted in respect of the following parameters:  Particulate Matter (PM10)  Particulate Matter (PM2.5)  Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)  Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)  Carbon Monoxide (CO)

The duration of sampling of PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NOx was 24 hourly continuous sampling per day and CO was sampled for 8 hours continuous, thrice in 24 hour duration monitoring. The monitoring was conducted for one day at each location. This is to allow a comparison with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

The air samples were analyzed as per standard methods specified by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and IS: 5182. The techniques used for ambient air quality monitoring and minimum detectable levels are given in Table 3.2.

Fine particulate sampler APM 550 instrument have used for monitoring Particulate Matter (PM2.5) i.e. <2.5 micron. Respirable Dust Samplers APM-451 instruments have been used for monitoring Particulate Matter (PM10), Respirable fraction (<10 microns) and gaseous pollutants like SO2, and NOx. Pulse pumps and mylar bags were used for collection of Carbon monoxide samples. Gas Chromatography techniques have been used for the estimation of CO.

Table 3.2 Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring S. Parameter Technique Technical No. Protocol 1 Particulate Matter Fine particulate sampler IS- 5182(Part- IV) (PM 2.5) APM 550 Gravimetric Method) 2 Respirable Respirable Dust Sampler IS-5182 (Part-23) Particulate (Gravimetric method) Matter(PM10) Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 13 of 16

S. Parameter Technique Technical No. Protocol 3 Sulphur dioxide Modified West and Gaeke IS-5182 (Part- 2) 4 Oxides of Nitrogen Jacob & Hochheiser IS-5182 (Part-6) 5 Carbon Monoxide Gas Chromatography IS-5182 (Part-X)

3.1.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results

The detailed on-site monitoring results of PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx and CO are presented in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results

S. Locn. Location PM10 PM 2.5 SO2 NOx CO No. Code (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (g/m3) (mg/m3) Limit 100 60 80 80 2.0 1. AAQ1 Near Main Gate 138 64 20 28 0.09

3.1.4 Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area

PM10 and PM2.5 were observed above the corresponding stipulated limits (100 μg/m3 and 60 g/m3 for residential, rural and other areas as stipulated in the National Ambient 3 3 Air Quality Standards and limit for SO2 and NOx: 80 g/m and limit for CO: 2 mg/m ) at all monitoring locations. Station wise variation of ambient air quality parameters has been pictorially shown in Figure 1.

Figure 3.1 Location-wise Variation of Ambient Air Quality


3.1.1 Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations

The main objective of noise monitoring in the study area is to assess the present ambient noise levels in project site & project boundary due to various construction allied activities and increased vehicular movement. A preliminary reconnaissance survey has been undertaken to identify the major noise generating sources in the area. Ambient noise Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 14 of 16

monitoring was conducted at 2 locations at near main gate & Backside of the project site as given in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations S. No. Locn. Code Location Name/ Description Present Land use 1. N1 Near Main Gate Commercial activities 2. N2 Back Side Commercial activities

3.2.2 Methodology of Noise Monitoring

Noise levels were measured using integrated sound level meter manufactured by Quest Technologies. The integrating sound level meter is an integrating/ logging type with Octave filter attachment with frequency range of 31.5 to 16000 Hz. This instrument is capable of measuring the Sound Pressure Level (SPL), Leq and octave band frequency analysis.

Noise level monitoring was carried out continuously for 24-hours with one hour interval starting at 0030 hrs to 0030 hrs next day. The noise levels were monitored on working days only. During each hour Leq were directly computed by the instrument based on the sound pressure levels. Lday (Ld), Lnight (Ln) and Ldn values were computed using corresponding hourly Leq. Monitoring was carried out at ‘A’ response and fast mode.

3.2.3 Ambient Noise Monitoring Results

The location wise ambient noise monitoring results is summarized in Table 3.5. The location-wise variation of noise levels are graphically presented in Figure 3.2.

Table 3.5 Ambient Noise Monitoring Results

Day Time - dB(A) Night Time - dB(A) Sr. Limits as per Test Locations Limits as per No. Results CPCB Results CPCB guideline guideline D-1 Near Main Gate 63.4 51.8 65 55 D-2 Back Side 60.2 50.5

Figure 3.2 Location-wise Variation of Ambient Noise Levels Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 15 of 16

3.2.4 Discussion on Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area

Day Time Noise Levels (Lday): The day time noise level at both locations were observed to within the permissible limit prescribed for commercial area i.e. 65 db(A).

Night Time Noise Levels (Lnight): The night time noise level at both locations were observed to within the limit prescribed for commercial area i.e. 55 dB (A).


3.3.1 Groundwater Quality

Facility at project site is using water through tanker which would be available for consumption after the RO treatment. Since the project site is not having any bore well for the extraction of ground water, ground water monitoring is not required


3.4.1 Soil Monitoring Locations

The objective of the soil monitoring is to identify the impacts of ongoing project activities on soil quality and also predict impacts, which have arisen due to execution of various constructions allied activities. Accordingly, a study of assessment of the soil quality has been carried out.

To assess impacts of ongoing project activities on the soil in the area, the physico- chemical characteristics of soils were examined by obtaining soil samples from selected point and analysis of the same. One sample of soil was collected from the project site for studying soil characteristics, the location of which is listed in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6 Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location S. No. Locn. Code Location Name/ Description 1. S1 Project Site

3.4.2 Methodology of Soil Monitoring

The sampling has been done in line with IS: 2720 & Methods of Soil Analysis, Part-1, 2nd edition, 1986 of American Society for Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America. The homogenized samples were analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics (physical, chemical and heavy metal concentrations). The soil samples were collected in the month of September 2015.

The samples have been analyzed as per the established scientific methods for physico- chemical parameters. The heavy metals have been analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectro-photometer and Inductive Coupled Plasma Analyzer.

3.4.3 Soil Monitoring Results

The physico-chemical characteristics of the soil, as obtained from the analysis of the soil sample, are presented in Table 3.8.

Table 3.8 Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil in the Study Area Project: “Nile Tech Limited”, Plot No-16, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon Half-yearly Compliance Report of EC Conditions Page 16 of 16

S. No Parameter Unit Results 1. pH - 7.2

2. Conductivity mS/cm 0.71

3. Moisture Content % by mass 6.4

4. Total Alkalinity mg/100gm 114

5. Water Holding capacity % by mass 38

6. Phosphorous as P % by mass <0.18

7. Porosity % by mass 34

8. Zinc as Zn mg/Kg 0.016

9. Iron as Fe mg/Kg 0.015 10. Chloride as Cl meq/l 3.6 11. Sodium as Na meq/l 18.2

12. Potassium as K meq/l 9.1

13. Nitrogen as N mg/kg 12.4 3 14. Bulk Density g/cm 1.31

15. Organic Content % by mass 0.32

16. Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100gm 12 17. Sieve Analysis Sand % by mass 30.16

Silt % by mass 29.36

Clay % by mass 40.48

18. Heavy Metals Lead (Pb) mg/kg 0.03

Copper(Cu) mg/kg 0.10

19. Carbonates and bicarbonates % by mass 0.14

20. Calcium meq/l 78

21. Magnesium meq/l 14

3.4.4 Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area

The soil in study area is characterized by moderate organic content. The soil quality in the project area has not been affected by the project activities.

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