October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 7

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October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 7


Mayor: Bob Keith Commissioners: Linda Turner, Wayne Hyatt, Mary Ann Dotson and John Moore Town Manager: Chris Braund

October 2010

Published by Town of Lake Lure, P.O. Box 255, Lake Lure, NC 28746 Newsletter Editor & Coordinator: Linda Ward

Telephone: (828) 625-9983 Fax: (828) 625-8371 Website: www.TownofLakeLure.com Email: [email protected]

MAYOR’S COMMENTS by Bob Keith support from all units across the gorge throughout the weekend. It was a real community effort. Early this morning, before sunrise, I looked A special thanks goes to Rich Guthmann out of our kitchen window to see a full, orange who sponsored and coordinated the Open Water moon descending behind Chimney Rock. What a Swim. As a result of the event’s success and Rich’s breath-taking sight. I went out onto our deck to get a efforts, Lake Lure has been selected to host a 1 better view of its disappearing when a chilly, mile USMS Open Water National Championship refreshing breeze came off the lake with the first in 2012. Thank you, Rich! hint of the fall season. As I watered some plants, the Plans for the Olympiad Appreciation sun began its assent and lit up the cottages across Party are being finalized and will be announced the lake as a Great Blue Heron glided along the soon. Although all the accounting is not yet in, water’s surface and a Bald Eagle soared high over counting the August donation to Lake Lure the distant shore looking for breakfast. All this Classical Academy of $12,000, it appears that the beauty in just a snapshot of time, what a wonderful Olympiad will be able to give back to the school place to live! and our service organizations throughout the gorge Olympiad VI has come and gone. Close to close to $30,000. What a win, win situation. 1000 athletes and weekend warriors competed over We just came off the weekend of the the four day event. Thanks go out to the Olympiad inaugural Dirty Dancing Festival. And what a Board for its year-round dedication to making it all success it was. Thousands flocked to Lake Lure for possible, the Lion’s Club (golf tournament), the the open air screening of the 1987 film at Fire Fly Lake Lure Ski Club, Rumbling Bald Resort Cove Friday evening, for the music, dance, food and (fireworks and beach venue), the Lake Lure Shag games at Morse Park on Saturday and for the gala Club, Pinnacle Sotheby’s (Dragon Boat Racing), dinner dance on Saturday night back at Fire Fly. Lake Lure Inn (beach volleyball), the Geneva The lodging facilities were booked solid and the (horseshoes and corn toss), Chimney Rock Park after festival parties filled the restaurants and pubs (race to the rock) and the over 200 volunteers who to capacity. Kudos to the Chamber for putting this worked all the games. And enough can’t be said on and we must single out and recognize Michelle about our gratitude to the police, fire and EMS October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 2

Yelton for leading and coordinating the effort.  33,500 feet of pipe (6.3 miles) with Another win for our small town. joints every 12 feet This will be your first reminder to VOTE. I  2,790 joints. It is estimated that don’t have to explain the importance of voting but 1800 of these are accessible. this is an extremely different and pivotal year  Wrapping will be done in future throughout the County, State and Nation. Early projects and as needed as leaks are voting will be available daily starting October 14th detected. and on Saturday the 30th in the morning at the County Annex on Main Street, Rutherfordton, and The purpose of the joint wrapping program is to seal at the Board of Elections in Spindale. Let’s all current leaks and to delay the onset of future leaks. exercise this right and make this the biggest turnout We measure our success by looking at how much ever. we’ve reduced the flow of wastewater at the sewer treatment plant, as much of this water is lake water TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT that has infiltrated the pipes. by Chris Braund A year into the project, we have reduced our flows Our Federal Stimulus Dollars at Work Locally by over 400,000 gallons per day. Our plant capacity The team of commercial divers has now been is 995,000 gallons per day, so we’ve effectively working for a year from their barge, sealing joints in recovered 40% more capacity that can be used to the sewer line at the bottom of the lake. The Town treat new homes and businesses in Town. This is a Council recently received an update on the progress $2.8 million dollar project; the town’s portion is of the project. The team has located and mapped $1.4 million that will be repaid over 20 years at 0% the sewer line throughout the lake, including a first- interest. ever view of the depth of the lines in the lake bed. We now know the following: TOWN COUNCIL ACTIVITIES by Town Clerk Mary Flack, MMC, CTC Main Trunk Line (from the river channel to the dam, from Rumbling Bald Resort to Larkins) REGULAR MEETING: The regular town council  31,680 feet of pipe (6 miles) with meeting was held on Tuesday, September 14, 2010, joints every 12 feet 7:00 p.m., in the meeting room of the Lake Lure  2,640 joints. 36% of them are Municipal Center. inaccessible with over 4 feet of lake bed sediment over them. Much of the Under the “consent agenda,” Town Council western arm of the lake, the center of the approved and adopted: lake and near the beach at Rumbling * minutes of the August 10, 2010 (regular meeting) Bald are inaccessible. and August 24, 2010 (special meeting);  The 1700 accessible joints along this * a request from Aimee McGinley on behalf of the main line are the target of our current Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy to suspend joint-wrapping project. At project end, the town’s peddling ordinance to hold a live and we estimate that we will have completed silent auction during their annual fund-raising event 90% of them. We’d like to do them all at Firefly Cove on October 17, 2010, from 2:00 and to do the joints on the Lateral Lines p.m. until 6:00 p.m.; and aw well (see below), but we’ll have * Ordinance No. 10-09-14 amending the Town of insufficient funds from our federal grant. Lake Lure water shortage response plan.

Lateral Lines from each manhole around the lake to Town Council also: the main line * adopted Resolution No. 10-09-14 authorizing a lease agreement with the Hickory Nut Gorge Chamber of Commerce and approve the lease October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 3 agreement as amended by town council with clerical by town staff and stakeholders as a guideline; also, changes; ask the Zoning and Planning Board to report back to * heard a brief presentation pertaining to the town council with their recommendations. Rutherford County Community Pet Center from Linda Long, a volunteer member of the Rutherford County Animal Control Shelter. Ms. Long asked COMMUNITY POLICING NEWS for support from town council members and citizens by Chief Eric Hester to help get a new pet center shelter built in Rutherford County. Ms. Long reported on the poor Police living conditions for the cats and dogs being kept at Congratulations are in order for several the Rutherford County Animal Shelter. Ms. Long officers here at the police department. Sgt. Chip asked for help to get public officials to do McIntosh has been selected to be the new Police something about the animal cruelty practices by Chief in Spindale. Sgt. McIntosh has worked in staff members of the Rutherford County Animal Law Enforcement for over 25 years, three of those Control Shelter; years being here in Lake Lure. He has done a great * approved a request from Diane Barrett to waive job in Lake Lure and will surely be missed. We the rental fees for the Republican Club on October wish him the best as the new Chief of Police in 15, 2010 for a candidate(s) meeting place as long as Spindale. the event is open to the public and the same Corporal Derek Papesh was promoted to fill privileges will be extended to any request of the the vacant sergeant position, and after going before Democratic Club or any similar political party an interview board and reviewing all arrests and organization; also, suspended the town’s alcohol written incident records, Patrol Officers Leslie ordinance in order to serve beer and wine for the Meade and Chris Shuford were promoted through Republican Club on October 15, 2010 for a the ranks to fill vacant corporal positions. Please candidate(s) meeting place from 4:00 p.m. until make an effort to congratulate these fine officers 8:00 p.m.; when you see them throughout town. * granted Emily Van Eman approval to hold yoga Youth Center classes in the Community Hall of the Lake Lure Our After School Program got off to a great Municipal Center once a week on a six-months trial start for the 2010-2011 school year. We've been basis at a cost of $5 per person for 45 minutes to 1 delighted to add some new attendees this year, as hour session at a time set before or after business well as enjoy our students that have been attending hours of town hall. also, waived the rental and LLYC for years. We currently have over 30 clean-up fees during the yoga sessions. Ms. Eman students enrolled in our program. will be responsible for clean-up after each yoga Miss Sharon and Miss Kat have spruced session; some things up, they have moved some things * heard a brief update from Jeffrey Brown, around and added a homework station should the President of Brown Consultants, PA, pertaining to children have homework they need to tend to. the Town of Lake Lure sewer wrapping project; The kids have enjoyed fun filled days, copies of drawings prepared by Brown Consultants thanks to Phillip, a Dad of four of our kids, who PA were displayed and distributed showing the loves to come and play football, basketball or the overall plan of the pipe wrap project, cross section good old favorite game of kickball. The weather of the sewer pipes under Lake Lure, and a chart of has been perfect for being outside. influent flow at the Lake Lure wastewater treatment We would like to send our get-well wishes plant as to date of August 31, 2010; Mr. Brown to Lou Mihniak, one of our youth's dad's who was introduced his staff members and the divers who injured when he was crushed between a car and a were present at this meeting; and wall. We miss his smiling face and hope he makes * directed the Zoning and Planning Board to review a speedy recovery. the tree regulations in all aspects if needed, but not If you know of a child between the ages of 6 necessarily in its entirety, using the report prepared and 14 who lives and attends school in the Hickory October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 4

Nut Gorge area, please mention our After School hall during the week. We will begin selling the Program to them. You can reach us or leave a 2011 permits December 15th. message with any questions you may have at 828- Be sure to have your 2011 sticker on your 625-5220. We are open Monday – Friday, 3 to 6pm. boat prior to using the boat on the lake on or after We would also like to thank those who January 1, 2011. worked, volunteered and gave to the recent Dirty Baby Ashlyn update. Andi and Shawn Dancing Festival, of which the LLYC was one of Calvert’s baby girl Ms. Ashlyn Faith is already six several recipients. We appreciate those who have months old! Can you believe that? She is starting to helped us and continue to do so. If you would like laugh out loud, reach for you and crawl a little. to donate and/or volunteer your time to the LLYC please contact Chief Eric Hester at the Lake Lure Police Department.


It’s hard to believe with 90 degree weather, but cold weather will be here before long and with this in mind we ask you to help us with a couple things. First, if you have a chimney in your home, now is the time to clean it or have it cleaned. We Golf Course Update experience chimney fires every year and normally it We now have cooler evenings and an is because they have not been cleaned out. If you autumn growth season ahead, so the Course Doctors are not able to do it yourself there are chimney team has been hard at work. Six of the greens have sweeps that can take care of this for you. While we been reseeded and 3 have been sodded, all with a cannot recommend individual businesses I would heat- and drought-tolerant variety of bent grass. recommend you check the yellow pages and get After the renovation of the course earlier this year, references to select a good chimney sweep. the torrential rains hindered the re-growth of grass Next, we need your help to maintain our on the expanded and leveled greens. When the hot Special Needs call list. We keep a list of people in summer weather arrived, further progress wasn’t our area that are on home oxygen or have special possible until the fall. Despite the poor condition of medical needs. During extended power outages of the greens during the summer, golfers have been severe weather we call and check on them to make enthusiastic about the improvements to the tees, sure they are fine. If you know of someone or if fairways and bunkers. you need some extra help in these circumstances please contact us now, so we can put you on our list Upcoming Golf Events of people to call. Call 828-625-9333. October 14 - Hickory Nut Gorge Chamber of Commerce – Business After Hours at the golf CUSTOMER SERVICES course 5:30 to 7:00 pm) by Linda Ward October 15 - Course Re-Opening Ceremony and Celebration As the boating season comes to an end you October 23 – 24 Lake Lure Club Championship may want to think about keeping a copy of your * Must 18 years of age or older boat registration handy. This way you can send in * Flights will be set after the first round the copy with a boat permit application and proof of * Entry fee of $50.00 insurance to receive your 2011 boat permits by mail * Entry includes: golf tournament, prizes, and not have to worry about getting into the town closest-to-pin contest and cookout * Entry forms available at the pro shop October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 5

* Deadline for entries is October 20th lacked only a great resort lake to make it the one perfect playground of the nation, within 24-hours’ Please call or stop by the Lake Lure Golf Club, 828- travel of half the United States.” 625-4472, to sign up or if you have any questions. His plans were made and “Lake Lure” was under way. More than that, his associates in this Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Park bold, creative venture – a brain-trust of key skills by Paula Jordan and experience – were gathering from many parts of the United States, including several well-known We’ve all heard the story of how Dr. Lucius names from eastern Rutherford County. B. Morse, observing the Hickory Nut Gorge from But that is a story for another day. his viewpoint on Chimney Rock Mountain, began to visualize a beautiful lake in the lower reaches of the ABC Board Makes Distribution to Town valley. Thanks to the kindness of George Nixon, by Mary Ann (Dotson) Silvey who donated to the Town an early promotional brochure for the area, “A New Empire in Western The audit has been completed, with praise North Carolina,” we now have a more complete for our small town performance as exceptional in picture both of the scope of Dr. Morse’s vision and the current economy. of the extent of his effort to make it a reality. The 4th quarter distribution to the town is The brochure, published around 1925, $ 25,876, in addition to $6,000 already distributed begins with the history of the valley and the for previous quarters, brings the total distributions international appeal of the Chimney Rock and the for the town to $31,876. This income to the town Hickory Nut Gorge in the horse-and- resulted from the ABC Store having maximized the buggy/stagecoach days, then proceeds to outline Dr. operating capital allowed by the state of North Morse’s “Twenty-Year Dream” for its future. Carolina. Beginning with views of the rugged gorge An additional 5% distribution of $993.00 and “miles of peaceful, fertile valleys alongside the will be made to the town for law enforcement. turbulent Rocky Broad River” that could be enjoyed Distribution of 7% to Rutherford County, in from Chimney Rock, his vision expanded over the the amount of $1,390, is also required for alcohol years to include “a massive dam from mountain to rehabilitation. mountain at a narrow point” in the Gorge. Such a Increases in state excise tax took a toll on dam, he realized, would not only harness the power- profits last year. Customers pay only sales tax. The generating potential of the river, but would create a excise tax is paid by the ABC Store although the lake “of indescribable beauty” that would “afford state controls price and no price increase offset the boating, bathing, fishing, canoeing ... in fact, all added excise tax. Our ABC Board has reason to be forms of water sports.” The views of the lake and proud of the bottom line in light of these variables mountains from the extensive shoreline that would over which they have no control. Credit goes to the be created, together with the addition of a beautiful exceptional management and reductions in staff and lake to the views from Chimney Rock, could give expenses for the positive bottom line figures for the birth, he envisioned, to “the greatest scenic resort in fiscal year from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Eastern America.” If August totals are any indication, a good All that his dream needed to succeed was the year is ahead for sales at the Lake Lure ABC Store. automobile. So, when the North Carolina State A total of 4,895 bottles were sold in August, 2010. Highway Commission released plans for the Sales for August were up $1,586.85 or 2.53% over construction of “Route No. 20” (now highway sales for August 2009.Regular sales were up 64/74A) from Asheville through the Gorge to $2,726.50, and mixed beverage sales were down Charlotte and Wilmington, he was ready. $1,139.65. “Blessed with ideal climate, with bracing, healthful air, with majestic mountain scenery,” LLCA GRAND OPENING reads the brochure, “Western North Carolina has October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 6

You are invited to join in the Grand Opening Park will be discussing her Park and the state Park celebration of Lake Lure Classical Academy: A system Challenge Foundation Academy (LLCA) at 10:00 November 5 - Anita Phillips from R.H.I will discuss A.M. on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 658 Memorial Diabetes Awareness and Commissioner Linda Highway in Lake Lure. Turner will talk about Lake Como, Italy…our sister The ribbon cutting for the new school, city. originally scheduled as part of the LLCA open December 3- Amanda Leeson will return to talk house in August, was delayed due to rain. In about Healthy Holiday Snack Recipes!! addition to the ribbon cutting at the October 22 The Lake Lure Losers, a sub group of the grand opening event, there will be songs and Senior Gorgers, would like to invite you to join refreshments. them each Friday morning at 10 am. Come “lose” It will be a great day for Lake Lure, and some of those extra pounds that you have been everyone is welcome, so please come join in the hanging on to, so that you will be able to fit into that celebration! Students, teachers, and the Board of sparkly holiday attire. Directors hope to see you there! Isothermal Community College would like to hold a Computer Fundamentals I class in Lake NEWS AROUND LAKE LURE Lure. Are you baffled by computers? Want to explore how computers work, learn their terms, and Vintage Tin Car Show Saturday October discover what they can do for you? They really are 2nd 2010 - Come see over 250 classic autos on easy and fun to work with. An instructor can tell display at Rumbling Bald Resort from 9:00 a.m. to you about hardware and introduce you to programs 4:00 p.m. There is no charge to attend the show; that are available for personal and professional use. food, beverages, and ice cream will be You can learn how to use the mouse, navigate available. This is the area's largest auto event! The through various programs, change your desktop and cars will be displayed on the driving range at Bald screensaver and learn how to write letters using Mountain. basic Notepad, WordPad and Microsoft Word. We can talk about playing games on the computer and Senior Gorgers - Come join the fun for more. Dates and times for a class like this will be adults over 50 who live in thH e ickory Nut Gorge determined by how much interest is generated about Community. the class. If you would be interested in attending This program is to enhance and promote this type of class please call Karen at 828-286-3636, togetherness in our community. We are not trained ext. 223. to accommodate people who are not mobile, however; individuals with disabilities are welcomed Hospice of Rutherford County Resale Shop can to come with their caregivers. pick up you donations Senior Gorgers is held each Friday morning The Hospice of Rutherford County Resale at the Municipal Center (Town Hall) in Lake Lure, Shop has been in operation since 2000 ensuring 2948 Memorial Hwy from 10am to 2pm. Programs patients can access the Hospice House in Forest will vary. Free lunch is provided to participants and City regardless of ability to pay. The Resale Shop the menu changes each Friday. Bingo is played can pick up large donations Monday through Friday almost every Friday after lunch. anywhere in the Hickory Nut Gorge area. "Coming Events": Furniture, exercise equipment, large boxes of October 1- Emily Eman will talk about Yoga, and merchandise, and other items are just some of the her plan to start classes. examples of what the Resale Shop can staff and October 8 - at 10:30 we will have speaker Amanda volunteers can pick up. Smaller items can also be Leeson talking about medication safety for seniors. dropped off at the store located at 631 Oak Street, October 15 - Megan Rogers from Chimney Rock Forest City or if necessary, at the Hickory Nut October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 7

Gorge office located in Suite 203 of the Arcade Bill’s Creek Volunteer Fire Dept is having a Building in Lake Lure. yard and bake sale on Saturday, October 2 from 7 am The Resale Shop exists solely to supplement until. They will serve a breakfast of sausage biscuit or the care of patients in the Hospice House so that biscuits and gravy and then lunch starting at 10 am with anyone can access the patient unit regardless of hot dogs and hamburgers, chips and drinks. There will be furniture, household items, craft their economic situation. The Hospice Resale Shop and gift items, books, etc. For more information please has a variety of merchandise that changes daily. contact Barbara Welge at 828-625-5517. Books, furniture, lamps, children’s toys, a wide Check out the free Mountain Breeze Newspaper, selection of men’s suits, great buys on women’s and news of the greater Lake Lure area, at children’s clothing and house wares are just some of www.mountainbreezenews.com we are in our 22nd the items available. There’s a half price sale the year first Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each month. Hospice also relies heavily on volunteers who are always needed to ensure the shop operates smoothly and customers and donors have a pleasant experience. Volunteers serve as cashiers, Meet Mike Hager merchandise sorters, electrical and mechanical Candidate for NC House of Representatives inspectors, and in a variety of other capacities. The store hours are Monday through Saturday from 9:30 Everyone is invited am until 5 pm. Donations are also accepted during these hours and are tax deductible to the extent Friday, October 15, 5–7 P.M. allowed by law. Hospice Resale Shop manager Lake Lure Town Hall Brian Strupp can answer questions about merchandise and donations. The phone number is Light refreshments will be served 245-9305. Anyone who would like to volunteer at the Hospice Resale Shop is encouraged to call Lake Lure Newcomers Club invites new Hospice at (828) 245-0095. residents of Lake Lure (24 months or less), zip code 28746, to join with them in many activities in and HNG Hospice of Rutherford County around the area. If you are interested in joining and Volunteer Training Offered. October 18th through becoming a member, call Nancy at 625-9670 or Karen at 20th from 10:00am—3:00pm at the Hospice Hickory 625-4000. Nut Gorge Office, Suite 203 of the Arcade Building in Lake Lure. Please call JoAnn Faulhaber to For the convenience of the public, the register or for more information at 625-9652. VFW Post 10473 has placed a receptacle for old and Hospice of Rutherford County has begun a worn out American flags in the covered walkway at new fundraiser: Lunch Club. Lunch is prepared at the town hall near the entrance to the police the Carolina Event & Conference Center every department’s door. If you would like a replacement First Wednesday at noon. The cost is $10, flag, for a small fee, or are eligible and wish to join includes tax and gratuity, and benefits Hospice. the VFW contact VFW Vice Commander Charles Reservations must be made no later than the Hicks at 828-625-9278. Wednesday before the event at 828-245-0095. Free online newspaper for Lake Lure, Chimney Rock and Rutherford County. Local history, comprehensive calendar, groups, preserving the Gorge, fun things to do in the Gorge and local authors. http://www.hickorynutgorgenews.com

Lake Lure Lakefront Owners Association (LLLOA). If you are a Lake Lure Lakefront Owner October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 8 and do not belong to the LLLOA, we encourage you Even with this success, we always knew that the to join us to stay informed about lake issues. center was just the first step in our goal to offer Associate memberships are welcome. Each year curbside recycling – the ideal in convenience. members receive a membership booklet, informative Muse Letters, and a first class mailed Recycling is the right thing for our community and subscription to the Town of Lake Lure monthly the environment. So, no mater where you fit into the newsletter, Lake Lure news and Views. Members recycling spectrum, this curbside option couldn’t be hold a social and business meeting annually at the easier, more convenient or more affordable. The Town Community Center. Annual dues are cost is just $5 a month. currently $25.00. You may pick up an application for membership at the Municipal Center or via the How to sign up: website www.townoflakelure.com under Lake Lake Lure residents, including owners of vacation Management. You may also call LLLOA President rentals may contact the Town Hall at 828-625-9983 Brown Thornton at 828-625-8693 for an application to sign up and be placed on the pick-up list. or any questions. Others, just outside of town limits may contact our vendor, Wade Nelon & Sons at 828-625-0378 to If you are interested in becoming a volunteer inquire about setting up an account. firefighter please contact Ron Morgan at [email protected] or (828) 625-9333 How to pay for it: for more information. You will be required to pay the first payment that pays for your containers and your weekly service The deadline for newsletter articles to be received through June 2011. After that you will receive a bill at Town Hall for the November issue is October annually in July for another year of service. 27, 2010. Payment is due to the Town of Lake Lure.

Complaints concerning the operation of tour boats on Lake If you sign up prior to October 1st, your first Lure may call 828-625-1373. payment will be a total of $62.24 ($45 for Oct, 2010 – June 2011 and $17.24 for the two required recycle bins.

Thanks to residents’ overwhelming participation at What to recycle: the expanded Recycling Center behind the arcade Once you sign up, you will receive a handy ‘cheat building, the Town of Lake Lure & the Hickory Nut sheet’ that you can post on the fridge or keep near Gorge Recycling Coalition are pleased to announce by. a new program that is both convenient and  Loose paper & flattened cardboard affordable. (not bound or bagged) will go into the yellow container We now offer subscriber based curbside recycling.  Hard plastics, aluminum and glass This is the ideal option for Lake Lure at this will go into the blue container juncture, as it allows you the choice and Please do not leave food or liquids in or on any of convenience of recycling without increasing taxes. the recycled items.

To our great pleasure, there was a dramatic increase Collection day: in recycling at the new center. More dumpsters were Just be sure that you have the bins out for pick-up added to manage the flow and frequency of items early Wednesday mornings and they are visible and we even reduced the sorting requirements to from the curb (preferably where your regular just two categories. household garbage is normally picked up). October 2010 LAKE LURE NEWS & VIEWS Page 9

Happy Halloween to all the little ghosts and goblins!

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