Cochise College Regular Governing Board Meeting

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Cochise College Regular Governing Board Meeting



Tuesday, August 9th, 2005 Sierra Vista Campus 6:00 p.m.


1.01 Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jane Strain, Board Member, at 6:13 p.m.

Board Members Present: Mr. David DiPeso Dr. John Eaton Mrs. Jane Strain

Board Members Absent: Mrs. Jan Guy Dr. Michael Carter

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

1.03 Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted as published.

1.4 Governing Board Organization

Ms. Trudy Berry, Cochise County School Superintendent, administered the Oath of Office to David DiPeso, the newly appointed Governing Board member.

1.5 Citizen’s Interim

There was no request to address the Board prior to the meeting. Dr. Nicodemus took this time to recognize Dr. Joe Gilliland. Dr. Gilliland is retired from Cochise College and has been teaching part time for many years. Dr. Gilliland announced, that after 55 years of teaching, he would not be teaching this year. Dr. Nicodemus thanked Dr. Gilliland and acknowledged him as a true master teacher. Dr. Eaton also spoke regarding Dr. Gilliland and his years with Cochise College. Dr. Gilliland attended the board meeting and was very grateful for the kind words and recognition. As noted by Dr. Gilliland, he truly enjoyed and valued being a part of the College community; the kind words had left him speechless.

1.06 Standing Reports

1.06.1 Representative to the AADGB

Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2005 Mrs. Strain, acting Board chair, informed the audience that Mrs. Guy was unable to attend this meeting. Therefore, there will not be an AADGB report.

Mrs. Strain requested Dr. Nicodemus provide the ACCA reports. Dr. Nicodemus stated the next ACCA meetings will be held in August. Representative Knaperak will be having open meetings in communities throughout the districts in Arizona to discuss Higher Education Reform. Cochise College will be hosting the open meetings on September 7, 2005, on the Sierra Vista campus. There will be an employee meeting from 4:00-5:30pm with the community meeting from 7:00- 9:00pm. Senator Linda Gray will be joining Rep. Knaperak for these discussions.

Dr. Nicodemus informed the Board that a tab highlighting the College will be in the Sierra Vista Herald’s Sunday, August 14th edition of the newspaper.

Dr. Nicodemus also briefly discussed the Governor’s commissioning of a K-20 study of education reform.

1.06.2 Senate Report

No Senate report was provided at the meeting.

1.06.3 Student Government Association (SGA)

No Student Government report was provided at the meeting. Ms. Deb Munson, new Student Government Advisor for the Sierra Vista campus, introduced the Sierra Vista Campus new officers to the Board.

1.06.4 College President Report

Dr. Joanna Michelich provided the enrollment report to the Board members. These numbers are captured prior to the last day to register. An updated report will be provided at the September meeting.

Dr. Nicodemus spoke of the recent recruitment and hiring of College employees. Ms. Sandra Bordelois, who was on the June 2005 consent, declined the position after the June agenda was published. The Reading instructor position for the Douglas campus will at some time be readvertised. The recruitment efforts for the Math instructor position on the Douglas campus have not been successful. Recently, one of our full time Math instructors for the Sierra Vista campus, Mr. Larry Prevett, declined his employment contract for FY 2006. The College has advertised for this position and hopes to have this filled soon. The Nursing department will be recruiting for an Assistant Director of Nursing. Dr. Nicodemus commended the Human Resources department for their hard work with the many recent recruitments and hirings at the College.

Dr. Nicodemus distributed a copy of the End-of-Year report for FY 2005. She thanked the faculty and staff for their efforts on behalf of the College.

Dr. Nicodemus recognized Mr. Chuck Hoyack, Douglas Campus Dean, who was recently recognized by the Douglas Chamber of Commerce as its “Man of the Year.” Dr. Nicodemus highlighted some of Mr. Hoyack’s accomplishments for the City of Douglas and the Douglas campus. Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2005

1.06.5 Monthly Financial Report

The Financial Reports for June and July, 2005, were presented and accepted as submitted. It should be noted that the financial reports were unaudited.


2.01 Acceptance of Minutes from the meetings of June 14, 2005, and the special meeting of July 18, 2005

The minutes of the June 14, 2005, Regular and Special Meetings, of the Cochise College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record. The minutes of the July 18, 2005, Special Meeting, of the Cochise College Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.


3.1 Communications Dr. Nicodemus reviewed the letters received by the College. The letters received reflect the College’s involvement across the County.

 Dr. Nicodemus received a letter from Drs. Charlie and Claudia LaClair, recent retirees of the College, who wished to express their gratitude to the College and the Governing Board for their retirement gifts.  Dr. Nicodemus received a letter from Chris Cronberg, Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Cochise Community Hospital, thanking the College for its support of the Ninth Annual NCCH Golf Tournament.  Dr. Nicodemus received a memorandum from Mr. Chuck Hoyack, Douglas Campus Dean, regarding an article that appeared in the July 2005 issue of Physics Education, an international science journal. The article was written by Douglas Campus associate faculty member Jose Iniguez and seven of his Physics 112 and 231 students.  The College received a letter from the Cochise County Health Department thanking the College for its participation in the "International Teen Maze/Conference". The College employees who participated were Rebecca Orozco, Rosa Ortega and Sandra Huntington.  Dr. Nicodemus received a letter from José Velasco, Director of the department of International and Intercultural Education with Maricopa Community Colleges. The College participated in the First Annual Border Youth Leadership Development Conference. He specifically thanked Rebecca Orozco, Rosa Ortega, Anna Molina, Gary Nado, Ron Yuncevich, Doug Smith, Bobby Vasquez, Leonor Carrasco, Alejandro Carrasco, and the Chartwells staff.  Dr. Nicodemus received a letter from Dr. April Osborn, Executive Director of the Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education, thanking the College for the significant contributions made toward the success of College Goal Sunday. Dr. Osborn especially thanked Dartle Atherton, Director of Financial Aid, who acted as site coordinator for the Nogales and Sierra Vista campuses.  Dr. Nicodemus received a letter from Mr. Kenneth Taylor of Elfrida. Mr. Taylor’s daughter will be attending Cochise College in the Fall 2005 semester and he expressed his gratitude to the College staff who helped Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2005 her through the enrollment process. He specifically mentioned Bev Enriquez (Summer Bridge Program), Stella, Mary Kelly Lea (ADA Coordinator), Azlin Villa (Avanzando), Mary Beth Sutor (Counselor), Ana English (Financial Aid) and Anna Molina (Housing).

3.02 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Awards Dr. Joanna Michelich introduced the 2005 NISOD award recipients. The four employees who received the award are Manny Martinez, Steve Lane, Bill Saathoff, and Becky Richardson (not present). These winners were nominated by their peers for service to students, service to the College, service to colleagues, and service to the community. They will be recognized at convocation.

3.03 Achieved Classified Excellence (ACE) Awards Ms. Irma Alejandro, Classified Association President, introduced the 2005 ACE award recipients. The four employees who received the award are Sherry Sims, Jennifer Shiver, Michele Helm, and Carmen Morales (not present). These winners were nominated by classified employees for service to the College, service to students, and participation in College events. They will be recognized at convocation.

3.04 Adult Education Grants awarded for FY 2005-06 Dr. Nicodemus announced the College has been awarded $791,861 in grant funding for the Adult Education programs for FY 2005-06.


4.1 Consent Agenda*

Mrs. Strain requested that item 4.01.21 be removed from the consent agenda. Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

The following items were approved: 4.1.1 * Classified; Appointment (Linda Barker, Financial Aid Technician, Principal) 4.1.2 * Classified; Appointment (Candace Gilles-Brown, Office Specialist, Senior) 4.1.3 * Classified; Appointment (Alan Heidenreich, Library and Instructional Technologies Technician) 4.1.4 * Classified; Appointment (Carmen Morales, Accounting Technician Principal) 4.1.5 * Classified; Appointment (Sandra Rosales, Student Services Technician) 4.1.6 * Classified; Appointment (Diana Ruvalcaba, Office Specialist Senior) 4.1.7 * Classified; Appointment (Kathleen Todd, Administrative Assistant Senior) 4.1.8 * Classified; Appointment (Azlin Villa, Financial Aid Technician, Senior) 4.1.9 * Classified; Appointment (John Walsh, Library and Instructional Technologies Circulation Supervisor) 4.01.10* Administrative Support; Appointment (Victor Armenta, Academic Specialist/ Avanzando) 4.01.11* Administrative Support; Appointment (Susan Arndt, Adult Education Teacher) 4.01.12* Administrative Support; Appointment (Robert Carreira, Director-Center Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2005 for Economic Research) 4.01.13* Administrative Support; Appointment (Monica Crane, Adult Education Teacher) 4.01.14* Administrative Support; Appointment (William J. Howard, Director of Financial Operations) 4.01.15* Administrative Support; Appointment (Kelly Lyda, Assistant Coach)

4.01.16* Administrative Support; Appointment (Michel Ouellette, Director of Housing and Student Life) 4.01.17* Administrative Support; Appointment (Norma Vindiola, Adult Education Instructor – Family Literacy) 4.01.18* Faculty; Interim Appointment (Christopher Bermingham, Interim Head Coach) 4.01.19* Faculty; Appointment (Roy Lea, Business Instructor) 4.01.20* Faculty; Appointment (Blanca Ortiz, Transition Instructor) 4.01.22* Classified; Resignation (Chandra Curtin, Library Media Technician Senior) 4.01.23* Administrative Support; Resignation (Kevin O’Brien, Adult Education Instructor) 4.01.24* Administrative Support; Appointment (Katherine Echazarreta, Coordinator – Science Lab) 4.01.25* Administrative Support; Appointment (Phillip Patton, Library and Instructional Technologies Technical Administrator) 4.01.26* Position Reclassification – Library Media Technician, Senior 4.01.27* Position Reclassification – Library Media Technician, Senior 4.01.28* Position Reclassification – Library Media Specialist, Senior 4.01.29* Position Reclassification – Accounting Technician Principal 4.01.30* Faculty; Appointment (Kenneth Bradshaw, Flight Instructor)

4.01.21* Administrative Support; Resignation (William M. Bates, Prison Education Director) Mrs. Strain pulled this item from the consent agenda to speak about Mr. Bill Bates. Mr. Bates has submitted his resignation from the College. Mr. Bates served as the Director of the Prison Education program and brought the program to the level it is at today. Mrs. Strain was very complimentary of Mr. Bates. Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged Mr. Bates exemplary service to the College and Prison Education program. Mrs. Strain called for a motion to accept Mr. Bates’ resignation. Dr. Eaton moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to accept the resignation. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED

Dr. Nicodemus introduced Robert Carreira to the Governing Board. Dr. Michelich introduced Alan Heidenreich, Diana Ruvalcaba, Kathleen Todd, John Walsh, Victor Armenta, Susan Arndt, Roy Lea, Tad Patton and Ken Bradshaw to the Governing Board.

4.2 Execution of Contracts related to Santa Cruz IGA

Dr. Eaton moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to allow the President to act on behalf of the District in executing agreements with Santa Cruz County. Dr. Nicodemus explained that this will support the contract in place and allow the College to enter into rental agreements or other contracts related to classroom space. A fully executed copy of a contract would be brought back to the Board members as information items. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2005

4.3 Intergovernmental Agreement with Willcox Unified School District #13 for the CISCO Academy

Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to renew the IGA with Willcox Unified School District. Dr. Nicodemus explained this is a continuation of instruction in cooperation with Willcox Unified School District for the CISCO academy. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.4 Intergovernmental Agreement with Ft. Huachuca Accommodation Schools

Dr. Eaton moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to authorize the agreement with the Ft. Huachuca Accommodation Schools for clinical experience and training for the College’s Nursing students. Dr. Nicodemus explained this partnership would allow student nurses to experience nursing care in a school setting. There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.5 Extension of Intergovernmental Agreement with Arizona Public Entity NCFE Loss Recovery Coalition, Inc.

Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to extend the agreement with the Arizona Public Entity NCFE Loss Recovery Coalition, Inc. Dr. Nicodemus stated this is related to the special meeting held in July. The College needs to renew the IGA to continue pursuing the loss recovery. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.

4.6 Intergovernmental Agreement with Cochise County

Dr. Eaton moved and Mr. DiPeso seconded a motion to allow the College to work with the Cochise County Health Department to provide a Community Health Workers’ Certificate program. Dr. Nicodemus explained this is a continuing program with the Nursing department. The County will reimburse the College for costs associated with administering the program. There was no discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.


Dr. Nicodemus distributed copies of the Attorney General’s opinion on Open Meeting Law. Dr. Eaton thanked the Governing Board and College faculty and staff for flowers sent to his wife after her recent surgery. Mrs. Strain welcomed Mr. DiPeso to the Cochise College Governing Board and looks forward to working with him at future meetings.

Mrs. Jane Strain adjourned the regular meeting at 7:28 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Ms. Tara Hyatt, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Mrs. Jane Strain, Governing Board member

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