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City of Los Angeles s1

CITY OF LOS ANGELES SILVER LAKE CALIFORNIA NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL SILVER LAKE OFFICERS NEIGHBORHOOD Clint Lukens COUNCIL Renee Nahum Serving the Silver Lake CO-CHAIRS Community Since 2003 Charles Herman-Wurmfeld VICE-CHAIR 2658 Griffith Park Blvd #377 Anthony Crump Los Angeles, CA 90039 TREASURER Contact: [email protected] Rusty Millar SECRETARY TELEPHONE: (323) 661-SLNC (7562) FAX: (323) 661-7564

Our meetings rely on input from the stakeholders of Silver Lake. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Agenda is posted for public review at the SLNC Website: and throughout Silver Lake. Internet users can sign up to receive agendas and minutes via the city’s Early Notification System at Public Transportation: Urban Design & Preservation Advisory Committee (UD&PAC) Chair – Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov Governing Board Member, Representative At-Large

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes October 10, 2012, 6:30 PM Citibank/ Community Room 2450 Glendale Bl., Los Angeles, CA 90039 I. Call to Order 6:30 p.m. II. Roll Call & Introductions 6:31 p.m. In attendance: 46 Board members: 10 Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov – Chair (1), Anne-Marie Johnson (2), Rusty Millar (3), Renee Nahum (4) (no member/ no voting), Gale Jaffe (5) (no member/ no voting), Paul Michael Neumann (6) (no member/ no voting), Scott Crawford (7) (no member/ no voting), Leonardo Chalupowicz (8) (no voting), Barbara Ringuette (9) (no voting), Nadine Trujillo (10) (no voting), UD&PAC Members: 6 Scott Plante, Alex Rosen, Jonathan Nettler, Leni Fleming, David Hessell, Jed Sonnershin, Stakeholders: 27 Dustin Concaref, Jennifer Muhner, Roberto Haraldson, Clint Yennen, Brian Wilson, Jerome Courshon, Joseph Lightfoot, Eric McConnel. Liz Swanson, Vic Botezatu, Robert Lisauskas, Gary Eckwartzel, Ronald VanAmmers, Elvira Artry, Concepcion Fuentes, Daisy Gonzalez, Bill Henderkson, Bennett Jones, Gilbert Ossa, Genelle LeVin, Lee Winston, Robin Menus, Alberto …., …. Anselum, Rob Johnson, Elizabeth McDonald, Amy Clark Applicants: 2 Clint Lukens (Applicant, Board Member - no voting), David Moss (Land Use Consultant) Recording Secretary: Akilah Pruitt III. Announcements: 6:32 p.m. Genelle LeVin (President, SLIA) – Passes out two flyers. Announces Music Box Steps Community Clean-up on Saturday, Oct 13, 2013 from 9am-12pm. Also, announces Music Box Steps Day Children’s Film Festival Saturday, October 20, 2013 from 12pm – 3pm. Renee Nahum – Opening Tesla side-walk occurred. DWP & Assemblyman were present. Tesla is now a one-way street. Rusty Millar – Two LAPD Senior Lead Officers announced significant increase in crime in the area. Particularly stolen cars and break-ins. Received communication re California Brown Act today – 5 board members make quorum. Limited amount of board members can speak. Paul Neumann has information that 11 board members make quorum. Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov – Vote will be limited to UD&PAC members. Makes executive decision to allow all members and stakeholders to speak.

IV. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items: None 6:33 p.m.

V. Old Business: None VI. New Business: 6:40 p.m. VII. 1. "Proposed RD2 Zone Variance (Use/Tandem Parking) Professional Real Estate Office - 800-810 Silver Lake Blvd." Presentation, discussion, possible action

David Moss, Land Use Consultant representing Clint Lukens – Points out that he’s not a lawyer. 25 years of experience working with various groups such as group homes, charter schools, etc. Clint purchased subject property. Less than 5,000 sq. ft., 1 story building, which was a church until 2003. This is a rather unique lot. Discussed various entitlement issues. Church was permitted to have 122 occupants and had history of intensive land use. Currently working with City Staff in Planning Dept to confirm entitlements. ADA compliant travel paths will likely be required. 3 foot 11 inch side yard rather than 3 foot 9 inches. 6 ft fence height may require an adjustment. Has a filing application appointment tomorrow morning 10/11/12. Stresses the fact that if applicant was to use property as a residence, this process would be unnecessary. Clint has walked the neighborhood to communicate with the nearby residents re his recent purchase (i.e. parking, noise, lighting, security, employees, etc).

Clint Lukens – Has photos of the space and welcomes everyone to visit. It’s definitely a unique property but thinks it’ll be a low traffic office.


Opposing the application

 Barbara Ringuette – Nothing that she says is personal. 12 people working in the office is not compatible w/ residencial zoning. Church vacated in 1997. Building was a mess initially. Re parking, 16 of 22 park on the street during the day time. Took photos to document ALL spots were full at 9 am this past Monday. 7 agents working under Mr. Lukens and this space is very small. Activity will degrade the value of nearby properties. Expresses safety concerns at the bottom of the hill, which is where Clint is proposing his entrance. Real issue is if a commercial space is allowed in the middle of a residential area? Obtained various statements from neighbors who oppose.  Roberto Haroldson - Expresses great concern because there’s difficulty parking already. Neighborhood has already been impacted. Unfortunately, has to park on the street, which is usually 50 yards away. Has to carry groceries in one hand and a 3 year old child in the other hand and walk this distance.  Elvira Artry - Access to the property is a major concern.  Bennett Jones - Bicycled to tonight’s meeting because if he would’ve driven here there would be no parking when he gets home.  Lee Winston - Concerned about parking and long-term projections. Doesn’t want culture of neighborhood to change.  Robin Menus – Lives across the street from property past 14 years. Concerned about potential traffic problems on Marathon Street. To find the property address people would have to travel thru Parkman. Marathon is dangerous and on steep hill. There may be even more accidents.  Brian Wilson – Resident since 2002. Congrats Clint on the purchase. However, assumes people will come and go frequently. This will affect value of his property. Will likely have trouble renting his property with no parking.  Alberto – 30 year resident. We’re exploring parking permits now because parking is so bad. Concerned about changing the zoning of this property.  Lee Ringuette – The people who think this is a good idea doesn’t live in the neighborhood. Why were twelve work stations installed before variance granted?  Leonardo Chalupowicz - Did some research. Lot used to be R-4 zoning under which church use was permitted. Later changed to R-2 in which use is not allowed. Since 1994 it has been a residence. Lots of the current neighbors opposing the application did not know a church was operated there. Opposed to spotted use change without a comprehensive plan addressing the area. Concerned about precedent setting by changing the zoning in the future for residential areas, including the R1 he lives in.

In support or neutral of the application:  Millar - More people coming to Silver Lake as a destination location. The problems with Los Globos trigger need of preferential parking.  Johnson – Happy the church was purchased. How many customers on-site per day on the average day? How long does average customer stay? How many employees per day per hour?  Stakeholder – Owns 6 properties. 15 year business owner. Supports Clint. Progress is in motion.  Rene Nahum – Best use of this property. Low impact business. 1 of 2 people on-site daily. Will not have a lot of signage. Property is hard to sale as a residence.  Mr. Anselum, Real Estate Agent – His client passed on the property because he couldn’t make it work as a residence. This property is excellent for a business. Visited property various time in the day and did not experience problems with parking.  Leni Fleming – Appreciates everyone coming out tonight. Would better understand the objections if this was a residential home in the past! A church operates like a business. People would be outside talking anyways, etc. The noise and parking impact from the church was enormous, but it is not the same if a real estate office operates on this uniquely positioned property.  Scott Plante – This property is definitely bad for residential use.  Stakeholder – Commends Clint. Can’t let parking hurt this opportunity. Business will bring improvement to the community. Tandem use of parking will help! Presented parking study was well done!  Rob Johnson – Not concerned about parking. Parking issue seems personal. Has been to Clint’s office. It creates low impact traffic. Instead, fight Los Globos, pot dispensaries, etc but not Clint.  Scott Crawford – 1 block away from church there is an auto shop. Supports Clint’s application. The real estate office is quiet and safe every time I’ve visited.  Clint Lukens Employee – Working with Clint for 4 years. He is usually off-site showing properties. Office use will be a very low impact, as all agents spend very little time in the office.  Liz Swanson, Clint’s Employee – She works 90% from home and only goes into the office when necessary.  Paul Neuman –Hearing a lot of frustration. Not convinced this is a bad thing.  Accountant for Clint – Only works part-time 10 am – 4:30 pm. Resident of the area. Owns an apartment building. The real estate office is a better neighbor than many residential occupants. The office is very quiet.  Daisy Gonzales, Clint’s Employee – Stresses that 90% of business is done via internet, phone and email. We meet clients at their preferred location (i.e. their home, restaurant, etc).  Botezatu – Concerned about undisclosed tenants. If we allow commercial property now, what will happen in the future? However, this business will not hinder the neighborhood.  Gary Eckwartze, Clint’s Employee – Rides bike to work when he has to go to the office. Not a lot of traffic because we’re rarely in the office.  Joe Lightfoot – Property began as a non-residential use! There’s enormous amount of sub-lets within single family residence nearby. This is a community service business. Clint is a proud member of the community. This is a situation where you can choose who your neighbor is. Property will be maintained and won’t be an eye sore. Clint is vested!  Dustin – Parking is a city-wide problem. Perhaps, off-site parking is an option.  Elizabeth McDonald – Lives in Los Feliz and has comparable business. Here to share her perspective. Has a great relationship w/ everyone nearby. Only 2 – 3 people in the office and everyone else work from home. Doesn’t think parking will be an issue.  Amy Clark, Region 2 resident – Attending with an open mind. Supports Clint even though there’s a concern re parking. How does the variance work?  Gale Jaffe – Concerned about parking. Would like to feel like the building is on Silver Lake more than Marathon and not in residential.  Nadine Trujillo – spoke in support of the application

Mr. Moss – Hands out two documents to members. An abundance of people spoke and I’ll do my best to address the concerns. This is not a zone change. We’ve applied for a variance. Regarding basis for establishing precedent, it will not be in perpetuity. There’s no real precedent set by a zone variance – someone would have to come forward with similar situation/business. Moreover, we ask our clients to volunteer conditions as a part of the variance approval. Only occupancy will be set on the building. We can happily put conditions in place for this application. We’d like some flexibility but not a lot. This property looks great and well maintained. Clint will maintain façades and windows. Additionally, Clint will only have one sign. People will be informed to call before visiting the office. We believe and stand by the parking study. There will be no usage of the outside court yard, no smoking, and no sub-letting, etc. Business hours will be 9am-5pm. Employees will not frequent property. The 12 stations purchased are not in use currently. Reiterates zone variance of this type can be controlled w/ conditions and parking variance is based on Clint’s specific business.

Clint Lukens – Passes out some language regarding parking. Encourages all to please feel free to contact him should additional questions/comments arise. Has useful and creative way to deal with parking. Has support letters from current neighbors if anyone is interested.

Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov – Thanks all for attending. Briefs all on the various application types reviewed by this committee. Each application is reviewed on case-by-case basis. Vass majority of recent applications are for restaurants. UD&PAC is an advisory committee not a decision making committee. Visited Clint’s new property at 800 Silver Lake Bl. today at 2:30pm and the streets were barely used; seems parking will not be an issue. Believes a single family residence bares a potential to create much more noise and havoc (small children, teenager’s music, spousal disputes, late night parties, etc.) versus a real estate office. This is a conditional use permit, which will eventually expire and need to be carefully reviewed few years from now. The SLNC can place conditions upon the application’s approval. 98% of the time, LADCP Los Angeles Department of City Planning) has supported and incorporated our requests for conditions. No action will be taken tonight. Instead, action will be taken on November 14, 2012 after the UD&PAC receives the official application packet from DCP.

Barbara Ringuette – Offers 3 packets to any member interested.

VIII. CNC Report 7:15 p.m. IX. Committee Business: 7:20 p.m. 1. Discussion - UD&PAC Liquor Licenses Guidelines and Policy Discussion and possible action 2. Ongoing Committee Business

Bougart-Sharkov – Time line for “Liquor Licenses Guidelines and Policy” is due Jan 31, 2013. It should be presented to the SLNC Gov. Board in February 2013. Johnson – We’d like to form a work group in addition to self, Leni Fleming, Rusty Millar, and Alex Rosen. Millar- Ground Swell Presentation - Sharon’s open house event takes place October 25, 2012. Sharon will present to the UD&PAC on November 14, 2012 meeting. Bougart-Sharkov – Announces upcoming UD&PAC Holyday potluck. Date and location to be determined.

Adjournment 9:00 p.m.

Process for Reconsideration – The Board may reconsider and amend actions listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place immediately following the original action or at the next regular meeting. The Board, on either of these two days, shall: 1) make a Motion to Reconsider and, if approved, 2) hear the matter and take an action. If the Motion to Reconsider is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: 1) a Motion to Reconsider on the described matter and, 2) a [Proposed] Action should the Motion to Reconsider be approved. A Motion to reconsider can only be made by a Board Member who has previously voted on the prevailing side of the original action. If a Motion to Reconsider is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Board Member on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for requesting reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall be in compliance with the Brown Act.

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