Schools and Settings E Safety Policy Template 2012

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Schools and Settings E Safety Policy Template 2012

E-Safety Policy

Why does a School or Setting need an e-Safety Policy?

In today’s society, children, young people and adults interact with technologies such as mobile phones, games consoles and the Internet on a daily basis and experience a wide range of opportunities, attitudes and situations. The exchange of ideas, social interaction and learning opportunities involved are greatly beneficial to all, but can occasionally place children, young people and adults in danger.

E-Safety covers issues relating to children and young people as well as adults and their safe use of the Internet, mobile phones and other electronic communications technologies, both in and out of school. It includes education for all members of the school community on risks and responsibilities and is part of the ‘duty of care’ which applies to everyone working with children.

Schools and other settings must decide on the right balance between controlling access to the internet and technology, setting rules and boundaries and educating students and staff about responsible use. Schools must be aware that children and staff cannot be completely prevented from being exposed to risks both on and offline. Children should be empowered and educated so that they are equipped with the skills to make safe and responsible decisions as well as to feel able to report any concerns. All members of staff need to be aware of the importance of good e-Safety practice in the classroom in order to educate and protect the children in their care. Members of staff also need to be informed about how to manage their own professional reputation online and demonstrate appropriate online behaviours compatible with their role.

Breaches of an e-Safety policy can and have led to civil, disciplinary and criminal action being taken against staff, pupils and members of the wider school community. It is crucial that all settings are aware of the offline consequences that online actions can have.

Schools must be aware of their legal obligations to safeguard and protect children on and offline and the accountability of these decisions will sit with the Head Teacher and the Governing body.

The e-Safety policy is essential in setting out how the school plans to develop and establish its e-Safety approach and to identify core principles which all members of the school community need to be aware of and understand.

The Headteacher and Governing body have a legal responsibility to safeguard children and staff and this includes online activity.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 1  The school has appointed an e–Safety Coordinator.  The e–Safety Policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually.  Our e–Safety Policy has been written by the school, building on the KCC e–Safety Policy and government guidance.  Our School Policy has been agreed by the Senior Leadership Team and approved by governors and other stakeholders such as the PTA.  The School has appointed a member of the Governing Body to take lead responsibility for e-Safety

The School e-Safety Coordinator is Sam Boylan/ Lynda Boorman

Policy approved by Head Teacher: …………………………………..… Date: ……………

Policy approved by Governing Body: …………………………….. (Chair of Governors)

Date: ……………

The date for the next policy review is September 2014

1.2 Teaching and learning

1.2.1 Why is Internet use important?

 Internet use is part of the statutory curriculum and is a necessary tool for learning.  The Internet is a part of everyday life for education, business and social interaction.  The school has a duty to provide students with quality Internet access as part of their learning experience.  Pupils use the Internet widely outside school and need to learn how to evaluate Internet information and to take care of their own safety and security.  The purpose of Internet use in school is to raise educational standards, to promote pupil achievement, to support the professional work of staff and to enhance the school’s management functions.  Internet access is an entitlement for students who show a responsible and mature approach to its use.

1.2.2 How does Internet use benefit education?

Benefits of using the Internet in education include:  access to worldwide educational resources including museums and art galleries;  educational and cultural exchanges between pupils worldwide;  vocational, social and leisure use in libraries, clubs and at home;  access to experts in many fields for pupils and staff;  professional development for staff through access to national developments, educational materials and effective curriculum practice;  collaboration across networks of schools, support services and professional associations;

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 2  improved access to technical support including remote management of networks and automatic system updates;  exchange of curriculum and administration data with KCC and DfE;  access to learning wherever and whenever convenient.

1.2.3 How can Internet use enhance learning?

 The school’s Internet access will be designed to enhance and extend education.  Pupils will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given clear objectives for Internet use.  The schools will ensure that the copying and subsequent use of Internet-derived materials by staff and pupils complies with copyright law.  Staff should guide pupils to online activities that will support the learning outcomes planned for the pupils’ age and ability.  Pupils will be educated in the effective use of the Internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation.

1.2.4 How will pupils learn how to evaluate Internet content?

 Pupils will use age-appropriate tools to research Internet content.  Pupils will be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.  The evaluation of online materials is a part of teaching and learning in every subject and will be viewed as a whole-school requirement across the curriculum.

1.3 Managing Information Systems

1.3.1 How will information systems security be maintained?

 The security of the school information systems and users will be reviewed regularly.  Virus protection will be updated regularly.  Personal data sent over the Internet or taken off site will be encrypted.  Portable media may not used without specific permission followed by an anti-virus / malware scan.  Unapproved software will not be allowed in work areas or attached to email.  Files held on the school’s network will be regularly checked.  The ICT coordinator/network manager will review system capacity regularly.  The use of user logins and passwords to access the school network will be enforced.

1.3.2 How will email be managed?

 Pupils may only use approved email accounts for school purposes.  Pupils must immediately tell a designated member of staff if they receive offensive email.  Pupils must not reveal personal details of themselves or others in email communication, or arrange to meet anyone without specific permission from an adult. Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 3  Whole -class or group email addresses will be used in primary schools for communication outside of the school.  Staff will only use official school provided email accounts to communicate with pupils and parents/carers, as approved by the Senior Leadership Team.  Access in school to external personal email accounts may be blocked.  Excessive social email use can interfere with learning and will be restricted.  Email sent to external organisations should be written carefully with a copy being sent to the Headteacher before sending, in the same way as a letter written on school headed paper would be.  The forwarding of chain messages is not permitted.

1.3.3 How will published content be managed?

 The contact details on the website should be the school address, email and telephone number. Staff or pupils’ personal information must not be published.  The head teacher will take overall editorial responsibility for online content published by the school and will ensure that content published is accurate and appropriate.  The school website will comply with the school’s guidelines for publications including respect for intellectual property rights, privacy policies and copyright.

1.3.4 Can pupils’ images or work be published?

 Images or videos that include pupils will be selected carefully and will not provide material that could be reused.  Pupils’ full names will not be used anywhere on the website, particularly in association with photographs.  Written permission from parents or carers will be obtained before images/videos of pupils are electronically published.  Pupils work can only be published with their permission or the parents.  Written consent will be kept by the school where pupils’ images are used for publicity purposes, until the image is no longer in use.  The School will have a policy regarding the use of photographic images of children which outlines policies and procedures.

1.3.5 How will social networking, social media and personal publishing be managed?

 The school will control access to social media and social networking sites.  Pupils will be advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them and/or their location. Examples would include real name, address, mobile or landline phone numbers, school attended, IM and email addresses, full names of friends/family, specific interests and clubs etc.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 4  Staff wishing to use Social Media tools with students as part of the curriculum will risk assess the sites before use and check the sites terms and conditions to ensure the site is age appropriate. Staff will obtain documented consent from the Senior Leadership Team before using Social Media tools in the classroom.  Pupils will be advised on security and privacy online and will be encouraged to set passwords, deny access to unknown individuals and to block unwanted communications. Pupil will be encouraged to approve and invite known friends only on social networking sites and to deny access to others by making profiles private.  All members of the school community are advised not to publish specific and detailed private thoughts, especially those that may be considered threatening, hurtful or defamatory.  Concerns regarding students’ use of social networking, social media and personal publishing sites (in or out of school) will be raised with their parents/carers, particularly when concerning students’ underage use of sites.  Staff personal use of social networking, social media and personal publishing sites will be discussed as part of staff induction and safe and professional behaviour will be outlined in the school Acceptable Use Policy.

1.3.6 How will filtering be managed?

 The school’s broadband access will include filtering appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.  The school will work with KCC and the Schools Broadband team to ensure that filtering policy is continually reviewed.  The school will have a clear procedure for reporting breaches of filtering. All members of the school community (all staff and all pupils) will be aware of this procedure.  If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL will be reported to the School e-Safety Coordinator who will then record the incident and escalate the concern as appropriate.  The School filtering system will block all sites on the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) list.  Any material that the school believes is illegal will be reported to appropriate agencies such as IWF, Kent Police or CEOP  The school’s access strategy will be designed by educators to suit the age and curriculum requirements of the pupils, with advice from network managers.

1.3.7 How will videoconferencing be managed?

 All videoconferencing equipment in the classroom must be switched off when not in use and not set to auto answer.  Equipment connected to the educational broadband network should use the national E.164 numbering system and display their H.323 ID name.  External IP addresses will not be made available to other sites.

Users  Pupils will ask permission from a teacher before making or answering a videoconference call.  Videoconferencing will be supervised appropriately for the pupils’ age and ability.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 5  Parents and carers consent should be obtained prior to children taking part in videoconferences.

Content  When recording a videoconference lesson, written permission should be given by all sites and participants. The reason for the recording must be given and the recording of videoconference should be clear to all parties at the start of the conference. Recorded material shall be stored securely.  Videoconferencing is a challenging activity with a wide range of learning benefits. Preparation and evaluation are essential to the whole activity.  If third party materials are to be included, check that recording is acceptable to avoid infringing the third party intellectual property rights.  Establish dialogue with other conference participants before taking part in a videoconference. If it is a non school site it is important to check that they are delivering material that is appropriate for your class.

.3.8 How are emerging technologies managed?

 Emerging technologies will be examined for educational benefit and a risk assessment will be carried out before use in school is allowed.  Pupils will be instructed about safe and appropriate use of personal devices both on and off site in accordance with the school Acceptable Use or Mobile Phone Policy.

1.3.9 How should personal data be protected?

 Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made available according to the Data Protection Act 1998.

1.4 Policy Decisions

1.4.1 How will Internet access be authorised?

 The school will maintain a current record of all staff and pupils who are granted access to the school’s electronic communications.  All staff will read and sign the ‘Staff Information Systems Code of Conduct’ or School Acceptable Use Policy before using any school ICT resources.  Parents will be asked to read the School Acceptable Use Policy for pupil access and discuss it with their child, where appropriate.  All visitor to the school site who require access to the schools network or internet access will be asked to read and sign an Acceptable Use Policy.  When considering access for vulnerable members of the school community (such as with children with special education needs) the school will make decisions based on the specific needs and understanding of the pupil(s).

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 6 According to Setting Type  At Key Stage 1 pupils’ access to the Internet will be by adult demonstration with occasional directly supervised access to specific and approved online materials.  At Key Stage 2 pupils will be supervised. Pupils will use age-appropriate search engines and online tools and online activities will be teacher-directed where necessary.

1.4.2 How will risks be assessed?

 The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, due to the global and connected nature of Internet content, it is not possible to guarantee that access to unsuitable material will never occur via a school computer. Neither the school nor KCC can accept liability for the material accessed, or any consequences resulting from Internet use.  The school will audit ICT use to establish if the e–Safety policy is adequate and that the implementation of the e–Safety policy is appropriate.

1.4.3 How will the school respond to any incidents of concern?

 All members of the school community will be informed about the procedure for reporting e-Safety concerns (such as breaches of filtering, cyberbullying, illegal content etc).  The e-Safety Coordinator will record all reported incidents and actions taken in the School e-Safety incident log and other in any relevant areas e.g. Bullying or Child protection log.  The Designated Child Protection Coordinator will be informed of any e-Safety incidents involving Child Protection concerns, which will then be escalated appropriately.  The school will manage e-Safety incidents in accordance with the school discipline/ behaviour policy where appropriate.  The school will inform parents/carers of any incidents of concerns as and when required.  After any investigations are completed, the school will debrief, indentify lessons learnt and implement any changes required.  Where there is cause for concern or fear that illegal activity has taken place or is taking place then the school will contact the Children’s Safeguard Team or e-Safety officer and escalate the concern to the Police

1.4.4 How will e–Safety complaints be handled?

 Complaints about Internet misuse will be dealt with under the School’s complaints procedure.  Any complaint about staff misuse will be referred to the head teacher.  All e–Safety complaints and incidents will be recorded by the school, including any actions taken.  Parents and pupils will need to work in partnership with the school to resolve issues.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 7  All members of the school community will need to be aware of the importance of confidentiality and the need to follow the official school procedures for reporting concerns.  Any issues (including sanctions) will be dealt with according to the school’s disciplinary, behaviour and child protection procedures.  All members of the school community will be reminded about safe and appropriate behaviour online and the importance of not posting any content, comments, images or videos online which cause harm, distress or offence to any other members of the school community.

1.4.5 How is the Internet used across the community?

 The school will liaise with local organisations to establish a common approach to e– Safety.  The school will be sensitive to Internet-related issues experienced by pupils out of school, e.g. social networking sites, and offer appropriate advice.  The school will provide appropriate levels of supervision for students who use the internet and technology whilst on the school site.

1.4.6 How will Cyberbullying be managed?

 Cyberbullying (along with all other forms of bullying) of any member of the school community will not be tolerated. Full details are set out in the school’s policy on anti- bullying and behaviour.  There are clear procedures in place to support anyone in the school community affected by cyberbullying.  All incidents of cyberbullying reported to the school will be recorded.  There will be clear procedures in place to investigate incidents or allegations of Cyberbullying.  The school will take steps to identify the bully, where possible and appropriate. This may include examining school system logs, identifying and interviewing possible witnesses, and contacting the service provider and the police, if necessary.  Pupils, staff and parents/carers will be required to work with the school to support the approach to cyberbullying and the school’s e-Safety ethos.  Sanctions for those involved in cyberbullying may include: . The bully will be asked to remove any material deemed to be inappropriate or a service provider may be contacted to remove content if the bully refuses or is unable to delete content. . Internet access may be suspended at school for the user for a period of time. Other sanctions for pupils and staff may also be used in accordance to the schools anti- bullying, behaviour policy or Acceptable Use Policy. . Parent/carers of pupils will be informed. . The Police will be contacted if a criminal offence is suspected.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 8 1.4.7 How will Learning Platforms be managed?

 SLT and staff will regularly monitor the usage of the LP by pupils and staff in all areas, in particular message and communication tools and publishing facilities.  Pupils/staff will be advised about acceptable conduct and use when using the LP.  Only members of the current pupil, parent/carers and staff community will have access to the LP.  All users will be mindful of copyright issues and will only upload appropriate content onto the LP.  When staff, pupils etc leave the school their account or rights to specific school areas will be disabled or transferred to their new establishment.

1.4.8 How will mobile phones and personal devices be managed?

 The use of mobile phones and other personal devices by students and staff in school will be decided by the school and covered in the school Acceptable Use or Mobile Phone Policies.  The sending of abusive or inappropriate messages or content via mobile phones or personal devices is forbidden by any member of the school community and any breaches will be dealt with as part of the school discipline/behaviour policy.  School staff may confiscate a phone or device if they believe it is being used to contravene the schools behaviour or bullying policy. The phone or device might be searched by the Senior Leadership team with the consent of the pupil or parent/carer. If there is suspicion that the material on the mobile may provide evidence relating to a criminal offence the phone will be handed over to the police for further investigation.  Mobile phones will not be used during lessons or formal school time unless as part of an approved and directed curriculum based activity with consent from a member of staff.  The Bluetooth function of a mobile phone should be switched off at all times and not be used to send images or files to other mobile phones.  Electronic devices of all kinds that are brought in to school are the responsibility of the user. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of such items. Nor will the school accept responsibility for any adverse health effects caused by any such devices either potential or actual.

Pupils Use of Personal Devices  If a pupil breaches the school policy then the phone or device will be confiscated and will be held in a secure place in the school office. Mobile phones and devices will be released to parents/carers in accordance with the school policy.  If a pupil needs to contact his/her parents/carers they will be allowed to use a school phone. Parents are advised not to contact their child via their mobile phone during the school day, but to contact the school office.

Staff Use of Personal Devices

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 9  Staff are not permitted to use their own personal phones or devices for contacting children, young people and their families within or outside of the setting in a professional capacity.  Staff will be issued with a school phone where contact with pupils or parents/carers is required.  Mobile Phone and devices will be switched off or switched to ‘silent’ mode, Bluetooth communication should be “hidden” or switched off and mobile phones or devices will not be used during teaching periods unless permission has been given by a member of Senior Leadership Team in emergency circumstances.  If members of staff have an educational reason to allow children to use mobile phones or personal device as part of an educational activity then it will only take place when approved by the Senior Leadership Team.  Staff should not use personal devices such as mobile phones or cameras to take photos or videos of pupils and will only use work-provided equipment for this purpose.  If a member of staff breaches the school policy then disciplinary action may be taken.

1.5 Communication Policy

1.5.1 How will the policy be introduced to pupils?

 All users will be informed that network and Internet use will be monitored.  An e–Safety training programme will be established across the school to raise the awareness and importance of safe and responsible internet use amongst pupils.  Pupil instruction regarding responsible and safe use will precede Internet access.  e-Safety rules or copies of the student Acceptable Use Policy will be posted in all rooms with Internet access.  Safe and responsible use of the Internet and technology will be reinforced across the curriculum and subject areas.  Particular attention to e-Safety education will be given where pupils are considered to be vulnerable.

1.5.2 How will the policy be discussed with staff?

 The e–Safety Policy will be formally provided to and discussed with all members of staff.  To protect all staff and pupils, the school will implement Acceptable Use Policies.  Staff will be made aware that Internet traffic can be monitored and traced to the individual user. Discretion and professional conduct is essential.  Up-to-date and appropriate staff training in safe and responsible Internet use, both professionally and personally, will be provided for all members of staff.  The School will highlight useful online tools which staff should use with children in the classroom. These tools will vary according to the age and ability of the pupils.  All members of staff will be made aware that their online conduct out of school could have an impact on their role and reputation within school. Civil, legal or disciplinary action could be taken if they are found to bring the profession or institution into disrepute, or if something is felt to have undermined confidence in their professional abilities.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 10 1.5.3 How will parents’ support be enlisted?

 Parents’ attention will be drawn to the school e–Safety Policy in newsletters, the school prospectus and on the school website.  A partnership approach to e-Safety at home and at school with parents will be encouraged. This may include offering parent evenings with demonstrations and suggestions for safe home Internet use, or highlighting e–Safety at other attended events e.g. parent evenings and sports days.  Parents will be requested to sign an e–Safety/Internet agreement as part of the Home School Agreement.  Parents will be encouraged to read the school Acceptable Use Policy for pupils and discuss it’s implications with their children.  Interested parents will be referred to organisations listed in the “e–Safety Contacts and References section”.

Schools e-Safety Audit

This self-audit should be completed by the member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) responsible for e-safety policy. Staff that could contribute to the audit include: Designated Child Protection Coordinator, SENCO, e-Safety Coordinator, Network Manager and Head Teacher.

Has the school an e-Safety Policy that complies with Kent guidance? Y Date of latest update: 20th September 2013 Date of future review: 20th September 2014 The school e-safety policy was agreed by governors on: Saturday 28th September 2013 The policy is available for staff to access at: RMStaff Shared Documents The policy is available for parents/carers to access at: http://www.cage- The responsible member of the Senior Leadership Team is: Ali Notley The governor responsible for e-Safety is: Lizzie Harlock The Designated Child Protection Coordinator is: Ali Notley/ Graeme Garthwaite/ Judi Beggs The e-Safety Coordinator is: Sam Boylan/ Lynda Boorman Were all stakeholders (e.g. pupils, staff and parents/carers) consulted with when Y updating the school e-Safety Policy? Has up-to-date e-safety training been provided for all members of staff? (not just Y teaching staff) Do all members of staff sign an Acceptable Use Policy on appointment? Y Are all staff made aware of the schools expectation around safe and professional Y online behaviour? Is there a clear procedure for staff, pupils and parents/carer to follow when Y

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 11 responding to or reporting an e-Safety incident of concern? Have e-safety materials from CEOP, Childnet and UKCCIS etc. been obtained? Is e-Safety training provided for all pupils (appropriate to age and ability and Y across all Key Stages and curriculum areas)? Are e-safety rules displayed in all rooms where computers are used and Y expressed in a form that is accessible to all pupils? Do parents/carers or pupils sign an Acceptable Use Policy? Are staff, pupils, parents/carers and visitors aware that network and Internet use Y is closely monitored and individual usage can be traced?

Has an ICT security audit been initiated by SLT? Is personal data collected, stored and used according to the principles of the Data Y Protection Act? Is Internet access provided by an approved educational Internet service provider Y which complies with DfE requirements (e.g. KPSN)? Has the school filtering been designed to reflect educational objectives and been Y approved by SLT? Are members of staff with responsibility for managing filtering, network access Y and monitoring systems adequately supervised by a member of SLT? Does the school log and record all e-Safety incidents, including any action taken?

Are the Governing Body and SLT monitoring and evaluating the school e-Safety policy and ethos on a regular basis? e-Safety Contacts and References

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre):

e–Safety Officer, Children’s Safeguards Team, Families and Social Care, Kent County Council. The e-Safety Officer is Rebecca Avery email: [email protected] Tel: 01622 221469



Children’s Officer for Training & Development, Children’s Safeguards Team, Families and Social Care, Kent County Council. The Children’s Officer for Training & Development is Mike O’Connell email: [email protected] Tel: 01622 696677

Children’s Safeguards Team:

Click Clever Click Safe Campaign:



Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 12 EiS - ICT Support for Schools and ICT Security Advice:

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF):

Kent e–Safety in Schools Guidance:

Kent Police: In an emergency (a life is in danger or a crime in progress) dial 999. For other non-urgent enquiries contact Kent Police via 01622 690690 or contact your Safer Schools Partnership Officer. Also visit or

Kent Public Service Network (KPSN):

Kent Safeguarding Children Board (KSCB):


Schools Broadband Service Desk - Help with filtering and network security: Tel: 01622 206040

Schools e–Safety Blog:

Teach Today:

Think U Know website:

Virtual Global Taskforce — Report Abuse:

Staff ICT Acceptable Use Policy 2013

As a professional organisation with responsibility for children’s safeguarding it is important that all staff take all possible and necessary measures to protect data and information systems from infection, unauthorised access, damage, loss, abuse and theft. All members of staff have a responsibility to use the school’s computer system in a professional, lawful, and ethical manner. To ensure that members of staff are fully aware of their professional responsibilities when using Information Communication Technology and the school systems, they are asked to read and sign this Acceptable Use Policy. This is not an exhaustive list and all members of staff are reminded that ICT use should be consistent with the school ethos, other appropriate policies and the Law.  I understand that Information Systems and ICT include networks, data and data storage, online and offline communication technologies and access devices. Examples include mobile phones, PDAs, digital cameras, email and social media sites. Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 13  School owned information systems must be used appropriately. I understand that the Computer Misuse Act 1990 makes the following criminal offences: to gain unauthorised access to computer material; to gain unauthorised access to computer material with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences or to modify computer material without authorisation.

 I understand that any hardware and software provided by my workplace for staff use can only be used by members of staff and only for educational use. To prevent unauthorised access to systems or personal data, I will not leave any information system unattended without first logging out or locking my login as appropriate.

 I will respect system security and I will not disclose any password or security information. I will use a ‘strong’ password (A strong password has numbers, letters and symbols, with 8 or more characters, does not contain a dictionary word and is only used on one system).

 I will not attempt to install any purchased or downloaded software, including browser toolbars, or hardware without permission from the system manager.

 I will ensure that any personal data of pupils, staff or parents/carers is kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988. This means that all personal data will be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully, only kept for specific purposes, held no longer than necessary and will be kept private and secure with appropriate security measures in place, whether used in the workplace, hosted online (only within countries or sites with suitable data protection controls) or accessed remotely. Any data which is being removed from the school site (such as via email or on memory sticks or CDs) will be encrypted by a method approved by the school. Any images or videos of pupils will only be used as stated in the school image use policy and will always take into account parental consent.

 I will not keep professional documents which contain school-related sensitive or personal information (including images, files, videos etc.) on any personal devices (such as laptops, digital cameras, mobile phones), unless they are secured and encrypted. Where possible I will use the School Learning Platform to upload any work documents and files in a password protected environment. I will protect the devices in my care from unapproved access or theft.

 I will not store any personal information on the school computer system that is unrelated to school activities, such as personal photographs, files or financial information.

 I will respect copyright and intellectual property rights.

 I have read and understood the school e-Safety policy which covers the requirements for safe ICT use, including using appropriate devices, safe use of social media websites and the supervision of pupils within the classroom and other working spaces

 I will report all incidents of concern regarding children’s online safety to the Designated Child Protection Coordinator (Ali Notley) and/or the e-Safety Coordinator (Sam Boylan/ Lynda Boorman) as soon as possible. I will report any accidental access, receipt of inappropriate materials, filtering breaches or unsuitable websites to (see above) the e- Safety Coordinator or (Ali Notley) the designated lead for filtering as soon as possible. (See flowchart below)

 I will not attempt to bypass any filtering and/or security systems put in place by the school. If I suspect a computer or system has been damaged or affected by a virus or other

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 14 malware or if I have lost any school related documents or files, then I will report this to the ICT Technician (Lynda Boorman) as soon as possible.

 My electronic communications with pupils, parents/carers and other professionals will only take place via work approved communication channels e.g. via a school provided email address or telephone number. Any pre-existing relationships which may compromise this will be discussed with the Senior Leadership team.

 My use of ICT and information systems will always be compatible with my professional role, whether using school or personal systems. This includes the use of email, text, social media, social networking, gaming, web publications and any other devices or websites. My use of ICT will not interfere with my work duties and will be in accordance with the school AUP and the Law.

 I will not create, transmit, display, publish or forward any material that is likely to harass, cause offence, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any other person, or anything which could bring my professional role, the school, or the County Council, into disrepute.

 I will promote e-Safety with the pupils in my care and will help them to develop a responsible attitude to safety online, system use and to the content they access or create.

 If I have any queries or questions regarding safe and professional practise online either in school or off site, then I will raise them with the e-Safety Coordinator (Sam Boylan/ Lynda Boorman) or the Head Teacher.

 I understand that my use of the information systems, Internet and email may be monitored and recorded to ensure policy compliance.

The School may exercise its right to monitor the use of information systems, including Internet access and the interception of e-mails in order to monitor compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy and the School’s Data Security Policy. Where it believes unauthorised and/or inappropriate use of the service’s information system or unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour may be taking place, the School will invoke its disciplinary procedure. If the School suspects that the system may be being used for criminal purposes or for storing unlawful text, imagery or sound, the matter will be brought to the attention of the relevant law enforcement organisation.

I have read and understood and agree to comply with the Staff ICT Acceptable Use Policy.

Signed: ……………………….... Print Name: ……………………… Date: ………

Accepted by: ……………………………. Print Name: ………………………….

Image Use Policy for Educational Settings

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 15 Policy written by: Graeme Garthwaite, Acting Headteacher

Approved by Governing Body on: 20th September 2013

Date to be reviewed: 20th September 2014

Useful School/Setting Contacts

School Data Controller: Lynda Boorman, ICT Technician School Setting Designated Child Protection Coordinator: Ali Notley, SENCO School Setting e-Safety Coordinator: Sam Boylan, DHT Governor with lead responsibility: Lizzie Harlock, Safeguarding

Official use of Images/Videos of Children by the School/Setting

● All images taken by the school/setting will be used in a manner respectful of the eight Data Protection Principles. This means that images will be: ● fairly and lawfully processed ● processed for limited, specifically stated purposes only ● used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive ● accurate and up to date ● kept on file for no longer than is necessary ● processed in line with an individual’s legal rights ● kept securely ● adequately protected if transferred to other countries ● The Data Controller/DCPC and/or Management team is responsible for ensuring the acceptable, safe use and storage of all camera technology and images within the setting/school. This includes the management, implementation, monitoring and review of the School/Settings Image Use Policy. ● Written permission from parents or carers will be obtained before images/videos of children are electronically published by the setting. ● Written parental consent will be sought to take and use photographs offsite for professional, marketing and training purposes. This may be in addition to parental permission sought for onsite images. ● Written consent from parents will be kept by the setting where children’s images are used for publicity purposes (such as brochures or publications), until the image is no longer in use. ● Parental permission will be sought on admission to the school. ● A record of all consent details will be kept securely on file. Should permission be withdrawn by parents/carers at any time, then all relevant images will be removed and disposed of and the record will be updated accordingly. ● Images will not be kept for longer than is to be considered necessary. A designated member of staff (Data Controller or DCPC) will ensure that all photographs are permanently wiped from memory cards, computer hard and portable drives or other relevant devices once the images will no longer be of use. ● All images will remain on site at all times, unless prior explicit consent has been given by both Data Controller/DCPC and the parent or carer of any child or young person captured in any photograph. Should permission be given to take images off site, all relevant details are to be recorded, for example who, what, when and why and data will be kept securely (e.g. with appropriate encryption).

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 16 ● The Data Controller and/or DCPC reserve the right to view any images taken and/or to withdraw or modify a member of staffs’ authorisation to take or make images at any time. ● Any memory stick, CD or storage device containing images of children to be taken offsite for further work will be suitably encrypted and will be logged in and out by the Data Controller and/or DCPC and monitored to ensure it is returned within the expected time scale. ● Images or videos that include children will be selected carefully when used online and will not provide material that could be reused. ● Children’s’ full names will not be used on the website in association with photographs. ● The school/setting will not include any personal addresses, emails, telephone numbers, fax numbers on video, on the website, in a prospectus or in other printed publications. ● The school/setting will only use images of children who are suitably dressed. ● Children’s work will only be published with their permission or their parents consent. ● Staff will receive information regarding the safe and appropriate use of images as part of their safeguarding training and responsibilities. ● All members of staff (including volunteers) will ensure that all images are available for scrutiny and will be able to justify any images in their possession. ● Only official setting owned equipment (e.g. work provided digital or video cameras) will be used by staff to capture images of children for official purposes. Use of personal cameras by staff is prohibited at all times. ● Any apps, websites or third party companies used to share, host or access children’s images will be risk assessed prior to use. The school/setting will ensure that images are held in accordance with the Data Protection Act and suitable child protection requirements (if necessary) are in place. ● Careful consideration is given before involving very young or vulnerable children when taking photos or recordings, who may be unable to question why or how activities are taking place. ● The school/setting will discuss the use of images with children and young people in an age appropriate way. ● Images will not be taken of any child or young person against their wishes. A child or young person’s right not to be photographed is to be respected. ● Photography is not permitted in sensitive areas such as changing room, toilets, swimming areas etc. ● Photographs will be disposed of should they no longer be required. They will be returned to the parent or carer, deleted and wiped or shredded as appropriate. Copies will not to be taken of any images without relevant authority and consent from the Data Controller and/or DCPC and the parent/carer.

Use of Photos/Videos by Parents/Carers

● Parents/carers are permitted to take photographs or DVD footage of events for private use only. ● Parents/Carers are only permitted to take or make recording within designated areas of the setting. Photography is not permitted in sensitive areas such as changing room, toilets, swimming areas etc. ● The opportunity for parents/carers to take photographs and make videos can be reserved by the school/setting on health and safety grounds. ● Parents and carers who are using photographic equipment must be mindful of others when making and taking images. ● The right to withdraw consent will be maintained and any photography or filming on site will be open to scrutiny at any time. ● Parents may contact the school/setting Data Controller/DCPC to discuss any concerns regarding the use of images.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 17 Use of Photos/Videos by Children

● The setting will discuss and agree age appropriate acceptable use rules with children regarding the appropriate use of cameras, such as places children cannot take the camera (e.g. unsupervised areas, toilets etc). ● The use of non setting provided devices e.g. mobile phones, children’s own digital cameras, is covered in the school/settings mobile phone and/or e-Safety policy. ● All staff will be made aware of the acceptable use rules regarding children’s use of cameras and will ensure that children are appropriately supervised when taking images for official or curriculum use. ● Members of staff will role model positive behaviour to the children by encouraging them to ask permission before they take any photos. ● Photos taken by children for official use will only be taken with parental consent and will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. ● Parents/carers will be made aware that children will be taking photos/videos of other children and will be informed how these images will be managed by the setting e.g. will be for internal use by the setting only (not shared online or via any website or social media tool). ● Photos taken by children for official use will be carefully controlled by the setting and will be checked carefully before sharing online or via digital screens. ● Still and video cameras provided for use by children and the images themselves will not be removed from the setting.

Use of Images of Children by the Media

● Where a press photographer is to be invited to celebrate an event, every effort will be made to ensure that the newspaper’s (or other relevant media) requirements can be met. A written agreement will be sought between parents and carers and the press which will request that a pre-agreed and accepted amount of personal information (e.g. first names only) can be published along with images and videos. ● The identity of any press representative will be verified and access will only be permitted where the event is planned, and where press are to be specifically invited to attend. No authorisation will be given to unscheduled visits by the press under any circumstances. ● Every effort will be made to ensure the press abide by any specific guidelines should they be requested. No responsibility or liability however can be claimed for situations beyond reasonable control, and where the setting is to be considered to have acted in good faith.

Use of Professional Photographers

● Professional photographers who are engaged to record any events will be prepared to work according to the terms of the settings e-Safety policy. ● Photographers will sign an agreement which ensures compliance with the Data Protection Act and that images will only be used for a specific purpose, subject to parental consent ● Photographers will not have unsupervised access to children and young people

Use of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)

● All areas which are covered by CCTV will be well signposted, and notifications are displayed so that individuals are advised before entering such vicinity. ● Recordings will be retained for a limited time period only and for no longer than their intended purpose. This will generally be a maximum of 30 days. All recordings are to be erased before disposal. Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 18 ● Regular auditing of any stored images will be undertaken by the Data Controller and/or DCPC or other member of staff as designated by the management team. ● If cameras record activities taking place on the premises which are of a criminal nature or give any cause for concern, then information will be referred to the appropriate agency. ● CCTV cameras will be appropriately placed within the setting.

Use of Webcams

● Parental consent will be obtained before webcams will be used within the setting environment for curriculum or educational purposes. ● All areas which are covered by webcams for security or safeguarding purposes will be well signposted, and notifications are displayed so that individuals are advised before entering such vicinity. ● Recordings will be retained for a limited time period only and for no longer than their intended purpose. This will generally be a maximum of 30 days. All recordings are to be erased before disposal. Photographing Children: Frequently Asked Questions for Parents/Carers

Why do we need a policy? Schools, playgroups and youth groups have always used photographs as a way of celebrating achievement or seeking publicity for fundraising etc. Parents and families and the children themselves often derive great pleasure from seeing their loved ones in print or on a website. We want to ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy these activities safely. However parents need to be aware that placing any identifying information in the public domain has risks. Parents need to understand these issues in order to give properly considered consent. It is important that parents and schools have the opportunity to fully consider the issues before any problems can arise.

So what are the risks? The most highly publicised and worrying risk is that a child who appears in the paper or on a web site may become of interest to a predatory sex offender. Locating people through the internet has become extremely easy, using widely available software, so if there is a picture and the name of a setting or youth group and the name of the child it could be quite easy to find out the child’s address and even work out their likely route to school/the setting. There are also other specific groups of children and families whose safety could be put at risk if identified e.g. families fleeing domestic abuse.

To limit these potential risks, we will take appropriate steps, as outlined in the attached consent form, to safeguard children and the wider community.

Isn’t this just scaremongering? Sadly no. We have had cases in Kent of families receiving unwelcome phone calls following appearances in the press. However this is rare so it is important to have a sense of proportion in these matters. Remember we want to celebrate success and achievement but parents must be aware of risks in order to make an informed decision.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 19 What about school/setting websites? The same concerns apply to school/setting controlled sites and there is an added concern that images of children may be copied directly from a site which can then be manipulated or changed by another person. Settings/Schools can copy protect images and use lower quality images which means they cannot be usefully enlarged but this can be bypassed so must not be relied upon to keep images safe.

I want to do my own recording of the school/setting play/event is this ok? Taking pictures or recordings of your own children for your own personal use is ok. The difficulty arises with plays or other events in that other children may also be filmed. It is important that we are all aware that some members of the community (children or adults) may be vulnerable and must not have their image shared online as they could be put at risk from harm. You may not always know who these people and we need everyone’s support to protect the whole community. It’s also important for us all to role model positive behaviour for children, so it might be a sensible idea to check first before posting any images online which contain other children than your own.

Parents/carers should not copy images from the school/setting site without appropriate permission from the school/setting.

Parental Consent for Image Letter Template

Dear Parent/carer

This letter explains why we will need to ask for your consent before we are able to take photographs of your child during their time at Cage Green Primary School.

Generally photographs are a source of pleasure and pride. We believe that the taking and use of photographs can enhance the self-esteem of children and their families and therefore is something to be welcomed and appreciated.

We may take photographs for a number of reasons whilst your child is with us, including: ● documenting and recording education activities ● recording their learning and development progress ● recording special events and achievements

We will also encourage children to be active learners, and to become involved in using cameras themselves by taking photos of their surroundings, activities and of each other.

We do however recognise that with the increase use of technologies, particularly digitally and online, the potential for misuse has become greater and we understand that this can give rise

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 20 to concern. We will therefore endeavour to put effective safeguards in place to protect children and young people by minimising risk.

We are mindful of the fact that some families may have reasons why protecting a child’s identity is a matter of particular anxiety. If you have special circumstances either now or at any time in the future which would affect your position regarding consent, please let us know immediately in writing.

We include the safe use of Cameras and Images as part of our Online Safety Policy, which you are welcome to view or take a copy of at any time.

To comply with the Data Protection Act 1988, we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child. If your child is old enough to express their own view, you may want to consult with them about categories of consent, and we invite you to use this letter to explore their feelings about being photographed at the setting.

Please read and complete the attached forms and do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.

Yours sincerely,

Mr G Garthwaite Acting Headteacher

Parental Consent for Images - Conditions of Use

● This form is valid for the period of time your child attends the setting. The consent will automatically expire after this time. We will not re-use any photographs or recordings after your child leaves the setting without additional consent. ● We will not use the personal details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any child or adult in a photographic image, on video/DVD, on our website, in our prospectus or in any of our other printed publications. ● We will not include personal addresses, emails, telephone numbers, fax numbers on video, on our website, in our prospectus or in other printed publications. ● If we use photographs of individual children then we will not use the name of that child in the accompanying text or photo caption. If we name a child in any text then we will not use a photograph of that child to accompany the article. ● We may include pictures children and staff that have been drawn by the children. ● We may use group photographs or footage with general labels, such as ‘making Christmas decorations’. ● We will only use images of children who are suitably dressed.

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 21 ● We will discuss the use of images with children in an age appropriate way to role model positive behaviour. ● This consent can be withdrawn by parent/carer at any time by informing the Setting in writing.

Please Circle as Appropriate May we use your child’s photograph/image in displays around the setting? Yes / No May we record your child’s image or use videos for assessments, monitoring or other educational uses within the setting? (these images or recordings will be Yes / No used internally only) May we use your child’s photograph/image in our prospectus and other printed Yes / No publications that we produce for educational and promotional purposes? May we use your child’s image on our website or other electronic Yes / No communications? May we record your child’s image on webcam for appropriate curriculum Yes / No purposes? Are you happy for your child to appear in the media e.g. if a newspaper Yes / No photographer or television film crew attend an event organised by the setting? Are you happy for the school to print images of your child electronically Yes / No

I have read and understood the conditions of use and I am also aware of the following: ● Websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies. ● The press are exempt from the Data Protection Act and may want to include the names and personal details of children and adults in the media. ● I/we will discuss the use of images with our child/ren to obtain their views, if appropriate ● As the child’s parents/guardians, we/I agree that if we/I take photographs or video recordings of our child/ren which include other children then we will only use these for personal use.

Name of Child: Date:

Parent/Carer Name:

Parent/carer’s signature:

Childs Signature (if appropriate):

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 22 Group Activity Permission Letter and Form

Dear Parent/Carer

We are staging a production/special event of on xxxxxx. We are sure some parents/carers would like to take photographs/videos of the production. As you know we have a policy in place with regards to the taking, making and use of images and you will have previously signed a consent form stating whether or not your child could be photographed. In circumstances, such as productions or special events, we request specific consent before photographs can be taken by a third party. If you wish to take photos at the production there is a strong possibility that other children will also be included within the picture. We therefore need to ensure all parents/carers who have children in the production are happy for photographs to be taken, and hence need to request their permission.

We all enjoy and treasure images of our family and friends; family events, holidays and events are moments we all like to capture in photos or on video. We now have the exciting dimension of adding our images and videos to our online social network, such as Facebook, YouTube and many other websites. This means that we can easily share our photos and video with family and friends.

Whilst this can be very useful to all of us we must ensure we protect and safeguard all children and staff, including those who do not want to have their images stored online.

 Once posted and shared online any image or video can be copied and will stay online forever.  Some children are at risk and MUST NOT have their image put online. Not all members of the community will know who they are.  Some people do not want their images online for personal or religious reasons.  Some children and staff may have a complex family background which means that sharing their image online can have unforeseen consequences.  Therefore in order to keep all members of the community safe we must all ‘Think Before We Post’ Online

At Cage Green Primary School we are happy for parents and carers to take photos and video of events for personal use but we request that these images are not distributed or put online. This is to protect all members of the community.

Please be aware that parents are not permitted to take photographs or to make a video recording for anything other than their own personal use (e.g. with a view to selling videos of an event).

We would, therefore, be very grateful if you would complete the slip at the bottom of this letter and return it to me by (date).

Should any parent/carer not agree with their child being photographed, we will consider alternative options including: ● restricting who is involved in the production/special event ● staging specific photograph opportunities

Photographs of setting productions are ones which parent/carers tend to treasure. We will therefore only prohibit the use of cameras and videos as a last resort. We hope you will support us in this.

Yours sincerely

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 23 G Garthwaite Acting Headteacher

Parental Consent for Images as part of Group Activity

Child’s name:


I am / am not * happy for photographs to be taken of the production/special event in which my child is due to appear on xxxxxx (date)

(*Please delete as appropriate)



Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 24 Cage Green Primary School Guide to the Use of Images Online

Using Images Safely and Responsibly

We all enjoy and treasure images of our family and friends; family events, holidays and events are moments we all like to capture in photos or on video.

We now have the exciting dimension of adding our images and videos to our online social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube and many other websites. This means that we can easily share our photos and video with family and friends.

Whilst this can be very useful to all of us, we must ensure we protect and safeguard all children and staff, including those who do not want to have their images stored online.

What should we all think about before posting any images or video online and are there any risks?

 Once posted and shared online any image or video can be copied and will stay online forever.  Some children are at risk and MUST NOT have their image put online. Not all members of the community will know who they are.  Some people do not want their images online for personal or religious reasons.  Some children and staff may have a complex family background which means that sharing their image online can have unforeseen consequences.  Therefore in order to keep all members of the community safe we must all ‘Think Before We Post’ Online

At Cage Green Primary School we are happy for parents and carers to take photos and video of events for personal use but request that these images are not distributed or put online. This is to protect all members of the community.

We thank you for your support, Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 25 Further Information on the Use of Images and video:  Be Safe Online:  Information Commissioner’s Office:  Think U Know:  Get Safe Online:

Adapted from resources developed by the Hertfordshire Schools’ e-Safety Team

Respect and Care for the Whole Community when taking Photos and Videos

We are happy for parents and carers to take photos and video for personal use but request that these images are not distributed or put online if they contain images of other children, adults or staff without consent. This will help protect all members of the community

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 26 Thank you for your support

Adapted from resources developed by the Hertfordshire Schools’ e-Safety Team

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 27 Consent form for using photographs of Staff

The school would like to use your photograph for staff recognition purposes. These images will appear on our internal intranet and/or setting website (

To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we need your permission to use photographs of you. Please answer the question below, then sign and date the form where shown. We will not use the images taken, or any other information you provide, for any other purpose.

Please return the completed form, even if you have chosen not to give your consent, to Anita Gower

Please circle your answer May we use your image on our website? Yes / No ● Website/Intranet, accessible by the setting only

● Website, viewable by anyone in the world. Yes / No

Please confirm that you have read and understand the conditions for use, and the notes relating to the eight principles of the Data Protection Act.

I have read and understood the conditions of use. I confirm that I understand publication of my picture on the setting website/intranet will mean that my picture will be viewable by those with access to the intranet alongside my job title and work contact details and consent to such processing of my personal data. I understand that if my picture and details are placed on the website that potentially this will be accessible by anyone in the world with internet access.




Conditions of use 1. This form is valid for two years from the date of signing. Your consent will automatically not apply to any other usage of the photos. 2. Images must only be used in circumstances where consent has been given. Signed consent must be given for images to appear on the intranet and/or website (which is viewable by potentially anyone), or they cannot be published in this way. 3. Under the 1998 Data Protection Act your rights include: a) Your consent (to the publication of your photo) can be withdrawn at any time (principle 1 of the Act)

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 28 b) Your photo will not be used for any other purpose without your further consent (principle 2 of the Act) c) Your personal data will be accurately maintained and kept up to date (principle 4 of the Act) d) Publication of your photo will cease and all electronic copies will be deleted when you leave the setting (principle 5 of the Act)

Cage Green Primary School – E-Safety Policy Page 29

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